108 Infos zu Kristijan Tkalec

Mehr erfahren über Kristijan Tkalec

Infos zu

1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Kristijan Tkalec | Facebook

Facebook: Kristijan Tkalec | Facebookwww.facebook.com › kristijan.tkalec.90

Facebook: RAMPA Lab - Mentor: Kristijan Tkalec Asistenti: Jaka... | Facebook

LinkedIn: Kristijan Tkalec – Verkäufer – Bmw Niederlassung Stuttgart ...de.linkedin.com › kristijan-tkalec a191

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Kristijan Tkalec auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Kristijan Tkalec aufgelistet.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Kristijan Tkalec: 'Začetek življenja na Zemlji'

Udeleženci delavnice si bodo uvodoma ogledali razstavo Adama W Browna ReBioGeneSys Izvori življenja v Galerija Kapelica ...

Ferienwohnungen Maslina Gradac Makarska Riviera

Kristijan Tkalec. Schöne Ferienwohnung zu vermieten. NEU eingerichtet. ca. 70 qm. WLAN, klimatisiert, Stellplätze. 10 Gehminuten zum wunderschönen ... › hotel › ferienwohnungen-mas...

2 Business-Profile

Xing: Kristijan Tkalec

Gebrauchtwagenverkäufer / Calw / Prozessoptimierung im Fahrzeugvertrieb, langjährige Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb von Premium Fahrzeugen, gutes Organisationsmanagement, gute Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, langjährige Erfahrung im Export Vertrieb

Xing: Kristijan Tkalec

kassierer / Hainburg, Deutschland

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Unser Team. - BMW Niederlassung Stuttgart

Kristijan Tkalec. Verkaufsberater Gebrauchte Automobile. Telefon, E-Mail, . Service. › standorte-team › bmw-...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Kristijan Tkalec - Biotehna

› kristijan-tkalec

1 Projekte

Open Source Clinostat || tranxxeno lab projectstranxxenolab.net › projects › clinostat

Thanks to Lovrenc Košenina for his extensive design, fabrication, and electronics assistance, Kristijan Tkalec for his expert scientific assistance, ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

Izolacija, karakterizacija in primerjava proteina listeriolizin O in...

Izolacija, karakterizacija in primerjava proteina listeriolizin O in ... By Kristijan Tkalec, Nataša Poklar Ulrih. About this book ...

6 Dokumente

Coconuts and biohacking_short

Overview of my personal adventures in the coconut belt, some examples of biohacking initiatives and individuals, background of the hackteria project and expand…

BioHacking, Open Technology, DIY and The Art of Sharing @ UGM, Yogya

Presentation for Biotech Master students at UGM, Yogyakarta. BioHacking, Open Technology, DIY and The Art of Sharing... or how I ended up making Cheese.

Coconuts for FabLabs or How to start (almost) any lab

some reflections on coconuts... and why we should maybe not go for that branding but use existing infrastructure, local knowledge and find the right local acto…

File:Xativa - grad.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Author, Kristijan Tkalec from Ljubljana, Slovenia at 17:06 |Author=[http://www.flickr.com/people @N06 Kristijan Tkalec] from Ljubljana, Slovenia ...

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

RUL - iskanje

Repository of the University of Ljubljana: diploma theses, master od science theses, master of arts theses, doctoral theses of the University of Ljubljana.

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Sezonska dinamika privzema kovin v rdeče zelje | WorldCat.org

Sezonska dinamika privzema kovin v rdeče zelje | WorldCat.org

BioHacking vs. BioPunk, I'MM Media Lab, Zagreb - Hackteria Wiki

Kristijan Tkalec. Kristijan is finnishing a diploma in biotechnology and working in Hiša Eksperimentov (Ljubljana) and in Kiberpipa/Biotehna.

Festival Strictly Analog 2015

... Davorin Gorišek (Klub Zoo), Jelena Rusjan, Neja Tomšič and Martin Bricelj Baraga (MoTA Point), Kristijan Tkalec and Maja Zorman (RAMPA ...

Zapisnik 9. sestanka DS za prosto programje in storitve

Matija Šuklje, Kristijan Tkalec in Simon Delakorda so potrdili zapisnik. AD2) Uskladitev vsebine pobude za uvrstitev uporabe prostih programov in storitev ... ›

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

Kristijan Tkalec - YouTube

Teile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt

Kristijan Tkalec

Kristijan Tkalec is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Kristijan Tkalec Following auf Vimeo

See all the users Kristijan Tkalec is following

Lab Easy DIYBio Salon 13 March Vimeo

Speakers: Ellen Jorgensen - Genspace, Kristijan Tkalec - Biotehna, Cathal Garvey, Hackerteria's Dr Marc Dusseiller, Brian Degger of Maker Space, ... › channels

6 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Not all songs from my "library" is in Clementine library

... send an email to . For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout Kristijan Tkalec. › cleme...

