148 Infos zu Kerstin Haring

Mehr erfahren über Kerstin Haring

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18 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Heise.de: Robotikforscher verweigern Zusammenarbeit mit der PolizeiHeise

— Schaden für die Forschung. Im gemeinsam mit Kerstin Haring (Universit of Denver) verfassten Workshop-Paper werden weitere Risiken einer ...

Can we make our robots less biased than we are?Deccan Herald

— ... of the Colorado School of Mines and Kerstin Haring, of the University of Denver — started drafting “No Justice, No Robots.

#Kerstin Haring - Freiburg - fudder.de

fudder ist eine Newsseite aus Freiburg: Neuigkeiten, Fotos, Videos, Events und Kleinanzeigen.

Kerstin Haring in Tokio: Fast schon Normalität zum Kirschblütenfest -...

Die junge Informatikerin Kerstin Haring arbeitet in Tokio. Nachdem sie auf Drängen ihrer Eltern zeitweise im Süden des Landes lebte, ist...

4  Bilder zu Kerstin Haring

Kerstin Haring in Tokio: „Shou ga nai: Das ist nun mal so!“ - Unglücke - FAZ
Kerstin Haring kam mit einem Stipendium nach Japan und hat sich in das Land ...
Kerstin Haring in Tokio „Shou ga nai: Das ist nun mal so!“
Bild zu Kerstin Haring

21 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Kerstin Haring aus Gröningen

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Facebook: Kerstin Haring

Facebook: Kerstin Haring

Facebook: Kerstin Haring

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Robots starting to feel the loveSydney Morning Herald

— Kerstin Haring, PHD student from Reasearch Centre for Advanced Science and Technology, Tokyo , android- Actroid-F, and Kaori Tanaka a ...

15 1 b mit VL Kerstin HaringSalzi.at

15 1 b mit VL Kerstin Haring September Teilen. Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email ...

2 Business-Profile

Xing: Kerstin Haring

Hauptbuchhalterin / Oschersleben (Bode) / , Agrargenossenschaft

Kerstin Sophie Haring University of DenverResearchGate

My research in Human Machine Teaming directly benefits our military and is in line with the Third Offset Strategy of the DoD. The DoD Third Offset Strategy ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Kerstin Haring at University of Denver - RateMyProfessors.comwww.ratemyprofessors.com › professor

Kerstin Haring is a professor in the Computer Science department at University of Denver - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating ...Missing: Agrargenossenschaft" | Must include:Agrargenossenschaft" Kerstin Haring is a professor in the Computer Science department at University of Denver - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating ... Missing: Agrargenossenschaft" | Must include:Agrargenossenschaft"

Team - Draßburg-Baumgarten - Naturfreunde ÖsterreichNaturfreunde Österreich

Kerstin Haring. RechnungsprüferIn. . Fachreferate: Martin Knopf. ReferentIn Radfahren. . Matea Nikolic.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

About - Build-A-Botdubuildabot.com

Kerstin Haring and Dr. Daniel Pittman at the University of Denver. The Build- ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

ICRA WS: Explainable RoboticsKing's College London

Kerstin Haring, Pilyoung Kim, Daniel Pittman, "Explainable Robot Design Based on a Robot Theory of Mind: A Web-Based Platform to systematically evaluate ...

12 Bücher zum Namen

Das Gesetz: Novelle (1944)books.google.com › books

Ich danke für diesen Hinweis Frau Kerstin Haring. 15 ThomasMann, Erzählungen. Berlin: Aufbau Verlag T homasMann, Sämtliche Erzählungen.

Social Robotics: 12th International Conference, ICSR 2020, Golden,...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Social Robotics, ICSR 2020, held in Golden, CO, USA, in November

ICCM Proceedings - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.com

169 Kerstin Haring Kim Hartmann Robert Haschke Petra Hendriks .

Zeit und Bildung: Elemente einer christlichen Bildungskulturgoogle.com

... Korrekturen und Diskussionen diese Arbeit begleitet haben : Frau Kerstin Haring , Frau Anja Lücker , Frau Anne Müller - Ruckwitt .

