191 Infos zu Mandy Birschwilks

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

RadoNorm Kick off meeting #1 - RadoNorm

10:20 – 11:00, WP1 Coordination, Management, and Administration, Members of the coordination team – Mandy Birschwilks and Michael Warning.

RadoNormRadoNorm project started with three webinars as part of the online Pre- ...

Konstantin Kovler (Technion); Aaron Goodarzi (University of Calgary); Bernard Collignan (CSTB); José Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva (ERA); Mandy Birschwilks ( ...

Mandy Birschwilks - June Newsletter

Mandy Birschwilks' Post ... What's happening right now in the Pianoforte partnership? (beside our Open Call of course ) The response is in ... Mandy Birschwilks' Post ... What's happening right now in the Pianoforte partnership? (beside our Open Call of course ) The response is in ...

Chemie im Grünen Bereich

Als Bestandteil der Führungen wird Ihnen Dr. Mandy Birschwilks die komplizierte Klaviatur des konfokalen Mikroskops erklären. Wer will, ...

16 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Mandy Birschwilks aus Potsdam

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LinkedIn: Beitrag von Mandy Birschwilks

Beitrag von Mandy Birschwilks Tag Nach gestrigem Rückblick auf den vergangenen Term und Ausblick auf den kommenden Term findet heute ein ... Beitrag von Mandy Birschwilks Tag Nach gestrigem Rückblick auf den vergangenen Term und Ausblick auf den kommenden Term findet heute ein ...

LinkedIn: Beitrag von Mandy Birschwilks - LinkedIn Deutschland

Mandy Birschwilks Forschungskoordinatorin 1 Tag Diesen Beitrag melden LAST CHANCE Reichen Sie noch heute Ihren Beitrag für den „Fit for Purpose: A German Contribution to the new ICRP recommendations” Workshop ein. 🏁 Einreichefrist: 30. Juni ...

2 Hobbys & Interessen

CORDISTowards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific ...

Autoren: Ulrike Kulka*, Mandy Birschwilks, Laureline Fevrier, Balázs Madas, Sisko Salomaa, Aleš Froňka, Tanja Perko, Andrzej Wojcik and Nadja Železnik

Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific ...CORDIS

Auteurs: Ulrike Kulka*, Mandy Birschwilks, Laureline Fevrier, Balázs Madas, Sisko Salomaa, Aleš Froňka, Tanja Perko, Andrzej Wojcik and Nadja Železnik Auteurs: Ulrike Kulka*, Mandy Birschwilks, Laureline Fevrier, Balázs Madas, Sisko Salomaa, Aleš Froňka, Tanja Perko, Andrzej Wojcik and Nadja Železnik

1 Business-Profile

Mandy BIRSCHWILKS | Dr.rer.nat | International and National...

Mandy BIRSCHWILKS | Cited by 560 | | Read 30 publications | Contact Mandy BIRSCHWILKS

1 Persönliche Webseiten

StoreDBContact Us

Mandy Birschwilks. BFS Munich, Germany . General Enquiries. Dr Paul Schofield. Professor of Biomedical Informatics, University of Cambridge ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Scholars Portal JournalsRadiation and Environmental Biophysics

Mandy Birschwilks · Andreas Blume · Almudena Real · Rein Murakas · Boguslaw Michalik · Isabel Paiva · Tone-Mette Sjømoen · Alan H. Tkaczyk · Jelena Mrdakovic ...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Taylor & Francis OnlineFull article: Funding for radiation research: past, present and future

von K Cho · · Zitiert von: 28 — Mandy Birschwilks. Mandy Birschwilks, Ph.D., has more than 10 years of experience in coordinating and managing large international projects (FP6, FP7 ...

articles.skTrichomes of Tobacco Excrete Zinc as Zinc-Substituted Z-Library

Marcus, Mandy Birschwilks, Stephan Clemens and Alain Manceau. How much do you like this book? What's the quality of the file? Download the book for quality ...

Funding for radiation research: past, present and futureTaylor & Francis Online

von K Cho · · Zitiert von: 26 — Mandy Birschwilks, Ph.D., has more than 10 years of experience in coordinating and managing large international projects (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020): e.g. ERA-PRO, ... von K Cho · · Zitiert von: 26 — Mandy Birschwilks, Ph.D., has more than 10 years of experience in coordinating and managing large international projects (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020): e.g. ERA-PRO, ...

Nora Fenske | 10 Publications | 54 Citations | Related Authorstypeset.io › Author Directory

Omid Azimzadeh, Maria Gomolka, Mandy Birschwilks, Shin Saigusa +2 more. 22 Nov Applied Sciences. Abstract: Archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded ...

