231 Infos zu Kristina Musholt
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- Leipzig
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- Professorin
- Thinking about Oneself
- Philosophy
- University
- Institut für Philosophie
- Self-Consciousness
- Nonconceptual Content
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
zeit.de: 72. ZEIT FORUM WISSENSCHAFT - ZEIT VeranstaltungenDie ZeitKristina Musholt, Professorin für Kognitive Anthropologie am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Leipzig und Mitglied der Jungen Akademie, und Prof.
Juniorprofessorin Kristina Musholt als Mitglied in die "Junge...Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Die Juniorprofessorin für Neurophilosophie am Institut für Philosophie der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg...
Guardian: Daniel Dennett: 'I don't like theory of mind' – interview | Daniel...American philosopher Daniel Dennett talks to Carole Jahme about faith, science, empathy – and Short Circuit
Welcome to Kristina Musholt and Robert PasnauHuman AbilitiesKristina Musholt is Professor of Cognitive Anthropology in the Department of Philosophy at Leipzig University and her research is located at the intersection ...
5 Bilder zu Kristina Musholt

19 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Kristina Musholt - Author | Facebookwww.facebook.com › pages › Krist...Facebook: Dr Kristina Musholt (London School of Cardiff FacebookFacebook: Kristina Musholt on self-consciousness: LSE Philosophy ...LinkedIn: Kristina Musholt - Deutschland | LinkedInKristina Musholt -- Location Germany Werden Sie Mitglied von LinkedIn und erhalten Sie Zugriff auf das vollständige Profil von Kristina Musholt. Es ist völlig
13 Hobbys & Interessen
Kristina Musholt: Sich selbst denken - FacebookKristina Musholt: Sich selbst denkenSich selbst denken ist der Titel des letzten auf Englisch erschienenen Buchs der Leipziger Professorin für Kognitive Anthrop...
Kristina Musholt chess games Chess.comComprehensive Kristina Musholt chess games collection, opening repertoire, tournament history, PGN download, biography and news
lastFM: Jonathan Safran Foer, Kristina Musholt music, videos, stats, and...Listen to music from Jonathan Safran Foer, Kristina Musholt like Eating Animals and Eating Animals [Audio]. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Review of Kristina Musholt: Thinking about Oneself: From ...comm.ku.dk › staff › review-of-kri...Review of Kristina Musholt: Thinking about Oneself: From nonconceptual content to the concept of a self. Research output: Contribution to journal › Literature ...
Dan Zahavi - Research outputs StaffNew York : Routledge, p (Routledge Research in Phenomenology, Vol. 2). Publication: Research - peer-review › Book chapter ... Review of Kristina Musholt: Thinking about Oneself: From nonconceptual content to the concept of a self.. / Zahavi, Dan. In: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, No.
5 Persönliche Webseiten
Kristina Musholt | Kristina MusholtRead all of the posts by Kristina Musholt on Kristina Musholt
Teaching | Kristina MusholtForschungskolloquium, Uni Leipzig, WS "Philosophy of Embodiment", Uni Leipzig, WS (MA seminar) "Tomasellos 'Eine Naturgeschichte ...
Kristina Musholtkristinamusholt.comKristina Musholt. Teaching. Universität Leipzig. Moralpsychologie im interkulturellen Kontext, WS (BA Seminar). Einführung in die Philosophie des ...
Organisation and Contact | ESPP Leipzig-OnlineESPP 2021The main local organizers are Kristina Musholt and Katrin Felgenhauer please contact or .
1 Auszeichnungen
Das neue Präsidium vlnr: Philipp Kanske, Kristina...Abitur und StudiumDas neue Präsidium v.l.n.r.: Philipp Kanske, Kristina Musholt, Bernadett Weinzierl, Christoph Lundgreen (Sprecher). abitur-und-studium.de » Bilder » Das ...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: "New Books in Philosophy" Kristina Musholt, "Thinking About ...www.imdb.com › titleKristina Musholt, "Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self". Talk-Show | Episode aired 15 August Season
IMDB Filmographie: Kristina MusholtIMDbKristina Musholt. Self: Forum for Philosophy Podcast.
