153 Infos zu Marcel Wubbolts
Mehr erfahren über Marcel Wubbolts
Infos zu
- Chief Technology Officer
- Corbion
- Royal DSM
- DSM Innovation Center
- Award
- Science
- Bio Based
- President R&D DSM
43 Aktuelle Nachrichten
DSM appoints new Chief Technology Officer[Reuters (press release)] - Marcel Wubbolts, currently Vice President R&D DSM Innovation Center, will assume the position of Chief Technology Officer for DSM as of October 1, reporting to Rob van Leen, Chief Innovation Officer. Marcel holds a PhD from the University of Groningen
DSM bestellt neuen Chief Technology Officer[wallstreet-online] - Heerlen (aktiencheck.de AG) - Der niederländische Chemiekonzern DSM NV (ISIN NL WKN A0JLZ7) meldete am Freitag, dass Marcel Wubbolts, derzeit Vice President R&D DSM Innovation Center, die Position des Chief Technology Officer übernehmen wird
DSM invests in nanotechnology company NanoHoldings, LLCRoyal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company in TheNetherlands, has made an investment in NanoHoldings LLC, a company thats ...
BIOKATALYSE2021 Partner ausgezeichnet - Biocat Award für...Pressemitteilung von TuTech Innovation GmbH - BIOKATALYSE2021 Partner ausgezeichnet - Biocat Award für Greifswalder Forscher veröffentlicht auf openPR
6 Bilder zu Marcel Wubbolts

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Marcel WubboltsFacebook: Marcel Wubbolts - FacebookFacebook: Marcel Wubbolts | FacebookLinkedIn: Marcel Wubbolts | LinkedInBekijk het professionele profiel van Marcel Wubbolts op LinkedIn. LinkedIn is het grootste zakelijke netwerk ter wereld en stelt professionals als Marcel Wubbolts ... Es fehlt: projekt süd
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Marcel Wubbolts - BiographyCurrently, Marcel Wubbolts is Chief Technology Officer for Corbion NV. He is also on the board of ERA NET Industrial Biotechnology and CatchBio and Member of...
12 Bücher zum Namen
Buchbesprechung: Chirality in Drug Research - Eric Francotte,...4 Biotransformation Methods for Preparing Chiral Drugs and Drug Intermediates (Michael Müller and Marcel Wubbolts). 5 Resolution of Chiral Drugs and Drug ...
Asymmetric Catalysis on Industrial Scale: Challenges, Approaches and...Edited by two of the experts in the field, the central aim is to show organic chemists working in process development that enantioselective catalysis is...
Chirality in Drug Research - Google BooksDivided into the three main sections of synthesis, analysis and drug development, this handbook covers all stages of the drug development process, including...
Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge, Second...As energy demands continue to surge worldwide, the need for more efficient and environmentally neutral energy production also becomes increasingly apparent....
1 Songs & Musik
Podcast Marcel Wubbolts, Diana Visser, Corbion: Duurzame boekentip -...Listen to this episode from DuurzaamBV Podcasts on Spotify. Macel Wubbolts, chief technology officer bij Corbion, en Diana Visser, directeur duurzaamheid bij...
3 Dokumente
Soete, luc & wubbolts, marcel work-based learning and wider uni…Work-based learning and wider universityemployer interaction
Marcel WUBBOLTSMarcel WUBBOLTS was trained as a biochemist and did a PhD at the department of Biochemistry, University of. Groningen, the Netherlands, followed by ...
m i t Escherichia coli - Forschungszentrum JülichIng. Susanne Kremer, Dr. Marcel Wubbolts und Dr. Dick Schipper danke ich für die gute Zusammenarbeit im FAME-Projekt und die Möglichkeit, ...
3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Biobased Solutions from DSM for Renewable Energy and MaterialsTailor-Made Fuels from Biomass, June 16th, Aachen. Marcel Wubbolts. Chief Technology Officer, Royal DSM. Chairman BIC – Biobased Industries Consortium, ...
Metabolic Engineering for Microbial Production of Aromatic Amino...Johannes Bongaerts, Marco Krämer, Ulrike Müller, Leon Raeven, Marcel Wubbolts Metabolic engineering 3:44Academic Press, Abstract ...
Marcel Wubbolts{{landingpageData.orcidMetadata.orcid}} ORCID iD. {{urldata.name}}. {{emaildata.email}}. {{iddata.type}}: {{iddata.value}} ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Publications Authored by Marcel Wubbolts | PubFactsPublications Authored by Marcel Wubbolts
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Circular Economy: Marcel Wubbolts at TEDxMaastricht - video...Circular Economy: Marcel Wubbolts at TEDxMaastricht
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview DSM CTO Marcel Wubbolts over BBE – BioBased EconomyDe ingenieur heeft een interview gepubliceerd waarin DSM-chief technology officer Marcel Wubbolts zijn visie ontvouwt. In moet
DSM bestellt neuen Chief Technology Officer17. Juni N.V. (ISIN NL WKN A0JLZ7) meldete am Freitag, dass Marcel Wubbolts, derzeit Vice President R&D DSM Innovation Center, die ...
