63 Infos zu Maher Rezem
Mehr erfahren über Maher Rezem
Infos zu
- Maik Rahlves
- Bernhard Roth
- Eduard Reithmeier
- Axel Günther
- Institut
- Christian Kelb
- Optical
- Sensing Applications
- Fabrication
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Maher Rezem earned his doctorate - Leibniz Universität ...› ...
Promotion von Maher Rezem - HOT – Hannoversches Zentrum für ...www.hot.uni-hannover.de › das-hot › news-detailansicht › news › promoti...· Wir gratulieren Dr. Maher Rezem zur erfolgreichen Verteidigung seiner Doktorarbeit zu dem Thema "Replication of planar polymer micro-optical ...
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Dr.-Ing. Maher Rezem – Entwicklungsingenieur – Optoflux GmbH ...de.linkedin.com › dr-ing-maher-rezem-384a52162Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Dr.-Ing. Maher Rezem im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Dr.-Ing. Maher Rezem sind 4 Jobs angegeben.
LinkedIn: Maher Rezem - Entwicklungsingenieur - Optoflux GmbH | LinkedInde.linkedin.com › dr-ing-maher-rezem-384a52162View Maher Rezem's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Maher has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
LinkedIn: Maher Rezem - Entwicklungsingenieur - Optoflux GmbH | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Maher Rezem auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Maher Rezem aufgelistet.
Maher Rezem | Semantic Scholarwww.semanticscholar.org › author › Maher-RezemA novel process chain for fabrication of diffractive optical elements in various polymers is introduced, based on a maskless lithography process step, ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Dr. Maher Rezem - Entwicklungsingenieur - Optoflux | XING› profile › Maher_Rezem3
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Low-cost fabrication of optical waveguides, interconnects and ...Authors. Maher Rezem · Christian Kelb · Axel Günther · Maik Rahlves · Eduard Reithmeier · Bernhard Roth. Source Information. March 2016, Volume9751Pages, ... › ...
8 Bücher zum Namen
Hot Embossing of Polymer Optical Waveguides for Sensing ...Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of SysInt doi: j.protcy Maher Rezem et al. › book
Hot Embossing of Polymer Optical Waveguides for Sensing Applications...Hot Embossing of Polymer Optical Waveguides for Sensing Applications | Rezem, Maher; Günther, Axel; Rahlves, Maik; Roth, Bernhard; Reithmeier, Eduard |...
Low-Cost Fabrication of All-Polymer Components for Integrated...Low-Cost Fabrication of All-Polymer Components for Integrated Photonics | Rezem, Maher; Gunther, Axel; Roth, Bernhard; Reithmeier, Eduard; Rahlves, Maik |...
High Quality Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson Junctions: Technological...Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung einer Technologie für die Herstellung hochqualitativer sub-μm Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb-Josephson-Kontakte. Mit den dadurch...
2 Dokumente
Low-Cost Fabrication of All-Polymer Components for Integrated...von M Rezem · · Zitiert von: 41 — Low-Cost Fabrication of All-Polymer Components for Integrated Photonics. Maher Rezem, Axel Günther, Bernhard Roth, Eduard Reithmeier, and Maik Rahlves. von M Rahlves · · Zitiert von: 15 — Polymer-Based Transmission Path for Communication and Sensing Applications. Maik Rahlves, Axel Günther, Maher Rezem, and Bernhard Roth. Find other works by ... › abstract › jlt › fulltext
Lab-level and low-cost fabrication technique for polymer based...Polymer based diffractive optical elements have gained increasing interest due to their potential to be used in various applications such as illumination...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Details der Publikation - Temperature-dependence of polymer ...Temperature-dependence of polymer grating couplers for single-mode waveguides / Pei Li, Stanislav Sherman, Maher Rezem, Kirsten Honnef, Hans Zappe. › vufind › Record
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Fabrication and Sensing Applications of Multilayer Polymer COREcore.ac.uk › MUCC (Crossref)By Maher Rezem, Axel Günther, Maik Rahlves, Bernhard Roth and Eduard Reithmeier. Cite. BibTex; Full citation. No static citation data. No static citation data.
