25 Infos zu Kristina Kittelmann
Mehr erfahren über Kristina Kittelmann
Infos zu
- Marcel Tirpak
- Rainer Schweickert
- Lúcio Vinhas
- Vinhas de Souza
- Lessons
- Schweickert and Lúcio
- Crises to Macroeconomic
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
TC Fallersleben - ChronikTC Fallersleben, Wolfsburg
6 Bücher zum Namen
LIBRIS - From transition crises to mac...LIBRIS titelinformation: From transition crises to macroeconomic stability? [electronic resource] : lessons from a crises early warning system for Eastern...
From transition crises to macroeconomic stability? : lessons from a...... from a crisesearly warning system for Eastern European and CIS countries. Kristina Kittelmann, Marcel Tirpak, Rainer Schweickert & Lúcio Vinhas de Souza ...
SpringerCitations - Details PageKristina Kittelmann, Marcel Tirpak, Rainer Schweickert and Yegor Gaidar. Journal: Comparative Economic Studies, 2006, Volume 48, Number 3, Page 410.
The Venture Capital Industry in Europe - A. Schertler - Google BooksBy analyzing venture capital industries, this book substantially adds to the understanding of Europe's venture capital industries. It discusses the...
1 Dokumente
Kittelmann, Kristina [WorldCat Identities]View works by Kristina Kittelmann Publications about Kristina Kittelmann Publications by Kristina Kittelmann off 0 Publications by Kristina ...
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12 Webfunde aus dem Netz
0 titels gevonden met auteur kristina-kittelmann (in totaal 0...Hieronder vindt u een lijst met alle gevonden boeken van de auteur kristina kittelmann. De boeken die het meest vaak gevonden zijn, zijn Met de zoekbox rechts ...
Kristina Kittelmann | UNU-CRISKittelmann, Kristina. Facebook · Twitter · Google+ · LinkedIn. Publications by this author From Transition Crises to Macroeconomic Stability? Lessons from ...
Retrievo - Advanced search resultsPublikationen | Kiel InstitutWissenschaftliche Aufsätze, wirtschaftspolitische Beiträge, Gutachten, Blogbeiträge und mehr
Publications - Kiel Institute ResultsScientific papers, economic policy articles, expert reports, blog posts, and more
CiteSeerX — Eastern European and CIS Countries byauthor = {Kristina Kittelmann and Marcel Tirpak and Rainer Schweickert and Lúcio Vinhas De Souza}, title = {Eastern European and CIS Countries by},
[PDF] From Transition Crises to Macroeconomic Stability? Lessons from...Lessons from a Crises Early Warning System for Eastern European and CIS Countries}, author={Kristina Kittelmann and Marcel Tirp{\'a}k and Rainer ...
From transition crises to macroeconomic stability? Lessons from a...Authors: Kristina Kittelmann, Marcel Tirpak, Rainer Schweickert and Lucio Vinhas De Souza. Date: Sept. 1, From: Comparative Economic Studies(Vol.
Intrăm sau nu în procedura de deficit excesiv? | BURSA.ROComisia Europeană se întruneşte, as-tăzi, ca să analizeze situaţia bugetară a ţării noastre, în vederea prevenirii declanşării procedurii de deficit excesiv,...
The Venture Capital Industry in Europe (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in...The Venture Capital Industry in Europe Andrea Schertler The Venture Capital Industry in Europe Palgrave Macmillan St...
From transition crises to macroeconomic stability? Lessons from a...Free Online Library: From transition crises to macroeconomic stability? Lessons from a crises early warning system for Eastern European and CIS countries. by
EBSLG: Kiel Working PapersKristina Kittelmann, Marcel Tirpak, Rainer Schweickert and Lúcio Vinhas de Souza. No : The Duration of Union Membership: an Empirical Study
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kristina
Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Kristina; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kittelmann
Kittel -> Schwarzkittel = Wildschwein Kittelmann = Wildschweinjäger
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