85 Infos zu Marc Sporleder
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- International Potato Center
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Wie ein Industrie-Dienstleister Menschen mit Handicap ins Berufsleben...Beim Industrie-Dienstleister Lammetal arbeiten Menschen mit Behinderung sogar an der CNC-Maschine. Sie fertigen präzise Teile, sind zuverlässig und akkurat....
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10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Marc Sporleder | FacebookFacebook: Marc Sporleder | FacebookFacebook: Marc Sporleder | FacebookLinkedIn: Marc Sporleder - Deutschland | LinkedInMarc Sporleder -- Location Germany Werden Sie Mitglied von LinkedIn und erhalten Sie Zugriff auf das vollständige Profil von
2 Traueranzeigen
findagrave: Fred Walter Sporleder ( ) – Find a Grave GedenkstätteFred Sporleder, a retail businessman whose more than six-decade career in apparel set a local standard for clothing and customer service, died Aug. 16 at his...
Marc H Sporleder ( ) *62, Grave # SysoonThe grave site of Marc H Sporleder. Plot # Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. [en]
1 Projekte
Potato Pest Management – Universität Innsbruckwww.uibk.ac.at › projects › potato_pest.html.en... Center (CIP; Dr. Jürgen Kroschel, Dr. Marc Sporleder, Octavio Zegarra) and research intuitions from Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan and India.
25 Bücher zum Namen
Insect Pests of Potato by edited by Philippe Giordanenge, Charles...AbeBooks.com: Insect Pests of Potato: Contents: I. Potato as an important staple crop. 1. Potatoes and their pests--setting the stage/Charles Vincent, Andrei...
St Patrick High School - Aquinan Yearbook (Walla Walla, WA), Class of...... Catherine Schab Myron Schmerer James Schuster Warren Sherlock Marc Sporleder Suzanne Stazel Frank Stubblefield Connie Smedley Sheryl Thier Richard ...
bokus.com: Insect Pests of Potato - Andrei Alyokhin - Bok ( ) | BokusKöp Insect Pests of Potato av Andrei Alyokhin. Skickas inom vardagar. Fri frakt över 159 kr. Välkommen till Bokus bokhandel!
Insect Pests of Potato von Philippe Giordanengo; Charles Vincent;...Insect Pests of Potato: Biology and Management provides a comprehensive source of up-to-date scientific information on the biology and management of insects...
4 Dokumente
BMZ-funded Research Projects at International Agricultural Gtztuber moth management. Project Coordinator: (PostDoc) Dr. Marc Sporleder, Av. La Molina 1895, Lima 12, Peru. Project Coordinator email: m.sporleder@cgiar.
2009 Presentación Informe Técnico Anual - Inicio - fontagroMarc Sporleder. Reinhard Simon. Juan Gonzáles. Daniel Chávez. Henry Juarez. Felipe de Mendiburu. Jürgen Kroschel. Agroecología, IPM. División de Manejo.
Insect Pests Of Potato PDF - ebbazingmark.sewww.ebbazingmark.se/insect-pests-of-potato.pdf• SUNIL ARYAL • MARC SPORLEDER. Potato Pests Provides Reliable Consistent Control. November 26th, DuPont offers a range ...
Susceptibility of Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera;...Marc Sporleder , Erica Maritza Rodriguez Cauti , Jürg Huber * and Jürgen Kroschel. International Potato Center (CIP), Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru and ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
WCRP Open Science ConferenceHenri Tonnang, Marc Sporleder, Juergen Kroschel, Pablo Carhuapoma, Juan C Gonzales, Henry Huarez, Insect Life Cycle Modeling (ILCYM) software ? A new ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Application and evaluation of entomopathogens in potato | SpringerLinkMarc Sporleder. Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). Apartado 1558, Lima, Peru. Tadeusz J. Poprawski. Deceased, formerly with the USDA-ARS. Subtropical Agricultural Research Center. Weslaco, TX , USA. Lawrence A. Lacey. USDA-ARS. Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory. Wapato, WA , USA.
Marc Sporleder – Pestinfo-WikiSee Marc Sporleder in the ISPI database of scientists. Publications of Marc Sporleder. Journal of Applied Entomology (2017) 141, M. Sporleder, B. Schaub, G. Aldana and J. Kroschel (2017) Temperature-dependent phenology and growth potential of the Andean potato tuber moth, Symmetrischema tangolias ...
Journal of Agriculture and Environment - OALibwww.oalib.com › journalDistribution Of White Grubs In Three Ecological Domains Of Nepal · Dipak Khanal,Yubak Dhoj GC,Marc Sporleder,Resham B Thapa ...
