110 Infos zu Lars Barquist
Mehr erfahren über Lars Barquist
Lebt in
- Würzburg
Infos zu
- Jörg Vogel
- Infection
- Research
- David
- Goulding
- Helmholtz Institute
- University
- Biology
- Laura
- Westermann
- Salmonella
- Professor
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
zeit.de: Research Positions (f/m/d) Rational design of programmable anti ...jobs.zeit.de › jobs › research-positions-f-m-d-rationa...· Successful candidates will work in the groups of Franziska Faber, Lars Barquist, and Jörg Vogel, which bring together expertise in pathogenic ...
Software beurteilt Gefährlichkeit von KrankheitserregernWürzburg – Eine neue Software analysiert, ob ein neu auftretender Salmonellenstamm eher eine gefährliche Infektion in der menschlichen Blutbahn oder eine...
2,7 Mio Euro für den Kampf gegen multiresistente Keime, Aktuelles ...www.mainfranken.org › Aktuelles › Innovationsregion· ... ein JMU-Team um Professor Jörg Vogel, Juniorprofessor Lars Barquist und Nachwuchsgruppenleiterin Dr. Franziska Faber neue Antibiotika ...
Die RNA-Welt der Mikrobiota erforscht - Innovations Reportwww.innovations-report.de › biowissenschaften-chemieMittels RNA-Sequenzierung haben Westermann und sein Team in enger Kollaboration mit der HIRI-Gruppe von Lars Barquist die in B. theta ...
11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: BIC PI Paul Gardner, Lars Barquist and UC Biomolecular ...www.facebook.com › permalinkLinkedIn: Lars Barquist | LinkedInLars Barquists berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Lars Barquist dabei hilft, ...
LinkedIn: Lars Barquist - Research Group Leader - Helmholtz Institute for RNA ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Lars Barquist auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 6 Jobs sind im Profil von Lars Barquist aufgelistet.
LinkedIn: Lars Barquist - Research Group Leader - Helmholtz Institute LinkedIn上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Lars Barquist的职业档案。Lars的职业档案列出了6 个职位。查看Lars的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的职位。
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Integrative Informatics for Infection Biology | Research | HELMHOLTZ...Jun Prof Lars Barquist. Integrative Informatics for Infection Biology. We develop systems approaches to RNA and infection, using modern visualization, data ...
1 Projekte
SAM tools / [Samtools-help] Discrepancies in reported pileup read...From: Lars Barquist <lars.barquist@un...> :33:43. Hi, I've been running an analysis that depends on read segment boundaries ...
4 Bücher zum Namen
Search ResultsA monthly journal publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research on all topics related to RNA and its metabolism in all organisms
Search Results | Microbiology SocietyMicrobiology Society journals contain high-quality research papers and topical review articles. We are a not-for-profit publisher and we support and invest in...
Specific alignment of structured RNA: stochastic grammars and...We thank Lars Barquist for computer support and Ariel Schwartz for the original development and implementation of the sequence annealing ...
Regulating with RNA in Bacteria and Archaea - Google Books... Sandy R. Pernitzsch (https://www .scigraphix.com/) for producing the figures for this review. Further, I am grateful to Erik Holmqvist, Lars Barquist, ...
8 Dokumente
Robust identification of noncoding RNA from transcriptomes ...arxiv.org › q-bio... Alicia Sook-Wei Lai, Hisham Eldai, Wenting Liu, Stephanie McGimpsey, Nicole Wheeler, Patrick J. Biggs, Nick R. Thomson, Lars Barquist, Anthony M. Poole, ...
Barquist, Lars [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Lars Barquist. The TraDIS toolkit: sequencing and analysis for dense transposon mutant libraries by Lars Barquist( ) 1 edition ...
A comparison of dense transposon insertion libraries in the...Authors: Lars Barquist , Gemma C. Langridge , Daniel J. Turner , Minh-Duy Phan , A. Keith Turner , Alex Bateman , Julian Parkhill , John Wain ...
[ ] Studying RNA homology and conservation with Infernal:...· ... homology and conservation with Infernal: from single sequences to RNA families. Authors:Lars Barquist, Sarah W. Burge, Paul P. Gardner.
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Functional genomics reveals that Clostridium difficile Spo0A...Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium that can reside as a commensal within the intestinal microbiota of healthy individuals or cause...
dblp: Lars BarquistList of computer science publications by Lars Barquist
Lars Barquist | Forschung | Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschungwww.helmholtz-hzi.de › integrative-informatik-der-infektionsbiologie › lar...Prof. Dr. Lars Barquist. "Moderne Hochdurchsatz-Technologien haben die Art und Weise, in der biologische Forschung betrieben wird, massiv verändert und ...
Reviewer acknowledgements Genome BiologyLars Barquist. David Bartel. Douglas Hoyt Bartlett. Adam Bass. Hank Bass. Anindita Basu. Luis F. Z. Batista. Eduard Batlle. Alexis Battle. Philipp Bayer. › ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Lars Barquist - Wikidata› wiki
Helmholtz-Institut für RNA-basierte Infektionsforschung (HIRI) –...Jörg Vogel · Prof. Chase Beisel · Dr. Antoine-Emmanuel Saliba · Jun. Prof. Dr. Neva Caliskan · Jun. Prof. Dr. Lars Barquist · Jun. Prof. Dr. Alexander Westermann ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
A decade of advances in transposon-insertion sequencing | Nature...Lars Barquist. Faculty of Medicine, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. Lars Barquist. Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Yale ...
