99 Infos zu Maja Von Cube

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

gazeta: Dobry sklep rowerowy w mieście 100łecznym - Automobil - Forum...

Drodzy, podrzućcie namiar na konkretny sklep rowerowy w Warszawie, taki z sensownym personelem i wyborem. Dziecie pojechało do spożywczego i wróciło pieszo, bo...

Applying Statistics in Medicine - Combacte

Maja von Cube studied Mathematics at the University of Freiburg in Germany (​Bachelor of Science , Master of Science ). Since 2015, she​ ...

GMDS-Förderpreisegmds-tmf de › events › gmds-preistraeger

Preisträgerin für die beste Dissertation: Dr. Maja von Cube, Universität Freiburg “The population-attributable fraction for time-dependent exposures and ...

mobile-friendly-Programme - European Causal Inference Meetingeurocim2019.bips.eu › programme › mobile-friendl...

Maja von Cube (University of Freiburg, Germany) A conceptual framework for the population-attributable fraction in the presence of time-dependent exposures ...

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Model: Maja von Cube | Facebook

LinkedIn: Maja von Cube – Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter mit LinkedInde.linkedin.com › maja-von-cube-a

Maja von Cube. In Ausbildung/Studium: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau. Institut für Biometrie und Statistik, Universitätsklinikum ...

LinkedIn: Maja von Cube, PhD – Postdoctoral Researcher at the ...de.linkedin.com › maja-von-cube-phd-a

Maja von Cube, PhD | Freiburg und Umgebung, Deutschland | Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics bei Institute of Medical ...

MySpace: maja von cube (maja )

4 Hobbys & Interessen

Download Figures (PPT) - The Lancetwww.thelancet.com › laninf › article › PIIS (19)

Jerome Lambert, Maja von Cube, Lucie Biard, Siegbert Rieg, Martin Wolkewitz. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages (February 2020).

Surveillance for control of antimicrobial resistance - EM consulte

... Abdel Oualim, Jessica Price, Jérôme Robert, Harriet Sommer, Maja von Cube, Cuong Vuong, Irith Wiegand, Anne Therese Witschi, Martin Wolkewitz.

Self-management for patients on ventricular assist device support: a...

· ... Maja von Cube Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles ...

Lancet Infectious Diseases, The - Vol n° 2 - EM consultewww.em-consulte.com › LANINF › table-des-matieres

Jerome Lambert, Maja von Cube, Lucie Biard, Siegbert Rieg, Martin Wolkewitz. Ajouter à ma bibliothèque Retirer bibliothèque Iconographies.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team Institut für Pflegewissenschaft — Medizinische Fakultät

Dr. Maja von Cube -freiburg.de. Larissa Forster MA Nina Friedrich MSc Stefan Jobst MSc : Nadine Lutz MSc Dr. Michael Meng

5 Angaben zur Herkunft

Ahnentafel Maja von Cube, * | Geneall.net

Ahnentafel Maja von Cube * Informationen zur Konsultation nur auf der Ebene Geneall Plus erhältlich. Bitte Login oder Inschrift

Ancestors of Maja von Cube, * | Geneall.net

Names, Surnames, Titles, Posts, Maps. Ancestors of Maja von Cube *1905 · Maja von Cube * Marriages: Leon Adolf Alexander Baron von Koskull.

Maja von Cube, * | Geneall.net

Maja von Cube * Cherson, Russland, Ahnentafel; Nachname; Heiraten. Informationen zur Konsultation nur auf der Ebene Geneall Plus erhältlich. Bitte Login oder Inschrift. Kinder. Informationen zur Konsultation nur auf der Ebene Geneall Plus erhältlich. Bitte Login oder Inschrift.

4 Bücher zum Namen

Other papers submitted by: Dr Maja von Cube - Dove Medical Presswww.dovepress.com › author_profile

— Papers published by Dr Maja von Cube: · Inverse Probability Weighting Enhances Absolute Risk Estimation in Three Common Study Designs of ...

COVID-19 in-hospital mortality and mode of death in a PLOSjournals.plos.org › plosone › article › authors › jour...

— Maja von Cube. Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.

Grammatica Hebræo-Harmonica, cum Arabica et Aramæa, methodo-logico...

Denique in Penrateucbo paiîìm infertœ extra ‚, contextum Literœ э öl D. Maja/cube,” ‚зев, Majora: apartar. в Minorem. DDD Majora: Лилль D Minorem clau/am ...

The Population-attributable Fraction for Time Google Booksbooks.google.com › books › about › The_Populatio...

Maja von Cube. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Reviews. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content ...

