529 Infos zu Laura Marling
Mehr erfahren über Laura Marling
Infos zu
- Album
- Semper Femina
- Daughter
- Eagle
- English
- EMI Recorded Music
- Music International Div
- Recorded Music International
112 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Album der Woche: Laura Marling – Semper Femina – Für immer Frau |...Sie ist Teil der Nu-Folk-Szene und hat einen ganz eigenen Stil entwickelt: Laura Marling. Ihr Thema auf
Spiegel.de: Neue Alben von Laura Marling, Spoon, Blanck Mass, Yasmine Hamdan -...Angeraut und angeschlaut: Die US-Rockband Spoon entdeckt den Jazz und Folk-Prinzessin Laura Marling ihre Weiblichkeit. Außerdem: zeitgeistiger Brutal-Elektro...
Taz: Monarchie & Alltag – Im Plattenregal im September (3): The Streets ...Christian Ihle PeterLicht hat einen Schuss weg, sagen wir es doch einfach mal so wie es ist. Anders lässt es sich nicht erklären, dass er auf sein neues Album, das vor Melancholie und hinterhältigem Witz nur so sprüht, einen Song packt, ...
Pop: Laura Marling: Semper Femina | Times2 | The TimesHealth warning: the concept behind Laura Marling's new album could make your brain hurt. It was conceived during what she describes as a ...
29 Bilder zu Laura Marling

31 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Laura MarlingFacebook: Laura Marling | FacebookLinkedIn: Neg Earth supplies lighting for Laura Marling.linkedin.comNeg Earth supplies lighting for Laura Marling. After four-and-a-half years away from the road, English folk singer-songwriter, Laura Marling captivated…
LinkedIn: Laura Marling - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada | Professional ...View Laura Marling's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Laura has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
32 Hobbys & Interessen
Samstagabendbeat: Die Neudefintion der tragischen Frauengestalt mit...Semper Femina heißt das neuste, gestern erschienene Album der britischen Musikerin Laura Marling. „Semper Femina“ ist das Ende des Zitats ...
CANCELLED: LAURA MARLING Tickets, Sat, Apr 18, at 8:00 PM |...Eventbrite - The Cedar Cultural Center presents CANCELLED: LAURA MARLING - Saturday, April 18, at The Cedar Cultural Center, Minneapolis, MN. Find event...
Knust am : Laura Marling in HamburgLaura Marling, :00 Uhr. Knust, Hamburg. Laura Marling special Guest: Pete Roe Die erst 21-jährige Sängerin, Komponistin, Gitarristin und...
lastFM: Laura Marling music, videos, stats, and photosLast.fmLaura Marling (born 1st February 1990) is a folk singer/songwriter/guitarist from Eversley, United Kingdom. She began playing the guitar at the age of five, ...
5 Persönliche Webseiten
Laura Marlinglauramarling.comThe official website for Laura Marling Sign up to Laura Marling's newsletter to receive updates about music, merch, and shows.
Laura MarlingLaura Marling
Laura Marling - YouTubeThis is the Official Laura Marling Youtube Channel.The new album 'Song For Our Daughter' is out now.
Laura Marling | Official Ticket StoreThe official Laura Marling ticket site
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Biography — JEFF ROUGVIEWho is this Jeff Rougvie guy?
7 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Laura MarlingActress, Woman Driver: The Musical
Laura Marling | Album Discography | AllMusicwww.allmusic.com › artist › discog...Laura Marling. Biography by Scott Kerr. + Follow Artist. British singer/songwriter who rose to prominence amid the indie folk boom, known for her smart, ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
Laura Marling Quotes - BrainyQuoteEnjoy the best Laura Marling Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Laura Marling, English Musician, Born February 1, Share with your friends.
Billboard - Google BooksIn its 114th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform....
Isle of Noises: Conversations with great British songwritersConversations with her conscience are a recurring theme in Laura Marling's work. In the current musical climate, songwriting rests more firmly in female hands ...
The Voice as Something More: Essays Toward Materiality - Google BooksIn the contemporary world, voices are caught up in fundamentally different realms of discourse, practice, and culture: between sounding and nonsounding,...
