201 Infos zu Kris Lemsalu
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- Artist
- Temnikova
- Contemporary Art
- Vienna
- Kasela Gallery
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- Venice Biennale
- Ausstellung
- Estland
- Estonian Academy
14 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Spiegel.de: Gelatin-Performance und -Ausstellung in Berlin - SPIEGEL ONLINEDie Wiener Künstlergruppe Gelatin hat im Berliner Schinkel Pavillon zusammen mit anderen Künstlern vier Tage lang vor Publikum Skulpturen produziert. Jetzt...
Google News - Kris Lemsalu - AktuellMit Google News kannst du zum Thema Kris Lemsalu vollständige Artikel lesen, Videos ansehen und in Tausenden von Titeln stöbern.
Nebenschauplätze ? Mülheimer Kunstverein von besuchte die freie...Nebenschauplätze ? Mülheimer Kunstverein von besuchte die freie Kunstszene Düsseldorf am 10.
kultur & wirtschaft aktuell - Kulturkreis der deutschen WirtschaftGeneralintendant der Deutschen Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg ... Mary-Audrey Ramirez, Kris Lemsalu oder Eva Kotátková verwirklicht ...
72 Bilder zu Kris Lemsalu

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Tonight in Prague ! Kris Lemsalu is Temnikova & Kasela Gallery ...Facebook: Kris Lemsalu opening | FacebookKris Lemsalu - kunstaspekteKris Lemsalu (born in Tallinn/Estonia) lives in Tallinn and Vienna. She uses masquerades in her performances and installations. .
safwhite – Fine Arts Library CollectionsKöln : Wienand : Duisburg : Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg, [2017] Thomas Helbig, Renaud Jerez, Kris Lemsalu, Mary-Audrey Ramirez.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Kris Lemsalu | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Kris Lemsalu.
Artist Kris Lemsalu On Being Stuck In A Turtle Shell At Frieze New...Artist Kris Lemsalu On Being Stuck In A Turtle Shell At Frieze New York ... Ulay each walked about 1,553 miles along the Great Wall of China to meet and say goodbye when they ended their relationship Artist Kris Lemsalu at Temnikova & Kasela Gallery's Frieze Booth ... ©2018 Forbes Media LLC. Missing: borchert schrader public
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Kris Lemsalu — Kunstraum Niederösterreich... Performance · Vermittlung · Über uns · Service · Presse · Programm · Anfahrt & Öffnungszeiten · Barrierefrei · Archiv · Profil · Team · Künstler_innen · Partner · Publikationen · Bibliothek · Jahresprogramm_KRNOE_2018 · Halbjahresprogramm_Jän-Jun_2018 · Startseite · Über uns · Künstler_innen · Kris Lemsalu. Info: ...
OFF-TRACKOFF-TRACK Co-work: Andres Lõo/Kris Lemsalu. Subscribe · Back to Index · Subscribe · Subscribe Play Slideshow. back. forward. Back to Album. Download. thumbnails on thumbnails off Play Slideshow. Previous Previous. Next Next next.
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Kris LemsaluKris Lemsalu (b ) is an artist based in Tallinn and Vienna. Missing: Duisburg"
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Kris Lemsalu | Diskographie | DiscogsEntdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Kris Lemsalu auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Kris Lemsalu auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.
Kris Lemsalu - Kiasma GuideThe skydiver in Kris Lemsalu’s installation seems to have dropped in from an alternate reality. Two canine figures bow down to the skydiver, and are...
4 Projekte
Meet Kris Lemsalu, the Eccentrically Costumed Artist Who Will 'Give...Rising performance artist Kris Lemsalu is preparing to represent Estonia at the Venice Biennale this spring. But is Venice ready for her?
Personenindexbasis wien | Kunst Information und Archiv
stefanie seibold/projectsstefanie seibold/ projects Cäcilia Brown, Gabriele Edlbauer, Julia Hohenwarter, Kris Lemsalu, Isa Rosenberger, Maruša Sagadin ...
Loch ( Projects ) | gelitin.netThe show was created on site in front of the audience and is on view until Septemer 29, More images from setup performance: Images by esel.at Images by
3 Bücher zum Namen
Borders in the Baltic Sea Region: Suturing the Ruptures - Google BooksThis book focuses on the recent political trajectories within the Baltic Sea Region from one of the success stories of regionalism in Europe to a potential...
Kris Lemsalu : Alfred Weidinger :Kris Lemsalu by Alfred Weidingeravailable at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
8 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Kris Lemsalu - WikipediaKris Lemsalu (born 1985, Tallinn) is a contemporary artist based in Tallinn, Estonia and Vienna, Austria. Her art studies took place at the Estonian Academy of ...
Marcelle Joseph Interviews Multidisciplinary Estonian Artist, Kris...Marcelle Joseph speaks to Kris Lemsalu to learn more about her multidisciplinary practice that melds ceramic sculptural installation with performance.
When the only way to live is through humour. Interview with Kris...When it comes to Kris Lemsalu, one must first lose any frame of rationality. In one sense, Lemsalu could be seen as the trickster of the art world ...
Daniel Culpan on Kris Lemsalu - Artforum InternationalThe online edition of Artforum International Magazine.