6 Dokumente

The population-attributable fraction for time-dependent exposures ...arxiv.org › stat

von M von Cube · · Zitiert von: 7 — Authors:Maja von Cube, Martin Schumacher, Sebastien Bailly, Jean-Francois Timsit, Alain Lepape, Anne Savey, Anais Machut, Martin Wolkewitz.

MAJA VON CUBE TERRA hiscb2017.serglo.es › uploadedFiles › fileManager

Maja von Cube, Martin Schumacher, Martin Wolkewitz. Institute for Medical Biometry and Statistics,. Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center - University of ...

Statistical Analysis of Clinical COVID-19 Data: A Concise Overview of...

This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: Clinical Epidemiology. Martin Wolkewitz1. Jerome Lambert1. Maja von Cube 1. Lars Bugiera1.

Statistical Analysis of Clinical COVID-19 Data - ProQuestsearch.proquest.com › openview › 1.pdf

von M Wolkewitz · · Zitiert von: 36 — Maja von Cube 1. Lars Bugiera1. Marlon Grodd1. Derek Hazard1. Nicole White 2. Adrian Barnett 2. Klaus Kaier 1. 1Institute of Medical Biometry and.

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Basic parametric analysis for a multi-state model in hospital...

· Maja von Cube, Martin Schumacher & Martin Wolkewitz. Freiburg Center of Data Analysis and Modelling, University of Freiburg, Eckerstr.

FreiDok plus - Cube, Maja von

Bezeichnung der Aktivität / Ehrung Art der Aktivität / Ehrung Zeitraum oder Einzeldatum

How unmeasured confounding in a competing risks setting can ...bmcmedresmethodol.biomedcentral.com › articles

17 Jan 2019, Reviewed, Reviewer Report - Maja von Cube. 22 Feb 2019, Reviewed, Reviewer Report - Sarah Friedrich. Resubmission - Version Jun

COVID19 in Germany – method based forecastswww.macro.economics.uni-mainz.de › covid19-in-d...

— Virtual Workshop ; Maja von Cube, (Universitätsklinik Freiburg) ; Jean Roch Donsimoni, (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) ; Olaf Enge-Rosenblatt ...

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Maja von Cube | PubFacts

Maja von Cube

Joint analysis of duration of ventilation, length of intensive care,...

Maja von Cube ,; Marlon Grodd ,; Lars Bugiera , ...

Maja von Cube - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wiki

— Maja Katharina Kammerlander. In more languages. Spanish. Maja von Cube. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined.

Maja von Cube - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothekwww.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de › person › gnd

Maja von Cube. Mathematikerin. Has participated in: Quantifying and communicating the burden of ... Search: “Maja von Cube” in the DDB. External links:.

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Maja von Cube - YouTubewww.youtube.com › channel

Maja von Cube - YouTube.

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Great talk at - #EuroCIM Maja von Cube Twittertwitter.com › jlrohmann › status

Great talk at #EuroCIM2019 Maja von Cube (. @UniFreiburg. ); "A conceptual framework for the population-attributable fraction in the presence of ...

LG G Pro Lite D686 Dual SIM czy MyPhone Cube - Forum - TELEPOLIS.PL

Witam!! Potrzebuję telefon z dual sim tak do 800zl. Który z tych telefonów jest waszym zdaniem lepszy i wart zakupu. pozdrawiam

CUBEITG - Spółki od A do Z - GPW - Forum StockWatch.pl

RYNKI I INSTRUMENTY - Spółki od A do Z - GPW - CUBEITG - moderowane forum giełdowe - dbamy o merytoryczną i kulturalną dyskusję dotyczącą spółek giełdowych i...

52 Webfunde aus dem Netz

How to pronounce Maja von Cube | HowToPronounce.comwww.howtopronounce.com › maja-von-cube

How to say Maja von Cube in English? Pronunciation of Maja von Cube with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Maja von Cube.

Maja Cube: Background Data, Facts, Social Media, Net Worth and more!

Interesting facts and data about Maja Cube: life expectancy, age, death date, gender, popularity, net worth, location, social media outreach, biography, and...

Reliable Diagnosis and Prognosis of COVID-19 | Computer-aided Deswww.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › edit › reliable-d...

von M Mansourian · · Zitiert von: 2 — ByMarjan Mansourian, Hamid Reza Marateb, Maja von Cube, Sadaf Khademi, Mislav Jordanic, Miguel Ángel Mañanas, Harald Binder, Martin Wolkewitz.

Methods in Clinical Epidemiology | …

Martin Wolkewitz, Harald Binder, Miguel Ángel Mañanas, Mislav Jordanic, Sadaf Khademi, Maja von Cube, Hamid Reza Marateb, Marjan Mansourian (2021): Reliable Diagnosis and Prognosis of COVID-19. In V. Bajaj, G.R. Sinha (Ed.), Computer-aided Design and Diagnosis Methods for Biomedical Applications. (1st Ed., pp ) CRC Press.

