101 Infos zu Larisa Kryuchkova

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Digital unterwegs gegen kranke Haut

— ) freuen sich mit der Wildcard-Gewinnerin Larisa Kryuchkova von UVisio. Foto: © wha/BVDD. Neuer Präsident, gleiche Veranstaltung: Fast auf ...

Startup Challenge shortlist spans health, food safety and ...

— Uvisio, personal sun assistant, to enjoy the sun — safely; Larisa Kryuchkova. Think Biosolution QuasaR, camera powered multi-parameter ...

Workshop: From Vision to Patient: Innovation in the Real ...

— • Larisa Kryuchkova, Co-founder & CEO Uvisio (confirmed) • Vedrana Högqvist Tabor, CEO & Cofounder Boothhealth (confirmed) • Sebastian Sujka ...

BVDD setzt erfolgreich den Dialog mit Derma-Start-Ups fort

— freuen sich mit der Wildcard-Gewinnerin Larisa Kryuchkova von UVisio. wha/BVDD. Insgesamt sechs Start-Ups stellten ihre Ideen mit einem ... › ... › Newsroom › Hautarztnews

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Larisa Kryuchkova

Facebook: Larisa Kryuchkova (Лариса Крючкова) - Facebook

LinkedIn: Larisa Kryuchkova – Consultant public funding – Self-employed

› larisakryu...

Twitter Profil: Uvisio

... sun consumption >> #VitaminD without #SkinCancer #skincare #personalisation · @sbcHealth. Berlin DemoDay #meistersaal · @sbcHealth. Image. Larisa Kryuchkova. 1.

1 Business-Profile

Larisa Kryuchkova - Crunchbase Person Profile

Larisa Kryuchkova is the Co-Founder and Managing Director at Uvisio . Uvisio Logo. Uvisio Co-Founder and Managing Director ...

1 Bücher zum Namen

We Welcome Your Cooperation


10 Dokumente

Building an innovation ecosystem - The GTEC Approach

— Larisa Kryuchkova Uvisio Thomas de Bresser RWE Steven Ney HPI Luisa Maier GTEC; 3. ACADEMIA / RESEARCH CORPORATES POLICY MAKERS INVESTORS ...

(listed by the chronological order of the Summit program)

Larisa Kryuchkova, Founder and CEO, Uvizr. Larisa Kryuchkova is founder and CEO of Uvizr, a wearable technology for skin cancer prevention. She is passionate ...

Digital assistant for patients with UV-induced skin diseases

Larisa Kryuchkova. Business Champion e: t: + HighTech Campus 1 | 5656AE. Eindhoven | The Netherlands uvisio.com. @uvisio.


Larisa Kryuchkova von UVisio. „… man Patienten jeden Alters behandelt und die. Dermatologie ein unheimlich weites Feld ist.“ Dr. Wiebke Sondermann. „... es das ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Marketing for exhibitions in Russia

von A Borodina · Zitiert von: 4 — Director General: Larisa Kryuchkova. Leading Fairs / Exhibitions. OIL, GAS, ENERGY. AGRO. STROYURAL. MENOVOY DVOR. EDUCATION & CAREER. PROMENERGY. RECYCLING ...


— Founder Larisa Kryuchkova. ZOOMSQUARE, an Austrian startup and Tech All Stars finalists, is the first real estate engine matching users ...

LICHT op Eindhoven februari by LICHT op Issuu

— De drijfveer van opricht ster Larisa Kryuchkova is duidelijk: ze had ooit zelf huidkan ker. “In Berlijn zijn we begonnen en dat is een goede ... › docs › licht_op...

eHealth HUB Smart Guides

Larisa Kryuchkova . Netherlands. Solution Match Report, Health and Wellbeing Solutions VIDEO https://uvisio.com ... › uploads ›

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

Larisa Kryuchkova

Tap to unmute. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more. Larisa Kryuchkova. Home. Shorts. Library. Larisa Kryuchkova. @larisakryuchkova4209.

She Loves Tech Germany

... Larisa Kryuchkova 15:30pm - 15:40pm - Swipe Guide, Willemijn Schneyder 15:40pm - 15:50pm - Advosense, Martina Viduka 15:50pm - 16:00pm ...

XL DAY March Uvisio

Larisa Kryuchkova pitching Uvisio - personal sun protection - at XL DAY: Universal Changemakers. Skin cancer is by far the most common type ...

Петровский лёд. театр на льду АМАС. Произвольная ...

Петровский лёд. театр на льду АМАС. Произвольная программа Журавли views · 3 years ago ...more. Larisa Kryuchkova. 1. Subscribe. 2.

4 Meinungen & Artikel

almirall | Fidest - Agenzia giornalistica/press agency

Al, Christian Greis, CEO of Derma2go, Alexander Borve, CEO of AutoDerm, Danielle Ralic, CEO of Intrepid Analytics, Larisa Kryuchkova, CEO of UVisio. › tag

PROGRAMME TECH FORUM. Halle/Hall 12 E 73 F 67

V Uhr Four Innovative Startups Larisa Kryuchkova, UVisio B.V. Adam Woźniak, AISENSE Haroon Firosha Abdusha, boca health Bastian Kayser, Motognosis UG Uhr ... › Medica-tech-forum-n...

