245 Infos zu Ljiljana Buttler
Mehr erfahren über Ljiljana Buttler
Lebt in
- Belgrad
Infos zu
- Mostar Sevdah Reunion
- Petrovic
- Gypsy Soul
- Snail Records
- Frozen Roses
- Balkan
- Music
- Lyrics
- Album
- Legends
- Ashun
24 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Ljiljana Buttler en EL PAÍSTodas las noticias sobre Ljiljana Buttler publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Ljiljana Buttler.
Guardian: Ljiljana Buttler obituary | Blues | The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › music › may › ljiljana-buttl...· The Gypsy singer Ljiljana Buttler, née Petrovic, who has died of cancer aged 65, was one of the most celebrated singers in Tito's Yugoslavia ...
Ljiljana ButtlerLjiljana Buttler, who died on April 26 aged 65, was a singer and songwriter whose early career in the former Yugoslavia earned her cult status, and the...
Album: Ljiljana Buttler, Frozen Roses, (Snail Records) - The ...www.independent.co.uk › ... › Classical › Reviews· ... of "Gloomy Sunday"), Bosnian singer Ljiljana Buttler is one of the great female vocalists of our time, with a deep voice full of woe.
8 Bilder zu Ljiljana Buttler

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Ljiljana Buttler Petrovic | Фејсбук - FacebookFacebook: Ljiljana Buttler Petrovic | FacebookFacebook: Ljiljana Buttler - Home | FacebookMySpace: Ljiljana Buttler (ljiljanabuttler)14 Hobbys & Interessen
Mort de Ljiljana ButtlerSurnommée la mère de l’âme gitane, la chanteuse serbe s’est éteinte à l’âge de 65 ans.
lastFM: Djelem, Djelem Daje — Ljiljana Buttler | Last.fmListen to Djelem, Djelem Daje from Ljiljana Buttler's The Mother of Gypsy Soul for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists.
60 Hochwertige Ljiljana Buttler Bilder und Fotos - Getty ImagesPerfekte Ljiljana Buttler Stock-Fotos und -Bilder sowie aktuelle Editorial-Aufnahmen von Getty Images. Download hochwertiger Bilder, die man nirgendwo sonst...
lastFM: Ljiljana Buttler music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fmListen to music from Ljiljana Buttler like Ashun Daje Mori, Zvonija, Zvonija & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Ljiljana Buttler.
3 Persönliche Webseiten
Ljiljana ButtlerLjiljana Buttler Websites im deutschsprachigem Webwiki. Hier finden Sie nützliche Links zu dem Thema Ljiljana Buttler
balkankaravan.ch :: About: BALKANKARAVAN is a cultural platform, concert and DJ event series, founded in by Goran Potkonjak in Zürich. In the beginning there was nothing. Some...
5 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
Ljiljana Buttler Songs, Albums, Reviews, Bio & More | AllMusicExplore Ljiljana Buttler's discography including top tracks, albums, and reviews. Learn all about Ljiljana Buttler on AllMusic.
Ljiljana Petrović - Buttler | Diskographie | DiscogsEntdecken Sie Veröffentlichungen von Ljiljana Petrović - Buttler auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Ljiljana Petrović - Buttler auf dem...
11 Bücher zum Namen
Gypsy Music: The Balkans and Beyond - Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.ro... Ljiljana Buttler's soulful recording, that really capture the spirit of the song's lyrics and the legacy of the Romani Holocaust. Survivors remain ...
Music in the Balkans - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.ro... ljiljana Buttler and Šaban Bajramović. It is all a very long way from the sophisticated but entirely unaffected melancholy of Emina Zečaj in her discreet ...
Post-Yugoslav Cinema: Towards a Cosmopolitan Imagininggoogle.ro... Ljiljana Buttler. There was no other role for Roma musicians at the SFF in the year of than to entertain the festival audiences at the end of yet ...
Frozen Roses von Ljiljana Buttler - CeDe.ch... Blu-CD · SACD-Hybrid · normale CD. Aktualität. Soeben erschienen · Pre- Order · Neu im Shop · Music-CD / Frozen Roses von Ljiljana Buttler ...
26 Songs & Musik
Amazon MP3: Ashun Daje Morivon Ljiljana Buttler, Snail Records, 2009
Amazon MP3: Djelem, Djelem Dajevon Ljiljana Buttler, Snail Records, 2009
Amazon MP3: Frozen Rosesvon Ljiljana Buttler, Snail Records, 2009
bol.com: bol.com | Frozen Roses (Luxe), Ljiljana Buttler | CD (album) | MuziekFrozen Roses. Inclusief 64 pagina tellend boekjeHet is een lange weg die ze af moest leggen, het kleine meisje van twaalf dat in Bijeljina, het kleine...
