51 Infos zu Marcel Oberlaender

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

3D reconstruction of neuronal networks provides unprecedented insight...

Technology Networks is an internationally recognised publisher that provides access to the latest scientific news, products, research, videos and posters.

Scientists Create First Realistic 3D Reconstruction of a Brain...

Researchers are reporting that, using a conceptually new approach and state-of-the-art research tools, they have created the first realistic three-dimensional...

Organization Principles of the Sensory Cortex Revealed by 3D Neural...

In their April publication in Cerebral Cortex, Dr. Marcel Oberlaender, Dr. Bert Sakmann and collaborators describe how their research sheds ...

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Marcel Oberlaender – Max Planck Institut - caesarlinkedin.com

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Twitter Profil: marcel oberlaender (moberlaender)

1 Business-Profile

Marcel OBERLAENDER | Group Leader | Dr. rer. nat. | In Silico...

Marcel Oberlaender Perception is causally linked to a calcium-dependent spiking mechanism that is built into the distal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal tract neurons – the major output cell type...

12 Bücher zum Namen

Quantitative analysis of neuroanatomygoogle.pl

... Marcel Oberlaender), the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Daniel Udvary, Robert Egger and Marcel Oberlaender), the Werner Reichardt Center ...

The Neocortex - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseitegoogle.pl

... Marcel Oberlaender, and Marcus E. Raichle Abstract Recent research in the ... Marcel Oberlaender, Hermann Cuntz, Danielle Bassett, Marcus Raichle, Marcel ...

Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II: Progress and ...google.pl

... Marcel Oberlaender, Bert Sakmann, and Hans-Christian Hege Abstract Recent progress in large-volume microscopy, tissue-staining, as well as in image ...

Why Have Cortical Layers? What Is the Function of Layering? ...google.pl

... Marcel Oberlaender Received: 29 June Accepted: 28 September Published: 13 October Citation: Narayanan RT, Udvary ...

3 Dokumente

Neuroinformatics 2012: 3D structure and cellular architecture of the...

... Institute of Neurobiology, Munich), Bert Sakmann (Digital Neuroanatomy, Max Planck Florida Institute, Jupiter, FL), Marcel Oberlaender (Digital Neuroanatomy ...

The structural organization of layer IV in the somatosensory region...

Authors: Marcel Oberlaender, Christiaan de Kock, Randy M. Bruno … ... Sign in using LinkedIn | Sign in using Facebook | Sign in using ORCID.

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen


Seit August leitet Prof. Dr. Marcel Oberlaender die Max-Planck-Forschungsgruppe 'In Silico Brain Sciences'. Marcel Oberlaender wurde in Blankenburg, Deutschland, geboren. Zwischen und studierte er Physik an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg.

Marcel Oberländer — Universität Bonn

.de. Webseite-Wird geladen Schnellzugriff. Orientieren International Office Infopunkt Standorte Presse Telefonbuch Studieren Zentrale Studienberatung Studierendensekretariat Fakultäten und Institute Mensen Hochschulsport Finde ...

Reviewer acknowledgement | BMC Bioinformatics | Full Text

Gregory Nuel. France. Timothy Nugent. UK. Ruth Nussinov. USA. Brian Oakley. USA. Marcel Oberlaender. USA. Michael Ochs. USA. Anika Oellrich. UK. Bernard Offmann. France. Yanay Ofran. Israel. Heath Ogden. USA. Enno Ohlebusch. Germany. Yukinori Okada. USA. Michal Okoniewski. Switzerland. Constantin Orasan.

3-D models of neuronal networks reveal organizational principles of...

Researchers have succeeded in reconstructing the neuronal networks that interconnect the elementary units of sensory cortex -- cortical columns. The scientists...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Interactive Visualization–A Key Prerequisite for Reconstruction and...

Recent progress in large-volume microscopy, tissue-staining, as well as in image processing methods and 3D anatomy reconstruction allow neuroscientists to...

Reverse Engineering the 3D Structure and Sensory-Evoked Signal Flow...

Soma location, dendrite morphology, and synaptic innervation are key determinants of neuronal function. Unfortunately, conventional functional measurements of...

