265 Infos zu Leon Theremin
Mehr erfahren über Leon Theremin
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- Physiker
- Russian
- Lev Sergeyevich Termen
- Erfinder
- Music
- Lev Termen
- Russia
- Sergejewitsch Termen
- Musik
- Independent
- Moscow
20 Aktuelle Nachrichten
100 Jahre Theremin: Schaurigschönes von der Synthesizer ...orf.at › storiesVor hundert Jahren hat Leon Theremin ein Instrument erfunden, das das elektronische Musikzeitalter einleitete. Der wunderbar schräge Sound ...
Leon Theremin: The man and the music machine - BBC NewsLeon Theremin had come to the Bolshevik leader's attention after inventing a revolutionary electronic musical instrument that was played without ... Missing: HuaXue GongYe ChuBanShe"
NZZ: Theremin: 100 Jahre elektronische MusikDer Physiker und Musiker Leon Theremin hatte die Klangmaschine nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg konstruiert und war damit selbst bei Lenin auf ...
Guardian: Weird science | Culture | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › octThe Russian researcher Leon Theremin was supposed to build a better television. Instead he created the world's oddest musical instrument.
30 Bilder zu Leon Theremin

20 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Leon ThereminFacebook: Stompbox Sonic - Leon Theremin is the man! He would have ...Facebook: Leon Theremin | FacebookMySpace: leon theremin ( )3 Hobbys & Interessen
lastFM: (leon-theremin)Theremin | musical instrument | Britannicawww.britannica.com › art › thereminTheremin, electronic musical instrument invented in in the Soviet Union by Leon Theremin (also called Lev Termen). It consists of a box with radio tubes ...
Leon Theremin | nmz - neue musikzeitungAußerdem können sie über Rubriken, Genres und Orte navigieren. Alle Artikel kategorisiert unter »Leon Theremin«. Von Toastern und Haydn ...
9 Persönliche Webseiten
Theremin World Articles tagged with Leon ThereminAn incredibly rare original Teletouch theremin built by Professor Leon Theremin himself will be auctioned by Sotheby's auction house on December 12th.
Info über Leon Theremin - Renates PuppenträumeInfo über Leon Theremin. Theremin. Die Familie Theremin stammt aus dem Süden Frankreichs. Über Deutschland verbreiteten sich die Vorfahren auch nach ...
Leon Theremin | Russian Theremin School | Школа ...theremin.school › leon-thereminLeon Theremin is considered the father “RDIF-technology”, sensor technology and electric music, a pioneer of television. Laureate of Stalin Prize (I degree), ...
Leon Theremin - The Wirewww.thewire.co.uk › about › artistsThe Wire. The world's greatest print and online music magazine. Independent since About. News In Writing Audio Video Galleries Events Magazine ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Theremin at Stanford | Stanford Libraries) for a concert and symposium honoring the then 95 year-old inventor of the first practical electronic musical instrument, Leon Theremin.
8 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Leon Theremin - IMDbLeon Theremin. Als er/sie selbst: Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey. Leon Theremin wurde am 15 August in St. Petersburg, Russia geboren. Er war mit Maria,...
IMDB Filmographie: Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey (1993) - IMDbTheremin: An Electronic Odyssey: Directed by Steven M. Martin. With Leon Theremin, Clara Rockmore, Robert Moog, Nicolas Slonimsky. A documentary about the...
2 Projekte
Project MUSE - Leonardo Music Journal-Volume 6, 1996Special Section: Leon Theremin, Pioneer of Electronic Art. Light and Shadows of a Great Life: In Commemoration of the One-Hundredth ...
HKW | Technosphärenklänge #2: ConcertsEver since Pythagoras’s monochord experiments, mathematics have radically expanded our understanding of and the possibilities for producing and experiencing...
8 Bücher zum Namen
Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage by Albert GlinskyTheremin book. Read 22 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A creative genius and prolific inventor, Leon Theremin almost single-hande...
Anfänge der elektronischen Musik - Beginnings: Goethe-InstitutIn 1919, the Russian engineer Leon Theremin developed the first electronic instrument Copyright: Goethe Institut e. V., Online-Redaktion
Leon Theremin Quotes - BrainyQuoteEnjoy the best Leon Theremin Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Leon Theremin, Russian Inventor, Born August 15, Share with your friends.
