141 Infos zu Leonie Gerhards
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Infos zu
- Gender Differences
- Department of Economics
- University of Hamburg
- Michael Kosfeld
- Daniele Nosenzo
- Universität
- Gächter
- Simon
18 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Hedge-Fonds - Gift oder Heilmittel?, Deutsche Postbank AG,...Deutsche Postbank AG, Die Deutsche Postbank AG hat heute in Bonn drei Studententeams aus Bonn, Köln und Regensburg mit dem Postbank Finance Aw…
Leonie Gerhards | MDR.DEDer Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk ist Mitglied der ARD.. Kontakt; Impressum; Datenschutz; MDR.de. Startseite; Fernsehen; Radioprogramme; Mediathek
Auf ins Museum! | Freunde des Museums WiesbadenKonzeptarbeit: Diese vier Studierenden wollen noch mehr Menschen ihrer Generation ins Museum holen. Maxi Schneider, Leonie Gerhards, Christopher Feld, Selina Türck vor Arbeiten von Moritz Neuhoff (traces 2, dash, blur 1; Acryl auf Leinwand) in der Ausstellung „Jetzt! Junge Malerei in …
Gymnasium Konz... Tom Denne (Konz-Oberemmel), Leonie Gerhards (Konz-Niedermennig), Sebastian Hahn (Oberbillig), Elena Huber (Konz-Roscheid), Svenja Jötten (Wasserliesch), ...
1 Bilder zu Leonie Gerhards
5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Leonie Gerhards | FacebookLinkedIn: Leonie Gerhards – Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg – Frankfurt ...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Leonie Gerhards auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Leonie Gerhards aufgelistet.
Leonie Gerhards | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Leonie Gerhards, with 16 highly influential citations and 14 scientific research papers.
Michael Kosfeld | IZA - Institute of Labor...Michael Kosfeld is a Professor of Business Administration at Goethe University Frankfurt, where he holds the Chair of Organization and Management. He...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Leonie Gerhards: Ausbildung und Berufserfahrung | XINGwww.xing.com › profile › Leonie_GerhardsBerufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Leonie Gerhards direkt bei XING.
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Brown Bag ...Jan 11, · Leonie Gerhards: Gender Differences in Sympathy Effects on Cooperation and Coordination: : Steffen Eger: Opinion formation and naive learning in social networks: The case of distrust: : Heiner Schumacher: Us and Them: On Distributional Preferences in Small and Large Groups: : Neele Siemer
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Ehemalige Doktoranden und...Ehemalige Doktoranden und Mitarbeiter. Dr. Christiane Bradler. Dr. Nguyen-Khang Do. Dr. Dr. Frank Drzensky · Dr. Leonie Gerhards, Universität Hamburg.
3 Persönliche Webseiten
Leonie Gerhards | Post-doc, Department of Economics, University of ...leoniegerhards.comWelcome to my website! In my research, I study the behavioral factors that influence individuals' behavior in organizations and in society in general.
CV | Dr. Leonie GerhardsFull CV (pdf) Current position and professional activities Since : Postdoc, Department of Economics, Chair of Industrial Economics, University of ...
Contact | Leonie GerhardsUniversity of Hamburg Department of Economics Von-Melle-Park 5, Office Hamburg, Germany Phone: + Email: leonie.gerhards [at]...
5 Infos zur Ausbildung
Former CeDEx Members - The University of Nottingham... with colleagues from CeDEx on a number of ongoing projects - including with former CeDEx members Lingbo Huang, Hande Erkut and Leonie Gerhards.
CeDEx : The importance of peers for compliance with norms of...Simon Gächter, Leonie Gerhards and Daniele Nosenzo
Publications - The University of NottinghamERC Project Cooperation has generated a significant number of publications so far with more output being produced all the time. This section lists the various...
Theme 2 - Peer Effects and Social Norms - The University of ...www.nottingham.ac.uk › research[Supplementary Materials including Data]; Gächter, Simon, Leonie Gerhards, and Daniele Nosenzo (August 2017). The importance of peers for compliance with ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental ...... Leonie Gerhards and Lydia Mechtenberg “Deliberative structures and their impact on voting behavior under social conflict.” Barcelona GSE Working ...
Nicht Alles Gold, was glänzt - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite... Leonie Gerhards Arm angenommen , aber sobald man die Gebäude der Fa- brik aus dem Gesicht verloren hatte , zog sie sanft ihren Arm weg . Entschuldigen Sie ...