PDF version - World Potato CongressMarc Sporleder. ➢ Henri Tonnang. ➢ Henry Juarez. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The IPM team: ➢ Jesus Alcazar. ➢ Octavio Zegarra. ➢ Veronica Canedo.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du großartige Videos und erstklassige Musik. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder mit der ganzen Welt teilen.
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Marc Sporleder (born April 26, 1966), German entomologist ...prabook.com › web › marc.sporle...Marc Sporleder, German entomologist, researcher. Certified Center Advanced Training Agricultural and Rural Development, Humboldt University, Berlin,
Marc Sporleder : Ancestry and Family History InformationMarc Sporleder family history and genealogy related information. Some data may include Marc Sporleder relatives, marriages, births and deaths, next of kin and...
Brücher Multimedia Entwicklungen: Réseau ou ressources humainesMarc Sporleder, Ingénieur agronome : BMME - Retour à la page d'accueil ...
Brücher Multimedia-Entwicklungen: Netzwerk oder "human gear"Brücher Multimedia-Entwicklungen, Agentur für progressive Multimedia-Lösungen, Webdesign, Fotografie und klassische Print-Medien in Göttingen. Unser Netzwerk
2012Homepage der Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Rahden
Altmetric – A Temperature-Based Simulation Model for the Potato...Published in. Environmental Entomology, June DOI, x Authors. Marc Sporleder, Jürgen Kroschel, Maritza R. Gutierrez Quispe ...
A Temperature-Dependent Phenology Model for the PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...Authors. Heidy Gamarra , Marc Sporleder , Pablo Carhuapoma , Jürgen Kroschel , Jan Kreuze. Affiliations. 1 Crop Systems Intensification and ...
A Temperature-Based Simulation Model for the Potato Tuberworm,...Environmental Entomology publishes reports on the interaction of insects with the biological, chemical, and physical aspects of their environment.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS – Risk Atlas for Africa... Daniel Chavez, Juan Gonzales, Henry Juarez, Jürgen Kroschel, Diego Medoza, Felipe de Mendiburo, Marc Sporleder, Reinhard Simon, and Henry Tonnang.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, AgronomyAgronomy for Sustainable Development, An International Journal in Agriculture and Environment
Biopesticidi: biotecnologie sostenibili ed eco-compatibiliI biopesticidi sono biotecnologie sostenibili ed eco-compatibili, prevedendo composti naturalmente presenti nell'ecosistema.
Catalog Record: The granulovirus of the potato tuber moth... |...... of the potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) : characterisation and prospects for effective mass production and pest control / Marc Sporleder.
Distribution Of White Grubs In Three Ecological Domains Of...Distribution Of White Grubs In Three Ecological Domains Of Nepal
Control biológico e interacción de baculovirus PoGV, y Bacillus...4 ASESORES DE TESIS Dr. Marc Sporleder CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAPA ASESOR EXTERNO Mg. Fernando Merino Rafael UNIVERSIDAD ...
Effects of temperature on the activity and kinetics of the...Marc Sporleder, Octavio Zegarra, Erica Maritza Rodriguez Cauti, Jürgen Kroschel · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar ...
DataCite SearchVilma Hualla, Marc Sporleder, Octavio Zegarra & Jurgen Kroschel. Dataset published via International Potato Center. Viral kinetics is the study of viral ...
Distribution Of White Grubs In Three Ecological Domains Of NepalDipak Khanal, Yubak Dhoj GC, Marc Sporleder, Resham B Thapa. Journal of Agriculture and Environment, February 2013, Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL); DOI: aej.v13i The author haven't finished explaining this publication. Read Publication. The following have contributed to this page: Dr R B Thapa.
Global control principles and strategies for potato and sweetpotato...Global control principles and strategies for potato and sweetpotato pests and diseases
search resultsMarc Sporleder Senior Scientist Agroecology/IPM group - Crop Management Division International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru Agroecology/IPM, ICM ...
Liste der SLE Publikationen - PDF Kostenfreier DownloadBerlin, Ingrid Spiller, Stephan Bock, Annette Kübler, Anja Kühn, Liselotte Lenz, Marc Sporleder, L intégration des approches participative et gender dans ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marc
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Marc; dem Mars (dem römischen Kriegsgott) geweiht; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); alter römischer Vorname; der Name wurde traditionell vor allem den im März Geborenen gegeben; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen des Evangelisten Markus
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Sporleder
Der Name "Sporleder" steht nach meiner Recherche für "Sporen und Leder"! Es hat somit was mit Reiten und Satteln zu tun...
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