3 Infos zu Kornelia Guzy
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Gmina Kornowac: mapa terenów i plany miejscowości, radniREGIOset polskie regiony i samorządy, portal informacyjno-przeglądowy z witrynami wszystkich jednostek samorządu terytorialnego gmin, miast, powiatów...
Zacięta walka na stadionie MOSiR w Olecku - OleckoNa stadionie MOSiR rozegrano XXVII Otwarte Oleckie Biegi dla Dzieci, Młodzieży i Dorosłych. Na starcie stanęło 158 zawodników i zawodniczek
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kornelia
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Kornelia; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); cornu = das Horn; Information zur männlichen Form Cornelius:; von einem altrömischen Familiennamen, dem vielleicht das Wort 'cornu' (Horn) zugrundeliegt; verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Cornelius, Papst von 251 bis 253
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Guzy
The family Guzy Germanized, Gusy, similar to Guzik, Guzek, goes into the main mass of guz Slavonic, Polish guz "bump" back, compare Lithuanian guzas bulge. The importance of Polish guz (pronounced gus) Guzy, plural and adjective form, ranging from "bump, excrescence by shock or impact" over "knots, tubers, nodules, sprouted on trees" to "dwarf, little person." This Polish Guzek "small bump, nodule," Guzik "button", guzikarz "button makers," guzica "rump." May be meant also someone who one identical site comes from, or someone such a designated place lives on. Numerous local and locality names on recycled Slavonic guz. Comparisons about the place names Guzy (Guhse) Guzianka (Guschienen) and Guzki (Guske) in East Prussia, Guzice (Gisitz / Schenk field), Guzek Góra Guzowice (Bright field) in Silesia, Guzew and Guzów in the rest of the country of origin name. Name type: nickname; Abode name., spreading: The spelling Guzy is now quite common in Germany, in Poland especially in Upper Silesia and Lesser Poland.
Personensuche zu Kornelia Guzy & mehr
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