116 Infos zu Kiana Mohajeri
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Infos zu
- Zitiert
- University
- Brian
- Harvard
- O'Roak
- Talkowski
- Boone
- Donglei
- Philip
- Rachita Yadav
- Research
- Elizabeth
- Genome-wide
- Michael
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Study explores the effects of changes in the Broad Institute— Talkowski and his team, led by Harvard PhD student Kiana Mohajeri and Instructor in Neurology Rachita Yadav, wanted to prove that these ... › st...
Study explores the effects of changes in the Medical Xpress— student Kiana Mohajeri and Instructor in Neurology Rachita Yadav, wanted to prove that these findings could be replicated in human cells. The ... › news
The study examines the impact of changes in the non-coding ...— Kiana Mohajeri et al., Transcriptional and functional consequences of changes in MEF2C and its topological organization in neuronal models, ... › the-st...
Top News in Physician Assistant (88 of )— Talkowski and his team, led by Harvard Ph.D. student Kiana Mohajeri and Instructor in Neurology Rachita Yadav, wanted to prove that these ... › top-me...
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Kiana Mohajeri - फेसबुकLinkedIn: Kiana Mohajeri – Biologin – Labor Dr. Wisplinghoff | LinkedIn› kiana-mohajeri
Kiana Mohajeri... Kiana Mohajeri; Maika Malig; Fereydoun Hormozdiari; Benjamin Nelson; Gaixin ... Kiana Mohajeri; Wenmiao Zhu; Casie Genetti; Derek Tai+7 authors. Related ...
Author Fereydoun Hormozdiari - UTP Knowledge HubWhole-genome sequencing of individuals from a founder population identifies candidate genes for asthma. by Catarina D Campbell, Kiana Mohajeri, Maika Malig ...
6 Hobbys & Interessen
My K-5 grade memories atkiana mohajeri. Updated June 1, Transcript. My K-5 grade memories at. Brookview. 1st grade: In 1st grade my favorite thing. in 1st grade was my teacher ...
Genome-wide association study and admixture mapping ...... Kiana Mohajeri, BS, Brian J. O'Roak, PhD, Donglei Hu, PhD, Rasika A. Mathias, PhD, Elizabeth A. Nguyen, BS, Lindsey A. Roth, MA, Badri ...
Supplemental information Tissue- and ...Burt, Rachita Yadav, Lily Wang, Kiana Mohajeri, Tatsiana. Aneichyk, Ashok Ragavendran, Alexei Stortchevoi, Elisabetta Morini, Weiyuan. Ma, Diane Lucente, Alex ...
TissueKiana Mohajeri, Tatsiana Aneichyk, Ashok Ragavendran, Alexei Stortchevoi, Elisabetta Morini,. Weiyuan Ma, Diane Lucente, Alex Hastie, Raymond J. Kelleher ...
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Kiana Mohajeri - Universitätsmedizin GöttingenBerufserfahrung von Kiana Mohajeri ; Research Intern. TWINCORE, Zentrum für Experimentelle und Klinische Infektionsforschung GmbH ; Medical Microbiology. Day ...
Journal of Emerging Investigators: Employee DirectoryResults of 40 — Contact Name profile photo for Kiana Mohajeri Kiana Mohajeri; Contact Info Email Direct; Job Title Associate Editor; Location. › pic
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
AMPA Receptor Signaling through BRAG2 and Arf6 Critical ...Kiana Mohajeri · Ben Nelson · Laura Vives · Sebastien Jacquemont · Jeff Munson · Raphe Bernier · Evan E. Eichler. Source Information. October 2013, Volume93( ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
Chromatin alternates between A and B compartments at ...Akshay Krishna,; Mozes Jacobs,; Gesine Cauer,; Melanie Pham,; Suhas S. P. Rao,; Olga Dudchenko,; Arina Omer,; Kiana Mohajeri,; Sungjae Kim,; Michael H. Nichols, ...
Transcriptional and functional consequences of alterations to ...Kiana Mohajeri, Rachita Yadav, Eva D'haene (UGent) , Philip M. Boone, Serkan Erdin, Dadi Gao, Mariana Moyses-Oliveira, Riya Bhavsar, Benjamin Currall ...
Kiana Mohajeri scite author profileSupporting: Contrasting: 4 - Mentioning: Smart Citations for Kiana Mohajeri.
Author Info | PLOS ONEKiana Mohajeri. Affiliation Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States of America. Maika Malig. Affiliation ...
9 Dokumente
Kilobase-Level Nuclear Compartments Separate Active ...von H Gu — Kiana Mohajeri. Harvard University - Massachusetts General Hospital. Sungjae Kim. Seoul National University - College of Medicine. Michael H ...
