149 Infos zu Maarten Nachtegaal
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Infos zu
- X-ray
- Bokhoven
- Jeroen
- Switzerland
- Davide Ferri
- Paul Scherrer Institute
- Thomas
- Catalytic
- Absorption
- Bae-Jung
- Jakub
- Peter
- Safonova
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Würenlingen/Villigen - Das PSI forscht für verträglichere Dieselabgasewww.aargauerzeitung.ch › aargau › zurzibiet › das-psi-forscht-fur-vertragli...· ... erläutert PSI-Forscher Maarten Nachtegaal. «Damit können wir auf Ebene der Kupfer-Atome und der daran gebundenen Moleküle erkennen, ...
Nanomaterial hilft Sonnenenergie zu speichern: effizient und...Emiliana Fabbri, Maarten Nachtegaal, Tobias Binniger, Xi Cheng, Bae-Jung Kim, Julien Durst, Francesco Bozza, Thomas J. Graule, Robin Schäublin, Luke H. Wiles, ...
Cleaner diesel emissions | myScience / news / news 2018At the X-ray beam line: Davide Ferri (left) and Maarten Nachtegaal at the SLS experimental station where they studied diesel catalysis. (Photo: Paul Scherrer ...
Nanomaterial helps store solar energy: efficiently and inexpensivelyEfficient storage technologies are necessary if solar and wind energy is to help satisfy increased energy demands. One important approach is storage in the...
1 Bilder zu Maarten Nachtegaal

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Maarten Nachtegaal | LSF | Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal. maarten.jpg. Group Leader. Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen PSI Schweiz. Telefon.
Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal - Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)People ‹ LSF ‹ PSD ‹ Labs & User Services ‹ ... ‹ www.psi.chDr. Maarten Nachtegaal. maarten.jpg. Group Leader. Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen PSI Switzerland. Telephone.חסר: Hobria- Verl." Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal. maarten.jpg. Group Leader. Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen PSI Switzerland. Telephone. חסר: Hobria- Verl."
Maarten Nachtegaal | AIChEMaarten Nachtegaal. Citation name: Nachtegaal, M. Affiliation: Paul Scherrer Institute. Country: Switzerland. Authored:.
Nachtegaal, Maarten, Dr. | ETH ZurichAddress. Dep. of Environmental Systems Science. Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal. · V-Card (vcf, 1kb). Additional Information. 2 clicks for more data ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Publications | Center for Interface Science and CatalysisChemCatChem, Andrew A. Peterson, Marian Dreher, Jörg Wambach, Maarten Nachtegaal, Døren Dahl, Jens K. Nørskov, Frédéric Vogel. (2012).
Papers | Lens... Víctor Fernàndez-Altable, Lluis Lopez-Conesa, Doris Cadavid, Laura Piveteau, Maarten Nachtegaal, Jordi Llorca, Maria Luisa Ruiz-González, Sonia Estrade, ...
20 Bücher zum Namen
Kinetics of lifetime changes in bimetallic nanocatalysts revealed by...... Christophe Detavernier, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Olga V. Safonova, Maarten Nachtegaal, Bert M. Weckhuysen and Guy Marin; Organization.
Maarten Nachtegaal - (RSC) publishing - Royal Society of ...Jacinto Sá, Christiane Kartusch, Martin Makosch, Cristina Paun, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, Evgeny Kleymenov, Jakub Szlachetko, Maarten Nachtegaal, Haresh ...
Advanced Catalytic Materials: Photocatalysis and Other Current Trends...Todays chemical industry processes worldwide largely depend on catalytic reactions and the desirable future evolution of this industry toward more selective...
Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases; Arsenic 2010: Proceedings ...books.google.co.il › books... about the direction of the work and the meaning of results ; many thanks thus go to Bill Skinner , Dave McNear , Maarten Nachtegaal and Balwant Singh .
5 Dokumente
Maarten Nachtegaal - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
The Cr X-ray absorption K-edge structure of poorly crystalline...JAKOB FROMMER,1 MAARTEN NACHTEGAAL,2,* IZABELA CZEKAJ,2 AND RUBEN KRETZSCHMAR1. 1Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics, ...
List of invited speakers and abstracts - ESRFwww.esrf.fr › events › conferences › xes-workshopWavefunction based approaches in X-ray spectroscopy; Maarten Nachtegaal, Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen, Switzerland
New methods and applications in time-resolved X-ray absorption ...For extra beamtimes at the SLS special thanks go to Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal, who significantly supported the developments presented in this work with his ...
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Catalysis Today | Advances in the use of X-rays for the...... characterization of functional catalytic materials. Edited by Andrew M. Beale, Mark A. Newton, Maarten Nachtegaal, Davide Ferri. Volume
Eychmüller, Alexander — Chair of Physical Chemistry — TU Dresden Personal Data Date of birth: Family status: married, three...
List references from the University of Geneva Physical Chemistry ...www.unige.ch › sciences › chifi › publis › list_refslBei Zhang, Sameh Kaziz, Houhua Li, Dawid Wodka, Sami Malola, Olga V. Safonova, Maarten Nachtegaal, Clement Mazet, Igor Dolamic, Jordi Llorca, Elina ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
High-performance thermoelectric nanocomposites from nanocrystal ...econpapers.repec.org › RePEc:nat:natcom:v:7:y:· By Maria Ibáñez, Zhishan Luo, Aziz Genç, Laura Piveteau, Silvia Ortega, Doris Cadavid, Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Yu Liu, Maarten Nachtegaal, ...
Determination of conduction and valence band electronic structure of...Electronic structures of rutile and anatase polymorph of TiO2were determined by resonant inelastic X-ray scattering measurements and FEFF9.0 calculations....