85 Webfunde aus dem Netz
"Beauty and the Beast" by Tiit Pääsuke and Kris Lemsalu at Tallinn...A joint exhibition by Tiit Pääsuke and Kris Lemsalu, the stars of two different art generations, at the Tallinn Art Hall. A large-scale, as well as playful and colourful, dialogue between two top artists from different generations will open at the Tallinn Art Hall. The exhibition will provide the viewers with a survey of ...
AREENI KAANELUGU: Autsaider Kris Lemsalu ei mahu eesti kunsti...Kadri Karro käis Viinis külas Kris Lemsalul, eesti kunstnikul, kes ei mahu eesti kunsti raamidesse. - DELFI
All Kris LEMSALU articles - BLOUIN ARTINFO, The Premier Global Online...Read all articles about Kris LEMSALU on BLOUIN ARTINFO, The Premier Global Online Destination for Art and Culture
Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center » Kris Lemsalu with...Kris Lemsalu with Temnikova & Kasela Gallery at Frieze New York. KRIS LEMSALU. Temnikova & Kasela Gallery. Frieze New York. Randall's Island Park ...
the phantasmagoric world of artist kris lemsalu and her monkey skull...Estonian multi-disciplinary artist Kris Lemsalu creates sculptures and performances that playfully dance along the lines of humanity and mortality.
Exhibition : Josh Faught Kris Lemsalu Group Show Sadie Coles Hq |...Josh Faught, Kris Lemsalu - Sadie Coles HQ DAILY ART FAIR
Kris Lemsalu - GlasstressKris Lemsalu was born in in Tallinn, Estonia, and lives and works in Vienna. She creates mixed-media sculptures, installations and performances with ...
Kris Lemsalu: Birth V - Hi and Bye - Announcements - e-fluxKris Lemsalu, Birth V - Hi and Bye, Estonian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale // May ... She creates mixed-media sculptures, installations and ... Missing: Borchert Schrader relations"
Kris Lemsalu (Contemporary Art Daily)Artists: Lutz Bacher, Lynda Benglis, Ernesto Caivano, James Crosby, Olivia Erlanger, Ryan Estep, John Gerrard, Elias Hansen, Max Hooper Schneider, Shaun Krupa, Helmut Lang, Kris Lemsalu, Sherrie Levine, Lila de Magalhaes, Donald Moffett, David Seth Moltz, Dominic Nurre, Holt Quentel, Pilar ...
Kris Lemsalu - Artalk.czVýstava o Ester Krumbachové v Tranzitdisplay. Mikuláš Brukner, Barbora Dayef, Daniela a Linda Dostálkovy, Bracha L. Ettinger, Linda Hauerová, Jesse Jones, Tereza Kanyzová, Anja Kirschner, Jan Kolský, Kateřina Konvalinová, Ester Krumbachová, Kris Lemsalu, Marie Lukáčová, New Noveta, Matěj Pavlík, Johannes.
Search: Kris Lemsalu | Art for Sale | ArtspaceArtspace is the premier marketplace for contemporary art, and offers works from the world's best contemporary artists at member-only prices.
Kris Lemsalu ja Tiit Pääsukese näitus "Kaunitar ja koletis" |...Eesti kultuurisündmuste portaal. Sisaldab nii Eesti sündmusi kui Eestiga seotud sündmusi välismaal.
Kris Lemsalu kilbi all - undefined - Eesti EkspressMöödunud nädalal vallutas ta New Yorgi kunstipubliku, lamades viis päeva enda loodud portselankilpkonnakilbi all. - DELFI
Kris Lemsalu | SFAQ / NYAQ / LXAQInternational Art and Culture
Kris Lemsalu « Wiener Secession, Vienna, AustriaDie estnische Künstlerin Kris Lemsalu schafft in ihren Skulpturen, Installationen und Performances Verschmelzungen von Tieren mit Menschen, Natürlichkeit mit ...
Kris Lemsalu on ArtStack - art onlineKris Lemsalu on ArtStack - art online Remember me. Forgot Password? Artstack-small. Stacking-small Loading… Kris Lemsalu. Kris Lemsalu. Artist Info. x.
Kris Lemsalu « secessionThe Estonian artist Kris Lemsalu creates sculptures, installations, and performances that fuse the animal kingdom with humankind, nature with the artificial, beauty with repulsion, lightness with gravity, life with death. She combines animal bodies and porcelain objects with found (natural) materials such as furs, leather, ...
Kris Lemsalu – Ve.sch - KunstvereinKris Lemsalu. Dienstag Abend von Ludwig Kittinger & Fernando Mesquita. “When vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings”
Kris Lemsalu: Music for people on my mind – eSeL.at| Ve.Sch | Kris Lemsalu, Musik, Ludwig Kittinger
Kris Lemsalu — Afternoon Tear Drinker | Kunstraum LakesideEröffnung, 12. Mai 2016, 19 Uhr Ausstellung, 13. Mai – 24. Juni Kris Lemsalu setzt in ihren Inszenierungen Maskerade zur Umsetzung ihrer Performances ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kris
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Kris; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten VornamenMännlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Kris; Christus tragend; Altgriechisch (Neues Testament); christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte; pherein = tragen, bringen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch die Verehrung des hl. Christophorus (3. Jh.), Schutzpatron der Schiffer und Flösser, einer der 14 Nothelfer
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