2 Dokumente
Buttler, Ljiljana [WorldCat Identities]The mother of gyspy soul by Ljiljana Buttler( Recording ) 16 editions published between and in 4 languages and held by 25 WorldCat member ...
Ljiljana Buttler - Intervju | PDF - Scribdde.scribd.com › doc › Ljiljana-Buttler-Intervjuintervju sa Ljiljanom Buttler by Čmcloven in Types > Instruction manuals.
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Hooked On Music - Das Musikmagazin im Internet - CD-Review - LJILJANA...LJILJANA BUTTLER stammt aus der serbischen Metropole Belgrad und wuchs als Ljiljana Petrovic in einer bosnischen Kleinstadt auf. Sie war ...
Ljiljana Buttler - Wikibriefde.wikibrief.org › wiki › Ljiljana_ButtlerAus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Ljiljana Buttler GeborenLjiljana Petrović ( ) 14. Dezember Belgrad, Königreich Jugoslawien Ist ...
Ljiljana Buttler | Jama Ricoricorodriguez.fandom.com › wiki › Ljiljana_ButtlerRoma singer Ljiljana Buttler And Mostar Sevdah Reunion – The Mother Of Gypsy Soul (CD: Snail Records SR )
Ljiljana Buttler - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiLjiljana Buttler. cantante serbia. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.
4 Video- & Audioinhalte
Ljiljana Buttler, la mère de l’Âme gitane, est décédée | mondomixLe décès de la chanteuse serbe Ljiljana Buttler sonne comme une grande perte. Considérée comme un monument de la musique des Balkans ...
El Este - Las tres vidas de Ljiljana Buttler, 1 parteEl Este - Las tres vidas de Ljiljana Buttler, 1 parte El este online, completo y gratis en RTVE.es A la Carta. Todos los programas de El este...
Ljiljana Buttler - Rupuni - The Legends Of Life - TR-camtr-cam.com › video › ljiljana-buttler-rupuni-the-legends-o...07 Gypsy Lullaby - Frozen Roses - Ljiljana ButtlerSnail Records. görünümler 1,1 B. Ljiljana Buttler - Mala Garava - The Legends Of Life 04:19 · Ljiljana Buttler ...
9 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Ljiljana Buttler - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ljiljana_ButtlerLjiljana Buttler (* 14. Dezember in Belgrad; † 26. April in Düsseldorf, eigentlich Ljiljana Petrović) war eine jugoslawische Sängerin.
Wikipedia: Ljiljana Buttler - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ljiljana_ButtlerLjiljana Buttler (née Petrović; 14 December – 26 April 2010) was a Yugoslav-Romani folk singer comparable to Esma Redžepova, Vida Pavlović, ...
Wikipedia: Ljiljana Buttler - Ljiljana Buttler - qwe.wikide.qwe.wiki › wiki › Ljiljana_ButtlerLjiljana Buttler (née Petrović , 14. Dezember April 2010) war ein jugoslawisch Romani Sänger. Ihr Spitzname war die Mutter von Gypsy Seele .
Google Blogs: ljiljana buttler – frozen rosesadmin lijliana-buttler-frozen-roses sie singt so tief, wie sie fühlt. jazzig kommt die aktuelle produktion der “billie holiday des balkan” daher, doch die lady schlägt auch fröhlichere, tänzelnde töne an. ...
126 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Musik an sich - ReviewsMostar Sevdah Reunion & Ljiljana Buttler - The Legends of Life, World Music, Balkan Folk, Sevdah, Gypsy Soul, 16, Andruschkewitsch, Ingo ...
Jazz thing Mixtape Juli – Jazz thing & Blue RhythmLjiljana Buttler „Pilem, Pilem“ Frozen Roses (Snail/Cargo) El Cigala „El dia que naci yo“ Dos lagrimas (egde/Deutsche grammophon) ...
09 Ostala Je Pesma Moja - Frozen Roses - Ljiljana Buttler - Chordifychordify.net › chords › 09-ostala-je-pesma-moja-froze...Chords for 09 Ostala Je Pesma Moja - Frozen Roses - Ljiljana Buttler.: F#7, B, E, D. Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. Grab your guitar, ukulele or ...
Balkan Gypsy Star Ljiljana Buttler Dies | World Music Central.orgLjiljana Buttler Spanish booking agent Yolanda Agudo and manager and producer Dragi Sestic, reported today the death of renowned Gypsy ...
