66 Infos zu Klaus Godl

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Kinaxo Starts Collaboration with Roche in the Field of...

Kinaxo Biotechnologies GmbH announced that it has entered into a collaboration with Roche Diagnostics GmbH. Under the agreement KINAXO's phosphoproteomics...

KINAXO Receives 1M Euro Funding to Quantify Drug Interactions ...

Klaus Godl, KINAXO's Head of Research says: "Combining quantitative mass spectrometry with the KinaTorTM technology significantly strengthens our chemical ...

KINAXO Starts Collaboration with Roche in the Field of...

KINAXO Starts Collaboration with Roche in the Field of Phosphoproteomics

KINAXO Launches Enhanced KinaTor™ Cellular Profiling Service |...

The KinaTor™ chemical proteomics platform is tailored for the cellular profiling of kinase inhibitors.

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Klaus Godl Profiles | Facebook

LinkedIn: Klaus Godl | LinkedIn

Klaus Godls berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Klaus Godl dabei hilft, interne ...

LinkedIn: Klaus Godl - Deutschland | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Klaus Godl (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...

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Life Sciences Business Intelligence Web Portal for Germany, Austria and Switzerland

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Klaus Godl - Patents

Klaus Godl patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Klaus Godl patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title) ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Martin Lidell - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Klaus Godl, Malin E V Johansson, Martin Lidell, Matthias Mörgelin, Hasse Karlsson et al. The Journal of biological chemistry, Journal article Journal article.

3 Bücher zum Namen

Disclosure of Erlotinib as a Multikinase Inhibitor in Pancreatic...

Information about the open-access article 'Disclosure of Erlotinib as a Multikinase Inhibitor in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma' in DOAJ. DOAJ is an online...

4 Dokumente

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An efficient proteomics method to identify the cellular targets of...

Authors: Klaus Godl, Peter Habenberger, Kostadinos Salassidis, Heidrun Gutbrod, Andrea Missio, Josef Wissing, Matthias Gerlach, Stephanie ...

Evidence for autocatalytic cross-linking of hydroxyproline-rich...

Frank Ender, Klaus Godl, Stephan Wenzl, and Manfred Sumper1. Lehrstuhl Biochemie I, Universitat Regensburg, D-9304O Regensburg, Germany. The alga ...


... Heike Pfeifer , Andreas Tebbe , Thomas Oellerich , Juergen Krauter , Mark Levis , Alexander Perl , Henrik Daub , Bjoern Steffen , Klaus Godl , Hubert Serve .

10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Disclosure of Erlotinib as a Multikinase Inhibitor in Pancreatic...

Medizinische Klinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universität München München Germany. ,. Klaus Godl. x. Klaus Godl. Search for articles by this author ...

Identifying differentially regulated subnetworks from...

Identifying differentially regulated subnetworks from phosphoproteomic data. Martin Klammer,; Klaus Godl,; Andreas Tebbe and; Christoph ...

dblp: Klaus Godl

List of computer science publications by Klaus Godl

Peter Gmeiner Publications - Medicinal Chemistry Erlangen

Full list of Publications. Suche. Suche: Sie befinden sich ... Juergen Einsiedel, Peter Gmeiner, Nico Vogel, Sebastian Wandinger, Klaus Godl, Thomas Stamminger,

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Klaus Godl | PubFacts

Klaus Godl

Oalib search

1972 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 ). Search Results: of matches for " Klaus Godl " ... Martin Klammer, Klaus Godl, Andreas Tebbe, Christoph Schaab

Identifying differentially regulated subnetworks from...

Here, we introduce SubExtractor, an algorithm that combines phosphoproteomic data with protein network information from STRING to identify differentially...

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Сигнальная функция белка — Википедия

Сигнальная функция белков — способность белков служить сигнальными веществами, ... Успехи Физиологических Наук — 38(3):40-6; ↑ Armin Hallmann, Klaus Godl, Stephan Wenzl and Manfred Sumper. The highly efficient ...

GPC - Chancen und Risiken Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 11)

Seite 11 der Diskussion 'GPC - Chancen und Risiken' vom im w:o-Forum 'Biotech'.

Kommentar zu Roche Call | cash Forum

Kommentar zu Roche Call

Diskussionen zum Thema Roche Call | cash Forum

cash Leser diskutieren das Thema Roche Call im grössten Finanzforum der Schweiz.

24 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Building innovative drug discovery alliances. Evotec Munich....

15 Building innovative drug discovery alliances Thank you for your attention Your contact: Dr. Klaus Godl Vice President, Proteomics & Chemical Biology.

Data concerning the chromatographic isolation of bovine IgG from...