You Should Smile More: How to Dismantle Gender Bias in the Workplace... Leonie Gerhards of the University of Hamburg conducted a study on men and women and how likability played into success. An economist, Gerhards focused on ...
Grit trumps talent? : an experimental approach - EconBizGrit trumps talent? : an experimental approach . Leonie Gerhards and Christina Gravert. Year of publication:
6 Dokumente
Experimental Economic and MarketsExperimental Economics. Experimentielle Ekonomik. Verhaltensökonomik
Because of You I Did Not Give Up - How Peers Affect Perseverance by...Various empirical papers have shown that peers affect productivity and behavior in the workplace. However, the mechanisms through which peers influence each oth
Competition, Risk-shifting, and Public Bail-out Policies, The Review...This article empirically investigates the competitive effects of government bail-out policies. We construct a measure of bail-out perceptions by using rating...
No one to blame: Biased belief updating without attributionimebess.org › data › abstracts › abstract_0096No one to blame: Biased belief updating without attribution. Alexander Coutts 1, Leonie Gerhards 2, Zahra Murad Nova School of Business and Economics, ...
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Locus of control and consistent investment choices - ScienceDirectWe are grateful to the associate editor Tal Shavit, two anonymous referees, Benjamin Enke, Guido Friebel, Leonie Gerhards, Andreas Hackethal, Matthias Heinz ...
GLEA annual meeting in Hannover - accepted papers ...Leonie Gerhards 31 Wulf Alexander SRH Berlin Artificial Intelligence and Transparency. 32 Xi Chao Hong Kong Is Institutional Investor Activism a Myth? Evidence from China. 33 Zapha Chloe Fr. Strategie Using Heterogeneity in Commercial-Court Decisions to Measure the Stigma of Bankruptcy Filing in
European Economic Review | Vol 97, Pages (August 2017) |...Simon Gächter, Leonie Gerhards, Daniele Nosenzo. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. select article The effect of ambient temperature shocks ...
The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing -...... Behavioural Science) and the European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant COOPERATION. Leonie Gerhards thanks the Danish Council ...
7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Because of you I did not give up - How peers affect...By Leonie Gerhards and Christina Gravert; Abstract: Various empirical papers have shown that peers affect productivity and behavior in the workplace. However ...
Responsiveness to feedback as a personal trait | SpringerLinklink.springer.com › article· Thomas Buser,; Leonie Gerhards &; Joël van der Weele. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty volume 56, pages 165–192 (2018)Cite this article.
Postbank Finance Award - de.LinkFang.orgBetreuer: André Betzer, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität; Team: Daniel Bembennek, Jasmin Gider, Leonie Gerhards, Moritz Weigand, Timo Schilz,; Ausarbeitung: ...
EconPapers: The Importance of Peers for Compliance with Norms of Fair...By Simon Gächter, Leonie Gerhards and Daniele Nosenzo; ... for the Study of Labor (IZA) IZA, P.O. Box 7240, D Bonn, Germany.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Leonie Gerhards - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Postbank Finance Award – WikipediaDer Postbank Finance Award war mit einem Preisgeld von insgesamt € der Team: Daniel Bembennek, Jasmin Gider, Leonie Gerhards, Moritz Weigand, Timo Schilz, ... Betreuer: Rainer Haselmann, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn; Team: Markus Behn, Jonas Sobott, Rüdiger Weber, Dorje Wulf ...
ESA-announce ESA events at ASSA meetings (San Diego, January 2013) |...As in past years, the Economic Science Association is s…
What to blame? | NHH· FAIR invites you to an online seminar with Leonie Gerhards Post-doc, Department of Economics, University of Hamburg. The seminar is titled: ...
Local Organizers | 9th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and...The conference is organized by: Alexander Koch, Aarhus University Emma von Essen, Aarhus University Heiner Schumacher, Aarhus University Julia Nafziger, Aarhus...
56 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Leonie Gerhards - Google 学术搜索Post doctoral researcher, University of Hamburg - 引用次数:265 次 - Behavioral economics - experimental economics - economics of incentives
Leonie Gerhards - محقق GoogleAssistant Professor, King's Business School London, Economics Group - ۳۶۷ مقاله نقلقول کرده است - Behavioral economics - experimental economics
Leonie Gerhards - Google ScholarAssistant Professor, King's Business School London, Economics Group - 293-mal zitiert - Behavioral economics - experimental economics
Women have to be more likeable than men study finds - Yahoowww.yahoo.com › lifestyle › women-men-likeable-s...· ... factor that offers a novel perspective on gender differences in labour market outcomes," said Leonie Gerhards, the paper's lead author.