Il Silicon Valley Mindset al Research2Business di Bologna

— Ringraziamo per essere intervenuti Elena Galli di Mylbread, Giovanni Cavallo di Sgnam, Andrea Crispino di LunaGest, Larisa Kryuchkova di Uvisio ... › ...

53 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Larisa Kryuchkova

Larisa Kryuchkova (@larisa.kryuchkova) в TikTok (тикток) |Смотрите новое видео пользователя Larisa Kryuchkova (@larisa.kryuchkova).

Larisa Kryuchkova

Larisa Kryuchkova is a founder of Uvisio, a company working on technology solutions for skin cancer prevention. She has a strong background in business and ...

Larisa Kryuchkova Email & Phone Number | Self-employed ...

Larisa Kryuchkova Work · now Consultant public funding @ Self-employed · now Co-Founder and Managing Director @ Uvisio · Product Manager ...

Larisa Kryuchkova, München - Manager-Profil

Manager-Profil zu Larisa Kryuchkova, München - Geschäftsführerin der Future Concepts UG (haftungsbeschränkt) ✓ 1 Beteiligung ✓ Verbunden mit Future Concepts ...

Larisa Kryuchkova Email and Phone Number

Get Larisa Kryuchkova information like Emails, Phone Number, Company, Colleagues, Competitors, Peers, Interests, Skills, Seniority.

Larisa Kryuchkova | Business Developer:in | Berlin

Larisa Kryuchkova · Über mich · Ich Suche · Ich Biete · Teamposition · Fokusbereich · Verfügbarkeit · Interessen · Branchen.

Larisa Kryuchkova, Sillamäe | Search Information - sociumin.com

Larisa Kryuchkova, Sillamäe - search information about a person: photography, place of residence, education, interests, friends, hometown.

Larisa Kryuchkova Novosibirsk - Create meme / Meme Generator

Fastest and easy online meme generator, create meme, + templates, you can upload your own foto / picture.

Larisa Kryuchkova Novosibirsk - Создать мем - Meme-arsenal. ...

Удобный и быстрый онлайн генератор мемов, создать мем, + шаблонов, загрузка фото / картинок.

Alle Mitgründer, Startups, Jobs & Unterstützer

Deine Suche nach "Finanzkentnisse" hat folgende Treffer ergeben: · Larisa Kryuchkova · Firma · Info · Support.

Alles over UVisio B.V. High Tech Campus 1 op Drimble.nl

Per is Bestuurder Larisa Kryuchkova in functie getreden. Documenten UVisio B.V.. KvK uittreksel · Kredietrapport aavragen · KvK gedeponeerde ...

Future Concepts UG, Munich, Germany

Managing Director: Larisa Kryuchkova · Change of headquarters · Address · Capital: €1, · Shareholder agreement · Company statute · Corporate Purpose.

Future Concepts UG, München

Eintragung · GF: Larisa Kryuchkova · Anschrift · Kapital: ,00 € · Gesellschaftsvertrag · Firmensitz: Berlin · Rechtsform: GmbH · Name: Uvisio UG · ...

Impressum/Datenschutz - Idecorn

Anbieter der Seite www.idecorn.com. Dipl. Ing., MBA Larisa Kryuchkova. Postanschrift München Telefon + Rechtliche ...

Olina Kryuchkova - Luxembourg

Larisa Kryuchkova, Netherlands. KRYUCHKOVA OLESYA, United Kingdom Olesya Kryuchkova, United Kingdom. KRYUCHKOVA Polina, Luxembourg Polina Kryuchkova ...

OpenXLab Berlin - Mozilla Reps

We have exciting speakers including Lorenzo Pirritano, Prashanth Makaram (from Fabulyzer) and Larisa Kryuchkova (UVIZR). You are invited to a reception with ...

Polina Kryuchkova - Luxembourg

Larisa Kryuchkova, Netherlands. KRYUCHKOVA OLESYA, United Kingdom Olesya Kryuchkova, United Kingdom. KRYUCHKOVA olina, Luxembourg Olina Kryuchkova, Luxembourg.

Startup, 11 italiani che hanno trovato ispirazione in Silicon ...

... Larisa Kryuchkova, russa produttrice di dispositivi elettronici per prevenire tumori alla pelle. “Anticipating the Future” è non-profit e include diversi ...

Zdravnica24.ru, OOO в Харків | Інтернет-магазин ...

Керівник. Larisa Kryuchkova. Телефони підприємства. Дирекція. +380. Показати телефон. При замовленні повідомте менеджеру про те, що інформацію ви дізналися на ...

uvisio - pitching their solution for healthy sun consumption

Berlin DemoDay #meistersaal · @sbcHealth. படம். Larisa Kryuchkova · Berlin, Germany -இலிருந்து பிற்பகல் 12:36 · 2 டிச., · 1. மறுஇடுகை · 4. விருப்பங்கள்.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Larisa

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch): Larisa; die Liebliche (?); Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); laros = lieblich; Name griechischer Herkunft, dessen Bedeutung nicht sicher bekannt ist; vielleicht von 'laros' ('lieblich'), oder übernommen vom Ortsname Larissa in Griechenland; aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übernommen

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Larisa Kryuchkova & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Larisa Kryuchkova und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.