Improved light coupling efficiency of organic light-emitting ...von S Wei · — Maik Rahlves, Axel Guenther, Maher Rezem and Bernhard Roth, Journal of Lightwave Technology 37, 729 (2019). ADS Article Google Scholar. › article
39 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Bill Maher - Official SiteWebBill Maher - Official Site Schedule BILL MAHER COMEDY TOUR January 28, Sat • 7 pm Kiva Auditorium Albuquerque, NM Buy Tickets February 17, Fri • 8 pm David Copperfield Theater at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV Buy Tickets February 18, Sat • 8 pm David Copperfield Theater at MGM Grand Hotel & …
Fig. 2 Citation Maik Rahlves, Maher Rezem, Kristian Boroz ...› getExport
Bill Maher On Horror Show Of The New Congress: “The Zombies …WebJan 20, · January 20, :43pm. Bill Maher on 'Real Time' HBO via Twitter. On the debut episode of Real Time’s 21st Season on Friday, Bill Maher had a lot of lost time to make up for and a lot of low ...
Fig. 4 Citation Maik Rahlves, Maher Rezem Optics ImageBankimagebank.osa.org/getExport.xqy?img...xtype=pdf...oe...Maik Rahlves, Maher Rezem, Kristian Boroz, Sebastian Schlangen, Eduard Reithmeier, Bernhard Roth, "Flexible, fast, and low-cost production process for ...
Bill Maher says Biden administration 'all in' on pushing trans ...Web12 hours ago · Maher highlighted a recent incident in Virginia where a six-year-old brought his mother's gun to school and shot his teacher and how the school librarian told the press how "routine" teachers,...
KIT - IMS - Institut - Mitarbeiter - Optimierung von Ätzprozessen zur...Maher Rezem letzte Änderung: KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Bill Maher says Democrats partially to blame for George Santos’s ...Web5 hours ago · Maher said on the first episode of the new season of his HBO show “Real Time” on Friday that Santos claimed to be among the first people in New York to be hospitalized for COVID-19, was Jewish...
KIT - IPQ - Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ)Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics (IPQ) search: ... Maher Rezem (Intro. Talk - Master Thesis) 'Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography'
Bill Maher says Howard Stern won't 'ever leave the house’ due to ...WebJan 13, · Maher lamented that pandemic interrupted their newfound friendship. “We didn’t have a good relationship for a very long time. Very bitter. And then, boy, it all changed and it just shows there’s...
KIT - IPQMichelle Sander, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) September 05, ... Maher Rezem (Final Talk - Diplom) 'Optically Powered Beam Loss Monitoring Sensor'
Cowboys kicker Brett Maher misses record four PATs in Dallas …WebJan 17, · Maher missed four extra points in the Cowboys' wild-card win over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, becoming the first kicker to miss four PATs in a regular-season or postseason game since the ...
SpringerCitations - Details PageHot Embossing of Polymer Optical Waveguides for Sensing Applications. Maher Rezem, Axel Günther, Maik Rahlves, Bernhard Roth and Eduard Reithmeier.
Cowboys' Brett Maher to remain kicker Sunday vs. 49ers after …Web7 hours ago · Brett Maher suffered a total meltdown on a night where he missed a total of four extra points, going just 1 for 5 in the Cowboys' win. The performance wasn't just bad, it was historically...
3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: New...... AND COMMON JAVA SCRIPT PLATFORMS Stefan Bosse FABRICATION AND SENSING APPLICATIONS OF MULTILAYER POLYMER OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES Maher Rezem, Axel Günther, ...
Maher Terminals LLCWebNov 15, · Maher Terminals LLC is one of the largest privately held multi user container terminal operators in the world. As a vital link in the container cargo movement chain, we are responsible for helping our customers effectively compete in the global marketplace by handling their cargo as expeditiously and economically as possible. We take this responsibility very seriously and have developed North America’s largest marine container …
Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...Meriem Akin, Maher Rezem, Maik Rahlves, Kevin Cromwell, Bernhard Roth, Eduard Reithmeier, Marc Christopher Wurz, Lutz Rissing and Hans Juergen Maier. › forwardlinks
Real Time with Bill Maher - YouTubeWebReal Time with Bill Maher 697K views2 months ago Overtime: Chris Wallace, Katty Kay, Chris Christie | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) Real Time with Bill Maher 1.3M views2 months ago New...
DataCite CommonsAxel Günther, Sergej Schneider, Maher Rezem, Yixiao Wang, Uwe Gleissner, Thomas Hanemann, Ludger Overmeyer, Eduard Reithmeier, Maik Rahlves & Bernhard Roth.
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Developments, Applications and Challenges for the Industrial ...Lab-level and low-cost fabrication technique for polymer based micro-optical elements and holographic structures Maik Rahlves a, Maher Rezem a, ... ›
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