269 Infos zu Larissa Sansour
Mehr erfahren über Larissa Sansour
Infos zu
- Palestinian
- Palestine
- Finest Porcelain
- Nation Estate
- London
- Soren Lind
- Sci-Fi
- Science
- Oreet Ashery
- Artists
- East Jerusalem
33 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Lacoste Prize cancelled amid censorship row - BBC NewsA Swiss art prize worth 25,000 euros (£21,000) has been cancelled amid controversy the organisers censored one of the nominees. Jerusalem-born artist Larissa Sansour claims she was taken off the shortlist for being "too pro-Palestinian". The Elysee Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland said it was the ...
« Nation Estate » de Larissa Sansour : le rêve palestinien à chaque...Larissa Sansour a trouvé la solution au problème palestinien. Un Etat palestinien cohérent est impossible à cause des colonies israéliennes et des barrages...
Larissa Sansour, trop palestinienne pour Lacoste ? - Culture / NextLes travaux de l'artiste ont été retirés d'un concours organisé par la marque. Pour des raisons politiques selon le musée de Lausanne, ce que Lacoste conteste.
Guardian: Anatomy of an Artwork: Larissa Sansour’s In Vitro, | Art and...The London-based Palestinian artist explores the metaphorical questions facing her homeland in this black-and-white sci-fi film
21 Bilder zu Larissa Sansour

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Larissa SansourFacebook: Larissa SansourFacebook: Preview: Larissa Sansour - FacebookLinkedIn: larissa sansour | LinkedInView larissa sansour's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like larissa sansour discover ...
5 Hobbys & Interessen
Larissa Sansour | ArtSlantArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Larissa Sansour. ArtSlant is the #1 Contemporary Art Network with comprehensive information on artists and events ...
Iran Arts and Events Calendar - Tehran Bureau | FRONTLINE | PBS... Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah ... Niyaz Saghari, Hamed Sahihi, Larissa Sansour, Rozita Sharafjahan, Chaw Ei ... The event is sponsored by the Iran Media Program at the Annenberg School ... of Berlin, Institute for Film Studies, and George Washington University.
In the Future They Ate from the Finest Porcelain | Film |...Larissa Sansour. Pooneh Hajimohammadi. Widerstands-Anführerin Anna Aldridge. Leyla Ertosun. Drehbuch. Søren Lind. Musik. Aida Nadeem. Filmdetails In the Future They
Larissa Sansour | Artist | ArtFactsThe artist Larissa Sansour is ranked among the Top on ArtFacts. Find out more...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Dr Rachel Garfield - University of ReadingDr Rachel Garfield
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Larissa Sansour10 September Recently made this small contribution to the Tunisian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial. 13 October My solo exhibtion In the Future They ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Larissa Sansour | Biography | Athr GallerySince its inception in Jeddah in 2009, Athr Gallery has played a pivotal role in building the Contemporary art scene in Saudi; valuing experimentation and the...
1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Larissa SansourDirector, In the Future, They Ate from the Finest Porcelain
6 Projekte
HKW | Oreet Ashery + Larissa SansourImmer wieder schlüpft die Künstlerin Oreet Ashery in männliche Alter Egos unterschiedlicher Rollen. Um sozio-politische Paradigmen aufzurollen und Fragen der...
HKW | Digital WastescapeLarissa Sansour www.transmediale.de. Tags: Ästhetik; Performanz (Künste) Video; Transmediale Programm; Diskussion & Präsentation. So, h
HKW | Über Wut: Kurzbiografien der Künstlerinnen und KünstlerLarissa Sansour (Palästina/Dänemark) Performances + Filme Oreet Ashery + Larissa Sansour (Mi | 21:00 h) Larissa Sansour wurde in Jerusalem geboren und
HKW | Nation EstateLarissa Sansour Nation Estate ist ein Science-Fiction-Kurzfilm, der einen dystopischen, aber gleichzeitig humorvollen Ansatz zur verfahrenen Lage im Mittleren
7 Bücher zum Namen
Oreet Ashery & Larissa Sansour: The Novel of Nonel and Vovel by Oreet...Oreet Ashery & Larissa Sansour book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. A graphic novel collaboration by London-based, Israeli-born...
BERND KRACKE - Iberlibrowww.iberlibro.com › SearchResultsContributions by Candice Breitz, Douglas Gordon, Johan Grimonprez, Jonas Mekas, Larissa Sansour, Igor Simic, and Frederico ... (Regensburg, Alemania).