9 Dokumente

Development and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Classrooms ...Social Science Research Network

von V Reddington · · Zitiert von: 2 — Kerstin Haring. University of Denver. Sanchari Das. University of Denver. Daniel Pittman. University of Denver. Date Written: April 25,

1. The Warfighter Effectiveness Research Center (WERC) ...United States Air Force Academy

[C] Chad Tossell, Bianca Donadio, Amanda Stewart, Nathan Tenhundfeld, Elizabeth. Phillips, Jade Driggs, Kerstin Haring, Ewart de Visser. Human Factors Capstone.

A Unified Approach to Regression Testing for Mobile AppsProQuest

von ZS Abdalla · — Kerstin Haring for the support and guidance she provided in the last year of my PhD study, and also for her believing in me being a research assistant. I would ...

Early Task Success Affects Attitudes Toward Social Robots.Squarespace

von B Kim · · Zitiert von: 4 — Boyoung Kim, Kerstin Haring, Heidi Schellin, Tatiana Oberley, Kaitlyn. Patterson, Elizabeth Phillips, Ewart de Visser, Chad Tossell How.

6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Marco Ragni

List of computer science publications by Marco Ragni

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence · Seminar: Spatial Cognition -...

Kerstin Haring, Ingmar Berger: The influence of relational complexity in spatial reasoning Betreuer: PD Dr. Marco Ragni: Literatur: G. Goodwin and P. N. Johnson-Laird

University of Bonn, Computer Science VI, Autonomous Intelligent...

... Kerstin Haring [Giorgio Grisetti] Edwin Olson, John Leonard, and Seth Teller: Fast Iterative Alignment of Pose Graphs with Poor Initial Estimates.

Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz · Seminar: Raumkognition -...

9:45-10:30, The influence of relational complexity in spatial reasoning, Kerstin Haring. 10:30-11:00, Break. 11:00-11:45, Place recognition in 2D maps, Norbert ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Minimalistic toy robot to analyze a scenery of speaker–listener...

Atypical neural architecture causes impairment in communication capabilities and reduces the ability of representing the referential statements of other people...

40th Annual International Shotokan Karate Federation ...International Shotokan Karate Federation

Kerstin Haring. Jessica Luginbuhl. Andrea Carreon. SILVER. North West. Andy Moore. Jaclyn Runde. Alicia Cheeseman. Anmichaelle Yabut. BRONZE. East Coast.

The Influence of Robot Appearance and Interactive Ability in HRI:...

It has been shown that human perception of robots changes after the first interaction. It is not clear, however, to which extent the robot’s appearance and...

Summary of Previous Webinars and Workshops 2021The Future of Privacy Forum

Dr. Kerstin Haring, Assistant Professor and Director, Humane Robot Technology. Laboratory, University of Denver: human/robot interactions, and ethics in ...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: 2nd CFP for Special Sessions, Workshops and TutorialsGoogle

Kerstin Haring, University of Denver (USA) TUTORIAL / WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS Amir Aly, University of Plymouth (UK) Daniel Riccio, University of Naples Federico ...

Google Blogs: Freiburg: Freiburger DJ-Namenskunde (3) - Nachtleben fudder

So entstand Keyce, und steht hoffentlich für den Schlüssel zu guter Musik und rockenden Parties! Richtiger Name: Kerstin Haring Alter: 22. Stilrichtung: Rockendes Tech-House und Elektro Locations: Parkhaus Web: MySpace ...

[독일어] 일본어로 독일어 공부하기 (NHK 어학사이트) : 네이버 블로그

Ich bin Kerstin Haring. 저는 케르스틴 해링입니다 私はケルスティン・ハーリングです 2. haben ~을 가지고 있다 (持っている) Hast du Durst? 목마르니 ...

57 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Kerstin Sophie Haring, Ph.D. - Denver, Colorado, United Stateswww.linkedin.com › kerstin-haring

Dr. Kerstin Haring is the director of the "Humane Robot Technology" Laboratory at the University of Denver. Her research advances knowledge about robotics ...Missing: Agrargenossenschaft" | Must include:Agrargenossenschaft" Dr. Kerstin Haring is the director of the "Humane Robot Technology" Laboratory at the University of Denver. Her research advances knowledge about robotics ... Missing: Agrargenossenschaft" | Must include:Agrargenossenschaft"

Kerstin Sophie Haring, Ph.D. | LinkedIn

View Kerstin Sophie Haring, Ph.D.'s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Kerstin Sophie ...