Forum Life Science. Internationaler Kongress und Ausstellung März...... Süd-Chemie AG, München 11:00 11:25 Biotech-Industrie in Dr. Marcel Wubbolts Program Director, DSM White Biotechnology, Delft, ...
68 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Marcel Wubbolts | LinkedInView Marcel Wubbolts' professional profile on LinkedIn to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners DSM Biotech GmbH.
Börsen in Europa Schluss: Kurse drehen ins Plus, Hoffnun.[Stock World] - Der Chemiekonzern teilte mit, dass Marcel Wubbolts, derzeit Vice President R&D DSM Innovation Center, die Position des Chief Technology Officer übernehmen wird. ING Groep (ISIN NL WKN ) verlautbarte, dass man die Sparte ING Direct
Marcel Wubbolts | LinkedInView Marcel Wubbolts's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Marcel Wubbolts discover ...
Background of feasibility study - ppt video online download... base on options and funding needs The industry is willing to invest but lacks public ... biorefinery location Availability of time and financial resources Project match ... Ana-Maria Bravo Danisco/Genencor Marcel Wubbolts DSM Ward Mosmuller ... Irina Sterr SüdChemie Ulrich Kettling SüdChemie Clas Engstrom Processum ...
Corbion appoints Marcel Wubbolts as Chief Technology Officer (CTO)Corbion announced today that Marcel Wubbolts will join as Chief Technology Officer, effective 1 November As Chief Technology Officer, ...
Corbion benoemt Marcel Wubbolts tot Chief Technology Officer (CTO) -...Corbion maakt bekend dat Marcel Wubbolts met ingang van 1 november aantreedt als Chief Technology Officer Als Chief Technology Officer is de heer...
DSM bestellt neuen Chief Technology Officer - Yahoo! Finanzen ...... (ISIN NL WKN A0JLZ7) meldete am Freitag, dass Marcel Wubbolts, derzeit Vice President R&D DSM Innovation Center, die ...
Managersonline.nl - DSM stelt Marcel Wubbolts aan als CTODSM heeft Marcel Wubbolts aangesteld als Chief Technology Officer. Wubbolts, reeds in dienst bij DSM, vervult deze functie per 1 oktober en zal rapporteren aan...
DSM Innovation Center Dr. Marcel Wubbolts | chemanager-online.com -...DSM Innovation Center Dr. Marcel Wubbolts News & Opinions Gewinner des Biocat Award ist Dr. Marcel Wubbolts Biocat Award Gewinner des...
Corbion benoemt Marcel Wubbolts tot CTO | EvmiCorbion heeft Marcel Wubbolts met ingang van 1 november benoemd tot Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Hij is nu nog werkzaam als ...
Dr. Marcel Wubbolts | chemanager-online.com - Chemie und Life ScienceDr. Marcel Wubbolts News & Opinions Gewinner des Biocat Award ist Dr. Marcel Wubbolts Biocat Award Gewinner des diesjährigen Biocat...
Marcel Wubbolts Archives - Agro & ChemistryCorbion appoints Marcel Wubbolts (DSM) as CTO. Corbion announced today that Marcel Wubbolts will join as Chief Technology Officer, effective 1 November ...
Marcel Wubbolts | AIChEMarcel Wubbolts holds a PhD from the department of Biochemistry, University of Groningen, NL, and was Post-Doctoral research associate and subsequently...
Marcel Wubbolts | Bio Based PressMarcel Wubbolts. Marcel Wubbolts. ← Return to entry · colophon · contact · disclaimer · Rss · Twitter. Copyright © Bio Based Press. Home; About Us.
Marcel Wubbolts – IL BIOECONOMISTAPosts about Marcel Wubbolts written by Il Bioeconomista
Marcel Wubbolts | Corbion Purac | IndonesiaMarcel Wubbolts holds a PhD from the department of Biochemistry, University of Groningen, NL, and was Post- Doctoral research associate and subsequently...
Podcast Marcel Wubbolts, Diana Visser, Corbion: De zin en onzin van...Stream Podcast Marcel Wubbolts, Diana Visser, Corbion: De zin en onzin van biobased by DuurzaamBV Radio from desktop or your mobile device
Toptransfer in biotech: Marcel Wubbolts van DSM naar Corbion | Change...Innovatiebaas Marcel Wubbolts stapt na twintig jaar over van DSM naar Corbion. Hij gaat de innovatie-agenda van het biotechbedrijf aanjagen.
Marcel Wubbolts: DSM is the first in second generation biobased | Bio...Says Marcel Wubbolts, DSM's newly appointed chief technology officer. 'The knack in this technology is that we do not only process C6-sugars ...
Marcel Wubbolts - BiographieMarcel Wubbolts occupies the position of Chief Technology Officer of Corbion NV. Dr. Wubbolts is also on the board of ERA NET Industrial Biotechnology and...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marcel
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Marcel; Lateinisch (Wortzusammensetzung); marcus = dem Mars geweiht; von 'Marcellus', einer Weiterbildung bzw. Verkleinerungsform von 'Marcus'; Name mehrerer Heiliger und Päpste, z.B. dem hl. Papst Marcellus (3./4. Jh.); 'Marcel' ist heute ein sehr beliebter Modename
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