Insurgent Aesthetics: Security and the Queer Life of the Forever War...In Insurgent Aesthetics Ronak K. Kapadia theorizes the world-making power of contemporary art responses to US militarism in the Greater Middle East. He traces...
Laughter in Occupied Palestine: Comedy and Identity in Art and Film -...Although the political situation in Palestine is more serious than ever, contemporary Palestinian art and film are, paradoxically, becoming more humorous in...
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "The Austin Chronicle "Fred went on to be a reporter for the Associated Press and USA Today MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED N Ste DeVry V7 University For your free guide to today's top careers call or Days” (Larissa Sansour); “Tropical Modernism” (Tirdad Zolghadr); “My Friends” (Lau re ...
3 Dokumente
LARISSA SANSOUR LIMITED - Officers (free information from Companies...LARISSA SANSOUR LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers,...
From elkamath at yahoo.com Fri Feb 1 09:24: From: elkamath ...... of History at Duke University, North Carolina) YOUSUF SAEED (Independent Larissa Sansour (Palestine) Jon Keith Brunelle (USA), Artur Augustynowicz Contrary to misleading press reports stating that her visa has been extended, ...
wednesday, november 5, wednesday - American Studies ...Susanne Leikam, University of Regensburg, Germany. The Dialectics of Pleasure and Pain in Portraits of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. (MN). PAPERS: Katharina M. Fackler, Regensburg University Astro-Futuristic Fantasies of Larissa Sansour. Jennifer Kelly, University of Texas, Austin (TX).
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Israel | Awards | LibraryThingLand grab: Israel's settlement policy in the West Bank LEI by Oreet Ashery & Larissa Sansour: The Novel of Nonel and Vovel by S0ren Lind · Origins of ...
Conference of the African Studies Association in VAD eVvad-ev.de › › Programme-VAD-Bayreuth-2014Our university's African focus is one of its most unique characteristics ... By the time of printing of this programme, ... Gabarra, Larissa Oliveira e ... Histori- cally, cities in Europe and North America, ... war, Mehreen Murtaza and Larissa Sansour.
Program - Boston Palestine Film Festivalwww.bostonpalestinefilmfest.org › ...Director will be present. A wedding hall in northern Israel, two hundred guests, dancing, ... Harvard University 7:00pm. PALESTINE ... in the West Bank, providing commentary on the media's unbalanced ... THE COLOR OF OLIVES by Carolina Rivas. Mexico, birthday cake. Bethlehem Bandolero by Larissa Sansour.
Untitled - Es Baluardwww.esbaluard.org › › d...Es Baluard Press Office: Jesús Torné ... Sherbini, Mariam Ghani, Kinda Hassan, Larissa Sansour, Eva Shakouri, Silvia Martínez,. Jal Hamad, Soren Lind, Joana Maria Pomar, Francisca Niell, Carolina Vicente, José. Bermúdez ... Guest speaker in universities, museums and art centres like Círculo de Bellas Artes. ( Madrid) ...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Larissa Sansour: In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain -...Larissa Sansour: In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain // July 7, 2019
Metrópolis - Larissa Sansour - RTVE.esMetrópolis - Larissa Sansour. Metrópolis online, completo y gratis en RTVE.es A la Carta. Todos los programas de Metrópolis online en RTVE.es A la Carta
20 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Larissa Sansour - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Larissa_SansourLarissa Sansour (Arabic: لاريسا سنسور; born 1973) is a Palestinian artist who currently resides in London, England. She is into photography, film, sculpture, and ... Missing: Florstadt" | Must include: Florstadt" Career · Filmography
Interview with Larissa SansourLarissa Sansour is an artist working across video, photography, sculpture and installation, often to create political artworks that explore life in Palestine....
DAILY SERVING » Unbreakable: Interview with Larissa SansourFrom our friends at REORIENT, today we bring you an interview with Palestinian video artist Larissa Sansour. Author Abdellatif R. Abdeljawad talks with Sansour about rewriting histories, science fiction as a vehicle to explore the Palestinian condition, and the inherent political nature of art. Abdeljawad says ... Missing: university north carolina press
Kopenhagen Art Institute: Interview: Larissa SansourKopenhagen
142 Webfunde aus dem Netz
24th November Larissa Sansour Sci-Fi Trilogy — Palestine FilmA Space Exodus (dir. Larissa Sansour, 5 mins) This film follows the artist herself onto a phantasmagoric journey through the universe echoing Stanley Kubrick's ...
