35 Infos zu Lucy Suchman
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- Wuerzburg
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- Department of Sociology
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
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1 Persönliche Webseiten
Relocating Innovation: Places and material practices of future-makingLucy Suchman, Laura Watts, Endre Dányi. This is a research project based at Centre for Science Studies, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YT, United Kingdom. Funded by The Leverhulme Trust. Please contact us at ...
1 Projekte
HKW | Trauma: The Language of the TechnosphereIn this lecture anthropologist Lucy Suchman examines the connection between real and imagined trauma through a close-reading of Flatworld, a virtual world that trained U. S. soldiers for urban combat in Iraq. How does anticolonial struggle define the limits to the technosphere?
2 Bücher zum Namen
PowerPoint, Communication, and the Knowledge SocietyCambridge Core - Organisation Studies - PowerPoint, Communication, and the Knowledge Society
Verkehrsgeschichte und Kulturwissenschaft: Analysen an der...Die globale Vernetzung moderner Verkehrs- und Nachrichtensysteme - von Eisenbahn und Dampfschifffahrt über Telegrafie und Telefonie bis hin zu Raumfahrt und...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Neuroprothesen, Neurofeedback, Neurogadgets. Zur Subjektivierung mit...Neuroprothesen, Neurofeedback, Neurogadgets. Zur Subjektivierung mit Neuro-Objekten
Science, Technology and Human Values - JUTTA WEBER· Lucy Suchman, Karolina Follis und Jutta Weber: „Tracking and targeting“ This introduction to the special issue of the same title sets out the context for a critical examination of contemporary developments in sociotechnical systems deployed in the name of security. Our focus is on technologies of tracking, with their claims to enable
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Lucy Suchman — WikipédiaLucy Suchman est une anthropologue et sociologue britannique d'origine américaine. Elle est professeur d'anthropologie des sciences et de Science and ... Chýba: nürnberg mittelfr
Lucy Suchman - ÜBER/STROMBeiträge über Lucy Suchman von Dr. Mario Donick. Forderungen an Entwickler*innen, Technik transparent zu gestalten, sowie Forderungen an Nutzer*innen, sich aktiv um ein Verständnis von Technik zu bemühen, sind zwei Seiten einer Medaille: Es geht um Handlungsfähigkeit in einer technisierten Welt.Statt jede neue Technologie (bzw. deren konkrete Ausprägung als …
Supplemental Materials for Books | Alexander I. Stingl's BlogCastañeda, Claudia, and Lucy Suchman “Robot Würzburg: Königshausen u Lucy Suchman: Restoring Information's Body – Remediations at the ...
18 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Lucy Suchman - HKWLucy Suchman. ology of Science and Technology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Lancaster, UK. Her research interests within the field of feminist science and technology studies are focused on technological imaginaries and material practices
Lucy Suchman | ICRACLucy Suchman. Suchman. Position: Professor of Anthropology of Science and Technology in the Department of Sociology at Lancaster University. Chýba: nürnberg mittelfr
A-Symmetry - Algorithmic Finance and the Dark Side of the Efficient...Financial market actors manage their risks through what are seen as efficient trading schemas, often while creating new inefficiencies and systemic risks in...
Artistic Research – in the wild – ground zeroThe term „in the wild“ first became popular in the 1980s when Jean Lave, Lucy Suchman, and Ed Hutchins began writing about „cognition in the wild.“ Today, „research in the wild“ has a broader meaning and primarily addresses research that seeks to better understand the drastic impact of technology on daily life.
Brigitte Jordan's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawlLooking for Brigitte Jordan online? Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website.
Case Study 1 Silicon ValleyImages collected by Lucy Suchman as resident anthropologist at Xerox PARC during
Götz Bachmann’s Ethnographic Research on Dynamicland — Christoph...The “Dynamic Medium Group” led by Bret Victor which is developing “Dynamicland” is much admired and closely watched in the interaction design community. Yet...
INTERFACECRITIQUElucy suchman: talk with machines, redux. jussi parikka: working for systems that do not do the work. joana moll’s the hidden life of an amazon user. emilia tapprest and victor evink: ambitopia and affective atmospheres. how world- building and cinema can help unpack ideology inside pervasive systems.
INTERFACECRITIQUE — Christoph Ernst: NATURAL USER INTERFACES AND THE...2 Lucy Suchman and Jutta Weber: Human-machine autonomies, in: Autonomous weapons systems. Law, ethics, policy, eds. Nehal Bhuta, Susanne Beck, Robin Geiß, Han-Yan Liu and Claus Kreß (Cambridge 2016), pp Christoph Ernst, Beyond Meaningful Human Control?
Ingmar Lippert - ingli.deIn 2012, I completed my PhD "Enacting Environments: An Ethnography of the Digitalisation and Naturalisation of Emissions" supervised by sociologist Christoph Lau (Augsburg University) and anthropologist Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University).
1997INFOGEM AG, Beratung, Coaching, Ausbildung in Digitalisierung, Agilem Vorgehen, Software-Themen, Qualitätssicherung, Testen, Projektleitung, Anforderungen,...
Künstliche Intelligenz eBook (2020)215–222 Lucy Suchman (geb ) Annelie Pentenrieder, Jutta Weber Annelie Pentenrieder, Jutta Weber 215–222 Details. Plans and Situated Actions Details. Die Anfänge: Der Kopierer Details. Mensch-Maschine-Rekonfigurationen Details. Wechselseitig konstituierend Details.
Table of ConTenTs - Infotech Oulu - Oulun yliopistowww.infotech.oulu.fi/Annual annual_report_2012.pdfUniversity hosted by Professor Lucy Suchman, Dr. Jiehan. Zhou made a 4-month ISC, Würzburg (EMPART); Laser-Laboratory Göttingen. GmbH (EMPART); ...
Top 10,000 cited articles in Computer Science [CiteSeer.Continuity;...Listing of the most cited articles in Computer Science
US military adopts ′ethical′ AI guidelines | News | DW |The guidelines set out ways to ensure soldiers conducting AI-enabled warfare
[iDC] Re: a personal intro and questions on precedent - THING· The second stems from a - > - critique by Lucy Suchman of assumptions about purposeful "human" - > - activity common to artificial intelligence research at the time, - > - which tended to think of this activity as a something that - > - proceeded by an a-priori plan that was perfunctorily executed.
pavilion27 — Karaoke Analytica: trials in human-machine...At Xerox PARC, the corporation’s famous Palo Alto research facility, the anthropologist Lucy Suchman, extended the use of non-participant observation – an ethnographic method – to the copy machine and its user. Trials were videotaped in an attempt to describe rather than explain how human-machine communication happens in practice.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Lucy
Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Lucy; die Strahlende; die bei Tagesanbruch Geborene; Lateinisch (Päpste); lux = das Licht; Information zur männlichen Form Lucius:; geht zurück auf einen sehr verbreiteten römischen Vornamen; 'Lucianus' ist eine Weiterentwicklung von 'Lucius'; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Lucius
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