68 Infos zu Manfred Sippl

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Den Molekülfälschern auf der Spur - science.ORF.at

Manfred Sippl ist Leiter des Center of Applied Molecular Engineering. Bereits hat er in der Fachzeitschrift "Proteins" den Artikel "Recognition of errors in three-dimensional structures of proteins" veröffentlicht. ...


FC Beilngries - werden nur Freundschaftsspiele ausgetragen Jugendabteilungsleiter Manfred Sippl erklärte, dass sich im Schüler- und ...

Computerwelt: Die digitale Probe | DiePresse.com

Wie sehr können wir uns auf die Computerwelt verlassen? Bei den Alpbacher Technologiegesprächen sollen Grenzen ausgeleuchtet werden.

Más de 200 expertos participarán en Valencia en el encuentro de...

Entre los ponentes invitados destaca la presencia de Oscar Lao, del Centro Médico Erasmus de Rotterdam; y Manfred Sippl, de la Universidad ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Manfred Sippl aus Sulzbach-Rosenberg

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

: Manfred Sippl aus Sulzbach-Rosenberg

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

WikiGenes - Manfred J. Sippl

Affiliations. Center for Applied Molecular Engineering, Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Salzburg, Jakob , Austria

10 Bücher zum Namen

authors:"Manfred Sippl" - Search | Paperity

Paperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place

Manfred Sippl | XanEdu Customization Platform

Author: Manfred Sippl. Results. Detection of unrealistic molecular environments in protein structures based on expected electron densities Springer ...

Introduction to Protein Structure - Carl Ivar Branden, John Tooze -...

The VitalBook e-book of Introduction to Protein Structure, Second Edition is inly available in the US and Canada at the present time. To purchase or rent...

Systems Biology - Google Books

A different method was proposed by Manfred Sippl [31]. In this case, instead of checking if the query sequence together with its structural preferences matched ...

1 Dokumente


Andrej Sali Rockefeller, New York. Michael Scharf Take 5, Heidelberg. Gerrit Vriend Univ. Nijmegen. Manfred Sippl Univ. Salzburg. localisation .. in general ...

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

LoCo: a novel main chain scoring function for protein structure...

Successful protein structure prediction requires accurate low-resolution scoring functions so that protein main chain conformations that are close to the...

dblp: Christian X. Weichenberger

List of computer science publications by Christian X. Weichenberger

Bioinformatics Leipzig - Collaborations

Bioinformatics Leipzig. Home; Address/Location; People; Publications; Software; ... (CAME) at the University of Salzburg Manfred Sippl Sebastian Bonhoeffer at FMI Basel

Visitenkarte von Sippl, Manfred; Univ.-Prof. Dr. - PLUSonline -...

Herr, Sippl, Manfred, Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. E-Mail, Manfred.SIPPL(at)sbg.ac.at. Homepage, -. Telefon PLUS, + Sprechstunde, -. Postadresse  ...

2 Meinungen & Artikel


Inhalt der Mitteilung: Huhu! hier fehlt die telefonnummer vom manfred sippl. wie sollen wir denn da anrufen können um bescheid zu sagn dass ...

Raw Message - CCL.net

... DE) Burkhard Rost (Columbia University, New York, USA) Manfred Sippl ( University of Salzburg, Salzburg, AT) Michael Sternberg (Imperial College, London, ...

30 Webfunde aus dem Netz

20 January – 9 February – Visiting scientist Dr. Manfred Sippl »...

20 January – 9 February – Visiting scientist Dr. Manfred Sippl. Jan Manfred Sippl. Dr. Manfred Sippl of the Center of Applied Molecular ...

Sippl - Names Encyclopedia

Manfred Sippl (1) Luise Sippl (1) Margarete Sippl (1) Margit Sippl (1) Klemens Sippl (1) Maria Sippl (1) Marianne Sippl (1) Ronald Sippl (1) Tanja Sippl (1) Stefan ...

25 February – 22 March – Visiting scientist Dr. Manfred Sippl »...

Dr. Manfred Sippl of the Center of Applied Molecular Engineering, University of Salzburg, Austria, visits our lab. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.

HUM-MOLGEN events: 3Dsig Structural Bioinformatics and...

central resource for events in human genetics and molecular biology

Protein fold recognition by prediction-based threading

Protein fold recognition by prediction-based ... threading method perfected by Manfred Sippl and ... fold recognition by prediction-based threading'.

Protein fold recognition by prediction-based threading (Rost)

Protein fold recognition by merging 1D structure prediction and sequence alignments ... and the potential-based threading by Manfred Sippl and colleagues ...

Bosco K Ho's Emporium - Why bioinformatics !== compstructbio, or why...

... a measure of accuracy is considered a very important job, and some of the biggest names in structbio (Jane Richardson, Manfred Sippl) have ...

30 November – 8 January – Visiting scientist Dr. Manfred...

Dr. Manfred Sippl of the Center of Applied Molecular Engineering, University of Salzburg, Austria, visits our lab. Sorry, the comment form is ...


Invited lecture: Protein folding from statistical physics perspective Manfred Sippl Salzburg University,Salzburg,Austria, .sbg.ac.at.

Studienhandbuch | Bioinformatics

Studienhandbuch Study Book Johannes Kepler University

[Opt-Net] Fwd: DGA rd Annoucement

... France; and IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA) Lu Yang (East China Normal University, China) Manfred Sippl (University of Salzburg, ...

Evaluating the models

Evaluating the models

A2B2C :: Bariloche 2014


VMD-L Mailing List

... Mark Sansom (Oxford), Torsten Schwede (Swiss Institute of. Bioinformatics), Manfred Sippl (U Salzburg), Rebecca Wade (EMBL-Heidelberg).

Proceryon Biosciences > Company


Seminar course in algorithms (Seminariekurs algoritmer)

... Structure in a Data Base of Known Protein Conformations. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 13, (Manfred Sippl's publication list)


September 20, Amazing protein folds. Manfred Sippl, Department of Structural Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Salzburg. Exploring gene ...


Manfred Sippl, Department of Structural Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Salzburg. With the massive increase in the number of solved protein structures ...

Do you know where I can get the latest PROSA by Manfred Sippl?

Software .. FTP. Do you know where I can get the latest PROSA by Manfred Sippl? ... Here is the annoucement posted some time ago: =PROtein Structure Analysis: PROSA ...


Next message: updated WWWsite: The Antibody Resource Page ... UK) Ken Fasman (USA) Manfred Sippl (Austria) Osnat Herzberg (USA) William ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Manfred

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Manfred; Althochdeutsch (Zweigliedriger Name); man = der Mann; fridu = der Friede, der Schutz, die Sicherheit; alter deutscher zweigliedriger Name; bekannt durch den Stauferkönig Manfred von Sizilien (13. Jh.)

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Sippl

Eine Schrumpfform zu Sigibald, Siebert, Siebold, u. ä. Herkunftsname: a)Sipplingen, Dorf in Baden b)Sipperlbach, Hof in Oberöst. c)Sipel, Einschicht in Böhmen bei Budweis d)Sippel, Einschicht in Böhmen bei Prachatitz

Personensuche zu Manfred Sippl & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Manfred Sippl und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.