85 Infos zu Liora Alschuler
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Infos zu
- HL7
- Lantana
- East Thetford
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- Clinical Document Architecture
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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Health Story Project joins HIMSS | Healthcare IT NewsThe Health Story Project has become part of HIMSS, Carla Smith, HIMSS executive vice president, announced at a HIMSS Policy Summit news conference at National...
HL7 Update | Scottsdale InstituteThe Scottsdale Institute is a not-for-profit membership organization of prominent healthcare systems. SI facilitates knowledge sharing by providing …ate...
Fairfield, Conn. — Dr. Betty Rogers Rubenstein died Valley Newswww.vnews.com › Betty-Rubenstein-obit-vn· ... Dr. Diana Diamond of New York City, and Liora Alschuler of East Thetford, Vt.; and two surviving step-children, Jeremy N. Rubenstein and his ...
HIMSS Analytics to gauge hospital readiness for meaningful use |...· According to Liora Alschuler executive committee representative of the Health Story Project, which helped write the new questions for HIMSS ...
1 Bilder zu Liora Alschuler

1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Liora Alschuler | Facebook2 Hobbys & Interessen
Lantana Consulting Group Names Chief ScientistThis promotion is recognition of the strong leadership she has provided to us and to the industry,” said Liora Alschuler, CEO of Lantana.
Alschuler Associates and Semantically Yours Announce Merger as...· Liora Alschuler, principal, Alschuler Associates, LLC, and Bob Dolin, MD, principal, Semantically Yours, LLC, will form Lantana Consulting ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
Liora Alschuler's Email & Phone - WEDI - Greater Boston AreaLiora Alschuler's Email. Show email and phone number. Greater Boston Area. CEO @ Lantana Consulting Group. Lantana Consulting ...
1 Traueranzeigen
Dr. Betty Rogers Rubenstein, 92, Of Fairfield | Fairfield Daily Voicedailyvoice.com › FAIRFIELD › OBITUARIES· ... and Liora Alschuler of East Thetford, Vt.; step-children, Jeremy N. Rubenstein (Linda Tang) of Bethesda, Md., and Hannah Rubenstein Feibel ...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Liora Alschuler (Author of ABCD SGML)Liora Alschuler is the author of SGML (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews) and ABCD SGML (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 1995)
XML Proceedings - Author - PDFpowerwww.pdfpower.com › authors › author3Liora Alschuler is a developer of XML-based standards for electronic healthcare information and a consultant in their application for providers and system ...
Computerworld - Google BooksBY LIORA ALSCHULER ow many articles on hypertext start with a gee-whiz scenario such as “Imagine being able to read every word ever written about coffee ...
Konzept und Vorgehensweise zur Transformation von umfangreichen...Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: In der Arbeit werden zuerst die Entwicklungen bzgl. Hypertext beschrieben. Daran schließen sich Untersuchungen über die...
4 Dokumente
A Users Guide to Structured Information by Liora Alschuler - A Small ...Information by Liora Alschuler blicxe.mx-host.de - A small collection of classic novels all in PDF format. Instant Donwload » ABCD SGML: A Users Guide to ...
OASIS Rights Language Technical CommitteeName. Firm. Hari Reddy, Chairperson. ContentGuard. Carlisle Adams. Entrust. Michelle Aden. Sun Microsystems. Liora Alschuler. Individual. Anne Anderson.
The Work of the Encyclopedia in the Age of Electronic Reproductionfirstmonday.org › index.php › article › downloadReferences. Liora Alschuler, "Behind the Scenes at Britannica Online ," Seybold Report on Internet Publishing 1:3 (November 1996), John Perry Barlow, "The ...
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Isaac S. KohaneList of computer science publications by Isaac S. Kohane
dblp: Liora AlschulerList of computer science publications by Liora Alschuler
dblp: SIGDOC 1988Bibliographic content of SIGDOC 1988
A bibliography resource: John BatemanLisp of publications; John Bateman
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Lab Soft News: Data vs Information: The EMR Readability Problem ...Liora Alschuler. Hi, Bruce, I couldn't agree with you more. The standards, however, are not so much the problem as the policy. HL7's Clinical ...
Dokumenttypen – Hl7wiki... Liora Alschuler, Stanley M. Huff: The Creation of an Ontology of Clinical Document Names MEDINFO 2001, V. Patel et al. (Eds), Amsterdam: IOS Press IMIA: ...
Test11 - HL7-Mitteilungen – Hl7wikiLiora Alschuler: HL7 Patient Record ...
IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes· Liora Alschuler - Guest; Laura Bright - PCC Tech; Rick Butler - Eye Care; Chris Carr - RSNA; Bruce Curran - RO Tech; Didi Davis - QRPH Plan/ ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Microsoft Word - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia librees.wikipedia.org › wiki › Microsoft_WordMicrosoft Word es un programa informático orientado al procesamiento de textos. Fue creado ... Liora Alschuler. 5 de julio de Consultado el 12 de agosto ...
The Standard | The Official Blog of HL7 | Liora AlschulerLiora Alschuler has been an active HL7 members for the past 20 years. She has served on the HL7 Board of Directors and as a work group co-chair. She is the...
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Liora Alschuler | LinkedInView Liora Alschuler's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Liora Alschuler discover ...
Alschuler.spinosa copyright 2003, Liora Alschuler...alschuler.spinosa copyright 2003, Liora Alschuler 3 The Universal “need a hub”diagram Protocol SDS CDA aECG Lab model ODM RIMDMIM Janus
Liora Alschuler | Lantana Consulting Group: Transforming healthcare...Liora Alschuler, Lantana CEO and founding member of the Health Story Project, will present during the upcoming Health Story Project webinar, June 30th, 12:
Liora Namensbedeutung und -herkunft - Namespediade.namespedia.com › details › Liora... Brosh, Liora Freud, Liora Barzideh, Liora Bresler, Liora Lukitz, Liora Salter, Liora Alschuler, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Liora Pedhazur Schmelkin, Liora A. Cohen
A CDA Template for Continuity of Care Liora Alschuler, Roberto...A CDA Template for Continuity of Care What is CCR? What is CDA? Relationship of CCR to CDA CDA to CCR mapping CCR as CDA Conclusions Next Steps
Liora Alschuler | Healthcare IT TodayHealthcare Scene News, Lots and lots of EMR, EHR and Healthcare IT News
Clinical Document Architecture: Care Record Summaries - ppt video...A CDA Template for Continuity of Care Liora Alschuler, Roberto Ruggeri HIMSS Acapulco partners: Charlie McCay, Ted Blizzard. HL7's Clinical Document ...
SGML: Liora Alschuler, SGML: A User's Guide to Structured InformationLiora Alschuler, Miles-Samuelson, Inc., East Thetford, Vermont. Paperbound, Market rights: WORLD. ISBN: Standardized General Markup ...
HL7 NLM EHR Project alschuler.spinosa CommerceNet Webify Liora...Contract: how quick & how dirty is quick & dirty? 5 weeks 120 hours Lightweight Find and retrieve baseline, human-readable information
Re: 1.4 h: Explainer? from Liora Alschuler onFrom : Liora Alschuler Date : Mon, 10 Feb :17: Message-Id :
Teleconference Audio CDs Presented by Liora AlschulerTeleconference Audio CDs presented by Liora Alschuler. Click on a title for more information. Structured Product Labeling Production Parts I & II. -Presented by ...
Liora Alschuler – Mediummedium.com › responsesRead writing from Liora Alschuler on Medium. Every day, Liora Alschuler and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Liora Alschuler's (lioraalschuler) software portfolio | Devpostdevpost.com › lioraalschuler › achievementsLiora Alschuler (lioraalschuler) · Devpost Anniversary Level 1 · Welcome to Devpost.
Re: 1.4 d: Address terminology from Liora Alschuler onFrom : Liora Alschuler Date : Fri, 07 Feb :55: Message-Id :
Liora Alschuler 's claim profile page | Business Consulting ...Enhance your online presence; - Add profile details, case studies; - Answer questions from potential clients; - Leverage our sales engine and admin support.
HUM-MOLGEN events: SPL Highlights Data Elements: Clinical and...central resource for events in human genetics and molecular biology
SGML - Definição e sinônimos de SGML no dicionário português«Sgml» O Standard Generalized Markup Language é uma metalinguagem através da qual se pode definir linguagens de marcação para documentos. A SGML é uma ...
The HL7 roadmap for CDA R3 and the CCDThe HL7 roadmap for CDA R3 and the CCD
Clinical Document Architecture Care Record Summaries Liora AlschulerClinical Document Architecture: Care Record Summaries Liora Alschuler alschuler. spinosa Co-chair, Structured Documents TC
A Two-level Modeling and Implementation Approach for CDA Using ...[1] Liora Alschuler et al. Version 3 Standard: Clinical Document Architecture. Framework. Health Level Seven, [2] Sidnei da Silva. Introduction and ...
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