61 Infos zu Maja Serman

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

The human brain: Detective of auditory and vi | EurekAlert!

... Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman and Catherine Semal from the University of Bordeaux and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). › afps-t...

The human brain: Detective of auditory and visual change


Seeing is Believing, but Hearing Could Be Misleading – Association...

The game “spot-the-difference,” in which a player is presented with two photos and asked to pinpoint the variations, is an excellent example of the human...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: maja serman – Research audiologist – Sivantos The Hearing ...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von maja serman auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von maja serman aufgelistet. Sehen ...

Maja Serman on Etsy

› people › m...

Maja Serman - Semantic Scholar

› ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

The Human Brain-Sherlock Holmes To The Hilt

The human brain can catch the slightest visual and auditory changes.

Maja Serman - Patents

Recent bibliographic sampling of Maja Serman patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title):

Inventors on Siemens patents (2013) - FreshPatents.com

Maja Serman · Maja Serman · Mamadou Diallo · Maneesh Dewan · Manfred Baldauf · Manfred Jung · Manfred Langen · Manfred Liebel · Manfred Meinherz. › Siem...

Martina Bellanova - Patents

Subsequently, the acoustic presentation of the presented speech element is automatically changed and... Inventors: Maja Serman, Martina Bellanova (Siemens ...

2 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Maja Serman


2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Catherine Semal - Bordeaux Neurocampus

Laurent Demany, Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman, Catherine Semal. Psychol Sci (1) : Individual differences in the sensitivity to pitch direction.

Dr. Maja Šerman, PhD. - CHAIR - CADLab @ FSB

› staff

4 Bücher zum Namen

bibl06.htmlbiblio.efst.hr › bib › bibl06

... Damir Dekovic, Anton Jezernik, Irina Neaga, Zbigniew Smalko, Maja Serman, Drazen Loncar, Zvonimir Zagar, Gian Francesco Biggioggero, Edoardo Rovida, ...

Hearing - From Sensory Processing to Perceptiongoogle.cz

... Maja Serman for comments on a previous version ofthis paper. References Bregman AS (1990) Auditory scene analysis. MIT Press, Cambridge, USA Brosch M ...

Hearing - From Sensory Processing to Perception - Google Books

Hearing – From Sensory Processing to Perception presents the papers of the latest “International Symposium on Hearing”, a meeting held every three years...

Lena-Bell - Inger Alfvén - Google Books

Lena Bell blir den gemensamma nämnaren för två flickor, båda skadade av sina uppväxtmiljöer – familjeflickan Lena och skilsmässobarnet Mirabell. De dras till...

1 Dokumente

Individual differences in the sensitivity to pitch direction

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Hedwig Gockel, Maja Serman, and especially. Christophe Micheyl for judicious comments on a previous version of this paper.

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Auditory Change Detection: Simple Sounds Are Not Jstorwww.jstor.org › stable › pdf

Laurent Demany, Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman, and Catherine Semal. Universite' Bordeaux 2 and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bordeaux, ...

dblp: Maja Serman

List of computer science publications by Maja Serman

dblp: Mirko Arnold

List of computer science publications by Mirko Arnold

Aroudi, Ali ([2014-]) - Suche in der Hochschulbibliografie

Treffer von 9 — von Ali Aroudi ; Eghart Fischer ; Maja Serman ; Henning Puder ; Simon Doclo Details anzeigen. Beteiligte Personen (Uni Oldenburg): ... › hsb › suche

4 Meinungen & Artikel

Blog for hearing care professionals

Stay up to date with our blog for hearing care professionals. Here you can get to know our brand Signia and find out more about our products and services.

Blog for hearing care professionals - Signia Pro

Written by Maja Serman, Ulrich Giese, Niels Søgaard Jensen & Erik Harry Høydal. The white paper discuss important aspects of fitting hearing... Insights — Written by Maja Serman, Ulrich Giese, Niels Søgaard Jensen & Erik Harry Høydal. The white paper discuss important aspects of fitting hearing ... › en-us › blog

Mohogany Top Guitars

The pre-change scene must be memorized in some way, explained psychologists Laurent Demany, Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman and Catherine ...

44 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Laurent Demany, Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman and Catherine Semal ...

› ...

Serman Dr. Maja

Serman Dr. Maja. Diashow starten. EUHA · EUHA · Previous: Ramin Ing. Birgit. 2 Bilder · Hilfe. Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript in Ihrem ...

Maja Serman, Erlangen-Buckenhof DE - Patent applications

Patent application number, Description, Published , Earphone Facility with vibration-isolated earphone - An earphone facility is proposed to ...

