217 Infos zu Licheng Jiao
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- International Conference
- Xi'an
- Lipo Wang
- Advances in Natural
- Fuzzy
- Jing Liu
- China
- Proceedings
- Xidian University
3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
ISPRS e-Bulletin #4: November 2018Yinghui Xing, Min Wang, Shuyuan Yang, Licheng Jiao Pages: Semantic labeling in very high resolution images via a self-cascaded convolutional neural network Yongcheng Liu, Bin Fan, Lingfeng Wang, Jun Bai, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan Pages: A new deep convolutional neural network for fast hyperspectral image classification
ISPRS e-Bulletin #3: July 2014Special Issue of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information Remote ... Licheng Jiao, Meng Jia, Linzhi Su Pages: Discontinuous GBSAR deformation monitoring
1 Bilder zu Licheng Jiao

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Licheng Jiao | FacebookGitHub - bruinxiong/xionglin.github.io: BioBio. Contribute to bruinxiong/xionglin.github.io development by creating an account on GitHub.
Alle bøger af Licheng Jiao - Saxo. Læs Lyt LevLeder du efter bøger skrevet af Licheng Jiao? SAXO.com har alle dine yndlingsforfattere. Find alle bøger af forfatteren Licheng Jiao her.
Author: Licheng Jiao | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)Licheng Jiao: Publications, bio, bibliography, etc
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Dongdong Yang, Licheng Jiao & Maoguo Gong, Adaptive multi‐objective...Seunghwa Lee, Heeyong Youn & Eunseok Lee (2005). Context Adaptive Self-Configuration System Based on Multi-Agent. In B. Kokinov A. Dey (ed.), Modeling ...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
ZHUANG, Xiahai BibTex (庄吓海 BibTex)... title = {An Atlas-Based Segmentation Propagation Framework Using Locally ... and Hujun Yin and Licheng Jiao and Jianfeng Ma and Yong-Chang Jiao", ISBN ...
55 Bücher zum Namen
Sleuth of Baker StreetFor all of your crime and mystery fiction needs, new, out of print, Sherlockian,
Licheng Jiao (Author of Brain and Nature-Inspired Learning ...www.goodreads.com › show ›Join Goodreads. to see if your friends have read any of Licheng Jiao's books. Sign Up Now · Sign in with Facebook. Licheng Jiao. Follow Author. 0 followers ...
adlibris.com: licheng jiao | AdlibrisHos Adlibris hittar du miljontals böcker och produkter inom licheng jiao Vi har ett brett sortiment av böcker, garn, leksaker, pyssel, sällskapsspel och mycket...
Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery von Lipo Wang / Licheng Jiao /...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2006, held in federation...
15 Dokumente
[ ] A Survey of Deep Learning-based Object DetectionTitle:A Survey of Deep Learning-based Object Detection. Authors:Licheng Jiao, Fan Zhang, Fang Liu, Shuyuan Yang, Lingling Li, Zhixi Feng, ...
Overlapping community detection via network dynamics ...· PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, (2012) Overlapping community detection via network dynamics Jianshe Wu, Licheng Jiao, Chao Jin, Fang Liu, …
Complex Scene Classification of PolSAR Imagery based on a ...arxiv.org › csAuthors:Wenshuai Chen, Shuiping Gou, Xinlin Wang, Licheng Jiao, Changzhe Jiao, Alina Zare. (Submitted on 18 Mar 2019). Abstract: Existing ...
Fast Source Reconstruction for Bioluminescence Tomography Based on...IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 57, NO. 10, OCTOBER Fast Source Reconstruction for Bioluminescence Tomography Based on Sparse...
17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Shuyuan YangList of computer science publications by Shuyuan Yang
Search results for "Licheng Jiao" – FacetedDBLPPublications of "Licheng Jiao" ( http://dblp.L3S.de/Authors/Licheng_Jiao ) URL (Homepage): http://web.xidian.edu.cn/lchjiao/indexen.html Author page on DBLP …
Discriminant deep belief network for high-resolution SAR ...www.sciencedirect.com › abs › piiLicheng Jiao received the B.S. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Xian Jiaotong ...
dblp: Licheng JiaoList of computer science publications by Licheng Jiao
13 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
MIPPR 2009: Automatic Target Recognition and Image Analysis | (2009)...Author(s): Lizuo Jin; Zhiguo Bian; Xiaobing Li; Hong Pan; Siyu Xia. Show Abstract ... Author(s): Shuiping Gou; Yuqin Wang; Licheng Jiao.
Community detection based on modularity and EconPaperseconpapers.repec.org › RePEc:eee:...By Ronghua Shang, Jing Bai, Licheng Jiao and Chao Jin; Abstract: Complex networks are widely applied in every aspect of human society, ...
Kindred WorksAn experimental FRBR-based prototype that provides recommendations for books.