Larissa SANSOUR Née en à Jerusalem (Palestine). Vit ...docplayer.net › Larissa-s...Larissa SANSOUR Née en à Jerusalem (Palestine). Vit et travaille à Londres (Royaume-Uni). EXPOSITIONS PERSONNELLES : Intergalactic ...
Larissa Sansour - Artists - NadourNadour is a non-commercial collection of contemporary art from the Arab world and Iran. Our website is regularly updated with recent acquisitions, hand-picked...
Sansour - Names EncyclopediaGiven names Bernard Sansour (2) Leila Sansour (1) Carlo Sansour (1) Larissa Sansour (1)
to be perceived - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONSde.pons.com › übersetzung › to+be+perceivedLarissa Sansour - Palestinaut01. www.hilger.at. Das Ziel ist es ... Larissa Sansour - Palestinaut01. www.hilger.at ... www.biologie.uni-regensburg.de. Chemische ...
‘Nation Estate’ by Palestinian Artist Larissa Sansour - Magazine |...Islamic Arts Magazine - The International Visual Arts Magazine
Art on the edge: Palestinian artist Larissa Sansour – Tales of a...Denise Marray 23 November Khaleej Times Palestinian artist Larissa Sansour draws inspiration from the political occupation and dehumanising treatment...
Larissa Sansour - Delfina Foundationwww.delfinafoundation.com › laris...Larissa Sansour was born in East Jerusalem and studied fine arts in ... Courtauld Institute, London; Cornerhouse, Manchester; Townhouse, ... Es fehlt: Carolina Press"
Larissa Sansour / Søren Lind - Gorki - Herbstsalonwww.berliner-herbstsalon.de › artist › larissa-sansourLarissa Sansour / Søren Lind. Werk. In The Future They Ate From The Finest Porcelain. ,. Videoinstallation, Es fehlt: Florstadt" | Muss Folgendes enthalten: Florstadt"
Program Calendar | Museum of Fine Arts, BostonIn the Future, They Ate from the Finest Porcelain by Larissa Sansour and Soren Lind (2015, min.). In Arabic with English subtitles.
arte e censura: larissa sansourA artista Larissa Sansour, nascida em Jerusalém, realiza trabalhos de cunho político nos campos da fotografia, vídeo artístico, documentário experimental e ...
Larissa Sansour | International Studio & Curatorial Programiscp-nyc.org › resident › larissa-sa...Central to Larissa Sansour's practice is the tug and pull between fiction and reality in a Middle Eastern context. Recently, she has been interested in the ...
Larissa SANSOURLarissa SANSOUR (b , Est Jerusalem, Palestine) studied fine arts in London, New York and Copenhagen. Her work is immersed in the current political ...
Larissa Sansour (Palestine) – AND – Artists Network DatabaseLarissa Sansour Nationality: Palestinian. Born in Jerusalem 1973, Larissa Sansour studied Fine Art in Copenhagen, London and New York, and graduated with a master’s
Gallery exhibition Larissa Sansour - In the Future, They AteVernissage Friday, January 20th, pm Solo exhibition of Palestinian artist Larissa Sansour featuring her new projects \In the Future, They Ate From...
Larissa Sansour: Heirloom - Announcements - e-fluxLarissa Sansour, Heirloom, Danish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale // May 11–November 24, 2019
Lowave – Innovative Curatorial Projects – Paris / Singapore -...Video artist Larissa Sansour is published in Human Frames/ Fear and Resistance(s) III, DVDs by Lowave.
LARISSA SANSOUR/ NATION ESTATE – 艺术界 LEAPAs LEAP explores possibilities for art's existence in zones of creative and political instability, Larissa Sansour proves that there are always ...
Other FuturesLarissa Sansour and Søren Lind. In the Future they ate from the finest Porcelain is an installation about an underground resistance group that does not plant ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Larissa
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch): Larissa; die Liebliche (?); Altgriechisch (Wortzusammensetzung); laros = lieblich; Name griechischer Herkunft, dessen Bedeutung nicht sicher bekannt ist; vielleicht von 'laros' ('lieblich'), oder übernommen vom Ortsname Larissa in Griechenland; aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übernommen
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Larissa Sansour und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.