The Fire Within

I was a liaision for Maja Von Cube who came from Germany and lived with the Vaughns during the school year. Her daughter, Gwen, went to Belgium ...

Projects | Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

Contributor: Derek Hazard, Maja von Cube, Susanne Weber, Klaus Kaier SWISSNOSO Prevalence studies to measure exposure to health-associated infections (HAIs) have a long tradition in the field of infection prevention and control.

Additional file 10 of Joint analysis of duration of ventilation, length of ...figshare.com › articles › dataset › Additional_file_10_of_Joint_analysis_of...

posted on , 20:45 by Derek Hazard, Klaus Kaier, Maja von Cube, Marlon Grodd, Lars Bugiera, Jerome Lambert, Martin Wolkewitz. Additional file 10.


Maja von Cube, Martin Wolkewitz, Martin Schumacher, Derek Hazard; Additional insights on the modelling of the COVID-19 clinical progression using multi-state ...

Survival and Event History Analysis II – Biometrisches Kolloquium 2021

Sampling designs for rare time-dependent exposures – A comparison of the nested exposure case-control design and exposure density sampling. Jan Feifel 1, Maja von Cube 2, Martin Wolkewitz 2, Jan Beyersmann 1, Martin Schumacher 2. 1Institute of Statistics, Ulm University, Germany; 2Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, Faculty of Medicine ...

'Methodological evaluation of bias in observational PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

von M Wolkewitz · — Authors. Martin Wolkewitz , Maja von Cube , Oksana Martinuka. Affiliations. 1 Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, Faculty of Medicine and Medical ...

COVID dynamic care model of the University Medical Center Freiburg.

posted on , 10:41 by Siegbert Rieg, Maja von Cube, Johannes Kalbhenn, Stefan Utzolino, Katharina Pernice, Lena Bechet, Johanna Baur, Corinna ...

Tutorials - GMDS e. V.

· [2] Wolkewitz, Martin, Maja von Cube, and Martin Schumacher. "Multistate modeling to analyze nosocomial infection data: an introduction and demonstration." Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology (2017): [3] von Cube, Maja, Martin Schumacher, and Martin Wolkewitz.

'Methodological evaluation of bias in observational COVID ouci.dntb.gov.ua › works

von M Wolkewitz · — Journal: Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2021, № 7, p Publisher: Elsevier BV. Authors: Martin Wolkewitz, Maja von Cube, Oksana Martinuka.

Bias due to censoring of deaths when calculating extra length of stay...

Authors: Shahina Rahman, Maja von Cube, Martin Schumacher and Martin Wolkewitz. Date: May 30, From: BMC Medical Research Methodology(Vol.

Causal inference with multistate models—estimands and estimators of...

Maja von Cube, Martin Schumacher, Martin Wolkewitz. The population attributable fraction (PAF) is a popular epidemiological measure for the burden of a ...

Additional file 1 of Basic parametric analysis for a multi-state model ...figshare.com › articles › dataset › Additional_file_1_of_Basic_parametric_...

— posted on , 22:00 authored by Maja von Cube, Martin Schumacher, Martin Wolkewitz. R function to calculate transition probabilities ...

PLOS ONE: COVID-19 in-hospital mortality and mode of death in a...

Maja von Cube,. Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Affiliation ...

Necessity of a Competing Risk Approach in Risk Factor Analysis of...

Necessity of a Competing Risk Approach in Risk Factor Analysis of Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infection - Volume 37 Issue 10

Multistate Modeling to Analyze Nosocomial Infection Data: An...

Multistate Modeling to Analyze Nosocomial Infection Data: An Introduction and Demonstration - Volume 38 Issue 8

Download Figures (PPT) - Clinical Microbiology and Infectionwww.clinicalmicrobiologyandinfection.com › article › ppt

Oksana Martinuka, Maja von Cube, Martin Wolkewitz. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Volume 27 Issue 7 Pages (July 2021).

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maja

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Maja; Amme, Hebamme (?); Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); maia = die Amme, die Hebamme (Altgriechisch); mai- = gross; der Mai (Deutsch); 'Maia' ist in der griechischen Mythologie die schönste der Plejaden und die Mutter des Merkur; der Name 'Maia' bedeutet vielleicht Amme, Hebamme; 'Maja', später mit der griechischen 'Maia' gleichgesetzt, ist in der römischen Mythologie eine Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin, die Göttin des Wachstums im Frühling; der Monatsname 'Mai' ist vom Name Maja der römischen Göttin abgeleitet

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen von

von (v.) = Adelsprädikat(Titel)

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