BalkanMagazin :: LJILJANA BUTTLER, DIVA BALKANSKOG ETNO-BLUZAMedju njima je i Ljiljana Buttler, Beogradjanka i jedna od najvećih romskih pevačica bivše Jugoslavije. U pratnji virtuoznog gitariste Milića ...
Discography Ljiljana Buttler — Festivaly.euDiscography, albums and singles Ljiljana Buttler
Ljiljana Buttler - FROZEN ROSES - WOMEXThe Serbian Gypsy singer Ljiljana Buttler is one of the great re-discovered voices of Eastern Europe. Learning her trade singing in the cafes of a small Bosnian town ...
Ljiljana Petrović Buttler - Ciganine sviraj, sviraj lyricsLjiljana Buttler Petrovic (Љиљана Петровић Бутлер) Ciganine sviraj, sviraj lyrics: Ciganine, ti što sviraš / zašto moju dušu diraš ...
Key & BPM for Gjelem Gjelem by Ljiljana Buttler | Tunebattunebat.com › Info › Gjelem-Gjelem-Ljiljana-ButtlerLjiljana Buttler. Gjelem Gjelem. C Major. key. 8B. camelot BPM. 6:41. duration. Release Date: August 01, Explicit: No. Album: Frozen Roses.
Ljiljana Buttler Petrovic - Srce ljubav ne prodaje lyricsLjiljana Buttler Petrovic (Љиљана Петровић Бутлер) Srce ljubav ne prodaje lyrics: U mom srcu ti si bio / sve do one kobne noći, / videla sam tebe ...
Ljiljana BUTTLER - Editions des femmes - Antoinette Fouquewww.dictionnaire-creatrices.com › fiche-ljiljana-butt...Ljiljana BUTTLER (née PETROVIĆ ). Also known as Ljiljana PETROVIĆ. Yugoslav singer. [ BELGRADE – DÜSSELDORF ]. Domain : PERFORMING ARTS. Period :.
Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah Reunion | NN North Sea Jazz Festivalwww.northseajazz.com › program › saturday-10-julyLjiljana Buttler was born in Belgrado, former Yugoslavia. Her mother was a singer and her father an accordion virtuoso, but, as it is more often than not in ...
Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Le Courrier des BalkansAccueil >; Le Grand Bazar des Balkans >; Balkanophonie >; Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah Reunion. balkanophonie : Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah ...
Ljiljana Buttler - WOMEXLjiljana Buttler - The Mother of Gypsy Soul ( )-"No woman has a deeper , more soulful blues in her voice than this Serbian Roma star; who ...
Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah Reunion - Frozen roses (2009), The...Ljiljana Buttler Petrovic - певица из бывшей Югославии. Родилась в музыкальной цыганской семье. В 12-летнем возрасте, после смерти матери, ей пришлось петь в...
Ljiljana Buttler CDs, DVDs, Vinyls, Games & Technik günstig online...Ljiljana Buttler Mehr als CDs, DVDs, Vinyls, LPs, Games & Technikartikel seit bei Grooves Inc. kaufen, Kostenlose Lieferung
In memoriam: Ljiljana Buttler | Written in Musicwritteninmusic.com › nieuws › in-...Op 26 april is Ljiljana Buttler overleden. Hoewel ze al enige tijd ernstig ziek was kwam haar overlijden toch vrij onverwacht. Ljiljana Buttler was ...
Ljiljana Buttler Petrovic - Ashun daje mori lyricsLjiljana Buttler Petrovic (Љиљана Петровић Бутлер) Ashun daje mori lyrics: ashun daje mori / more bi bahta / more bi bahta / prokleto aven. / aah, ...
Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah Reunion Chiasso 2004Ljiljana Buttler & Mostar Sevdah Reunion Biography. Ljiljana Buttler. Mustafa Santic. Miso Petrovic. Nedeljko Kovacevic. Ilijaz Delic. © Photographs by T.
Ljiljana Buttler Petrovic (Љиљана Петровић Бутлер) lyricsLjiljana Buttler Petrovic lyrics with translations: Ashun daje mori, Ciganine sviraj, sviraj, Otkako sam tudja zena, Srce ljubav ne prodaje, Otkako me dragi...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Ljiljana
Weiblicher Vorname (Slawisch): Ljiljana; Lilie (?); Altenglisch (Pflanzen); lilium = die Lilie (Lateinisch); möglicherweise Weiterbildung von 'Elisabeth' bzw. dessen Kosename 'Lili', entstanden etwa im 16. Jh.; möglicherweise auch von lateinisch 'lilium' (Lilie)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Buttler
Norddeutsches Wort: Butteler= Kellner oder Kellermeister
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Ljiljana Buttler und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.