272 Infos zu Liliana Melgar

Mehr erfahren über Liliana Melgar

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten


Liliana Melgar will introduce the Media Suite, a research environment that assists researchers with the exploration and analysis of audiovisual and contextual ...

CLARIN Newsflash July 2019CLARIN ERIC

Liliana Melgar : CLARIAH Media Suite. Laure Barbot : SSHOC Marketplace. Walter Scholger: DH Course Registry. For more information about CLARIN related ... › content

DIVE+ receives the grand prize at the LODLAM Summit in Venice -...

... Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Jaap Blom, Liliana Melgar, Johan Oomen), Frontwise (Werner Helmich), University of Groningen ...

CLARIN at DH2019: Thursday 11 July | CLARIN ERIC

In collaboration with CESSDA, DARIAH, PARTHENOS and SSHOC, CLARIN is running a booth at DH2019 where you can find out more about what these five European...

59  Bilder zu Liliana Melgar

Bild zu Liliana Melgar
Bild zu Liliana Melgar
Bild zu Liliana Melgar
Bild zu Liliana Melgar
Bild zu Liliana Melgar
Bild zu Liliana Melgar

41 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Liliana Melgar

Facebook: Liliana Melgar

Facebook: Liliana Melgar

LinkedIn: Liliana Melgar | LinkedIn

Liliana Melgars berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Liliana Melgar dabei hilft, ...

3 Hobbys & Interessen

TBUI summary by Liliana Melgar - PreziPrezi

› tbui-summary

CVC. Foros

Autor: Liliana Melgar. Título: Traducción de content curator. Fecha y hora: jueves, 18 de abril de 2013, 07:42 h. Cordial saludo, quería comentaros mi inquietud ...

3 Business-Profile

Eliza Melgar - Paralegal & Clerk - Wilson Elser - ZoomInfoZoomInfo

Liliana Melgar. Assistant VP, Health Operations. Hispanic Federation. Phone Email. Profile Picture · Hilda Penton. Paralegal & Clerk. › Eliz...

Liliana Melgar | The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Visionbeeldengeluid.nl

› lil...

Liliana Melgar | Beeld en Geluid

You are here: Home · Kennis · Experts; Liliana Melgar. Liliana Melgar. Organisatie · Vacatures · Pers · Partners · Privacy · Contact · Nieuwsbrief. Our social ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Liliana Melgar-Estrada - CLARIAHdariah.nl › about › who-is-who › li...

WP5, liliana melgar-estrada. University of Amsterdam. user studies, annotation, crowdsourcing, gebruikersonderzoek. http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/l.m.melgar ...

ePinata - What's New at the Hispanic Federation

Another change I am happy to announce is that Liliana Melgar, our Director of Health Programs, gave birth last week to a beautiful girl named Sofia. Mommy ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

CV | Lora Aroyo Homepage

Best paper award MTSR2017: for our paper “Enriching Media Collections for Event-based Exploration”, Victor de Boer, Liliana Melgar, Oana Inel, Carlos Martinez Ortiz, Lora Aroyo, and Johan Oomen, in the context of the DIVE+ Project, which also won: Grand Prize at the LODLAM Challenge for our work on metadata ...

2 Projekte

Project MUSE - Film Analysis as Annotation: Exploring Current Tools

· Liliana Melgar Estrada, Eva Hielscher, Marijn Koolen, Christian Gosvig Olesen, Julia Noordegraaf, and Jaap Blom. Figure 3. Schematic of the ...

The Moving Image-Volume 17, Number 2, Fall 2017Johns Hopkins University

— Film Analysis as Annotation: Exploring Current Tools; Liliana Melgar Estrada, Eva Hielscher, Marijn Koolen, Christian Gosvig Olesen, ... › issue

10 Bücher zum Namen

Film analysis as annotation : exploring current tools and their ...biblio.ugent.be › publication

· Author: Eva Hielscher (UGent) , Liliana Melgar, Marijn Koolen, Christian Olesen, Julia Noordegraaf and Jaap Blom; Organization. Department ...

Index of DH Conferences - Liliana Melga-EstradaUniversity of Virginia

Roeland Ordelman, Carlos Martínez Ortíz, Liliana Melgar Estrada, Marijn Koolen, Jaap Blom, Willem Melder, Jasmijn Van Gorp, Victor De Boer, ... › ...

Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly ...google.com

) Boot, Peter, Ronald Haentjens Dekker, Marijn Koolen, and Liliana Melgar, 'Facilitating FineGrained Open Annotations of Scholarly Sources', ...

Objekte im Netz: Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen im digitalen ...google.com

Wie Liliana Melgar-Estrada et al. (2019) am Beispiel der niederländischen Meta-Datenbank CLARIAH zeigen, werden die zugehörigen APIs so komplex, ...

5 Dokumente

Time‐based tags for fiction movies: comparing experts to ...Wiley

von LM Estrada · · Zitiert von: 15 — Liliana Melgar Estrada,. Liliana Melgar Estrada. .es. Carlos III University of Madrid, Library and Information Science ... › ...

Methodological Reflections From the Research Pilot Projects ...tmgonline.nl

von J Van Gorp · Zitiert von: 1 — Jasmijn Van Gorp, Liliana Melgar Estrada and Julia Noordegraaf. Involving Users in Infrastructure Development: Methodological Reflections From the Research ... › galley › download

Tales of a Tool Encounter: Exploring Video Annotation for ...VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture

von S Aasman · · Zitiert von: 4 — How to Cite: Aasman, Susan, Liliana Melgar Estrada, Tom Slootweg, and Rob Wegter “Tales of a Tool Encounter: Exploring Video ... › abst...

