215 Infos zu Marc Rehmsmeier

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Campus Event Calendar: Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier ( in

Title: Genome-Wide Prediction of Polycome / Trithorax Response Elements in Drosophila Melanogaster. Speaker: Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier.

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Marc Rehmsmeier aus Detmold

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

precrec/CITATION at master · takayasaito/precrec · GitHub

An R library for accurate and fast calculations of Precision-Recall and ROC curves - takayasaito/precrec

PUB - Publikationen an der Universität Bielefeld

Marc Rehmsmeier. Former Bielefeld University Researcher. Publications; Search / Filter; Export Marked; Login; 20 Publications Mark all [20]

Jonassen Group | People – CBU

Bjørn Bredesen (with Marc Rehmsmeier and Leonie Ringrose). I'm a PhD student of Marc Rehmsmeier and Leonie Ringrose, co-supervised by Inge Jonassen.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team – itn-pep.net

... the principles of genome function with new developments in molecular biology, epigenetics, nuclear imaging, proteomics and genetics. Marc Rehmsmeier.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Books - Lane Medical Library - Stanford University School of Medicine

... that the morphology and biological function are inextricably linked in ECs response elements / Marc Rehmsmeier -- Modeling chromatin states / Marc ...

16 Bücher zum Namen

Verfasser Suchresultate

Treffer von 22 für Suche: 'Marc Rehmsmeier', Suchdauer: 0.08s. Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend, Signatur ...

MicroRNA Protocols von Ying, Shao-Yao (Buch) - Buch24.de

MicroRNA Protocols, MicroRNA Protocols provides diverse, novel, and useful descriptions of miRNAs in several species, including plants, worms, flies, fish,...

Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 17th Annual Symposium, CPM 2006,...

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM 2006, held in Barcelona, Spain, July

Epigenetics and Systems Biology - Leonie Ringrose - Google Books

Epigenetics and Systems Biology highlights the need for collaboration between experiments and theoretical modeling that is required for successful application...

7 Dokumente

AUC: at what cost(s)? - SlideSharede.slideshare.net › auc-at-what-costs

WB Saunders, Saito, Takaya, and Marc Rehmsmeier. "The precision-recall plot is more informative than the ROC plot when evaluating ...

RNAhybrid Downloadpage

Author(s): Marc Rehmsmeier - Matthias Hoechsmann - Peter Steffen. User Data. Please select a suitable file to download. RNAhybrid src.tar.gz:

RNAshapes Downloadpage

RNAshapes Downloadpage Author(s): Bjoern Voss - Peter Steffen - Jens Reeder - Marc Rehmsmeier - Robert Giegerich

MicroRNA Protocols - [电子书] - 生物秀

Preface ..vContributors ..xi1. The MicroRNA: Overview of the RNA Gene That ModulatesGene FunctionsShao-Yao Ying, Donald C. Chang, Joseph D. Miller,and Shi-Lung...

17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier

Professor Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier, Department of Informatics, Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen, Norwegen

dblp: Marc Rehmsmeier

List of computer science publications by Marc Rehmsmeier

2004 – IZBI

16:00 Uhr IZBI, Marc Rehmsmeier Univ. Bielefeld, CeBiTec, Fast and effective prediction of microRNA/target duplexes :15 Uhr IZBI, Bernd Schierwater ...

Professor Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier - Gepris - DFG

Professor Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier. Projekte. Als Beteiligte Person abgeschlossene Projekte. Vergleichende Phylogenie zwischen Arten bis hin zum "tree of Life" ...

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Marc Rehmsmeier | PubFacts

Marc Rehmsmeier

MicroRNA Protocols | SpringerLink

MicroRNAs and Messenger RNA Turnover. Julia A. Chekanova, Dmitry A. Belostotsky. Pages PDF · Prediction of MicroRNA Targets. Marc Rehmsmeier.

User talk:Marc Rehmsmeier - OpenWetWare

Hello, Marc Rehmsmeier! This is a welcome message from OpenWetWare. By the way, we've announced you on the home page! You can ...

Oalib search

Search Results: of matches for " Marc Rehmsmeier " All listed articles are free for downloading (OA Articles) ...

99 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Fehlerhafte Artikel in de.* (no reply)

: DE (Rafael Kobylinski) 1 From: .rwth-aachen.de (Frank Koussen) 1 From: -bielefeld.de (Marc Rehmsmeier) 1 From: ...

Google Groups: Info's über Sigma und Tamron sind in der FAQ!

: Marc Rehmsmeier .dkfz-heidelberg.de de rec fotografie (Adrian ... Marc Rehmsmeier .

Google Groups: Reisen

: Marc Rehmsmeier -bielefeld.de de rec games rpg In article , .bln.sub.org (Michael ...

Classifier evaluation with imbalanced datasets – Knowledge base of...

