216 Infos zu Magdalini Christodoulou

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14 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Fund in der Tiefsee - Neue Schlangenstern-Arten im Pazifik entdecktwww.krone.at › ...

· ... aber noch längst nicht vollständig erforscht, sagte die DZMB-Biologin Magdalini Christodoulou bei Senckenberg am Meer in Wilhelmshaven.

Sinkende Sterne: Tiefseebergbau bedroht Seesternverwandte

Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung (DZMB) Senckenberg am Meer

Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin - Indicomatheo.si

Magdalini Christodoulou, from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is a PhD candidate with interests in biodiversity and taxonomy, especially of caridean ... Magdalini Christodoulou, from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is a PhD candidate with interests in biodiversity and taxonomy, especially of caridean ...

Biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin (11-March 13, 2015):...

Magdalini Christodoulou, from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is a PhD candidate with interests in biodiversity and taxonomy, especially of caridean shrimps ...

1  Bilder zu Magdalini Christodoulou

Bild zu Magdalini Christodoulou

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Magdalini Christodoulou aus Merklingen

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Facebook: Magdalini Christodoulou | Facebook

LinkedIn: Magdalini Christodoulou – Researcher – Senckenberg am ...

2 Jobs sind im Profil von Magdalini Christodoulou aufgelistet. Sehen Sie sich auf LinkedIn das vollständige Profil an. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Kontakte von ...

LinkedIn: Magdalini Christodoulou | LinkedIn

View Magdalini Christodoulou's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Magdalini ...

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Cell Press

von M Christodoulou · · Zitiert von: 53 — Magdalini Christodoulou,1 Timothy D. O'Hara,2,3,* Andrew F. Hugall,2 and Pedro Martinez Arbizu1. 1German Centre for Marine Biodiversity ...

Dark Ophiuroid Biodiversity in a Prospective Abyssal Mine ...Cell Press

von M Christodoulou · · Zitiert von: 53 — Magdalini Christodoulou, Timothy D. O'Hara, Andrew F. Hugall, and Pedro Martinez. Arbizu. Page 2. SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES. S1. O'Hara, T.D., Hugall, A.F., Thuy ... von M Christodoulou · · Zitiert von: 53 — Magdalini Christodoulou, Timothy D. O'Hara, Andrew F. Hugall, and Pedro Martinez. Arbizu. Page 2. SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES. S1. O'Hara, T.D., Hugall, A.F., Thuy ...

Download Figures (PPT)Cell Press

Magdalini Christodoulou, Timothy D. O'Hara, Andrew F. Hugall, Pedro Martinez Arbizu. Current Biology. Volume 29 Issue 22 Pages e3 (November 2019). Magdalini Christodoulou, Timothy D. O'Hara, Andrew F. Hugall, Pedro Martinez Arbizu. Current Biology. Volume 29 Issue 22 Pages e3 (November 2019).

1 Business-Profile

Magdalini CHRISTODOULOU | PhDC | Master of Public ...ResearchGate

Magdalini CHRISTODOULOU, PhDC | Cited by 9 | of University of Thessaly, Volos (UTH) | Read 2 publications | Contact Magdalini CHRISTODOULOU. Magdalini CHRISTODOULOU, PhDC | Cited by 9 | of University of Thessaly, Volos (UTH) | Read 2 publications | Contact Magdalini CHRISTODOULOU.

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Kontakt - ooekultur.atOÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH

in Magdalini Christodoulou +43 (0) · E-Mail. Zobodat (Zoologisch Botanische Datenbank). Dipl.-Ing. Michael Malicky +43 (0) · + in Magdalini Christodoulou +43 (0) · E-Mail. Zobodat (Zoologisch Botanische Datenbank). Dipl.-Ing. Michael Malicky +43 (0) · +

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

New records and range expansion of lessepsian migrants in the...

Authors. Theodoros Tzomos · Niki Chartosia · Magdalini Christodoulou · Miltiadis-Spyridon Kitsos. Source Information. February 2010, Page p.To-. Save Citation.

Scholars Portal Journals

Magdalini Christodoulou · Anja Poehlein · Javier Caraveo-Patiño · Andreas Teske · Thorsten Brinkhoff. Source Information. February 2022, Volume12 - Scientific ...

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Magdalini Christodoulou - WikispeciesWikispecies, free species directory

Magdalini Christodoulou, German marine biologist. Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany ... Magdalini Christodoulou, German marine biologist. Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany ...

2 Projekte

Projects — DFG SPP 1991

Taxon-omics New approaches to discovering and naming biodiversity

16 Bücher zum Namen

Macrofaunal assemblages associated with the sponge Sarcotragus...

