59 Infos zu Kerstin Scheubert
Mehr erfahren über Kerstin Scheubert
Infos zu
- Franziska Hufsky
- Sebastian Böcker
- Research
- Molecular
- Identification
- Aleš Svatoš
- Andreas Henschel
- Annalisa Marsico
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Schachnotizen aus Zeulenroda - Deutscher Schachbund - Schach in...Zum Start der ersten Frauen-Bundesliga am ein lokalpatriotischer Bericht aus der Brille Albrecht Beers, dem Ehrenvorsitzenden des Fördervereins Schach...
1 Bilder zu Kerstin Scheubert

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
GitHub - boecker-lab/passatuto: source code of passatuto by Kerstin...source code of passatuto by Kerstin Scheubert. Contribute to boecker-lab/passatuto development by creating an account on GitHub.
vplg/graphletAnalyser at master · dfsp-spirit/vplg · GitHubThe Visualization of Protein-Ligand Graphs software that powers the PTGL webserver at http://ptgl.uni-frankfurt.de/. One of my PhD projects
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Kerstin Scheubert chess games Chess.comComprehensive Kerstin Scheubert chess games collection, opening repertoire, tournament history, PGN download, biography and news
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Impressum « GCB – German Conference on Bioinformatics 2012Technical realization and maintenance of the website. Kerstin Scheubert Franziska Hufsky. Friedrich Schiller University of Jena Department of Bioinformatics
1 Projekte
Visualization of Protein-Ligand Graphs / Wiki / Citing... ISSN = { }, year = {2012}, volume = {26}, editor = {Sebastian B{\"o}cker and Franziska Hufsky and Kerstin Scheubert and Jana Schleicher and Stefan ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Molecular Formula Identification with SIRIUS – DOAJInformation about the open-access article 'Molecular Formula Identification with SIRIUS' in DOAJ. DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access...
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 14th International Workshop, WABIThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, WABI 2014, held in Wroclaw, Poland, in...
GLORIA — GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information AccessFlorian Rasche; Kerstin Scheubert; Franziska Hufsky; [et al.] Thomas Zichner; Marco Kai; Aleš Svatoš; Sebastian Böcker. American Chemical Society (ACS).
4 Dokumente
New kids on the block: novel informatics methods for natural product...Covering: to Mass spectrometry is a key technology for the identification and structural elucidation of natural products. Manual interpretation of...
kduehrkop_resubmit-c..www.casmi-contest.org/.../kduehrkop_resubmit-category1.txtParticipantID: kduehrkop Category: category1 Authors: Kai Dührkop, Kerstin Scheubert, Sebastian Böcker Affiliations: Chair for Bioinformatics, ...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Kerstin ScheubertList of computer science publications by Kerstin Scheubert
dblp: Search for "author:sebastian_böcker"The dblp computer science bibliography is the online reference for open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Multiple Mass Spectrometry Fragmentation Trees Revisited: Boosting...Kerstin Scheubert, Franziska Hufsky, and Sebastian Böcker. Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,. , Jena, Germany.
Oalib searchAnnalisa Marsico, Andreas Henschel, Christof Winter, Anne Tuukkanen, Boris Vassilev, Kerstin Scheubert, Michael Schroeder
Gerlich, M.; Neumann, S. MetFusion: Integration of compound...Gerlich, M.; Neumann, S. MetFusion: Integration of compound identification strategies. J. Mass Spectrom , 48, 291–298, doi: jms
Rasche, F.; Scheubert, K.; Hufsky, F.; Zichner, T.; Kai, M.; Svato?,...Rasche, F.; Scheubert, K.; Hufsky, F.; Zichner, T.; Kai, M.; Svato?, A.; B?cker, S. Identifying the unknowns by aligning fragmentation trees. Anal. Chem ,...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Mannschaftskader der deutschen Schachbundesliga (Frauen) –...Die Liste der Mannschaftskader der deutschen Schachbundesliga (Frauen) enthält , 0, 0, 0Kerstin Scheubert, (1279), GER, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Significance estimation for large scale metabolomics annotations by...Significance estimation for large scale metabolomics annotations by spectral matching. Kerstin Scheubert ,; Franziska Hufsky ,; Daniel Petras ...
