20 Infos zu Lina Katul

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Characterization and Genome Organization of New Luteoviruses and...

... Lina Katul 1, M. Varrelmann 1 and H.J. Vetten 1 Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry, -12Braunschweig, ...

Serologische und molekularbiologische Charakterisierung des bean leaf...

... und molekularbiologische Charakterisierung des bean leaf roll virus (BLRV) und des faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV). Front Cover. Lina Katul.

3 Dokumente

Katul, Lina [WorldCat Identities]

Serologische und molekularbiologische Charakterisierung des bean leaf roll virus (BLRV) und des faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV) by Lina Katul ...

Erratum to: Two distinct nanovirus species infecting faba bean in...

Lina Katul. •. Mark Varrelmann. •. H. Josef Vetten. Published online: 14 September Ó Springer-Verlag Erratum to: Arch Virol (2010) 155:37– 46.

Torok, Valeria A. | DeepDyve

... ERRATUM Adane D. Abraham · Bouchaib Bencharki · Valeria Torok · Lina Katul · Mark Varrelmann H. Josef Vetten Published online: 14 .

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Virology | Vol 274, Issue 1, Pages (15 August 2000) |...

Tatiana Timchenko, Lina Katul, Yoshitaka Sano, Françoise de Kouchkovsky, ... Bruno Gronenborn. Pages : Download PDF. Article preview. Research ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Analysis of Six DNA Components of the Faba Bean Necrotic Core

Lina Katul,* Edgar Maiss,† Sergey Yu. Morozov,‡ and H. Josef Vetten*,2. *Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Institut für Biochemie und ...

Two distinct nanovirus species infecting faba bean in Morocco |...

Two distinct nanovirus species infecting faba bean in Morocco. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Adane D. Abraham; Bouchaib Bencharki; Valeria Torok; Lina Katul; Mark Varrelmann; H. Josef VettenEmail author. Adane D. Abraham. 1; 2; 3. Bouchaib Bencharki. 4. Valeria Torok. 1. Lina Katul. 1. Mark Varrelmann. 2. H. Josef ...

Nanovirus | SpringerLink

Faba bean necrotic yellows virus. Purified virions. Length of bar [nm]: 50.[micrograph by D.-E. Lesemann]VirionVirionMorphology:icosahedralEnvelope:noDiameter...

11 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Area of Genetics · University of Málaga

Type: Artículo de revista. Authors: Ioana Grigoras, Tatiana Timchenko, Ana Grande-Pérez, Lina Katul, Heinrich-Josef Vetten and Bruno Gronenborn. Authors in ...

Analysis of Six DNA Components of the Faba Bean Necrotic Yellows ...www.infona.pl › resource

Lina Katul. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Institut für Biochemie und Pflanzenvirologie, -12Braunsch…

Analysis of six DNA components of the faba bean necrotic yellows...

author={Lina Katul and Edgar Maiss and Sergey Y Morozov and Heinrich Josef Vetten}, journal={Virology}, year={1997}, volume={233 2}, pages={ } }.

Area of Genetics · University of Málaga - Departamento de Biología ...www.genetica.uma.es › Home › Members

Virology 424 (2012), Ioana Grigoras, Tatiana Timchenko, Ana Grande-Pérez, Lina Katul, Heinrich-Josef Vetten and Bruno Gronenborn.

Erratum to: Two distinct nanovirus species infecting faba bean in...

Valeria Torok Lina Katul Mark Varrelmann. H. Josef Vetten. Published online: 14 September Springer-Verlag Erratum to: Arch Virol (2010) 155:3746DOI s Figure 1 (and gure legend) on page 41 and the rst paragraph on page 42 should be replaced with the following gure (and gure ...

The Master Rep Concept in Nanovirus Replication - ScienceDirect -...

The Master Rep Concept in Nanovirus Replication: Identification of Missing Genome. Components and Potential for Natural ...

Three modern serological methods to detect plant viruses - HSPIwww.heighpubs.org › jpsp › jpsp-aid1039

Lina Katul V, Naiss HJ, Makkouk KM, Lesemann DE, Casper R. Characterization and serology of virus-like particles associated with faba bean necrotic yellows.

Sequence analysis of a faba bean necrotic yellows virus DNA component...

Lina Katul,* Edgar Maiss and H. Josef Vetten. Biologische Bundesanstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Institut fiir Biochemie und Pflanzenvirologie,. -12, Braunschweig, Germany. Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV) has a circular. ssDNA genome possibly consisting of several com- ponents of ... Missing: gütersloh

Приветствуем Вас в Центральной Научной Сельскохозяйственной Библиотеке

... infected and transfected cells Adane D Abraham, Bouchaib Bencharki, Valeria Torok, Lina Katul, et al. Two distinct nanovirus species infecting faba bean ...

Área de Genética · Departamento de Biología Celular y Genética · UMA

Ioana Grigoras, Tatiana Timchenko, Ana Grande-Pérez, Lina Katul, Heinrich-Josef Vetten and Bruno Gronenborn. High Variability and Rapid Evolution of a Nanovirus.

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