11 Infos zu Lothar Rothbuhr
Mehr erfahren über Lothar Rothbuhr
Lebt in
- Hurth-hermulheim
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Business-Profile
patentbuddy: Lothar RothbuhrDEGUSSA AG, Hurth-Hermulheim, DE
2 Dokumente
(PDF) Apparatus for producing carbon black - DOKUMEN.TIPSvi New Patents horizontal position, into which feed material is introduced at one end and products recovered at the other end. An axial temperature gradient,...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Carbon | Vol 22, Issues 4–5, Pages (1984) | ScienceDirect.com...Manfred Voll, Lothar Rothbuhr, Gerhard Kuhner. Page vi: Download PDF. select article Starting pitches for carbon fibers. Conference abstractFull text ...
7 Webfunde aus dem Netz
US A - Process for producing furnace blacks of variable carbon...A process for the production of furnace blacks of variable carbon black structure according to the customary furnace black technology is disclosed,...
US A - Apparatus for the production of carbon blackFurnace black is produced by a thermal splitting of a carbon black forming oil by oxidation of a fuel in a combustion chamber with production of a stream...
US A - Process for the production of water containing carbon...Beaded carbon black is disclosed with a water content of 30 to 80% by weight which are used for coloring of paper and concrete. The product has the...
US A - Black pigmented UV hardening printing inkThere are prepared black pigment containing UV-drying printing inks in which there is employed for the black pigmentation a carbon black having the...
US A - Process for the production of high quality carbon black...High quality carbon black forming material convertible with high yield into furnace black having a high abrasion resistance in rubber is prepared by...
US A - Process and apparatus for the production of carbon black...Carbon black is produced in a flow reaction by spraying a hydrocarbon containing liquid feedstock with the aid of a propellant gas into a stream of hot...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Lothar
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Lothar; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); hlut = laut, berühmt; heri = das Heer, der Krieger; alter deutscher bzw. altfränkischer zweigliedriger Name; bekannt als fränkischer Adelsname, z.B. Lothar II., König von Lotharingen (heute Lothringen) (9. Jh.) "lauter Krieger" oder "berühmter Krieger" hlut = laut, berühmt (Althochdeutsch) heri = das Heer, der Krieger (Althochdeutsch)
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