R&D speaker at the inaugural BIHIMA conference - Sivantos

Sivantos engineers are invited to events, fairs, symposiums and meetings around the world to share their expertise about hearing technology. Maja Serman,

SpiN :: program

SpiN th Speech in Noise Workshop - Oldenburg

Study about music and hearing aids presented at the HEAL conference -...

Dr. Veronika Littmann (l.) and Dr. Maja Serman from Sivantos. During the international Heal (Hearing Across the Lifespan) conference at the Lake Como in Italy, two audiologists from Sivantos Germany presented their research results pertaining to music and hearing aids.

hoerakustik.net - hoerakustik.net

Die Fachzeitschrift für die Hörakustik-Branche – Berufs- und Branchenpolitik | Hörakustik-Stellenmarkt | aktuelle Hörsystem-Technik | neueste Fachinformationen

23. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie GMS

Authors. presenting/speaker Kaja Kallisch - Sivantos GmbH, Erlangen, Deutschland; Maja Serman - Sivantos GmbH, Erlangen, Deutschland. › dga2020

Auditory change detection: simple sounds are not memorized better...

Laurent Demany, Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman, Catherine Semal Psychol Sci ; 19(1): DOI: j

Abschlussarbeiten Abteilung Technik...

Dr. Inga Holube und Dr. Maja Serman (Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH, Erlangen) Eingereicht am 4. Februar Entwicklung und Evaluation einer neuen ... › abschlussarbeiten

Auditory Memory Uses More Efficient Mechanisms Than Visual Memory -...

"The pre-change scene must be memorized in some way," explained psychologists Laurent Demany, Wiebke Trost, Maja Serman and ...

Augenoptik & Hörakustik

Dr. Maja Serman, Research Audiologist bei WS Audiology in Erlangen, erklärte anhand der Gesetze der auditorischen Szenenanalyse (ASA), wie aus einer ... › flowpaper › index_20

Algorithms | Free Full-Text | Closed-Loop Cognitive-Driven Gain...

von A Aroudi · · Zitiert von: 2 — Closed-Loop Cognitive-Driven Gain Control of Competing Sounds Using Auditory Attention Decoding. by. Ali Aroudi. 1,2,* ,. Eghart Fischer. 1,. Maja Serman. › ...

Bibliographie systématique - ICMC

Maja Serman, J. L. Griffith Niall, Nikola Serman - Tracking monophonic music for modelling melodic segmentation processes Nico Schüler ...

Nitro micon: the Wisdom behind the Powerful Sound - healthdocbox ...healthdocbox.com › Deafness › Nitro-mi...

Nitro micon: the Wisdom behind the Powerful Sound Maja Serman, Ph.D. Ulrich Giese, Ph.D. Claudia Pischel Abstract: This paper describes challenges faced by ...

Link update: New job opennings at Siemens Audiologische Technik ...

Best regards, Maja Dr. Maja Serman Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH H AU PLM PWD AUD Erlangen, Deutschland Tel. › postings

Serman - Patent applications

Maja Serman, Erlangen-Buckenhof DE ; , HEARING AID AND METHOD FOR OPERATING A HEARING AID WITH A HUMIDITY SENSOR - A hearing aid has a hearing aid ...

Modelling neural informational propagation and functional auditory...

In this paper we prove that both diffusion and the leaky integrators cascade based transport mechanisms have as their inherent property the effect of temporal...

Moving Beyond the Audiogram Towards a Patient-Centered, Interactive...

This text addresses the Hearing Profile, a novel hearing aid fitting based on objective and subjective hearing related factors additional to the audiogram,...

Neural speech tracking shifts from the syllabic to the ...

von F Schmidt · · Zitiert von: 4 — Fabian Schmidt, Ya-Ping Chen, Anne Keitel, Sebastian Roesch, Ronny Hannemann, Maja Serman, Anne Hauswald, Nathan Weisz. › ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maja

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Maja; Amme, Hebamme (?); Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); maia = die Amme, die Hebamme (Altgriechisch); mai- = gross; der Mai (Deutsch); 'Maia' ist in der griechischen Mythologie die schönste der Plejaden und die Mutter des Merkur; der Name 'Maia' bedeutet vielleicht Amme, Hebamme; 'Maja', später mit der griechischen 'Maia' gleichgesetzt, ist in der römischen Mythologie eine Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin, die Göttin des Wachstums im Frühling; der Monatsname 'Mai' ist vom Name Maja der römischen Göttin abgeleitet

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