Biallelic mutation of FBXL7 suggests a novel form ...von PM Boone · · Zitiert von: 16 — Kiana Mohajeri,. Kiana Mohajeri. Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. Department of Neurology ...
Biallelic mutation of FBXL7 suggests a novel form of ...von PM Boone · · Zitiert von: 16 — ... Kiana Mohajeri BS,3,4,5,7 Wenmiao Zhu. MS,8 Casie A. Genetti MS,9 Derek J. C. Tai PhD,3,4,5 Neeharika Nori BS,9 Pankaj B. Agrawal. MD,2,9,10 Carlos A. Bacino ...
Copy number variants at 4q31.3 affecting the regulatory ...— For instance, Kiana Mohajeri et al. reported that deleting boundary points for TADs and chromatin loops encompassing MEF2C led to the ...
6 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
P159: Variants in cohesin release factors WAPL, PDS5A ...von P Boone · — ... overlay panel. Philip Boone 1 , Kamli Faour 2 , Kiana Mohajeri 3 , John Lemanski 3 , Bimal Jana 3 , Jack Fu 3 , Jennifer Kerkhof 4 , Haley McConkey 4
Great ape genetic diversity catalog frames primate ...— Peter H Sudmant, John Huddleston, Claudia R Catacchio, Maika Malig, LaDeana W Hillier, Carl Baker, Kiana Mohajeri, Ivanela Kondova, Ronald E.
Vol 93, Issue 4, Pages (3 October 2013)Transmission Disequilibrium of Small CNVs in Simplex Autism. Niklas Krumm, Brian J. O'Roak, Emre Karakoc, Kiana Mohajeri, ... Evan E. Eichler. Pages
Penn State statistician mentors local high school students to ...— ... Kiana Mohajeri, a PhD student in biological and biomedical science at Harvard University,” said Li. “The students needed to give an in-depth ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
List of publications from Kiana Mohajeri | Page 1List of publications in which the name of Kiana Mohajeri appears. Annotate and manage publications with Amanote.
P159: Variants in cohesin release factors WAPL, PDS5A, ...... t claimed this research yet. Kiana Mohajeri at Harvard Medical School. Kiana Mohajeri · Harvard Medical School · John Lemanski · John Lemanski.
Transcriptional and functional consequences of alterations ...von M Larson · — Kiana Mohajeri,1,2,3,4,5,15 Rachita Yadav,1,2,3,4,15 Eva D'haene,6 Philip M. Boone,1,2,3,7 Serkan Erdin,1,2,3. Dadi Gao,1,2,3,4 Mariana Moyses-Oliveira,1,2,3 ...
Excess of Rare, Inherited Truncating Mutations in Autism— Excess of Rare, Inherited Truncating Mutations in Autism by Niklas Krumm, Tychele N Turner, Carl Baker, Laura Vives, Kiana Mohajeri, Kali. › exc...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Kiana Mohajeri - YouTube› user › kia...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Kiana MohajeriKiana Mohajeri · @kiana_mohajeri. We also found that MEF2C direct disruption yields changes to synaptic firing and synchrony in our excitatory ...
Chromatin alternates between A and B compartments at ...von HL Harris · · Zitiert von: 63 — Kiana Mohajeri & Michael E. Talkowski. Macrogen Inc, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Sungjae Kim & Jeong-Sun Seo. Department of Human Genetics, Emory ...
Meet the Mentors— Kiana Mohajeri Graduate Student, Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. "I'm currently a 4th ...
Meet the Mentors Genes in Space— Kiana Mohajeri Graduate Student, Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. › blog
64 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Rachita YadavKiana Mohajeri-StickelsPhD from Harvard, Mass General Hospital, Broad InstituteVerified email at g.harvard.edu.
Kiana MohajeriLog in · Sign up. Conversation. Kiana Mohajeri · @kiana_mohajeri.
Kiana Mohajeri and Ryan Collins both awarded NSF Graduate...28. März · The Talkowski Lab is thrilled to announce the awarding of a fellowship grant to two of our PhD students, Ryan Collins and Kiana Mohajeri. Both Kiana and Ryan were awarded the Graduate Research Fellowship from the NSF in the field of genomics. Ryan and Kiana were chosen out of over 13,000 applications. There were a…
Kiana Mohajeri-Stickels, PhD - Senior Scientist at Prolific...Kiana Mohajeri-Stickels, PhD has a diverse work experience spanning from to present. Kiana began their career as an Undergraduate Research Assistant at Fred Hutch from April to June Following this, they worked as a Post-Baccalaureate Researcher at the University of Washington from June to September Kiana then joined ...