Henry's Attic: Some Fascinating Gifts to Henry Ford and His Museum -...Henry's Attic provides fascinating documentation of some of the one million artifacts in the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. The items represent both...
3 Songs & Musik
bol.com: Theremin, Albert Glinsky | | Boeken - bol.comwww.bol.com › ... › MuziekinstrumentenTheremin (Paperback). A creative genius and prolific inventor, Leon Theremin almost single-handedly launched the field of electronic music in The...
Leon Theremin on Spotifyopen.spotify.com › artistLeon Theremin, Category: Artist, Monthly Listeners: 11, Where People Listen: Quito, Bilbao, Conceicao do Coite, Berlin, Rome.
Leon Theremin (RUS): Diskographie, Links, Infos | Musik-Sammler.deInformationen zu Leon Theremin
5 Dokumente
ThereminJust a 'snipsnap' about leon theremin and the development oh theremin the early electronic musical instrument s
Mehr als Fernsehen | wissen.deLeon Theremin gelang eine Übertragung bei Tageslicht und zwar mithilfe kleiner Spiegel statt der Löcher in der Nipkow-Scheibe. Der sowjetische Geheimdienst ...
File:Leon Theremin.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsDETAIL of Leon Theremin performing a trio for theremin, voice and piano, c Date. Source, Griffiths, Paul (1978). A Concise History of ...
Leon Theremin (Lev Termen) - NASA/ADSui.adsabs.harvard.edu › abstractLeon Theremin (Lev Termen). Nikitin, Pavel. Abstract. Publication: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. Pub Date: October 2012; DOI: MAP.
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Rediscovering Leon Theremin on JSTORRediscovering Leon Theremin. In the early 1920s and 30s a strange electronic instrument found its way from Russia into some of the more fashionable ...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
RFID-Vox: A Tribute to Leon Theremin | SpringerLinkThis chapter is dedicated to Leon Theremin, the inventor of the first passive RFID tag-like device, who is more widely known as an inventor of the contactless...
Leon Theremin Playing His Own Instrument : Léon Theremin : Free...Leon Theremin Playing His Own Instrument
Rob Schwimmer: Theremin Hero - RiffRafRussian physicist Lev Sergeyevich Termen (Leon Theremin) invented the theremin in What's a theremin, you ask? A theremin is the only instrument that generates ...
Theremin - definition of theremin by The Free DictionaryDefine theremin. theremin synonyms, theremin pronunciation, theremin translation, English dictionary definition of theremin. n. An electronic instrument played...
5 Video- & Audioinhalte
Leon Theremin playing his own instrument - video DailymotionLeon Theremin playing his own instrument
Leon Theremin Playing the Theremin - TeachRockteachrock.org › video › leon-there...Leon Theremin Playing the Theremin. Leon Theremin Playing the Theremin. Related Lessons. Sound Waves ...
Presentation by Andrey Smirnov "Rhythm 'n' Light. The Story of Leon...Technosphärenklänge #2 Thu, Apr 21 & Fri, Apr 22
Watch NMC Learning at Home: The ThereminFor NMC Learning at Home, Evan the Educator looks at the theremin, a 100-year-old instrument of the future.
22 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikiquote Zitate: Léon Theremin - WikiquoteSource: An Interview with Leon Theremin / Olivia Mattis and Leon Theremin in Bourges, France 16 June I was interested in making a different kind of ...
Wikipedia: Leon Theremin - Leon Theremin - qaz.wikinl.qaz.wiki › wiki › Leon_ThereminLeon Theremin (geboren Lev Sergeyevich Termen Rus: Лев Сергеевич Термéн , IPA: [ˈlʲef sʲɪrˈɡʲejɪvʲɪtɕ tɨrˈmʲen] ; 28 augustus ...
Wikipedia: Leon Theremin - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Leon_T...Leon Theremin was a Russian and Soviet inventor, most famous for his invention of the theremin, one of the first electronic musical instruments and the first to be ...
Wikipedia: Leon Theremin – Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Leon_ThereminLew Sergejewitsch Termen, später Leon Theremin (russisch Лев Сергеевич Термен, wiss. Transliteration Lev Sergeevič Termen; Betonung: Lew Sergéjewitsch ...