28 Songs & Musik
Amazon MP3: Alas I Cannot Swim [Explicit]von Laura Marling, Virgin UK, 2008
Amazon MP3: Devil's Resting Placevon Laura Marling, EMI Recorded Music International Div., 2013
Amazon MP3: I Speak Because I Canvon Laura Marling, Virgin UK, 2010
Laura Marling | SpotifySpotify - Web Player: Music for everyoneListen to Laura Marling on Spotify. Artist · K monthly listeners.
6 Dokumente
Rambling man laura marlingAccording to Goodwin’s TechniquesMusic Video ResearchBy Hanan Mohamed 13KMHRAMBLING MAN- LAURA MARLING
Record LabelsPowerpoint focusing on the big top four music labels
SCHATTENBLICK - LABEL/3729: Universal Music International...SCHATTENBLICK MUSIK FAKTEN LABEL/3729: Universal Music International Presse-Newsletter Universal Music International Presse-Newsletter
2017 Prescribed List of Group Works - Vcaainclude the name, composer/performer and reference recording or score (as appropriate); Indicate which category the Units 3 and 4 Music Performance and Music Investigation: Prescribed list of group works ... 'Just', Radiohead, CD single, EMI International 'Sophia', Laura Marling, A Creature I Don't Know, Virgin.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
NONSTOP: DIE FEINEN KLEINEN (31)wasix Bedenklich, wäre der irgendwo zwischen Indie- und Bubblegum-Pop angesiedelte Sound von Sängerin/Gitarristin Katie White und Drummer Jules De Martino nicht so unendlich catchy, groovy, shaky. "Think of a mash up of CSS, The Waitresses ...
Laura Marling – Once I Was An Eagle – Rezension des Musikmagazins...Laura Marling ist kein Mädchen mehr, keine blasse Elfe – keine Suchende, sondern eine Findende. Ihre Entwicklung von einer besonderen ...
Short Movie by Laura Marling reviews | Any Decent MusicReviews of Short Movie by Laura Marling, Album number five from the indie folk singer-songwriter is self-produced and features an electric backing band
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Laura Marling - New RomanticMusic video for Laura Marling's "New Romantic" Dir. Tom Palliser & Ian Anderson The My Manic & I EP is now unavailable. Laura is releasing a Song Box containing her forthcoming YouTube
BlinkX Video: Laura Marling - GhostsMusic video for the single "Ghosts" directed by James Copeman. Ghosts is taken from the forthcoming album "Alas I Cannot Swim" which is available to pre-order in a Song Box format YouTube
Laura Marling Sings 'I Was an Eagle' at the WSJ CafeBritish folk singer-songwriter Laura Marling, a two-time Mercury Prize nominee, performs a special live version of her song
Sitch Sessions: Laura Marling, 'Wild Fire' | The Bluegrass ...▶ 4:28On a recent visit to New York City, Laura Marling and her band popped into the Cutting Room for a Sitch ...
26 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Laura MarlingWikipediaLaura Marling ; ( ) 1 February (age 34) · Folk · folk rock · indie folk · Singer-songwriter, musician · Vocals; guitar; bass; piano; ukulele.
Laura Marling on Parenthood, Psychoanalysis VogueVogue— On 'Patterns in Repeat,' Laura Marling's first album since becoming a parent, her meditations on love, friendship, and the complexities of ...
Wikipedia: Laura Marling – Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Laura_MarlingLaura Beatrice Marling (* 1. Februar in Eversley, Hampshire, England) ist eine britische Folk-Pop-Sängerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1 Werdegang; Werdegang · Diskografie
Wikipedia: Virgin Records - WikipediaVirgin Records, Ltd. is a British record label founded by English entrepreneur Richard ... Wholly owned by Universal Music Group after its purchase of EMI in 2012, Purchase by Thorn EMI; 7 Merger; 8 Virgin Music international companies The Almost, Mariah Carey (contract ended in 2001), N.E.R.D., Laura Marling, ...