Kiana Mohajeri's Profile | The American Journal of Human ...Find Kiana Mohajeri's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more.
Kiana Mohajeri (@kmohaaa) • Instagram photos and videos315 Followers, 497 Following, 96 Posts - Kiana Mohajeri (@kmohaaa) on Instagram: " ♀️ "
Kiana Mohajeri (kianamohajeri)Kiana Mohajerikianamohajeri. Joined in September Nothing to see here. All the data here is private or nothing exists. Benchling. For Academics · Home ...
2135 results found in Genome-wide association studiesCampbell, Kiana Mohajeri, Maika Malig, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Benjamin Nelson, Gaixin Du, Kristen M. Patterson, Celeste Eng, Dara G. Torgerson ...
9.toc.pdfCarl Baker, Kiana Mohajeri, Ivanela Kondova, Ronald E. Bontrop, Stephan Persengiev,. Francesca Antonacci, Mario Ventura, Javier Prado-Martinez, Great Ape ...
Alumni - Eichler Lab - University of WashingtonCurrent: Associate Professor at the University of California, Davis. Kiana Mohajeri Research Scientist/Engineer Assistant
Announcements – Page 2The Talkowski Lab is thrilled to announce the awarding of a fellowship grant to two of our PhD students, Ryan Collins and Kiana Mohajeri.
Articles by the Center for Health Policy and Health Services ...... Kiana Mohajeri, Brian O'Roak, Donglei Hu, Rasika A. Mathias, Elizabeth A. Nguyen, Lindsey A. Roth, Badri Padhukasahasram, Andres Moreno-Estrada, Karla ...
Balanced chromosomal rearrangements ...von C Lowther · · Zitiert von: 5 — Kiana Mohajeri-Stickels1,2,98, Ellen S. Wilch96,97, Tammy Kammin96,97, Raul E. Piña-Aguilar96,99, Katarena Nalbandian96,100, Sehime G ...
Biallelic mutation of FBXL7 suggests a novel form ...Biallelic mutation of FBXL7 suggests a novel form of Hennekam syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. Authors. Philip Boone. Scott Paterson. Kiana Mohajeri. Wenmiao Zhu.
Claire RedinKiana Mohajeri · @kiana_mohajeri. ·. Feb 17, Very excited to share. @TalkowskiLab. 's latest work on neuronal CRISPR-modeling of coding and non-coding ...
Description: P159Authors: Philip Boone, Kamli Faour, Kiana Mohajeri, John Lemanski, Bimal Jana, Jack Fu, Jennifer Kerkhof, Haley McConkey, Ryan Collins, Diane Lucente ...
Evolution and diversity of copy number variation in the ...... Kiana Mohajeri, Ivanela Kondova, Ronald E Bontrop, Stephan Persengiev, Francesca Antonacci, Mario Ventura, Javier Prado-Martinez, Tomas Marques-Bonet, and ...
Evolution and diversity of copy number variation in the great ...von LDW Hillier · — Catacchio, Maika Malig, LaDeana W. Hillier, Carl Baker, Kiana Mohajeri, Ivanela Kondova, Ronald E. Bontrop, Stephan Persengiev, Francesca Antonacci, Mario ...
Fine-mapping of nuclear compartments using ultra-deep Hi-C ...... Kiana Mohajeri, Sungjae Kim, Michael H Nichols, Eric S. Davis, Devika Udupa, Aviva Presser Aiden, Victor G. Corces, Douglas H. Phanstiel, William Stafford ...
Genome-wide association study and admixture mapping ...von M Pino-Yanes · · Zitiert von: 65 — Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, PhD,g Kiana Mohajeri, BS,f Brian J. O'Roak, PhD,f,h Donglei Hu, PhD,a Rasika A. Mathias, PhD,i. Elizabeth A. Nguyen, BS,a Lindsey A ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kiana
Weiblicher Vorname (Hawaiianisch): Kiana; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); deiwo = das Licht, das Tageslicht, die Gottheit (Indoeuropäisch); in der römischen Mythologie ist Diana die Göttin der Jagd und des Mondes; der Name geht wahrscheinlich zurück auf eine uralte indoeuropäische Wurzel, die auch 'Zeus' zugrundeliegtWeiblicher Vorname (Persisch): Kiana; Naturelemente, die 4 Elemente; Unbekannt (Wortzusammensetzung); eigenständiger iranischer Name, wahrscheinlich unabhängig von der gleichlautenden hawaiianischen Variante von 'Diana'; mit den Elementen sind Feuer, Wasser, Erde und Luft gemeint
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