Methanolherstellung - de.LinkFang.org↑ Evalyn Mae C. Alayon, Maarten Nachtegaal, Marco Ranocchiari, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven: Catalytic Conversion of Methane to Methanol Using Cu-Zeolites, in: ...
Modulation Excitation X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Probe Surface...Davide Ferri • Mark A. Newton • Maarten Nachtegaal. Published online: 13 August Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Abstract The ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Methanolherstellung – WikipediaDie Methanolherstellung ist ein großtechnisches Verfahren, das in mehreren Varianten zur Hochspringen ↑ Evalyn Mae C. Alayon, Maarten Nachtegaal, Marco Ranocchiari, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven: Catalytic Conversion of Methane to ...
95 Webfunde aus dem Netz
SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索CNKI学术搜索是一个基于海量资源的跨学科、跨语种、跨文献类型的学术资源搜索平台,其资源库涵盖各类学术期刊、论文、报纸、专利、标准、年鉴、工具书等,旨在为国内外研究人员提供全面、权威、系统的知识网络。
Markus Gräfe, Maarten Nachtegaal, and Donald L. Sparks (U. Delaware)Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics
Chemistry Tree - Maarten NachtegaalChemistry Tree: mentors, trainees, research areas and affiliations for researcher
Nachtegaal, Maarten, Dr. | ETH ZürichProfile information
Maarten Nachtegaal - ETH Zurich - Course Cataloguewww.vvz.ethz.ch › Vorlesungsverzeichnis › dozentMaarten Nachtegaal: Course units in Spring Semester Name, Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal. Address. Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) WLGA Villigen PSI
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences - Energy Commission a+Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal Laboratory for Bioenergy and Catalysis General Energy (ENE) · PSI WLGA CH Villigen PSI Switzerland
Markus Gräfe, Maarten Nachtegaal, and Donald L. Sparks (U ...studylib.net › doc › markus-gräfe--maarten-nachteg...Abstract No. Graf0532 The Speciation of Arsenate (As (V)) at the Goethite-Water Interface in the Presence of Zinc (II) Markus Gräfe, Maarten Nachtegaal ...
Chemistry Tree - Maarten Nachtegaal Family TreeChemistry Tree: academic genealogy for researcher
Methanolherstellung – Chemie-SchuleHeute im CHEMIE-UNTERRICHT: | Methanolherstellung ✔ |
Maarten Nachtegaal - PublicationsChemistry Tree: publications by researcher
8th ICEC Scientific ProgramCo-authors: Maarten NACHTEGAAL, Andras BODI, Jeroen A. VAN BOKHOVEN EC-O-17 Maria CASAPU - Operando spatially- and time-resolved XAS ...
Neues Katalysator-Material zur Wasserstoff-ElektrolyseNeues Katalysator-Material für die Wasserstoff-Elektrolyse: Nanomaterial hilft Sonnenenergie effizient und kostengünstig zu speichern
A Mo K-edge QEXAFS study - INFONAwww.infona.pl › resourceStuart A. Bartlett, Peter P. Wells, Maarten Nachtegaal, Andrew J. Dent, Giannantonio Cibin, Gillian Reid, John Evans, Moniek Tromp.
About active sites in heterogeneous catalysts - J. Heyrovsky Institute ...www.jh-inst.cas.cz › seminar › about-active-sites-het...Luca Artiglia, Fabrizio Orlando, Kanak Roy, René Kopelent, Olga Safonova, Maarten Nachtegaal, Thomas Huthwelker and Jeroen A van Bokhoven The Journal of ...
Qucosa - Technische Universität Dresden: Homogeneity and elemental...Autoren Prof. Dr. Thomas Justus Schmidt Jun.-Prof. Methap Oezaslan W. Liu Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal Anatoly I. Frenkel B. Rutkowski Matthias Werheid Dr. Anne-Kristin ...
An operando emission spectroscopy study of Pt/Al2O3 and Pt/CeO2 ...pubs.rsc.org › content › articlelandingValentina Marchionni,ab Jakub Szlachetko,ac Maarten Nachtegaal,a Anastasios Kambolis,a Oliver Kröcher · ORCID logo ad and Davide Ferri · ORCID logo *a.
Applied Sciences | Free Full-Text | A Dispersive Inelastic X-ray...Electron Lasers. Jakub Szlachetko 1,2,* , Maarten Nachtegaal 1.
Atomistic description of thiostannate-capped CdSe nanocrystals:...Loredana Protesescu 1, 2Maarten Nachtegaal 3 Oleksandr Voznyy 4 Olga Borovinskaya 1 Aaron J. Rossini 5 Lyndon Emsley 5 Christophe ...
Abgasnachbehandlung | PSI forscht an optimaler Regelung des...Wissenschaftler des Paul-Scherrer-Instituts haben auf molekularer Ebene untersucht, wie Ammoniak im SCR-Katalysator wirkt. Mit diesem Verständnis
BioXFEL - Resources: Establishing nonlinearity thresholds with...BioXFEL - Biology with X-ray Free Electron Lasers A National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maarten
Männlicher Vorname (Holländisch, Deutsch, Niederdeutsch): Maarten; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); mars = Mars; geht zurück auf den römischen Beinamen 'Martinus', der wiederum auf den Namen des Kriegsgottes Mars zurückgeht; verbreitet durch den Namen des hl. Martin (4. Jh.), der seinen Mantel mit einem Bettler teilte; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Martin bzw. Martinus
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Ronald Frahm
- Thomas Graule
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- Davide Ferri
- Olga Safonova
- Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt
- Markus Gräfe
- Charlotte Vogt
- Wolfgang Kleist
- Benjamin Mutz
- Andreas Martin
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