29 Dokumente

GOV.UKFunding for radiation research: past, present and future

von K Cho · · Zitiert von: 28 — ... Mandy Birschwilks, Simon Bouffler, Antone L. Brooks, Tom K. Hei, Toshiyasu Iwasaki, Tetsuya Ono, Kazuo Sakai, Andrzej Wojcik, Gayle E ...

BMBF Horizont EuropaNKS-Organigramm-Horizont-Europa. ...

Mandy Birschwilks (Strahlenschutz). Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz Dr. Christian Busch (Fusion). VDI Technologiezentrum

GOV.UKFunding for radiation research: past, present and future – Fingerprint

Kunwoo Cho, Tatsuhiko Imaoka, Dmitry Klokov, Tatjana Paunesku, Sisko Salomaa, Mandy Birschwilks, Simon Bouffler, Antone L. Brooks, Tom K. Hei, ...

PIANOFORTE partnershipD Stakeholder and Advisory Board composition, mission, ...

With contributions from: Florian Rauser and Mandy Birschwilks (BfS), Caroline. Schieber (CEPN), Maria A. López, Milagros Montero and Roser Sala (CIEMAT) ...

12 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

ScienceDirect.comImproved expertise in radiation protection, nuclear chemistry and ...

von R Garbil · · Zitiert von: 3 — Mandy Birschwilks 2 , Clemens Walther 3 , Behrooz Bazargan-Sabet Cite this article as: Michèle Coeck, Thomas Jung, Mandy Birschwilks ...

Archive ouverte HALTrichomes of tobacco excrete zinc as Zn-substituted calcium carbonate ...

von G Sarret · · Zitiert von: 151 — ... Mandy Birschwilks (3) , Stephan Clemens (3) , Alain Manceau (1). Afficher plus de détails. 1 LGIT - Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique

ScienceDirect.comRadoNorm – towards effective radiation protection based on ...

von R Garbil · · Zitiert von: 4 — Author links open overlay panel. Roger Garbil , Seif Ben Hadj Hassine , Patrick Blaise , Cécile Ferry , Ulrike Kulka 1 , Mandy Birschwilks 1

TU DortmundRadiation and Environmental Biophysics

Madas, Florian Rauser, Mandy Birschwilks, Andreas Blume, Almudena Real, Rein Murakas, B. Michalik, de Paiva, Tone-Mette Sjømoen, Alan H. Tkaczyk, Jelena ...

18 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

wikidata.orgMandy Birschwilks - Wikidata

Mandy Birschwilks. researcher ORCID ID = In more languages. Spanish. No label defined. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No ...

Amanote Research(PDF) FAIRing the Radiation Science Commons - BIO Web of

FAIRing the Radiation Science Commons by Balázs Madas, Ulrike Kulka, Bernd Grosche, Mandy Birschwilks, Gayle Woloschak, Shin Saigusa, Soile Tapio,

RadoNormDeliverable 7.1: Recruitment of PhD students and Postdocs for specified ...

Andrzej Wojcik (SU), Mandy Birschwilks (BfS). To be cited as: Wojcik A, Birschwilks, M. (2021): Recruitment of PhD students and Postdocs for specified ...

ResearchGateThe European Radiobiological Archives and the e.ERA database

Mandy Birschwilks · Michael Gruenberger · Clemens Adelmann; [...] Bernd Grosche. For financial and ethical ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

RICOMET consultation "Potential of citizen science for ...YouTube · SSH-SHARE330+ Aufrufe · vor 3 Jahren

... Mandy Birschwilks, RadoNorm project, BfS - Dr. Olga German, IAEA Moderator: Meritxell Martell, SHARE Secretary and Merience Chat moderator ...

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Europäische Förderung - ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research...

Schmitt-Hannig, Mandy Birschwilks, Thomas Jung Jahrestagung 2016, Fachverband ...

93 Webfunde aus dem Netz

RocketReachMandy Birschwilks email address & phone number

Mandy Birschwilks, based in Germany, is currently a Scientific Assistant at Helmholtzzentrum München, bringing experience from previous roles at Bundesamt Fuer ...

Mandy Birschwilks ( ) - ORCID

RadoNorm – towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations – focus on RADON and NORM. EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies | Journal article. DOI: epjn Part of ISSN: Contributors : Ulrike Kulka; Mandy Birschwilks; Laureline Fevrier; Balázs Madas; Sisko ...

Academia.edu(PDF) FAIRing the radiation science commons | Bernd Grosche

... Mandy Birschwilks 2 , Gayle Woloschak 3 , Shin Saigusa 4 , Soile Tapio 5 , Michael Gruenberger 6 , Paul Schofield 6 1 Environmental Physics Department, MTA ...

CiNiiTrichomes of Tobacco Excrete Zinc as Zinc-Substituted Calcium ...

von G Sarret · · Zitiert von: 151 — Mandy Birschwilks: Environmental Geochemistry Group, Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique, University of Grenoble and Centre National de la ...