DR. LEONIE GERHARDS Postdoc with teaching responsibilities...LEONIE GERHARDS University of Hamburg Department of Economics ... Professor Guido Friebel Diploma studies in economics at University of Bonn, ...
intrinsische motivation - Translation from English into German | PONSLook up the English to German translation of intrinsische motivation in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and...
intrinsische Motivation - Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzung | PONSÜbersetzung Deutsch-Englisch für intrinsische Motivation im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
Daniele Nosenzo - PublicationsThe Importance of Peers for Compliance with Norms of Fair Sharing (with Simon Gächter and Leonie Gerhards), European Economic Review, 97,
Thomas Buser(with Leonie Gerhards and Joël van der Weele). Is responsiveness to feedback a stable trait that can be measured at the individual level? Can it predict the ...
Joël van der Weele - Google AcadémicoUniversity of Amsterdam - Citado por - Behavioral economics - experimental economics - confidence and self-image - motivated beliefs -...
Women have to be more likeable than men study findsca.sports.yahoo.com › news › wo...... at the existence of a likeability factor that offers a novel perspective on gender differences in labour market outcomes," said Leonie Gerhards, ...
Leonie GerhardsLeonie Gerhards has published from upto at (or in association with) the University of Amsterdam (as found in the CRIS of the UvA for the years ...
Organisationsökonomischer Ausschuss - Vorsitz / BoardDr. Matthias Kräkel, University of Bonn. Prof. Dr. Marina Schröder, University of ... Dr. Leonie Gerhards, University of Hamburg. Dr. Anna Gumpert, LMU Munich.
A Real-Effort Experiment on Gift Exchange with Temptation - PDF Free...... Leonie Gerhards, Stefan Hirth, Marie Claire Villeval, Erik Wengström, as well as seminar participants in Aarhus, Berlin, Lund, and Vienna for helpful comments ...
Bonner gewinnen Hochschulpreis der PostbankStudenten-Team der hiesigen Universität macht Rennen um den mit Euro dotierten Finance Award
Alexander CouttsHomepage of Assistant Professor of Economics at Schulich School of Business Alexander Coutts. Studies Behavioral and Development Economics at Schulich....
Hedge-Fonds - Gift oder Heilmittel? - dvb-PressespiegelPreisträger des 5. Postbank Finance Award stehen fest Preisträger des 5. Postbank Finance Award stehen fest Die Deutsche Postbank AG hat heu...
Exercise1_Industrieökonomik_D Kostenloser DownloadExercise 1_Industrieökonomik_Dr_ Leonie Gerhards_SoSe17. Semester: Sommer Dozent: Dr. Leonie Gerhards. Hier geht's zu weiteren Dokumenten
Dr. Muhammad Azam CHAUDHARY - PDF Free DownloadDR. LEONIE GERHARDS University of Hamburg Department of Economics Von-Melle-Park 5, Office Hamburg, Germany Phone: + hamburg.de PERSONAL INFORMATION: More information
Exercise7_Industrieökonomik_D Free download - Studydrivewww.studydrive.net › viewfileExercise7_Industrieökonomik_Dr. Leonie Gerhards_SoSe17. Semester: Summer Professor: Dr. Leonie Gerhards. Click here to see more documents
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Leonie
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Leonie; der Löwe; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); leo = der Löwe; Information zur männlichen Form Leo:; geht zurück auf einen spätrömischen Beinamen; auch Kurzform von 'Leonhard' und 'Leopold'; bisher trugen 13 Päpste den Namen Leo
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Gerhards
Gerhards bedeutet aus dem Germanischen: < Ger > = Speer + < hards > = Stark-gewandt Im Sinn soll GERHARDS bedeueten: < Wie der Vater , so der Sohn >
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Michael Kosfeld
- Christina Gravert
- Lydia Mechtenberg
- Matthias Heinz
- Timo Schilz
- Moritz Weigand
- Maxi Schneider
- Daniel Bembennek
- Guido Friebel
- Alexander Coutts
- Christopher Feld
Personensuche zu Leonie Gerhards & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Leonie Gerhards und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.