Cortical column | definition of cortical column by Medical dictionary

Looking for online definition of cortical column in the Medical Dictionary? cortical column explanation free. What is cortical column? Meaning of cortical...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Research Focus - caesar stiftung

Research Focus. We reconstruct ... Dr. Marcel Oberlaender Group Leader +49 (0) Departments and …

Project AGI: Mini, macro, micro and hyper columns: confusing...

Cell-type-specific 3D reconstruction of five neighboring barrel columns in rat vibrissal cortex (credit: Marcel Oberlaender et al.) ...

Things We Don't Know: How do we fall asleep?

[6] Marcel Oberlaender et al., 'Cell Type–Specific Three-Dimensional Structure of Thalamocortical Circuits in a Column of Rat Vibrissal Cortex' ...

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Marcel Oberlaender - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Dive into the research topics where Marcel Oberlaender is active. These topic labels come from the works of this person. Together they form a unique fingerprint.

Neuroinformatics 2010: Marcel Oberlaender

Marcel Oberlaender is currently working as a Senior Research Associate at the recently established Max Planck Florida Institute in Jupiter/Palm Beach, USA.

3-D models of neuronal networks reveal organizational principles of...

In their April publication in Cerebral Cortex, Dr. Marcel Oberlaender, Dr. Bert Sakmann and collaborators describe how their research sheds light on the organization of cortical columns in the rodent brain through the systematic reconstruction of more than 150 individual neurons from all cell types (image ...

Ständige Sinneswahrnehmung ist gut für das alternde Gehirn |...

Die Neuverdrahtung des Gehirns hält ein Leben lang an

Neuroscientists find cortical columns in brain not uniform,...

Cell-type-specific 3D reconstruction of five neighboring barrel columns in rat vibrissal cortex (credit: Marcel Oberlaender et al.) Despite a long-held.

BrightFieldMicroscope | Scientific Volume Imaging

Scientific Volume Imaging to provides reliable, high quality, easy to use image processing tools for scientists working in light microscopy. Together with a...

Cureus | Generation of dense statistical connectomes from sparse...

LinkedIn Twitter Google+ Facebook. Email. SIQ Rate article ... Robert Egger, Vincent J. Dercksen, Daniel Udvary, Hans-Christian Hege, Marcel Oberlaender.

Large-Scale Automated Histology in the Pursuit of Connectomes |...

... Moritz Helmstaedter, John P. Kaufhold, Wei-Chung Allen Lee, Hanno S. Meyer, Kristina D. Micheva, Marcel Oberlaender, Steffen Prohaska, ...

Learning, Sensory Experience, and Consciousness – John's Consciousness

Max Planck Florida Institute Study Shows: Persistent Sensory Experience Is Good For The Aging Brain Jupiter, FL May 24,

Neuroscientists find cortical columns in brain not uniform,...

ENGins is all about showing you what you're most interested in. Personalize the content on ENGins by choosing exactly what you want to see.

Neuverdrahtung des Gehirns selbst in hohem Alter möglich: Ständige...

Die Neuverdrahtung des Gehirns hält ein Leben lang an Wissenschaftler vertraten lange Zeit die Annahme, dass ein Großteil der Verdrahtung im erwachsenen Gehirn...

Participating Laboratories

Marcel Oberlaender. Member Image. Daniel O'Connor. Member Image. Carl Petersen. Member Image. Tony Prescott. Member Image. Jason Ritt. Member Image ...

Positive thinking: Boost confidence and think yourself younger during...

Menopause making you feel old? Put negative thoughts into neutral, all it takes is a little positive thinking to make yourself look and feel full of confidence.


Marcel Oberlaender, Bert Sakmann, Philip Broser, and Stefan Hippler. Shack-Hartmann wavefront measurements in cortical tissue for deconvolution of large

The Neural Basis of Vibrissa-Based Tactile Sensation | Janelia...

Organizers Alison Barth, Carnegie Mellon University Mitra Hartmann, Northwestern University David Kleinfeld, University of California, San Diego Karel Svoboda,...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marcel

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Marcel; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); marcus = dem Mars geweiht; von 'Marcellus', einer Weiterbildung bzw. Verkleinerungsform von 'Marcus'; Name mehrerer Heiliger und Päpste, z.B. dem hl. Papst Marcellus (3./4. Jh.); 'Marcel' ist heute ein sehr beliebter Modename

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