1 Projekte
Project MUSE - Thinking about OneselfThinking about Oneself. From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self. Kristina Musholt. Publication Year: A novel theory of self-consciousness ...
26 Bücher zum Namen
Kristina Musholt | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.deHier finden Sie das komplette Autorenprofil von Kristina Musholt . Außerdem erhalten Sie Zusatzinfos wie wichtige berufliche Stationen und aktuelle Werke.
Kristina Musholt (Author of Thinking about Oneself)Kristina Musholt is the author of Thinking about Oneself (4.00 avg rating, 4 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2015) and Facets of Self-Consciousness (5.00 a...
Thinking about Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to ...Biblio.comby Kristina Musholt. Used; Hardcover. Condition: See description; ISBN 10: ; ISBN 13: ; Seller. Fredag Books.
bokus.com: Kristina Musholt - Böcker | Bokus bokhandelKöp böcker av Kristina Musholt: Facets of Self-Consciousness;
1 Songs & Musik
Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content...... About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self (MIT Press, 2015), Kristina Musholt provides a naturalistic account of how self-conscious ...
9 Dokumente
How language shapes our minds: On the relationship ...Wileyvon L Berio — Kristina Musholt,. Kristina Musholt. orcid.org Department of Philosophy, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany.
File:Re publica Day 2 ( ).jpg - Wikimedia ...commons.wikimedia.org › wikiThis file has an extracted image: File:Re publica Day 2 - Kristina Musholt ( ) (cropped).jpg. Extracted version ...
RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM - rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de:86296 February Prof. Dr. Kristina Musholt (U Magdeburg) Self -Consciousness in Non Human Animals? Author: werning Created Date: :08:11 AM ...
A Philosophical Perspective on the Relation between ...ReadCube Papers— Kristina Musholt , Department of. Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton
14 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Sommersemester — deProgramm Sommersemester Kristina Musholt. Towards a multi-level account of the social self. In this talk I will argue that the notion of nonconceptual self ...
Do infants have agency? – The importance of control for ...ScienceDirectvon FM Bednarski · · Zitiert von: 4 — Kristina Musholt b c , Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann a. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite. https://doi.org j.dr Get rights and content ...
Thinking about Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of...In this book, Kristina Musholt offers a novel theory of self-consciousness, understood as the ability to think about oneself. Traditionally, self-consciousness ...
AG Musholt - Leipziger Forschungszentrum für frühkindliche EntwicklungProf. Dr. Kristina Musholt. Forschungsgruppenleiterin. Mehr . M.A. Alexander Scheidt. Doktorand. Mehr . B.A. Anna Lena Weyand. Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft ...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: Thinking About Oneself | | Kristina Musholtbol.comIn this book, Kristina Musholt offers a novel theory of self-consciousness, understood as the ability to think about oneself. Trad…
Können wir unser eigenes Gehirn als Gehirn erkennen ...link.springer.com › chapterKönnen wir unser eigenes Gehirn als Gehirn erkennen? Authors; Authors and affiliations. Georg Northoff; Kristina Musholt. Georg Northoff; Kristina Musholt.
Kristina MusholtWikidataKristina Musholt. antropóloga alemana. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.
Kristina Musholt - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekHinweis zum Datenschutz Mit Klick auf "Einverstanden" können Sie diese Seite in sozialen Netzwerken weiterempfehlen. Dabei besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Daten von ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Fate, Freedom, and NeuroscienceOxford neuroscientist Nayef Al Rodhan, East End psychiatrist and broadcaster Mark Salter, and LSE philosopher Kristina Musholt debate the limits of science.
11 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: universität leipzigTwitter— Woher weiß ich, dass ich existiere? Mit Fragen wie dieser beschäftigt sich die Philosophin Prof. Dr. Kristina Musholt. Im Interview erklärt sie, ...
Wikipedia: Freia Wuin – Boarische WikipediaIm Netz[VE | Weakln]. Fate, Freedom and Neuroscience - a debate on whether free will is an illusion and pre-determined by the Institute of Art and Ideas, featuring Oxford neuroscientist Nayef Al Rodhan, psychiatrist and broadcaster Mark Salter, and LSE philosopher Kristina Musholt. Freia Wuin at PhilPapers; Freia Wuin at ...
