132 Infos zu Maik Hüttemann
Mehr erfahren über Maik Hüttemann
Infos zu
- Wayne State University
- Molecular Medicine
- Icksoo Lee
- Mitochondrial
- Medicine and Genetics
- Lawrence
- Center for Molecular
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Prof. Maik Huttemann was awarded for his oral communication ...wms-site.com › news › 704-prof-maik-huttemann-w...Maik Hüttemann, from Wayne State University, USA for his presentation on "Modulation of cytochrome C oxidase activity with specific near-infrared light ...
Past Meeting| Keystone Symposia - ProgramPast Meeting| Keystone Symposia
2 Bilder zu Maik Hüttemann

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Maik Hüttemann – working-dogInformiere dich über Maik Hüttemann, seine Hunde sowie Erfolge oder nimm direkt Kontakt mit Maik Hüttemann auf, indem du ihm eine Nachricht auf working-dog...
Maik Hüttemann – Cuvillier VerlagMaik Hüttemann Contributed to the following publications. Charakterisierung von Isoformen, cDNAs und Genen von Untereinheiten der Cytochrom c …
Maik Hüttemann - Mitovation's Founder & Co - Datanyzewww.datanyze.com › Manufacturing › MitovationMaik Hüttemann works as a Founder & Co- Science Chief & Officer at Mitovation, which is a Manufacturing company with an estimated 7 employees;, their management ...
Maik Hüttemann | AIChEMaik Hüttemann. Citation name: Hüttemann, M. Affiliation: Wayne State University. State: MI. Country: USA. Authored: (200b) A New Regulator of Mitochondrial ...
1 Business-Profile
Maik Hüttemann Wayne State University | WSU - ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net › Wayne State UniversityMaik Hüttemann. In memoriam of Bernhard Kadenbach: Although the main focus of his research was the structure, function, and regulation of mitochondrial ...
16 Bücher zum Namen
Charakterisierung von Isoformen, cDNAs und Genen von Untereinheiten der Cytochrom c Oxidase aus Fischen, Pute, Mensch sowie Patienten mit ... der Untereinheit VIa bei der Thermogenese.von Maik Hüttemann, CuvillierBroschiert
Hypoxic stress induces, but cannot sustain trophoblast stem cell...Dysfunctional stem cell differentiation into placental lineages is associated with gestational diseases. Of the differentiated lineages available to
Suchergebnisse - Maik Hüttemannby Pierron, Denis, Wildman, Derek E., Hüttemann, Maik, Markondapatnaikuni, Gopi Chand, Aras, Siddhesh, Grossman, Lawrence I. Published in BBA - Bioenergetics · Get full text. Article. Save to List. Saved in: 3. Cover Image · Regulation of mitochondrial respiration and apoptosis through cell signaling: Cytochrome c ...
Frontiers of Cellular Bioenergetics: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry,...The book covers major advances made in cellular bioenergetics, a central topic in biological and medical research. The chapters, contributed by authors...
11 Dokumente
CMMG seminar onEpicatechin Stimulates Mitochondrial Activity and Selectively Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Radiation Hosam A. Elbaz, Ph.D. November 07th, Department of Radi…
MT program meeting seminar on v2... Acknowledgements • Principle investigators – Steven Zielske – Maik Hüttemann • Angelika Burger Shared Postdoctoral Award Questions?
Non‐invasive treatment of ischemia/reperfusion injury: Effective ...aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › abs › btm2· Maik Hüttemann and Thomas H. Sanderson are co-founders of Mitovation, Inc. that develops IRL therapy for ischemia/reperfusion injury ...
Mitochondrial Targeted Protection Following Incomplete Spinal Cord ...www.spine.org › Assets › ResearchClinicalCare › GrantWinners › Malek20Mitochondrial Targeted Protection Following Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury with. Noninvasive Technology. Moh Malek, PhD; Maik Hüttemann, PhD; Gerry Hish, DVM.
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Maik Hüttemann, Ph.D. - GEPRISgepris.dfg.de › gepris › personProfessor Dr. Maik Hüttemann, Ph.D., Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, 540 E. Canfield Avenue, Detroit MI , USA.
Loss of the SIN3 transcriptional corepressor results in aberrant...SIN3 is a transcriptional repressor protein known to regulate many genes, including a number of those that encode mitochondrial components. By monitoring RNA...
DFG GEPRIS - Regulation der Cytochrom c Oxidase …Antragsteller: Dr. Maik Hüttemann Wayne State University School of Medicine Center for Molecular Medicine & Genetics Fachliche Zuordnung Biochemie ...
ServicenavigationDr. Maik Hüttemann, Center for Molecular Medicine & Genetics, Applebaum Building, Detroit MI , USA
14 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Publications Authored by Maik Hüttemann | PubFactsPublications Authored by Maik Hüttemann
Mitochondrial Structure, Function, and Dynamics - Hindawiwww.hindawi.com › journals › omclMoh H. Malek | Maik Hüttemann | Icksoo Lee. 08 Feb 2018; PDFDownload PDF · CitationDownload citation · Special Issue; - Volume 2018; - Article ID
Regulation of Energy Transduction and Electron Transfer in ...link.springer.com › articleMaik Hüttemann. Show authors. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes volume 30, pages 25–33 (1998)Cite this article. 95 Accesses. 24 Citations.