EPJ NEuratom Research and Training in 2022

von N EPJ — Ulrike Kulka, Mandy Birschwilks, Laureline Fevrier, Balázs Madas, Sisko Salomaa, Aleš Froňka, Tanja Perko, Andrzej Wojcik and Nadja Železnik. Published ...

EPJ Nuclear Sciences & TechnologiesReview articles

Ulrike Kulka, Mandy Birschwilks, Laureline Fevrier, Balázs Madas, Sisko Salomaa, Aleš Froňka, Tanja Perko, Andrzej Wojcik and Nadja Železnik. EPJ Nuclear Sci ...

GRS gGmbHNationale Kontaktstelle (NKS) EURATOM

Mandy Birschwilks Fachkontaktstelle Strahlenschutz Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS). Tel.: (+49) E-Mail: mbirschwilks(at)bfs.de. Kontakt. Dr ...

OUCITransfer of phloem-mobile substances from the host plants to ...

Authors: Mandy Birschwilks, Sophie Haupt, Daniel Hofius, Stefanie Neumann. List of references. Atkins D, Hull R, Wells B, Roberts K, Moore P, Beachy RN

Oxford AcademicPlant Physiology

Marcus, Mandy Birschwilks, Stephan Clemens, and Alain Manceau Heavy Metal Stress and Sulfate Uptake in Maize Roots. Fabio F. Nocito, Clarissa Lancilli ...

PLOSAdministration of lower doses of radium-224 to ankylosing ...

von ND Priest · · Zitiert von: 13 — ... Mandy Birschwilks () who provide the data on Data are restricted because of the following: Data are owned by ...

Semantic ScholarArabidopsis thaliana is a susceptible host plant for the ...

Mandy Birschwilks, N. Sauer, +1 author. S. Neumann · Published in Planta 28 June · Biology, Environmental Science.


Mandy Birschwilks. DOI, DOI: STOREDB Study details. STUDY NAME. German Thorotrast Study (rat data). STUDY STATUS. Restricted: Downloaders have to ...

melodi-online.euOrganisers - MELODI

Andrzej Wojcik (SU, Sweden): EURADOS, biology. The Local Organising Committee: Mandy Birschwilks (BfS, Germany); Silvia Köhn (HMGU, Germany); Solveijg Schröder ...

Belgian Nuclear Research Centre | SCK CENImproved expertise in radiation protection, nuclear chemistry and

— Michèle Coeck, Thomas Jung, Mandy Birschwilks, Clemens Walther, Behrooz Bazargan-Sabet, Tanja Perko. Research output › peer-review. Overview ...

Belgian Nuclear Research Centre | SCK CENRadoNorm - towards e ective radiation protection based on improved ...

— Ulrike Kulka, Mandy Birschwilks, Laureline Février, Balázs Madas, Sisko Salomaa, Ales Fronka, Tanja Perko, Andrzej Wojcik, Nadja Zeleznik.

Mandy Birschwilks’ Post - LinkedIn

Mandy Birschwilks Nationaler Workshop "Fit for Purpose" https://lnkd.in/deD-MN_h ⚠ Das Programm ist hier https://lnkd.in/dQ2PKszF verfügbar!

Mandy Birschwilks on LinkedIn: 🔔 Beat the last minute rush ...

Mandy Birschwilks' Post. View profile for Mandy Birschwilks, graphic · Mandy Birschwilks. Forschungskoordinatorin. 2w. Report this post; Close ... Mandy Birschwilks' Post. View profile for Mandy Birschwilks, graphic · Mandy Birschwilks. Forschungskoordinatorin. 2w. Report this post; Close ...

Mandy Birschwilks posted on LinkedIn

Mandy Birschwilks' Post ... Amazing first day at the RadoNorm .eu ECR Course on transdisciplinary communication with insightful lectures and great ... Mandy Birschwilks' Post ... Amazing first day at the RadoNorm .eu ECR Course on transdisciplinary communication with insightful lectures and great ...

Mandy Birschwilks | LinkedIn

View Mandy Birschwilks's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Mandy Birschwilks ...

Biologe*Biologin (m/w/d) (Stellen-ID )

More Relevant Posts. View profile for Mandy Birschwilks, graphic · Mandy Birschwilks. Forschungskoordinatorin. 7h. Report this post; Close menu. More Relevant Posts. View profile for Mandy Birschwilks, graphic · Mandy Birschwilks. Forschungskoordinatorin. 7h. Report this post; Close menu.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Mandy

Weiblicher Vorname (Englisch): Mandy; die Liebenswerte; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); amandus = liebenswürdig, lieblich; used only since the 17th century

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