80 Infos zu Marcel Trimpl
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- Bonn
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- Bonn University
- Fermilab
- Peter
- Robert
- Workshop
- Concept
- Pixel
- Readout
- Lothar
- Mani Tripathi
- Norbert Wermes
- Strueder
4 Aktuelle Nachrichten
11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors ( Juni 2009)...Sprecher: Marcel Trimpl (Fermilab). 14:40 Vertically integrated deep n-well CMOS MAPS with sparsification capabilities for thin charged particle trackers 20' ...
LCWS08 and ILC08 ( November 2008): Speaker List · ILC ...agenda.linearcollider.org › contributions › speakersMarcel Trimpl Fermilab. Speaker at "Test results for SOI-based integrated detectors and electronics". Mani Tripathi. Speaker at Si-W ECal with integrated readout.
Monday: 9:00 START of depfet meeting Common clear gate studies ...ipnp.cz › sct › depfet › ProgrammPeter F. 20 min First Ideas: CuroIIb (Manuel Koch) - Marcel Trimpl 15 min High Density Packaging at CNM: Bumping Technology available (Centre Nacional de ...
OSH bound in a classic LSA — General Aviation NewsBy ALBERT DYER So, here it is, late July. For me, that means aviation convention and airshow. Not just any — the largest in the USA. And I wanted to attend in...
2 Bilder zu Marcel Trimpl

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
: Marcel Trimpl aus BergkamenStayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden
Facebook: Marcel Trimpl | Facebookfriweb/www.slac.stanford.edu_econf_C _proc_Session_H.htm at...Contribute to JulesDT/friweb development by creating an account on GitHub.
BPP AGH... GRYBOŚ, Jim Hoff, Scott Holm, Piotr MAJ, David Peter Siddons, Piotr KMON, Marcel Trimpl, Tom Zimmerman // IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
2005 International Linear Collider Workshop: Parallel Session H0805, Marcel Trimpl. (Bonn University). Performance of a DEPFET Pixel Matrix System for the ILC Vertex Detector, [TALK] , Ladislav Andricek. (MPI fuer ...
ECFA Linear Collider Workshop (31 August September 2004) ·...14:20, Status report on DEPFET pixels - Marcel Trimpl (Bonn University). more information · link. 14:35, Status of the UK active pixel collaboration - Jaap Velthuis ...
2 Bücher zum Namen
DNB, Katalog der Deutschen NationalbibliothekTitel, Design of a current based readout chip and development of a DEPFET pixel prototype system for the ILC vertex detector / by Marcel Trimpl. Universität ...
Design of a Current Based Readout Chip and Development of a DEPFET...Marcel Trimpl. Physikalisches Inst., pages. 0 Reviewshttp://books.google.com/books/about/Design_of_a_Current_Based_Readout_Chip_a.html?id= ...
11 Dokumente
3 d fnal_gd3D-IC technology for future detectors, FNAL, D-IC technology for future detectors Grzegorz Deptuch on behalf of the FERMILAB ASIC design group …
[ ] Demonstration of fine pitch FCOB (Flip Chip on Board)...Submission history. From: Marcel Trimpl [view email] [v1] Fri, 30 Oct :13:52 GMT (1743kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers?
Hamburg, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University A DEPFET ...cupdf.com › document › hamburg marc...Hamburg, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University A DEPFET pixel-based Vertexdetector for TESLA 55. PRC -MeetingHamburg, Mai M. Trimpl University.
[physics ] Status of a DEPFET pixel system for the ILC vertex...From: Marcel Trimpl [view email] [v1] Tue, 13 Jun :51:25 GMT (7784kb) [v2] Thu, 7 Dec :13:55 GMT (10444kb). Which authors ...
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen - results/shortlistTobias Golling. - Bonn : Physikalisches Inst., Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.) 9. Multi-Chip-Modul-Entwicklung für den ATLAS-Pixeldetektor ...
dblp: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,...Bibliographic content of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Volume 65
Marcel Trimpl - dblpdblp.org › PersonsGrzegorz Deptuch , Farah Fahim , Pawel Grybos , Jim Hoff, Scott Holm, Piotr Maj , David Peter Siddons, Piotr Kmon, Marcel Trimpl, Tom Zimmerman:
dblp: Tom ZimmermanList of computer science publications by Tom Zimmerman
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
A DEPFET Pixel Bioscope for the use in autoradiography - COREBy Peter Klein, Thorsten Aurisch, Peter Buchholz, Peter Fischer, Malte Löcker, Wolfgang Neeser, Lothar Strüder, Marcel Trimpl, Johannes Ulrici, Jörn Vocht and ...
ILC@Cornell Wiki"DEPFET vertex detector" · Robert Kohrs · Hans Krueger · Lars Reuen · Christian Sandow · Eckhard von Toerne · Marcel Trimpl (co-contact person) mailto:trimpl@ ...
A fast readout using switched current techniques for a DEPFET-pixel...By Marcel Trimpl, Ladislav Andricek, Peter Fischer, Gerhard Lutz, Rainer H. Richter, Lothar Strüder, Johannes Ulrici and Norbert Wermes ...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Marcel Trimpl - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
38 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Marcel Trimpl | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Marcel Trimpl auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. Marcel Trimpl hat 4 Jobs im Profil angegeben. Sehen ...