Maik Hüttemann - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiMaik Hüttemann. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
maik hüttemann - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics (WSU) on Twitter ...twitter.com › cmmgwsu › status· would like to congratulate Dr. Maik Huettemann, PhD for receiving the Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award in the Health Sciences.
Wikipedia: Цитохром-c-оксидаза — ВикипедияЦитохром с-оксида́за (цитохромоксидаза) или цитохром с-кислород-оксидоредуктаза, Перейти к: Denis Pierron, Derek E. Wildman, Maik Hüttemann, Gopi Chand Markondapatnaikuni, Siddhesh Aras, Lawrence I. Grossman (April ...
COX7AR is a Stress-inducible Mitochondrial COX Subunit that Promotes...Article
65 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Maik Hüttemann - Google Scholarscholar.google.com › citationsMaik Hüttemann. Professor of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State University. Verified email at med.wayne.edu - Homepage.
Hosam Elbaz - الباحث العلمي من GoogleMichigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine - تم الاقتباس 828 مرة - Cancer biology and the…utics - Carcinogenesis and mutagenesis -...
mip: Hüttemann MI Lee, AR Salomon, S Ficarro, I Mathes, F Lottspeich, LI Grossman, Maik Hüttemann. Wayne State Univ, School Medicine, Molecular Medicine Genetics,
Wayne State University - Maik Hüttemann, PhDwww.lungcancerresearchfoundation.org › Grants2008 Lung Cancer Research Foundation Annual Grant Program. Maik Hüttemann, PhD. Wayne State University. Research Project: A Non-Invasive Gene Therapy for ...
Maik Hüttemann, PhD - Center for Molecular Medicine and Geneticsgenetics.wayne.edu › faculty › maik-huttemannMaik Hüttemann, PhD. Professor of Molecular Medicine and Genetics and of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology. Division Director for Research, CMMG
Maik Hüttemann: H-index & Awards - Academic Profile | Research.comresearch.com › Biology and BiochemistryMaik Hüttemann mainly investigates Cell biology, Mitochondrion, Cytochrome c oxidase, Cytochrome c and Apoptosis. His Mitochondrion study is related to the ...
Rankings for Scientist - Maik Hüttemann - AD Scientific Index 2023www.adscientificindex.com › scientistMaik Hüttemann AD Scientific Index Wayne State University. Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics.
Maik HüttemannMaik Hüttemann. Details · Publications ... Lawrence Grossman⁎, Icksoo Lee, Maik Hüttemann · Mitochondrion 11 , 4 , article ...
Maik Hüttemann | Wayne State University | United States of Americabiography.omicsonline.org › maik-httemannDr. Maik Hüttemann is affiliated to Biomedical Science, where Dr. Maik Hüttemann is currently working as Professor. Dr. Maik Hüttemann has authored and ...
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications - MDPIwww.mdpi.com › scifeed_displayMaik Hüttemann. Jun Ma. Yongwei Su. Jenna Carter. Xinyu Li. Lisa Polin. Juiwanna Kushner. Sijana H. Dzinic. Kathryn White. Guan Wang. Jeffrey W. Taub.
Isolation of regulatory-competent, phosphorylated cytochrome C ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Icksoo Lee , Arthur R Salomon, Kebing Yu, Lobelia Samavati, Petr Pecina, Alena Pecinova, Maik Hüttemann. Affiliation.
Leadership Team - Mitovationmitovation.com › teamMaik Hüttemann. Founder & Co-Chief Science Officer. Dr. Hüttemann is Professor and Division Director for Research at the Center for Molecular Medicine ...
Letter by Hüttemann et al Regarding Article, "Ndufs2, a Core Subunit ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Maik Hüttemann , Natascha Sommer , Norbert Weissmann , Lawrence I Grossman. Affiliations. 1 From the Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, ...
Maik Huttemann's lab - ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net › lab › Maik-Huttemann-LabMaik Hüttemann. Not confirmed yet. David R. Evans. Not confirmed yet. Junmei Wan. Not confirmed yet. Carlos T. Moraes. Not confirmed yet. Paul T. Morse.
Biology | Open Access Articles | Digital Commons Network™Open access academic research from top universities on the subject of Biology
Cytochrome c oxidase: Evolution of control via nuclear subunit...Evolution of control via nuclear subunit addition. Denis Pierron, Derek Wildman, Maik Hüttemann, Gopi Chand Markondapatnaikuni, Siddhesh ...
German Government Woos Young Scientists | The Scientist Magazine®Getty Images When Stefanie Dimmeler became professor of molecular cardiology in Frankfurt last year, researchers hailed her as one of Germany's youngest...
Publications | lulucambronnewww.lulucambronne.org › papersZhiyao Fu, Hyunbae Kim, Paul T Morse, Mu-Jie Lu, Maik Hüttemann, Xiaolu A. Cambronne, Kezhong Zhang, Ren Zhang. Metabolism, volume 135 (2022). SLC.PNG.
Abl2 kinase phosphorylates bi-organellar regulator MNRR1 in...The mitochondria are the well-known “powerhouse” of the cell. Not surprisingly, its functional state is important to other parts of the cell and, conversely,...
Recognize - Rescognitorescognito.com › ..., -, Work/Publication, Maik Hüttemann, Link: Mitochondrial oxygen sensing of acute hypoxia in specialized... Recognize.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maik
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Maik; Wer ist wie Gott?; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); miy = wer; el = der Mächtige, Gott; im Alten Testament ist Michael einer der vier Erzengel; Schutzpatron des alten Deutschen Reiches
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