234 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Laura Marling's crew adopt a 'less is more' approach to productionlinkedin.comAfter four-and-a-half years away from the road, English folk singer-songwriter, Laura Marling captivates audiences with a stripped-back, solo acoustic tour…
Laura Marling - None - none | LinkedInView Laura Marling's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Laura has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Laura Marling | LinkedInView Laura Marling's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Laura has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Laura Marling | LinkedInView Laura Marling's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Laura Marling discover inside ...
Laura Marling | Louise Nisbet | LinkedInDid this quick watercolour of Laura Marling this afternoon while waiting for approval on some designs...anyone in need of a portrait?
Laura Marling | False Hope (Audio) - Yahoo Screen▶Music video by Laura Marling performing False Hope (Audio). (C) Virgin Records Ltd.
Laura Marling Tickets – Karten bei EventimMelden Sie sich für den Laura Marling Ticketalarm an und Tickets für Laura Marling bei Eventim sichern!
Laura Marling | Short Movie | VEVO | Videos | Yahoo Screen►►Tritt dieser Fehler wiederholt auf, kann es sich um technische Schwierigkeiten handeln. Wir bitten um ...
Laura Marling - Albums, Songs, and NewsPitchforkLaura Marling Narrates Joni Mitchell Radio Documentary: Listen. by: Jazz Monroe. June ; Mercury Prize Shortlist: Charli XCX, Laura Marling, Dua Lipa ...
Album "Semper Femina" von Laura Marling - Von der ...Als Teenager machte Laura Marling mit ihrem erstaunlichen Debüt "Alas I Cannot Swim" auf sich aufmerksam – und löste sich aus dem ...
Album review Laura Marling A Song For Our Daughter | Music ...www.hamhigh.co.uk › etcetera › al...Album review: Laura Marling – Song For Our Daughter. PUBLISHED: 10: April | UPDATED: 10: April Stephen Moore. Laura Marling ...
Aquarium Drunkard Presents: An Evening With Laura Marling : Aquarium...Thursday night, December 4th, Aquarium Drunkard Presents: An Evening With Laura Marling at Community in Los Angeles. DJ sets by ...
Artists and designers wanted! Designe für Laura MarlingFreelance creatives, artists and designers are invited to submit artwork to this creative brief! A chance to win paid exposure and get your art and designs...
Case study: marketing Laura Marling's Semper Femina albumLaura Marling's last album, 'Semper Femina', is a wonderful piece of work: something I've returned to again and again since its release.
Album review: Laura Marling, ‘Semper Femina’ - The Boston GlobeHer sixth album, ‘‘Semper Femina,’’ contains nine exceptional songs of vulnerability, bursting with femininity and passion.
INTERVIEW | Laura Marling: Becoming A Woman | The Line of Best FitLaura Marling has just turned 27. For ten years the critically acclaimed singer- songwriter has carved her loves and losses into an exquisite ...
Kyle Meredith With... Laura Marling | Podcast | Interview ...consequenceofsound.net ›Laura Marling on the Musical Impact of Studying Psychoanalysis. Singer-songwriter discusses her new album Song For Our Daughter. by CoS ...
Laura Marling | Video | Devil's SpokeLaura Marling präsentiert das Video zu ihrem Hit Devil's Song. Seht euch jetzt den Clip an.
Laura Marling - BMGLaura Marling, popular within London folk scene, is going to release her third album A Creature I Don't Know on 2nd of April, Additionally, this date will ...
Laura Marling: Semper Femina - ArtefactLaura Marling performing at a press conference for her album ... of the press conference for Laura Marling's sixth studio album Semper Femina.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Laura
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Englisch, Ungarisch): Laura; Lateinisch (Geografischer Name als Vorname); laurus = der Lorbeer, der Lorbeerkranz; Information zur männlichen Form Lorenz:; geht zurück auf den altrömischen Beinamen 'Laurentius': 'der aus der Stadt Laurentium Stammende'; später in Anlehnung an 'laurus' umgedeutet in 'der Lorbeerbekränzte' mit Lorbeerkranz als Symbol des Sieges/des Siegers
Personensuche zu Laura Marling & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Laura Marling und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.