Christina Pavloudi UGent, Magdalini Christodoulou and Michalis Mavidis (2016) Biodiversity Data Journal. 4. Mark. abstract: Background This ...

ARPHA Conference Abstracts

Laure Van den Bulcke, Annelies De Backer, Magdalini Christodoulou, Sahar Khodami, Sara Maes, Pedro Martinez-Arbizu, Rumakanta Sapkota, Berry van der Hoorn, ...

A Global Overview of the Conservation of Freshwater Decapod ...google.de

... Magdalini Christodoulou, Chryssa Anastasiadou, Jure Jugovic and Theodoros Tzomos Abstract The turbulent and intricate geology of the Mediterranean region ...

Biodiversity, Connectivity and Ecosystem Function Across the ...google.de

... Magdalini Christodoulou 2, Pedro Martinez Arbizu2 and Ana Hilário 1 1 Department of Biology, Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), University ...

16 Dokumente

Category:Media from Christodoulou et al

· Magdalini Christodoulou (1); Timothy D. O'Hara (2); Andrew F. Hugall (3); Sahar Khodami (4); Clara F. Rodrigues (5); Ana Hilario (6) ...

Comparative Reproductive Biology of Deep-Sea ...ReadCube

*, Magdalini Christodoulou 2, Pedro Martinez Arbizu 2 and Ana Hilário Department of Biology, Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) ... *, Magdalini Christodoulou 2, Pedro Martinez Arbizu 2 and Ana Hilário Department of Biology, Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) ...

Magdalini Christodoulou - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

A reliable DNA barcode reference library for benthic ...Interreg North Sea Region

Magdalini Christodoulou, Berry van der Hoorn, Laure Van. Den Bulcke, Sofie Derycke, Annelies De Backer, Marie. Elisabeth Kaufmann, Ingrid Kröncke, Anne ... Magdalini Christodoulou, Berry van der Hoorn, Laure Van. Den Bulcke, Sofie Derycke, Annelies De Backer, Marie. Elisabeth Kaufmann, Ingrid Kröncke, Anne ...

13 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D.DFG - GEPRIS

Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D. Address Senckenberg am Meer Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung (DZMB) Südstrand Wilhelmshaven. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D. Address Senckenberg am Meer Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung (DZMB) Südstrand Wilhelmshaven.

Middle East Caridina (Decapoda: Atyidae): Redescription ...ScienceDirect.com

von W Klotz · — Werner Klotz a , Thomas von Rintelen b , Magdalini Christodoulou c. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite. https://doi.org j.jcz Get ... von W Klotz · — Werner Klotz a , Thomas von Rintelen b , Magdalini Christodoulou c. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share. Cite. https://doi.org j.jcz Get ...

Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D. - GEPRIS - DFGDFG - GEPRIS

Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D., Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung, Südstrand 44, Wilhelmshaven. Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D., Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung, Südstrand 44, Wilhelmshaven.


von L Van den Bulcke · · Zitiert von: 3 — Magdalini Christodoulou: Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing – review & editing. Pedro Martinez Arbizu: Conceptualization. Rumakanta Sapkota ...

11 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Magdalini Christodoulou | PubFacts

Magdalini Christodoulou

Freshwater Shrimps (Atyidae, Palaemonidae, Typhlocarididae) in the...

The turbulent and intricate geology of the Mediterranean region has been responsible for connections, redirections, and interruptions of freshwater systems...

A global overview of the conservation of freshwater decapod...

... threats, conservation challenges and taxonomic issues / Magdalini Christodoulou, Chryssa Anastasiadou, Jure Jugovic and Theodoros Tzomos --

Magdalini Christodoulou - Wikidatawikidata.org

Magdalini Christodoulou. researcher. In more languages. Spanish. No label defined. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description ... Magdalini Christodoulou. researcher. In more languages. Spanish. No label defined. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

GEANS products helping to improve molecular marine ...YouTube · ILVO30+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

GEANS final event webinar presentation by Reindert Nijland (WUR) and Magdalini Christodoulou (Senckenberg/OOELKG)

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: AtyaephyraWikipedia

Magdalini Christodoulou, Paul F. Clark (2016): Eine neue Garnelenart in der Senckenberg-Sammlung entdeckt. Senckenberg. Natur · Forschung · Museum 146 (1/2): ... Magdalini Christodoulou, Paul F. Clark (2016): Eine neue Garnelenart in der Senckenberg-Sammlung entdeckt. Senckenberg. Natur · Forschung · Museum 146 (1/2): ...


von J Leinberger · · Zitiert von: 12 — Magdalini Christodoulou,; Anja Poehlein,; Javier Caraveo-Patiño ...

