73 Infos zu Maja Bucar

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten


prof. Maja Bucar. Room: B Courses: Undergraduate courses. European economic integration. Graduate courses

Liikanen calls for a common framework for innovation policy | Times...

Maja Bucar, from the Centre of International Relations at the University of Ljubljana, blamed the poor innovative record of candidate countries on a number of ...

IB Revija No UMARwww.umar.gov.si › publications › single › publication › news › ib-revija-1...

· Dr. Metka Stare, Dr. Maja Bucar Challenge of the transition into the information- society. Opinions and Discussions

3  Bilder zu Maja Bucar

Število visoko tehnoloških podjetij se bo povečalo, če bo država ustvarila spodbudno okolje za podjetnike. Maja Bučar, Fakulteta za družbene vede
"Zadnja leta velike korporacije spet uvajajo
Maja Bucar: Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies and International Relations at ...

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Maja Bucar | Facebookm.facebook.com › maja.bucar.5

Facebook: Maja Bučar | Facebookwww.facebook.com › maja.bucar.33

LinkedIn: Maja Bucar | LinkedIn

business network, helping professionals like Maja Bucar discover inside ...

LinkedIn: Maja Bucar | LinkedIn

View Maja Bucar's (Slovenia) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Maja Bucar discover ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Translate soule from French to German - MyMemory - translationmymemory.translated.net › French › German › soule

maja bucar vom zentrum für internationale beziehungen an der universität ljubljana führte dieniedrige innovationsleistung der beitrittsländer auf eine reihe von ...

18 Bücher zum Namen

Suchergebnisse - genre:5* - EconBiz

Suchergebnisse - genre:5*

Andris Strazds - Groupe d'études géopolitiquesgeopolitique.eu › authors › andris-strazds

Sven Biscop, Maja Bucar, Florence Gaub, Shada Islam, Juha Jokela, Ben Judah, Nicole Koenig, Elena Lazarou, Alessandro Marrone, Garima Mohan, Joseph Nye, ...

European Development Cooperation: In Between the Local and the Global...

The foreign aid disbursed by the EU member states reached record levels in 2008, as several member states raised their assistance considerably and new ones...

Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals -...

Maja Bucar and Boštjan Udovic Just as in any other European Union (EU) Member State, Slovenia could not escape a wave of populism and Euroscepticism during ...

4 Dokumente

The Politics of Differentiated Integration: What do Governments Want?...

The paper addresses a concept of differentiated integration in Slovenian politics. The analysis showed that the key words associated with the salience of DI are

April University College London

1 I am grateful to Maja Bucar and Milica Uvalic for useful comments on earlier version of this paper. However, all remaining errors remain my ...

[PDF] Conference report - European Development Co-operation to 2020www.edc2020.eu › Textdateien › General_Conference_Report_2008

16 nov · In her brief introduction Maja Bucar stated that com Philipp P. M. Casula, University of Basel, Switzerland.

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Maja Bucar

List of computer science publications by Maja Bucar

Foreword - OECD iLibrarywww.oecd-ilibrary.org › science-and-technology › f...

· This background report (Bucar et al., 2010) was prepared by a team of Slovenian experts: Maja Bucar (main author) together with Andreja ...

dblp: Informatica (Slovenia), Volume 27

Informatica (Slovenia), Volume 27. Trier 2. Trier 1; Dagstuhl; modern. classic > Home > Journals > Informatica (Slovenia) ... Cene Bavec, Maja Bucar, Metka Stare:

OECD iLibrary | Foreword

OECD, OCDE, OECD iLibrary, Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, bibliothèque, livres, périodiques, statistiques, collections, journaux,...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Private Development Aid in Europe - Foreign Aid between the Public...

The authors present an overview of private development aid in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and the EU as a whole....

EADI Directors´ Meeting Fundación ETEAfundacionetea.org › wp-content › uploads › › eadi-dm-19-agenda

· (input: Prof Maja Bucar, University of Ljubljana, Prof. Math Noortman, Executive Director of ACUNS). - Academic publishing: Ethical Issues ...

ISN Content Management |

Author(s), Maja Bucar, Maria João Marques, Anja Mesic, Eva Plibersek. Publisher, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik ...

The Knowledge-Based Economy in Central and East European Countries |...

DOINITA ARITON Lecturer, 'Dunarea de Jos' University, Romania MAJA BUCAR Assistant Professor, Centre of International Relations, University of Ljubljana, ...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Thread by @tepsaeu on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Thread by @tepsaeu: Maja Bucar, from @FDVLjubljana, is giving the initial address to #PPCLjubljana:

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz


Lisbon strategy, competitiveness and ERA Maja Bucar Centre of International Relations Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Similar presentations ...