Wikipedia: Fitxer:Xativa - grad.jpg - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure

Autor, Kristijan Tkalec from Ljubljana, Slovenia at 17:06 |Author=[http://www.flickr.com/people @N06 Kristijan Tkalec] from Ljubljana, Slovenia ...

Plasticity of Listeriolysin O Pores and its Regulation by pH and...


kristijan tkalec - I'MM_ Media lab

› ...

64 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Kristijan Tkalec - Orlando Fitness Grupa

· Kristijan Tkalec. Kristijan je apsolvent Studijskog centra za izobrazbu trenera na Kineziološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, usmjerenje Fitnes. U svijetu fitnesa i sporta je čitav život a specijalizacija su mu body building, transformacijski procesi, kondicijska priprema te borilačke vještine. Kristijan također posjeduje Total Body Coach certifikate te ...

KRISTIJAN TKALEC - Analiza podjetja - Bizi

› analiza-podjetja

Kristijan Tkalec – MAST

Biotechnologist Kristijan Tkalec is the coordinator and project manager at BioTehna Laboratory since He facilitated and conducted a wide range of projects, actions and experiments, mostly in the field of diybio, biotechnology, biology, biochemistry, with acknowledged and renowned artists, such as: Brendan Balengee, Špela Petrič, Maja ...


Finančni podatki podjetja KRISTIJAN TKALEC - SAMOZAPOSLENI V KULTURI, PEDAGOG: bilanca stanja, izkaz poslovnega izida, kazalniki.


› krist...

Kristijan Tkalec - Bika.net

Kristijan Tkalec, kv soboslikar i ličilac, Zaprešić

Kristijan Tkalec s.p., raziskovalno učenje, Credit...

Kristijan Tkalec s.p., raziskovalno učenje , Sole Proprietorship, Šalek 84, Velenje, Slovenia 3320, - full report on company is available after...

Kristijan Tkalec Archives - PIFcamp

Tag: Kristijan Tkalec. PIFcamp – Everything Circulates! The fragile ecosystem PIFcamp tries to integrate in is in constant peril.

Kristijan Tkalec email address & phone number | BWT Aqua Ag ...

› kristijan-tk...

Tag Archives: kristijan tkalec - Radio Student

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Tag: kristijan tkalec - Radiona

› tag › kristijan-...

Kristijan Tkalec - Bandcamp

› lapor

Kristijan Tkalec | COST Action CA15212

WG4 focuses on issues that are relevant to the volunteers in citizen science. The objectives of this working group are to raise awareness of the volunteers’ aims, needs and requirements from citizen science and the results that citizen science contributions have in their lives, as well as the implications for developing social innovation interventions.

kapljice | Kristijan Tkalec | Flickr

Done. Analía Manetta 12y. I like it ! Well composed....! Kristijan Tkalec 12y. thanks. Comment. 47 views. 0 faves. 2 comments. Taken on December 12,


@comeinandburn I care about both, but mainly the ethical sourcing of materials and modularity.

Kristijan Tkalec – Artfiks

V sklopu Študentskih inovativnih projektov za družbeno korist (ŠIPK) – programa, ki povezuje visokošolske zavode z negospodarskimi ...

Volse Hubzilla

https://diasp.eu/u/lapor7. Logg inn. ×. Login/Email. Passord. Husk meg. Logg inn. Registrer Tilbakestill passord · Fjernautentisering. Sorry, you have got no ...


KRISTIJAN TKALEC - SAMOZAPOSLENI V KULTURI, PEDAGOG, Šalek 84, Velenje. Preverite bonitetne, finančne in poslovne podatke podjetja na EBONITETE.SI. › kristijan-...


KRISTIJAN TKALEC - SAMOZAPOSLENI V KULTURI, PEDAGOG. O podjetju. Poštna številka in kraj: Velenje. Naslov: Šalek 84. Upravna enota: Velenje. › page › kristijan-tkal...

Aurelia 1 +Hz / proto viva generator – Out of the Box

Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator addresses the possibilities of coexistence of animals and machines. The project uses living organisms to process...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kristijan

Männlicher Vorname (Slawisch): Kristijan; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Kristijan Tkalec & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Kristijan Tkalec und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.