27 Infos zu Lena Schrum

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Facebook: Lena Schrum | Facebook

LinkedIn: Lena Schrum - solutions: | #inEcht - LinkedInde.linkedin.com › posts › lena-schrum-a _lena-schrum-solutions-...

Beitrag von Lena Schrum. Profil für Lena Schrum anzeigen · Lena Schrum. Co-Founder & Co-CEO bei aware_ THE PLATFORM I Aufsichtsrätin bei HSV Fußball AG.

[Video] Lena Schrum auf LinkedIn: #nachhaltigkeit ...

From professional footballer to entrepreneur: in the latest episode of the 9:11 Porsche Podcast, I talk to Lena Schrum. From professional footballer to entrepreneur: in the latest episode of the 9:11 Porsche Podcast, I talk to Lena Schrum.

LinkedIn: Beitrag von aware_ THE PLATFORM

“ – Lena Schrum, co-founder of aware_ The Berlin based Performance and Communication Agency DCBerlin x DCPolitics join forces with aware_. “ – Lena Schrum, co-founder of aware_ The Berlin based Performance and Communication Agency DCBerlin x DCPolitics join forces with aware_.

1 Meinungen & Artikel

why was lena schrum on the jerry springer tv show? | Yahoo ...answers.yahoo.com › question

Yes I Lena Schrum was on Jerry Springer back in his 13 season...the name of the show was Hillbilly love and I was on it because my ex boyfriend took me on it ...

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Beitrag von Lena Schrum

... Lena Schrum. She has co-founded the start-up aware_ THE PLATFORM, a start-up that supports companies on their way to better sustainability Lena Schrum. She has co-founded the start-up aware_ THE PLATFORM, a start-up that supports companies on their way to better sustainability ...

Lena Schrum's Post

Lena Schrum's Post. View profile for Lena Schrum, graphic. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast | Board Member at HSV | Investor ... Lena Schrum's Post. View profile for Lena Schrum, graphic. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast | Board Member at HSV | Investor ...

Lena Schrum on LinkedIn: #beaware #sustainabletransformationwww.linkedin.com › posts › lena-schrum-a _beaware-awaremem...

Lena Schrum's Post. View profile for Lena Schrum · Lena Schrum. Co-Founder & Co-CEO bei aware_ THE PLATFORM I Aufsichtsrätin bei HSV Fußball AG.

1KOMMA5° on LinkedIn: #1komma5grad #timing #topic # ...

Lena Schrum war toll dich endlich persönlich zu treffen und dass wir Visionen teilen - rund um deine company mission bei #AWARE und unsere ... Lena Schrum war toll dich endlich persönlich zu treffen und dass wir Visionen teilen - rund um deine company mission bei #AWARE und unsere ...

Alina Bassi's Post - sxsw2022 #innovativetechnology #sxsw

Looking forward to see your pitch ar SXSW. Like · Reply · 1 Reaction 2 Reactions. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast ... Looking forward to see your pitch ar SXSW. Like · Reply · 1 Reaction 2 Reactions. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast ...

Alina Ruge on LinkedIn: #esg #sustainabletransformation

I was able to partake in the growth of the tech-ed start-up founded by Lena Schrum and Kim Fischer and got first-hand experience of working ... I was able to partake in the growth of the tech-ed start-up founded by Lena Schrum and Kim Fischer and got first-hand experience of working ...

Detlev von Platen's Post

If you don't follow your vision, someone else will do it.” This is what Lena Schrum, the co-founder of aware_, told me when I asked her what ... If you don't follow your vision, someone else will do it.” This is what Lena Schrum, the co-founder of aware_, told me when I asked her what ...

Detria Williamson's Post

Kim Fischer Lena Schrum Thomas Andrae Detria Williamson Robina von Stein Marco Rummer Dr. Kerim Galal Patric Hoffmann Tobias Ledermann ... Kim Fischer Lena Schrum Thomas Andrae Detria Williamson Robina von Stein Marco Rummer Dr. Kerim Galal Patric Hoffmann Tobias Ledermann ...