Kerstin Sophie Haring | LinkedIn

View Kerstin Sophie Haring's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's ... Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau · Cognitive Science ...

‪Kerstin Sophie Haring‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪University of Denver‬ - ‪‪Cited by 641‬‬ - ‪Social Robotics‬ - ‪Human Robot Collaboration‬ - ‪Human Machine Teaming‬ - ‪Human Robot Interaction‬ - ‪Human...

Top (Yoshio Matsumoto) - 国際会議

Kerstin Sophie Haring, Katsumi Watanabe, David Silvera-Tawil, ... Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN2002) , pp , Berlin (Germany),


— Kerstin Haring, Postdoctoral Researcher, US Air Force Academy. Victoria Edwards, Researcher, Naval Research Laboratory.

Kerstin Haring - MaltaDato Capital Malta

Director reports about Kerstin Haring in 1 company and no less than 1 appointment in Malta (Birkirkara)

Dr. Kerstin Haring (@robot_dr_kerstinharing) ...Instagram

77 Followers, 79 Following, 16 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dr. Kerstin Haring (@robot_dr_kerstinharing)

talks - [Brown CS Talks] HCRI Talk: Kerstin Haring in Room 477 on...

Kerstin Haring. US Air Force Academy. Wednesday, May 2, at Noon. Lubrano, Room 477 (CIT - 4th Floor). Human-Machine Teaming.

A Cognitive Model of Drivers Attention — University of Southern ...portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk › publications › a-cognitive-model-of-drivers-...

Kerstin Haring, Marco Ragni, Lars Konieczny. Research ... Publisher, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin ... https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/handle ​

1000 Euro für Musik in der Volksschule - Vöcklabruck


DHM 07

Kerstin Haring - WG Freiburg: 2. Anne Mone - Sahnwaldt: 3. Petra Neumanova - WG Göttingen: Kata Damen: 1. Sabine Schneider - Uni Erfurt: 2. Franziska Krieg - Uni ...

14th International Conference on Social Robotics - AwardsICSR 2022

Alessandro Di Nuovo, University of Sheffield. Kerstin Haring, University of Denver. John-John Cabibihan, Qatar University. Francesco Ferro, PAL robotics ...


In ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), 9(4):1-29, Jul doi: (details) (pdf); David Feil-Seifer, Kerstin S. Haring, ...

AI-Powered Lawyer to Defend in Court Next MonthAOL

It learned from somewhere, so the output kind of depends on a lot of the data that it found,” said Kerstin Haring, the director of the Humane Robot ...

Silvia Rossi Home Page

David Feil-Seifer, Kerstin S. Haring, Silvia Rossi, Alan R. Wagner, ... in Advanced Robotics volume 80, B. Siciliano ed., Springer Berlin, pp ,

Build-a-Bot - Isabelle Johnsonisabellepjohnson.com

The project is led by Dr. Kerstin Haring and Dr. Daniel Pittman at the University of Denver. Within this interdisciplinary team of students, professors, ...

Conference chairs – The Int´l ...International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Tutorial and Workshop Chairs. Kerstin Haring, University of Denver, USA; Wojciech Giernacki, Poznan University of Technology, Poland ... Kerstin Haring, University of Denver. Wojciech Giernacki, Poznan Univ. of Technology. UAV COMPETITION. Mateusz Kotlinski, Int'l Civil Aviation Organization.

Frontiers in Integrative NeuroscienceFatcat.wiki

Emily J. Doherty, Cara A. Spencer, Jeremy Burnison, Marta Čeko, Jenna Chin, Lucca Eloy, Kerstin Haring, Pilyoung Kim, Daniel Pittman, Shannon Powers, ...

Frontiers | Comparison Between the Facial Flow Lines of Androids and...

Mar 22, · (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer), 85–100. CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar ... Kerstin Sophie Haring, University of Denver, United States.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kerstin

Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Kerstin; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Kerstin Haring und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.