[PDF] Impresión de Asignacionesderecho.usac.edu.gt › avisos › archivos › 5_38_F-UT002_4_2015


10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Vol. 17, No. 2, Fall of The Moving Image - JSTORJSTOR

Liliana Melgar Estrada, Eva Hielscher, Marijn Koolen, Christian Gosvig Olesen, Julia Noordegraaf and Jaap Blom. https://doi.org movingimage › stable › m...

dblp: Liliana Melgar

List of computer science publications by Liliana Melgar

Liliana Melgar - dblpDBLP

› Persons

Johan Oomen - DBLP

Victor de Boer, Liliana Melgar, Oana Inel, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Lora Aroyo, Johan Oomen: Enriching Media Collections for Event-Based Exploration. MTSR :

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

EconPapers: Time-based tags for fiction movies: comparing experts to...

By Liliana Melgar Estrada, Michiel Hildebrand, Victor de Boer and Jacco van Ossenbruggen; Time-based tags for fiction movies: comparing ...

ElectionTime < Dmi < Foswiki - Digital Methods Initiativewiki.digitalmethods.net › Dmi › El...

Team Members. Jeroen de Vos, Annelies Bontjes, Jochem Bruins, Kajsa Klein, Liliana Melgar, Leoni Nijland ...

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Liliana Melgar, Jaap Blom, Eva Baaren, Marijn Koolen ...WordPress.com

› ...

Liliana Melgar (liliana_mmq) - DomestikaDomestika

› lilia...

Más que por deporte – FloridAdiariO

Se realizó este jueves 12 de mayo en la Plaza de Deportes el lanzamiento de los Juegos Deportivos Nacionales Se trata de una actividad planificada de...

Digital Humanities Conference | CLARIN ERIC

DH2017 is taking place on August in Montréal, Canada. It is the premiere annual conference on digital humanities and the European Digital Humanities...

112 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Liliana Melgar | LinkedIn

largest business network, helping professionals like Liliana Melgar discover inside ...

Liliana Melgar - Storyboard Artist - Blizzard EntertainmentLinkedIn

› lilian...

Liliana Melgar | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

View Liliana Melgar's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Liliana has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Liliana's connections and jobs at similar companies.

Liliana Melgar - Public Speaking Professor - Self employed ...

View Liliana Melgar's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Liliana has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Liliana Melgar Pinto - Huelva Area, Spain | Professional ...

View Liliana Melgar Pinto's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Liliana has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

liliana melgar - CONTADORA - CONSTRUCTORA ITATIBA ...www.linkedin.com › liliana-melgar a8

Ve el perfil de liliana melgar en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. liliana tiene 3 empleos en su perfil. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre ...

‪Liliana Melgar E.‬ - ‪Google विद्वान‬

‪Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam and The Netherlands Institute for Sound and‬ - ‪‪164 जगहों पर ज़िक्र हुआ‬‬ - ‪Information Science‬ -...

‪Liliana Melgar E.‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬Google

› citati...

Liliana Melgar's email address and phone number - LeadGibbonLeadGibbon

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Liliana Melgar's research works | University of Amsterdam ...ResearchGate

› Lil...

Sindi Liliana Melgar Vasquez - Iquique - residenciales -...

residenciales, Sindi Liliana Melgar Vasquez, Amunategui 22, Iquique Teléfono: (​57)

Liliana Melgar Estrada, nueva doctora en Documentación por la UC3M

Nuestra enhorabuena a Liliana Melgar Estrada, nueva doctora en Documentación por la UC3M. Su tesis, titulada "From Social Tagging to ...

Liliana Melgar in Jackson Heights, NY - Listing Details - Yellow...

Liliana Melgar is located in Jackson Heights NY according to public information records. First Name, Phone Number, Name Origin and Meaning for the person...

liliana melgar | Victor de BoerVictor de Boer

› tag

Liliana Melgar - Diario La Prensa - LaPrensa.hnlaprensa.hn

› liliana-...

Stream Liliana Melgar music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for...

Play Liliana Melgar and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

Liliana Melgar | Ogilvy Public Relations | Email Manager Operations,...

Email, phone number & executive profile for Liliana Melgar, Manager Operations, Tegucigalpa of Ogilvy Public Relations at New York, NY

Sindi Liliana Melgar Vasquez - Iquique - 住所 - Mercantil.com

住所, Sindi Liliana Melgar Vasquez, Amunategui 22, Iquique 电话: (57)

Currículum vítae de Liliana Melgar - Instituto Cervantescervantes.es

› jornadas

Liliana Melgar — Are.na

Liliana Melgar. Info. —. View. ChannelsBlocksIndexAll. Sort. Recently updatedRecently created · Collection UI: Generous. by Philo van Kemenade 81 blocks •

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Liliana

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Liliana; Lilie (?); Altenglisch (Pflanzen); lilium = die Lilie (Lateinisch); möglicherweise Weiterbildung von 'Elisabeth' bzw. dessen Kosename 'Lili', entstanden etwa im 16. Jh.; möglicherweise auch von lateinisch 'lilium' (Lilie)

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Liliana Melgar und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.