Marcel Trimpl | LinkedInView Marcel Trimpl's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Marcel Trimpl discover inside ...
Hamburg, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University A DEPFET pixel-based...Hamburg, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University A DEPFET pixel-based Vertexdetector for TESLA 55. PRC -MeetingHamburg, Mai M. Trimpl University.
Dr. Marcel Trimpl: Imports & Exports Details Provided By Ealing Trade ...Dr. Marcel Trimpl: Ocean Bill of Lading Sample - COMMODITIES: Used Household Goods And Personal Effect - ADDRESS: Candlewood Suites, 00w
Kailua-Kona, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University Readout Concept for...Kailua-Kona, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University Proposed concept for TESLA thin detector-area down to 50µm frame for mechanical stability carries readout- and...
FEE 2006, Perugia, Marcel Trimpl, University of BonnFEE 2006, Perugia,
FEE 2006, Perugia, Marcel Trimpl, University of Bonn VIth Workshop on...FEE 2006, Perugia, Marcel Trimpl, University of Bonn VIth Workshop on Front End Electronics Perugia, Mai M.Trimpl DEPFET – collaboration:
Hamburg, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University A DEPFET...A DEPFET pixel-based Vertexdetector for TESLA 55. PRC -Meeting Hamburg, Mai M. Trimpl University of Bonn M.Karagounis, R.Kohrs, H.Krüger, I.Peric,...
Prague, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University DEPFET-Readout Concept for...Prague, Marcel Trimpl, Bonn University Overview: Vertexdetector LayerModulsizeModuls I13 x 100 mm1 x 8 II22 x 125 mm2 x 8 III22 x 125 mm2 x 12 IV22 x
Dr Marcel Trimpl Import Data And ContactDr Marcel Trimpl is united states Buyer, We provide Market Analysis, Trading Partners, Peers, Port Statistics, B/Ls, Contacts(including Contact, Email, URL)
LHC Power Workshop, CERN, Marcel Trimpl, Fermilab LHC Upgrade...We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system. Share buttons are a little bit lower.
Trimpl, Marcel [WorldCat Identities]View works by Marcel Trimpl Publications about Marcel Trimpl Publications by Marcel Trimpl off 0 Publications by Marcel Trimpl off ...
Markus Schumacher, Universität Bonn - ppt herunterladenDetektor für TESLA Markus Schumacher, Universität Bonn Anforderungen Konzepte Entwicklungen.
Marcel TrimplYuishinkan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Kamen Bergkamen
Vertex05, Jaap Velthuis, Bonn University DEPFET Status DEPFET...Vertex05, Jaap Velthuis, Bonn University DEPFET Status DEPFET Principle Readout modes Projects: –XEUS –WIMS –ILC ILC Testbeam results Summary &
Before IXO: more XEUS publications - Astrophysics Science Divisionasd.gsfc.nasa.gov › ... › Astrophysics Science DivisionRichter, Lothar Strueder, Marcel Trimpl, and Norbert Wermes; Proc. SPIE 5501, 89 (2004). Download PDF. XEUS wide-field imager: first experimental results with ...
Danträger - Yuishinkanwww.yuishinkan.com › dantraegerHeike Buck. Jürgen Beuerlein · Jürgen Beuerlein · Ralf Schulte · Ralf Schulte. Martin Kalkhof · Martin Kalkhof · Iris Luhle · Iris Luhle. Marcel Trimpl · Marcel Trimpl ...
CONSIGNEE-D4: Imports & Exports Details Provided By Ealing Trade ...dr. marcel trimpl · dr.marc hungerford · dr.marco chavez · dr. marc rosenmayr · dr. marc schroeder · dr. marcus vossen · dr margaret curtis · dr. margit haberreiter
Detector concepts – Fingerprint — Kyushu Universitykyushu-u.pure.elsevier.com › fingerprints... Eric Torrence, Gianluca Traversi, Marcel Trimpl, S. Mani Tripathi, William Trischuk, Mark Trodden, G. V. Trubnikov, Robert Tschirhart, Edisher Tskhadadze, ...
Detector concepts — Experts@Minnesota... Eric Torrence, Gianluca Traversi, Marcel Trimpl, S. Mani Tripathi, William Trischuk, Mark Trodden, G. V. Trubnikov, Robert Tschirhart, Edisher Tskhadadze, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marcel
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Marcel; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); marcus = dem Mars geweiht; von 'Marcellus', einer Weiterbildung bzw. Verkleinerungsform von 'Marcus'; Name mehrerer Heiliger und Päpste, z.B. dem hl. Papst Marcellus (3./4. Jh.); 'Marcel' ist heute ein sehr beliebter Modename
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Robert Tschirhart
- Hans Krueger
- Eric Torrence
- Gerhard Lutz
- Norbert Wermes
- Peter Lechner
- Johannes Ulrici
- Mark Trodden
- Peter Fischer
- Peter Klein
- Christoph Schütt
Personensuche zu Marcel Trimpl & mehr
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