Grüß euch alle zusammen - Yahoo Groups

In knirps_klassentreffen@..., "Maja Bucar" <majatamcke@y...> schrieb: > > Ich freu mich jetzt schon auf unser Treffen. > Steffi hatte recht: Einige von euch ...

Maja Bucar Archives - KosovaPresskosovapress.com › tag › maja-bucar

The statement signed at the Brdo Summit by European leaders with the EU pledging support to the 6 Western Balkan… Latest Update. October 14,

Lisbon strategy, competitiveness and ERA Maja Bucar Centre of...

Lisbon strategy:main objectives EU is to become “the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth...

knirps_klassentreffen : Beitrag: Lebt wohl! - Yahoo! Groups

... dann wohl: Das nächste Klassentreffen ist im schönen Wales. Bleibt alle anständig. Liebe Grüße, Maja. Die 17. Okt :32. "Maja Bucar" <maja.bucar@.

EADI: No development without freedom | Bonn Sustainability Portal

EADI: No development without freedom. 5 Oktober EADI Statement September Established in 1975, ... Maja Bucar, Centre of International Relations (Slovenia)

Differencies in morphologic characteristics between top level...

In 1933, at the 5th Regional Sokol Meeting in Ljubljana which was at the time a place in the Yugoslav Kingdom, Skerlj carried out the first measurements of

Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion: The governance...

Gonzalo Leon, Susana Borrás, Maja Bucar, Sylvie Inizan, Raoul Kneucker, Stefan Kuhlmann, Claire Nauwelaers, Jari Romanainen, Veronique Timmerhuis.

Organising Committee - Responsible Development in a Polycentric ...www.gc2014.org › theme › organising-committee

Maja Bucar: Vice-Dean for Doctoral Studies and International Relations at the University of Ljubljana. Peter Knorringa: Professor of Private Sector ...


The paper was read by Miriam Pandel in the absence of Maja Bucar, who could not travel to Maastricht at the last stage of her pregnancy. We are grateful to ...

TRENDS IN E AND D SCORES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ONwww.proquest.com › scholarly-journals › docview

Leskosek, Bojan; Cuk, Ivan; Pajek, Maja Bucar. Science of Gymnastics Journal; Ljubljana Vol. 5, Iss. 1, (2013): , You might have access to the full ...

Lisszaboni stratégia: forradalom és illúzió között

Maja Bucar (2007 szeptemberétől) egyetemi tanár, Ljubljanai Egyetem, Szlovénia. Sylvie Inizan (2006 szeptemberéig) az Observatoire des Sciences et ...

Non-DAC Donors at Crossroads? (Working Group Development Aid of the...

· Dr. Maja Bucar, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana Dr. Simon Lightfoot, POLIS, University of Leeds.

Women encounter technology: Changing Patterns of Employment in the...

Maja Bucar graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana in Her Master's dissertation on 'Women's employment in the restructuring of global ...

Towards a Division of Labour in European eDoc

Maja Bucar is associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana. She holds a Ph.D in Economics from the ...

Maja Bučar : EuroMeSCo – Euro-Mediterranean Research, Dialogue,...




Predsednica programskega sveta - moderatorica plenarnega dela...

Doc.   Dr. Maja Bučar Pajek je docentka kineziologije na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Zaposlena je na Fakulteti za šport v Ljubljani oddelek športna vzgoja....

Bridging Education for Change”, Jana Arbeiter and Maja Bučar (CIR ...www.tepsa.eu › transformative-education-bridging-e...

· “Transformative Education: Bridging Education for Change”, Jana Arbeiter and Maja Bučar (CIR, Slovenia) ... In this advocacy piece, the authors ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maja

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Maja; Amme, Hebamme (?); Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); maia = die Amme, die Hebamme (Altgriechisch); mai- = gross; der Mai (Deutsch); 'Maia' ist in der griechischen Mythologie die schönste der Plejaden und die Mutter des Merkur; der Name 'Maia' bedeutet vielleicht Amme, Hebamme; 'Maja', später mit der griechischen 'Maia' gleichgesetzt, ist in der römischen Mythologie eine Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin, die Göttin des Wachstums im Frühling; der Monatsname 'Mai' ist vom Name Maja der römischen Göttin abgeleitet

Personensuche zu Maja Bucar & mehr

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