Hans-Jürgen Heidebrecht, Bernadette Kainz, Roland Schopf, Klaus Godl, Züleyha Karcier, Ulrich Kulozik, Beatrix Förster. Data in Brief 2018, 21:

Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...

Martin Klammer, Marc Kaminski, Alexandra Zedler, Felix Oppermann, Stephanie Blencke, Sandra Marx, Stefan Müller, Andreas Tebbe, Klaus Godl and Christoph Schaab. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2012, 11, DOI: mcp.M Shotgun proteomics of archival triple-negative breast cancer samples.

Disclosure of Erlotinib as a Multikinase Inhibitor in Pancreatic...

Abstract of research paper on Biological sciences, author of scientific article — Laura Conradt, Klaus Godl, Christoph Schaab, Andreas Tebbe, Stefan Eser, et al.

E-MEXP < Browse < ArrayExpress < EMBL-EBI

Maddalena Fratelli, James N Fisher, Gabriela Paroni, Angela M Di Francesco, Filomena Pierri, Claudio Pisano, Klaus Godl, Sandra Marx, ...

Archive - Okt 7, | Chemiereport

KINAXO-CSO Klaus Godl kommentiert: "Es ist entscheidend, dass nicht bloß die Interaktionen mit einigen ausgewählten rekombinanten ...

CiteSeerX — Chemical proteomic analysis reveals alternative modes of...

BibTeX. @ARTICLE{Wissing04chemicalproteomic, author = {Josef Wissing and Klaus Godl and Dirk Brehmer and Stephanie Blencke and Martina Weber and ...

KINAXO Launches Enhanced KinaTor(TM) Cellular Profiling Service

Commenting on the new service, Dr Klaus Godl KINAXO's CSO said; "It is critically important that all biological interactions of a kinase inhibitor ...

Identifying differentially regulated subnetworks from...

Identifying differentially regulated subnetworks from phosphoproteomic data. Martin Klammer,1Klaus Godl,1 Andreas Tebbe,1 and Christoph ...

KINAXO Biotechnologies Starts Collaboration with Roche in the Field...

KINAXO Biotechnologies Starts Collaboration with Roche in the Field of Phosphoproteomics - read this article along with other careers information, tips and...

Kinaxo to expand the reach of its proteomics platform

Kinaxo has received a €1m grant to expand the scope of its kinase inhibitor-protein interaction assay to identify interactions between proteins and any small...

Myeloid Leukemia: Godl, K - Expertscape.com

Medical and scientific articles about Leukemia, Myeloid, written by K Godl


by Martin Klammer , Klaus Godl , Andreas Tebbe , Christoph Schaab ... author = {Martin Klammer and Klaus Godl and Andreas Tebbe and Christoph Schaab},

Isolation of biofunctional bovine immunoglobulin G from milk- and...

X-MOL提供的期刊论文更新,Journal of Chromatography A——Isolation of biofunctional bovine immunoglobulin G from milk- and colostral whey with mixed-mode chromatography at...

KINAXO Receives 1 M Euro Funding To Quantify Drug Interactions...

Klaus Godl, KINAXO's Head of Research says: "Combining quantitative mass spectrometry with the KinaTor(TM) technology significantly ...

KINAXO Starts Collaboration with Roche in the Field of...

KINAXO Launches Enhanced KinaTor(TM) Cellular Profiling Service - ABN...

Commenting on the new service, Dr Klaus Godl KINAXO's CSO said; "It is critically important that all biological interactions of a kinase inhibitor ...

New insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying...

Maddalena Fratelli, James Neil Fisher, Gabriela Paroni, Angela Maria Di Francesco, Filomena Pierri, Claudio Pisano, Klaus Godl, Sandra Marx, Andreas Tebbe, ...

New insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying sensitivity/...

Maddalena Fratelli, James Neil Fisher, Gabriela Paroni, Angela Maria Di Francesco, Filomena Pierri, Claudio Pisano, Klaus Godl, Sandra Marx, Andreas Tebbe, ...

Proteome-Wide Quantification of Small Molecule Binding to Cellular...

Patent application title: Proteome-Wide Quantification of Small Molecule Binding to Cellular Target Proteins. Inventors: Henrik Daub (Munchen, DE) Michaela Bairlein (Munchen, DE) Kirti Sharma (New Delhi, IN) Klaus Godl (Krailling, DE) Andreas Tebbe (Munchen, DE) Christoph Weber (Munchen, DE) IPC8 Class: ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Klaus

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Klaus; Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); seit dem Mittelalter verselbständigte Kurzform von 'Nikolaus'; erst seit dem 20. Jh. verbreitet

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