A large number of bioinformatics studies are based on classification models. For instance, a classification model can be used to detect potential cancer...

59 Webfunde aus dem Netz

RNA Structure Prediction - ppt video online download

RNA Structure Prediction RNA secondary structure prediction RNAfold, RNAalifold microRNA prediction TargetScan – Cool story of the day: How viruses use miRNAs...

Fast and effective prediction of miRNA targets Marc Rehmsmeier...

Fast and effective prediction of miRNA targets Marc Rehmsmeier CeBiTec, Bielefeld University, Germany Junior Research Group Bioinformatics of.

Staff | University of Bergen

Marc Rehmsmeier's picture. Marc Rehmsmeier. Professor. Department of Informatics. ; Phone; Visit Address.

'marc () techfak ! uni-bielefeld ! de (Marc Rehmsmeier)' posts - MARC

Set Page Width: [ 80 ] [ 90 ] [ 100 ] [ 120 ]. Viewing messages posted by 'marc () techfak ! uni-bielefeld ! de (Marc Rehmsmeier)' (1 msg) [1] bad ...

AI Algorithms for Disease Detection

… Management Science Association

Jumping Profile HMM, References

References. A.-K. Schultz, I. Bulla, M. Abdou-Chekaraou, E. Gordien, B. Morgenstern, F. Zoulim, P. Dény, ... Rainer Spang and Marc Rehmsmeier and Jens Stoye.

CrossLink: visualization and exploration of sequence relationships...

Abstract. CrossLink is a versatile tool for the exploration of relationships between RNA sequences. After a parametrization phase, CrossLink delegates the deter

Hagen Poetsch gewinnt Lichtenberger Sommer - Berliner Schachverband

Marc Rehmsmeier: 1649: 1717: 4.5: 34.0: : 89s0: 175w1: 119w ...

Lichtenberger Sommer Berliner Schachverband

Marc Rehmsmeier: 1649: Erhard Engelhardt: 1797: 1644: SSV Rotation Berlin: Rico Schmidt: 1828: 1640: SG Weißensee 49: Maik Zesewitz: 1604: 1640: …

Марc Рехмсмеиер шахматный рейтинг ФИДЕ - Marc Rehmsmeier FIDE rating

Рейтинг шахматистов мира по системе ФИДЕ. Персональные страницы игроков FIDE Марc Рехмсмеиер шахматный рейтинг ФИДЕ - Marc Rehmsmeier FIDE rating

Epigenetics Conference - from mechanisms to disease by Fusion...

This meeting on...


1389 (+1389) Marc Rehmsmeier, 3. -, 04, 08, 18, (+1349) Niran-Jan Murugesh, 4. Sotra, 14, 12, 06,

Beyond Mfold: recent advances in RNA bioinformatics | Read by QxMD

Jens Reeder, Matthias Höchsmann, Marc Rehmsmeier, Björn Voss, Robert Giegerich. Journal of Biotechnology June 25, 124 (1):

A functional screen implicates microRNA-138-dependent regulation of...

... Kauppinen and Greenberg, {Michael E} and Andreas Draguhn and Marc Rehmsmeier and Javier Martinez and Schratt, {Gerhard M} and Frank Dekker",.

CRAN - Package precrec

Published: Author: Takaya Saito [aut, cre], Marc Rehmsmeier [aut]. Maintainer: Takaya Saito <takaya.saito at outlook.com>. BugReports ...

DEBFIND Suche nach Debian-Paketen

DEBIND - Unabhängige Paketsuche nach Software-Paketen im Debian-Format

List of Accepted Posters | GIW / ISCB-Asia 2014

Share on Facebook · Tweet about this on Twitter · Share on LinkedIn · Share on Google+ · Email this to someone , Takaya Saito and Marc Rehmsmeier.

Uwe Ohler's Lab at MDC

Courses. Bachelor's (in German). Einführung in die Programmierung und Bioinformatik (w/Marc Rehmsmeier). Master's (in English). Algorithms and Machine ...

Preis für gute Lehre — Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultätfakultaeten.hu-berlin.de › lewi › lehrpreis › lehrpreis

Prof. Dr. Leonie Ringrose, Dr. Marc Rehmsmeier, Institut für Biologie, Wissenschaftliches Englisch ...

CiteSeerX — jPREdictor: a versatile tool for the prediction of...

... Errors · Monitor Changes. by Thomas Fiedler , Marc Rehmsmeier ... author = { Thomas Fiedler and Marc Rehmsmeier}, title = {jPREdictor: a versatile tool for ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marc

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Marc; dem Mars (dem römischen Kriegsgott) geweiht; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); alter römischer Vorname; der Name wurde traditionell vor allem den im März Geborenen gegeben; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen des Evangelisten Markus

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Personensuche zu Marc Rehmsmeier & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Marc Rehmsmeier und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.