122 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Geschichten aus der Geschichte - GAG101: Leon Theremin – Was die...Der Alltag hat uns wieder. Auf die Jubiläumsepisode folgt in gewohntem Rhythmus die nächste Geschichte. Es geht diesmal um Leon Theremin, den Erfinder des...
Leon Theremin — Google Arts & CultureLew Sergejewitsch Termen, später Leon Theremin war ein russischer Physiker und Erfinder.
By Kalid Adem Introduced by Leon Theremin in 1945, the RFID Chip... Introduced by Leon Theremin in 1945, the RFID Chip was invented as an espionage tool for the Soviets that retransmits audio information It can be used to...
Theremin, Leon Theremin, Lev Termen, Music, Electronics ...Leon Theremin, Clara Rockmore, Lydia Kavina, Perrey & Kingsley, Ron Geesin, Lothar & the Hand People, The Lothars, Walter Sear, Raymond Scott, Bruce ...
Celebrating Leon Theremin’s Birthday with Video, Notes, Links, and a...Leon Theremin (born Lev Sergeyevich Terme) was born on this day, August 15th, To help celebrate I’m going to do a bit of a stream of consciousness post and ...
leon theremin - LEO: Übersetzung im Englisch ⇔ Deutsch WörterbuchLernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'leon theremin' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten ✓ Aussprache und...
De:Bug Musiktechnik » leon thereminTagged leon theremin. 05 · Trailer: Elektro Moskva · Benjamin Weiss NEWS. Doku über die russische Synthesizergeschichte. linncraig ...
Celebrating the Life of Leon Theremin | COMSOL BlogLeon Theremin, also called the Russian Edison, is known for creating the theremin and the Thing. We explore his life and achievements here.
Other/unknown Leon Theremin Blank Panel - Frac Module on ModularGridOther/unknown Leon Theremin Blank Panel - Frac Module -
Weird, or wonderful? Rachmaninov played by Leon Theremin on his...The inside track on classical music and related cultures, by Norman Lebrecht
LEON THEREMIN – highlikehighlike.org › leon-thereminLEON THEREMIN. ליאון טרמין 레온 테레민 Лев Термен théremin. he invented an electronic device known as the theremin, which was a unique musical ...
Leon Theremin - De radio 5-documentaire - HUMANEen portret van Leon Theremin ( ), uitvinder van o.a. het muziekinstrument de Termenvox, beter bekend als de Theremin. Over Theremins leven, de ...
Leon Theremin Fotos | IMAGOSuchen Sie nach Leon Theremin Fotos und ber 100 Millionen weiteren aktuellen Bildern und Stockfotos bei IMAGO. Tglich werden Tausende neue hochwertige Bilder...
Leon Theremin – ETHWLeon Theremin played an influential role in the field of electronic musical instruments during the 20th century. Born in St. Petersburg, Russia with the name Lev ...
Leon Theremin Gets His Own Comic Book, And Then Goes Time Traveling -...Create digital music, motion, and more.
Leon Theremin Bioscoopagendawww.biosagenda.nl › p _le...Leon Theremin - acteur Films van Leon Theremin in de bioscoop. Er draaien momenteel geen films van Leon Theremin in de bioscopen ...
Leon Theremin und sein Theremin | RECORDING.deIn den ORF-News habe ich einen Artikel über (den mir unbekannten) Leon Theremin gefunden, ist vermutlich für Freunde der elektronischen ...
Schwedisch: Leon Theremin im Deutsch-Schwedischen WörterbuchÜbersetzung Deutsch-Schwedisch, Översättning svenska-tyska
Leon Theremin | HackadayOne hundred years ago, a young Russian physicist named Lev Sergeyevich Termen, better known as Leon Theremin, was trying to invent a device to measure ...
Leon Theremin Quotes. QuotesGramDiscover and share Leon Theremin Quotes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Leon
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Leon; der Löwe; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); leo = der Löwe; geht zurück auf einen spätrömischen Beinamen; auch Kurzform von 'Leonhard' und 'Leopold'; bisher trugen 13 Päpste den Namen Leo
Verwandte Personensuchen
Personensuche zu Leon Theremin & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Leon Theremin und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.