Dr. Carla Woydt's Post

Magnus Drewelies Hannes Nützmann Lena Schrum Kim Fischer Nicole von der Ropp Luis Ruland Sascha Pallenberg 潘賞世 Robin Zuschke Georg Wecken ... Magnus Drewelies Hannes Nützmann Lena Schrum Kim Fischer Nicole von der Ropp Luis Ruland Sascha Pallenberg 潘賞世 Robin Zuschke Georg Wecken ...

Ellen Kuder's Post - sustainability #beaware #partnership

Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast | Board Member at HSV | Investor Relations Consultant | Former Impact Founder. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast | Board Member at HSV | Investor Relations Consultant | Former Impact Founder.

Green City Solutions GmbH's Post

Lena Schrum and Peter Sänger are sending gree(n)tings from the #aware_Conference at TEC campus Berlin! Lena Schrum is co-founder of aware ... Lena Schrum and Peter Sänger are sending gree(n)tings from the #aware_Conference at TEC campus Berlin! Lena Schrum is co-founder of aware ...

Indeed Innovation's Post

Lena Schrum. Experte für Solarenergie und nachhaltige Entwicklung I Aufsichtsrätin HSV Fußball AG I Ex-Impact Founder. 2y. Lena Schrum. Experte für Solarenergie und nachhaltige Entwicklung I Aufsichtsrätin HSV Fußball AG I Ex-Impact Founder. 2y.

JoAnna Kessler, PhD - Vanderbilt University

Lena Schrum. Berlin · Connect · Rob Fournier. Brand voice guides to humanize your business. ‍ ‍ ‍ | Real-life brand stories to connect with empathy ... Lena Schrum. Berlin · Connect · Rob Fournier. Brand voice guides to humanize your business. ‍ ‍ ‍ | Real-life brand stories to connect with empathy ...

Konstantin Graf's Post

A great evening of inspiration from panels with Lena Schrum, Sophia Rödiger, Philipp Hartmann and Patrick Huke. My top start-up picks are ... A great evening of inspiration from panels with Lena Schrum, Sophia Rödiger, Philipp Hartmann and Patrick Huke. My top start-up picks are ...

MetaDesign's Post - Kim Fischer

boom! Like · Reply · 1 Reaction 2 Reactions. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast | Board Member at HSV | Investor ... boom! Like · Reply · 1 Reaction 2 Reactions. Lena Schrum. Sustainability and Sports Enthusiast | Board Member at HSV | Investor ...

René Staud's Post

Looking forward to Support aware to “see the world with open eyes”. Thanks for being part of this journey Kim Fischer and Lena Schrum. Looking forward to Support aware to “see the world with open eyes”. Thanks for being part of this journey Kim Fischer and Lena Schrum.

Robert Ermich's Post

... Lena Schrum and many more exciting personalities. Great to be able to connect the dots between some of my existing investments such as box Lena Schrum and many more exciting personalities. Great to be able to connect the dots between some of my existing investments such as box ...

Thank you for having me on your adivsory board

... sustainable business world - in the interest of all of us. Kim Fischer Lena Schrum ✨ Comments · Like Comment. Share. Copy; LinkedIn ... sustainable business world - in the interest of all of us. Kim Fischer Lena Schrum ✨ Comments · Like Comment. Share. Copy; LinkedIn

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Lena

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Lena; die Strahlende; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); helene = die Fackel, der Glanz, die Sonnenstrahlen; in der griechischen Mythology ist Helena die Tochter von Zeus und Leda; ihre Entführung war der Grund für den Trojanischen Krieg; der Name 'Helios' des griechischen Sonnengotts hat dieselben WurzelnWeiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Lena; die aus Magdala Stammende; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); migdal = der Turm; Beiname von Maria Magdalena, in der Bibel einer der treuesten Jüngerinnen Jesu; zur Zeit Jesu war Magdala eine Stadt am See Genezareth, deren Name wiederum auf ein hebräisch/aramäisches Wort für 'Turm' zurückgeht

Personensuche zu Lena Schrum & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Lena Schrum und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.