Hybrid Intelligent Techniques for Benchmark Functions and ...Volume (2014), Article ID , 11 pages; Semisupervised Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification, Xiangrong Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Anand Paul, ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Enhancing robustness of coupled networks under targeted recoveries |...Article
Enhancing robustness of coupled networks under targeted ...www.nature.com › ... › articlesMaoguo Gong,; Lijia Ma,; Qing Cai &; Licheng Jiao. Scientific Reports volume 5, Article number: (2015) Cite this article Accesses.
96 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedIn: #mostcited #remotesensing ...www.linkedin.com... Wu, Xina Cheng and Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/gM3XvanU #imageprocessing. No alternative text description for this image. 2 · Like Comment. Share. Copy
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedIn: A Deep Detection Network ...www.linkedin.com... Licheng Jiao Read the full article: https://lnkd.in/dcjZfEEt ...
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedIn: A High-Speed, Light-Weight Scalar ...www.linkedin.com· ... Li and Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/gR4eQ5H9 #imageprocessing. No alternative text description for this image. 4 · Like Comment. Share. Copy
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedInwww.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao Read the full article: https://lnkd.in/g7pXU8hF. No alternative text description for this image. 2 · Like Comment. Share. Copy
Wentao Huang - Johns Hopkins University School of Medicinewww.linkedin.comLicheng Jiao. Modeling contextual modulation in the primary visual cortex. Neural Networks Other authors. Licheng Jiao. Population stochastic dynamics for ...
Xiaoying Gao - IBM - LinkedInwww.linkedin.comLicheng Jiao. See patent · SAR image search method based on sparse coding classification. Issued October 7, China CN A. The invention provides an ...
Jocelyn Chanussot on LinkedIn: #contrastivelearning #outlierdetectionwww.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao. https://lnkd.in/drVFK9qd GIPSA-lab MIAI@GRENOBLE ALPES Chinese Academy of Sciences #contrastivelearning #outlierdetection ...
Jocelyn Chanussot on LinkedIn: #openaccess #remotesensing ...www.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao doi: JSTARS https://lnkd.in/etFgdmjb Xidian University GIPSA-lab IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing ...
Jocelyn Chanussot on LinkedIn: #remotesensing #polsar ...www.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/daDshbY IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing (GRSS) GIPSA-lab MIAI@GRENOBLE ALPES 西安电子科技大学 #remotesensing ...
Jocelyn Chanussot on LinkedInwww.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/dxvtTtb2 IEEE GRSS Technical Committee on Image Analysis and Data Fusion IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing ...
Lin Xiong (熊霖) on LinkedIn: A work cooperated with Professor ...www.linkedin.com· Congratulations to Zhaolong Du, Shasha mao, Licheng Jiao and others! In video analysis, one important challenge is insufficient annotated data ...
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedIn: #mostdownloaded #grace ...www.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/g8QfQn-b #ArtificialInteligence. No alternative text description for this image. 3 · Like Comment. Share. Copy
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedIn: #mostdownloaded #remotesensing ...www.linkedin.com· ... Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/gM3XvanU #imageprocessing. No alternative text description for this image. Like Comment. Share. Copy; LinkedIn
Remote Sensing MDPI on LinkedIn: Identification of Groundwater ...www.linkedin.com· ... Cheng and Licheng Jiao https://lnkd.in/gM3XvanU #imageprocessing. No alternative text description for this image. 1 · Like Comment. Share. Copy
Bücher von Licheng Jiao bei Google PlayViel Spaß mit Millionen aktueller Android-Apps, Spielen, Musik, Filmen, Serien, Büchern und Zeitschriften – jederzeit, überall und auf allen deinen Geräten.
Licheng Jiao - Google 學術搜尋Professor of Xidian University, IEEE Fellow - 引用次數:52,056 次 - Machine Learning - Com…tion Intelligence - Evolutionary Com…tion - Image...
Licheng Jiao - Google 학술검색 서지정보 - Google ScholarMaoguo Gong (公茂果)Professor, Xidian University, Xi'an, China (西安电子科技大学)ieee.org의 이메일 확인됨. Zhang, XiangrongProfessor, Xidian Universityieee.org의 이메일 확인됨. Jing LiuProfessor of Information Technology, Xidian Universityadfa.edu.au의 이메일 확인됨. Weicai zhongIBM China Development ...
Immune Genetic Algorithms By Jeremy Moreau. References Licheng Jiao,...Immune Genetic Algorithms By Jeremy Moreau. References Licheng Jiao, Senior Member, IEEE, and Lei Wang, “A Novel Genetic Algorithm Based on Immunity,”
3D DMB Player and Its Reliable 3D Services in T-DMB Systems: Media &...3D DMB Player and Its Reliable 3D Services in T-DMB Systems ( ): Cheolkon Jung, Licheng Jiao: Book Chapters
Jiao - Names Encyclopedia... Shude Jiao, Jianwu Jiao, Jian Jiao, Sihai Jiao, Ben Jiao, Runming Jiao, Jiangtao Jiao, Licheng Jiao, Yipeng Jiao, Dela Jiao, Liwei Jiao
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