112 Webfunde aus dem Netz

DFG - GEPRIS - Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D.

WebDr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Ph.D., Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung, Südstrand 44, Wilhelmshaven

Magdalini Christodoulou's Profile | Cell Press JournalistMuck Rack

Find Magdalini Christodoulou's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more. Find Magdalini Christodoulou's articles, email address, contact information, Twitter and more.


... Magdalini Christodoulou, Foteini Malli, Konstantinos Tsaras, Charalambos Billinis, Dimitrios Papagiannis. Infectious DiseaseEpidemiology/Public HealthPublic Magdalini Christodoulou, Foteini Malli, Konstantinos Tsaras, Charalambos Billinis, Dimitrios Papagiannis. Infectious DiseaseEpidemiology/Public HealthPublic ...

Magdalini Christodoulou - Pinterest

WebSee what Magdalini Christodoulou (magdalinichristodoulou) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Magdalini Christodoulou ( ) - ORCID

Magdalini Christodoulou Morphological Variation In Atyaephyra Desmarestii (Millet, 1831) Within And Among Populations Over Its Geographical Range Mediterranean Marine Science

Magdalini Christodoulou – WORLDFISH WIKI

WebMagdalini Christodoulou. Senckenberg am Meer, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Publikationen

magdalini christodoulou's (magdalinichrist) software portfolio |...

Explore magdalini christodoulou's software on Devpost.

BG - Assets - Unexpected high abyssal ophiuroid diversity in ...

Web07 Apr Unexpected high abyssal ophiuroid diversity in polymetallic nodule fields of the northeast Pacific Ocean and implications for conservation Magdalini Christodoulou, …

Magdalini Christodoulou - EMECS Conference公益財団法人 国際エメックスセンター

EMECS Conference Abstract · Search Documents · Author: Magdalini Christodoulou ... EMECS Conference Abstract · Search Documents · Author: Magdalini Christodoulou ...

DZMB Laufende Projekte: GEANS - Senckenberg Gesellschaft für ...

WebProf. Pedro Martinez Arbizu (verantwortlich für WP3), Prof. Ingrid Kröncke, Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou, Frau Kerstin Thaler und Frau Marie Elisabeth Kaufmann vertreten …

AD Scientific Index

Magdalini Christodoulou · Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum. Germany.

Dark Ophiuroid Biodiversity in a Prospective Abyssal Mine …

WebCurrent Biology, Volume 29 Supplemental Information Dark Ophiuroid Biodiversity in a Prospective Abyssal Mine Field Magdalini Christodoulou, Timothy D. O'Hara, Andrew …

Evolutionary Biology Seminar / Evolutionsbiologisches Seminar

Web Dr. Magdalini Christodoulou (Universität Würzburg) Historical biogeography and phylogeny of Atyaephyra shrimps (Decapoda, Atyidae) based on mitochondrial and …

magdalini.christodoulouPublications List

Magdalini Christodoulou. Department of Zoology School of Biology Faculty of Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece. magchris ... Magdalini Christodoulou. Department of Zoology School of Biology Faculty of Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece. magchris ...

Interactive comment on “Unexpected high abyssal …

WebMagdalini Christodoulou et al. Received and published: 15 January We firstly will like to thank you for the time you took to …

Asos İndeks

... Magdalini Christodoulou, Aglaia Antoniou, Antonios Magoulas, Athanasios Koukouras}, year={2012} }. APA. Magdalini Christodoulou, Aglaia Antoniou, Antonios ...

Meeresbiologie: Projekte und Expeditionen | Senckenberg …

WebPedro Martinez Arbizu, Ingrid Kröncke, Magdalini Christodoulou. Several EU directives and OSPAR guidelines require transnational sustainable management of marine …

BOLD Systems v3

( - DSB_2644) @11 [ ] Copyright (2019) Magdalini Christodoulou German Center.

Sinkende Sterne: Tiefseebergbau bedroht Seesternverwandte

WebDr. Magdalini Christodoulou Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung (DZMB) Senckenberg am Meer …

Atyaephyra | Acquariofilia Consapevole 3.0

Informazioni e notizie sulla tassonomia e sulle specie comprese nel genere

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Christodoulou

Christodoulou setzt sich aus 2 Worten zusammen. 1. Christos Jesus, der Herr 2. doulou Diener Folgerung: Diener des Herrn

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