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Researcher: Kerstin Scheubert in Publications - DimensionsRe-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.
Kerstin ScheubertSearch results for: Kerstin Scheubert ... Franziska Hufsky, Kerstin Scheubert, Sebastian Böcker · Trends in Analytical Chemistry > > 53 > Complete >
DROPS - Building and Documenting Workflows with Python-Based SnakemakeBuilding and Documenting Workflows with Python-Based Snakemake , volume = {26}, editor = {Sebastian B{\"o}cker and Franziska Hufsky and Kerstin Scheubert ...
Portal - GCB 2012Site is using NukeLayout PHP Class from http://www.pccs-linux.com
OASIcs - OpenAccess Series in InformaticsOPUS Version 2.0
17Sonderpreise: bester Spieler U10: Martin Wilhelm (SC Suhl, 3 Punkte) beste weibliche Teilnehmerin: Kerstin Scheubert (TSV Zeulenroda, 5,5 Punkte) ...
CiteSeerX — Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH,...BibTeX. @MISC{Böcker12schlossdagstuhl, author = {Sebastian Böcker and Franziska Hufsky and Kerstin Scheubert and Jana Schleicher and Stefan Schuster ...
Multiple Mass Spectrometry Fragmentation Trees Revisited: Boosting...Aus dem eBook: Algorithms in Bioinformatics von Kerstin Scheubert, Franziska Hufsky, Sebastian Böcker: Mass spectrometry (MS) in combination with a ...
DROPS - Frontmatter, Table of Contents, Preface, Programm Committee,...BibTeX - Entry. @InProceedings{bcker_et_al:OASIcs:2012:3712, author = {Sebastian B{\"o}cker and Franziska Hufsky and Kerstin Scheubert and Jana ...
Database Summary PaperOxford University Press
Christof Winter - Publications ListAnnalisa Marsico, Kerstin Scheubert, Anne Tuukkanen, Andreas Henschel, Christof Winter, Rainer Winnenburg, Michael Schroeder (2010) MeMotif: a database ...
New kids on the block: novel informatics methods for natural product...This review focuses on four recently developed methods for the detection and investigation of small molecules, namely MetFrag/MetFusion, ISIS, FingerID, and...
New kids on the block: novel informatics methods for natural product...New kids on the block: novel informatics methods for natural product discovery. Franziska Hufsky, Kerstin Scheubert, Sebastian Böcker. Natural Product Reports ...
November 17, | Microbiome Digest - Bik's PicksJobs and events Lab Assistant - Microbiology, Dublin Ohio General microbiome Evolution of the hygiene hypothesis into biota alteration theory: what are the...
Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase as anti-inflammatory mode of action of...Kerstin Scheubert. Chair for Bioinformatics, Friedrich-Schiller-University JenaD Jena, Germany. autor. Aleš Svatoš. Research Group ...
Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase as anti-inflammatory mode of action of...Mayuri Napagoda, Jana Gerstmeier, Sandra Wesely, Sven Popella, Sybille Lorenz, Kerstin Scheubert, Aleš Svatoš, Oliver Werz. Journal of ...
Molecular Formula Identification with SIRIUS - ProQuestKai Dhrkop, Kerstin Scheubert and Sebastian Bcker *. Lehrstuhl fr Bioinformatik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt JenaJena, Germany; ...
Metabolites - ISSN:Academic Journals Database is a universal index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge, and is particularly strong in...
Munronia pinnata (Wall.) Theob.: Unveiling phytochemistry and dual...Mayuri Napagoda, Jana Gerstmeier, Andreas Koeberle, Sandra Wesely, Sven Popella, Sybille Lorenz, Kerstin Scheubert, Sebastian Böcker, Aleš Svatoš, Oliver ...
WABI 2014: Accepted papersImproved Approximation for the Maximum Duo-Preservation String Mapping Problem; Kerstin Scheubert, Franziska Hufsky and Sebastian Böcker Multiple Mass ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kerstin
Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Kerstin; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen
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