Developing a method to tease pathogen genomes apart - Wellcome Sanger...: There has been an explosion in genomic data, jumping genes may offer a way for researchers to keep up
Dual RNA-seq unveils noncoding RNA functions in host–pathogen...Using dual RNA-seq technology to profile RNA expression simultaneously in the bacterial pathogen Salmonella and its host during infection reveals molecular...
51 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Lars Barquist - Google ScholarHelmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research - citazioni - Systems Biology - Bacterial Genomics - Sequence Analysis - Evolution -...
Robert Fagan - Google ScholarSenior Lecturer, School of Biosciences, University of Sheffield - Cited by - Microbiology
Lars Barquist | Research | Helmholtz Centre for Infection ...› lars...
Lars Barquist - OSFosf.io › ...Toggle navigation. Search · Support · Donate · Sign Up Sign In. Lars Barquist. Member Since, Public Profile, osf.io/yb6ac. No activity points 1 project ...
University of WürzburgName, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Barquist. Affiliation, Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research HIRI. Street, D15. Zip Code,
Wiep Klaas Smits - Google ScholarAssistant Professor/Principal Investigator, Leiden University Medical Center - Cited by - Microbiology - Genetics - Cell Biology -...
Graduate School of Life Sciences | University of WürzburgLars Barquist Profile Page. Academic Title, Prof. Dr. Last Name, Barquist. First Name, Lars. Section. Infection & Immunity. Affiliation, Helmholtz Institute for ...
Lars Barquist | Research | Helmholtz Centre for Infection ResearchRecent years have seen accelerating development of high-throughput technologies in infection biology. Now, thousands of genetic loci can be ...
Lars Barquist @LBarquist Twitter profile | TwukoExplore @LBarquist Twitter Profile and Download Videos and Photos Research group leader @Helmholtz_HIRI. Pathogen systems biology/informatics. New Hampshirite....
A decade of advances in transposon-insertion sequencing —...von AK Cain · · Zitiert von: 86 — A decade of advances in transposon-insertion sequencing. Amy K. Cain*, Lars Barquist, Andrew L. Goodman, Ian T. Paulsen, Julian Parkhill, Tim van Opijnen. › a-d...
A global genomic approach uncovers novel components for twitching...Laura M. Nolan, Cynthia B. Whitchurch, Lars Barquist, Marilyn Katrib, Christine J. Boinett, Matthew Mayho, David Goulding, Ian G. Charles, Alain Filloux, Julian ...
Bio-Tradis - Wellcome Sanger InstitutePhoto of Dr. Lars Barquist. Dr. Lars Barquist. Sanger Logo. Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, CB10 1SA. UK +44 (0) › tool › b...
IMIB: Bozena Mika-GospodorzBeschreibung
Characterization of the yehUT Two-Component Regulatory System of...von VK Wong · · Zitiert von: 9 — Vanessa K Wong, Derek J Pickard, Lars Barquist, Karthikeyan Sivaraman, Andrew J Page, Peter J Hart, Mark J Arends, Kathryn E Holt, Leanne Kane, ... › ch...
Conditional Hfq association with small noncoding RNAs in Pseudomonas...Kotaro Chihara, Thorsten Bischler, Lars Barquist, Vivian A. Monzon, Naohiro Noda, Jörg Vogel, Satoshi Tsuneda · School of Advanced Science and Engineering.
Barquist Lab | Mendeley CareersDiscover Barquist Lab on Mendeley Careers.
A tool for sequence-based identification and characterization of...The authors are grateful to Prof. Thomas dandekar, Dr. Charlotte Michaux, Caroline Taouk and Dr. Lars Barquist for critical discussions and feedback.
Approaches to querying bacterial genomes with transposon-insertion...Approaches to querying bacterial genomes with transposon-insertion sequencing. Lars Barquist, Christine J. Boinett, Amy K. Cain. Research ...
Distinct Salmonella Enteritidis lineages associated with ...von NA Feasey · · Zitiert von: 142 — ... Paul Wigley, Lars Barquist Barquist, Gemma C Langridge, Theresa Feltwell, Alison E Mather, Maria Fookes, Martin Aslett, Chisomo Msefula, Samuel Kariuki, ... › ...
Functional genomics reveals that Clostridium difficile Spo0A...Laura J Pettit, Hilary P Browne, Lu Yu, Wiep Klaas Smits, Robert P Fagan, Lars Barquist, Melissa J Martin, David Goulding, Sylvia H Duncan, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Lars
Männlicher Vorname (Skandinavisch): Lars; Lateinisch (Geografischer Name als Vorname); laurus = der Lorbeer, der Lorbeerkranz; geht zurück auf den altrömischen Beinamen 'Laurentius': 'der aus der Stadt Laurentium Stammende'; später in Anlehnung an 'laurus' umgedeutet in 'der Lorbeerbekränzte' mit Lorbeerkranz als Symbol des Sieges/des Siegers
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