Wikipedia: Forum for European Philosophy - WikipediaThe Forum for European Philosophy (or the Forum), founded in 1996, is a nonprofit ... Deputy Director, Kristina Musholt. Associate Director, Juliana Cardinale ...
Kristina Musholt — Blogs, Bilder und mehr bei WordPressWordPress.com is the best place for your personal blog or business site.
95 Webfunde aus dem Netz
SELF WORKSHOP - Kristina MusholtKristina Musholt. University of Leipzig, Germany. In this talk I will argue that our sense of self is shaped by social interactions right from the start. I will present a ...
Menue - CVKatja Crone, Kristina Musholt, Anna Strasser (2012). Towards an Integrated Theory of Self-Consciousness. In: Grazer Philosophische Studien 84, v–xvi.
Akteur*in: Kristina Musholt | LEANDER WATTIGKristina Musholt – Aktivitäten und Erwähnungen
Kristina Musholt | In-MindThe Inquisitive MindKristina Musholt ist Professorin für Kognitive Anthropologie am Institut für Philosophie der Universität Leipzig und Arbeitsgruppenleiterin am Leipziger ...
Kristina Musholt – The Personal and the Subpersonal in ...Backdoor Broadcasting CompanyKristina Musholt – The Personal and the Subpersonal in the Theory of Mind Debate. 12 May Event Date: 11 – 12 May Senate House
Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content...Listen to Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self” (MIT Press, 2015) by New Books in Psychology instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed Julia Beltsiou, “ Immigration in Psychoanalysis: Locating Ourselves” (Routledge, 2016). 24 Oct · New ...
Kristina MusholtKristina Musholt , Kristina Musholt eserleri, Kristina Musholt kitapları , kimdir, çevirileri, kitap, books, book, yayın, fiyat, fiyatları, hayatı, FİYAT,...
Kristina Musholt | MIT CogNetIn this book, Kristina Musholt offers a novel theory of self-consciousness, understood as the ability to think about oneself. Traditionally, self-consciousness has ...
Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Player FMListen to Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content To The Concept Of A Self” (MIT Press, 2015) and 254 other ...
Kristina Musholt » IAI TVDeputy Director for the Forum of European Philosophy and a fellow at the LSE. Kristina Musholt has published extensively on the philosophy of mind.
Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From ...Podtail— Listen to Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self” (MIT Press, 2015) by New Books in ...
New Books in Philosophy: Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself:...When Descartes famously concluded “I think, therefore I am”, he took for granted his ability to use the first person pronoun to refer to himself. But how do we...
New Books in Philosophy - Kristina Musholt, “Thinking ...Stitcher— Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self” (MIT Press, 2015). When Descartes famously ...
Podcast | Kristina Musholt, "Thinking About Oneself: From…New Books Network— Kristina Musholt, "Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self" (MIT Press, 2015)
Kristina Musholt – bøker | ARK BokhandelHer finner du bøkene til Kristina Musholt. Bøkene kjøper du hos ARK – bestill hjemlevering eller klikk og hent i din ARK-butikk.
Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content...Read Kristina Musholt, “Thinking About Oneself: From Nonconceptual Content to the Concept of a Self” (MIT Press, 2015) by for free with a
Kristina Musholt SpielerprofilChessBaseKristina Musholt. * (48). Geburtsjahr Wins. Draws. Losses. White % 28.6% 57.1%. Wins. Draws. Losses. Black % 80.0%.
Kristina Musholt: Sich selbst denken | evento | LeipzigKristina Musholt: Sich selbst denken dentro Leipzig, Café Alibi, Quarta, 18. Outubro „Sich selbst denken“ ist der Titel des letzten, auf Englisch...
Prof. kristina musholt | Tägliche SchreibtippsSchnelles handy aufladen. Prof. kristina musholt. Prof. kristina musholt. Menstrual cycle causing hypothyroidism. Barton santos dds. Tacacs plus server linux.
Kristina MusholtSWIP Germany e.V. Society for Women in Philosophy Germany / Verein zur Förderung von Frauen in der Philosophie
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kristina
Weiblicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Kristina; christliche Frau; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); Information zur männlichen Form Christian:; seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Musholt
Musholt ist plattdeutsch und bedeutet MAUSHOLZ
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