149 Infos zu Marco Zeschky

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

January IRI e-Innovation News

... "Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets" by Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer, and Oliver Gassmann; "Business Acceleration at Scale" by ...

Simplicidade norteia inovações frugaisAgência de Notícias da Indústria

— A minilavadora “foi um sucesso imediato, e um produto similar baseado nela já foi comercializado em todo o mundo”, contam Marco Zeschky, Bastian ...

자이스 코리아, 창원 품질 솔루션 센터 재개관뉴스와이어

— ... (Marco Zeschky), 아시아 품질 솔루션 세일즈 매니저인 알렉산더 돌란스키(Alexander Dollansky) 등의 독일 자이스 본사 임원들과 자이스 코리아 ...

자이스 코리아, 창원 품질 솔루션 센터 재개관반도체네트워크

— ... (Marco Zeschky), 아시아 품질 솔루션 세일즈 매니저인 알렉산더 돌란스키 (Alexander Dollansky) 등의 독일 자이스 본사 임원들과 자이스 코리아 ...

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Marco Zeschky - Product Manager - Carl Zeiss Industrial LinkedIn

View Marco Zeschky's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Marco has 1 job job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

LinkedIn: Marco Zeschky | LinkedIn

Marco Zeschkys berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Marco Zeschky dabei hilft, ... Es fehlt: albstadt

LinkedIn: Marco Zeschky - ZEISS Industrial Metrologylinkedin.com

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Marco Zeschky im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Marco Zeschky sind 2 Jobs angegeben.

LinkedIn: Marco Zeschky | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Marco Zeschky (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ... Es fehlt: hechingen

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Marco Zeschky - Résultats individuelsSwiss Tennis

Marco Zeschky. 35+ R Tour, Date, Rencontre. 1, 24.5, 35+ NLB, St. Gallen / Belvoir ZH · Max Spring R5, 6:3 6:1. Matthias Goett R3. - Milo Puhan R

Spieler LK-Vereinsübersicht des TA TSB Schwäb. GmündWürttembergischer Tennis-Bund

Marco Zeschky (1978), LK15,6, Klaus Danner (1946), LK15,8, Klaus Kolschefsky (1961), LK18,3, Hans-Peter Sonnentag (1971),


... Schaffner R6, 6:3 6:2. 4, 1.6, 35+ NLB, Egnach / Uster · Thierry Oggenfuss R3, 6:1 4:6 6:4. 5, 15.6, 35+ NLB, Egnach / St. Gallen · Marco Zeschky R3, 0:6 6:4 6:3.

5 Business-Profile

Xing: Marco Zeschky

Dr. / Produktmanager CT / Oberkochen / Agile Methods, Berichtswesen, Prozessoptimierung, Projektmanagement, Automobilindustrie, Produktentstehungsprozess, Business Model Innovation / , University of St. Gallen - Institute of Technology Management, Porsche Consulting GmbH

Exploration for Innovation (Dissertation / Habilitation) | Marco ...

Marco Zeschky. The ability to continuously develop both incremental and radical innovations is a hallmark of successful companies. Incremental innovations are important to secure the short-term survival of the firm. ...

Marco Zeschky, StephanWinterhalter, and Oliver ...University of St.Gallen

Marco Zeschky, StephanWinterhalter, and Oliver Gassmann (2014). WHAT IS FRUGAL INNOVATION? CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. Proposed short title ...

Profile Page Prof. Dr. Marco Zeschky - Alexandria

Name, Marco Zeschky. Title, Prof. Dr. Institute/School, ITEM - Institute of Technology Management with Transfer Center for Technology Management (TECTEM).

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

transcending the conventional wisdom on frugal innovation ...global-innovation.net

von R Tiwari · · Zitiert von: 12 — ... Marco Zeschky. (Zeschky et al., 2011; Winterhalter et al., 2014; Zeschky et al., 2014b), Jaideep Prabhu and Navi Radjou (George et al., 2012; Radjou et al ...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

A Systematic Literature Review of Constraint-Based ...Scholars Portal Journals

Marco Zeschky · Bastian Widenmayer · Oliver Gassmann. Source Information. July 2011, Volume54(Issue4)Pages, p.38To Research-Technology Management ...

Emerging Market Firm Competitiveness 2011The University of Sydney

Marco Zeschky, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Michael Daiber Tongji University, China. The role of firm-level characteristics and institutional ...

35 Bücher zum Namen

Innovation in Emerging MarketsTaylor & Francis Online

von IJ Petrick · · Zitiert von: 14 — Marco Zeschky et al. Research-Technology Management. Published online: 28 Dec Full Access. Low-cost innovation in emerging markets.

De la innovación frugal a la innovación inversa: el caso del ...Redalyc.org

von MÁM Bayardo · · Zitiert von: 13 — Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer y Oliver Gassmann, “From cost to frugal and reverse innovation: mapping the field and implications for global ...

Frugal innovation in emerging markets : the case of Mettler ...EconBiz

Frugal innovation in emerging markets : the case of Mettler Toledo. Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer, and Oliver Gassmann. Year of publication: Authors ...

OPC4 - results/titledata

... for reverse innovation in Western MNCs : the role of frugal product innovation capabilities / Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer and Oliver Gassmann.

18 Dokumente

Implementing Radical Innovation in the Business: The Role of...

Extensive research has emphasized the relevance and importance of separating explorative from exploitative activities within firms. Recently, several scholars h

"Le Changement Du Business Model de L ...Scribd

... Marco Zeschky pour leurs prcieux conseils. Je me souviens galement des conseils dIsabelle Huault et de Florence Allard-Poesi lors de lAIMS Nice. Elles ...

Managing Dual Business Models in Emerging Markets: An Ambidexterity...

Research on dual business models has highlighted the challenge for firms when they compete with different business models in a market. Drawing from ambidexterit


Marco Zeschky and Oliver Gassmann. Trend Scanning, Scouting and Foresight Techniques René Rohrbeck. Crowdsourcing as an Innovation Tool Oliver ...

10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Breakthrough Innovation through Cross-Industry Alliances ...ScienceDirect

von O Gassmann · · Zitiert von: 175 — Marco Zeschky is a post doctoral researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen/Switzerland where he also ...


von M Zeschky · · Zitiert von: 814 — Marco Zeschky is an assistant professor of technology management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. From to 2005, he studied industrial ...

dblp: Marco Zeschky

List of computer science publications by Marco Zeschky

Kreativitätspotenziale aus analogen Industrien nutzenAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Gassmann, Oliver, and Marco Zeschky. “Opening up the Solution Space: The Role of Analogical Thinking for Breakthrough Product Innovation.” Creativity and ...

9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

EconPapers: Coordination mechanisms for international innovation in...

By Maximilian Palmié, Marco Zeschky, Stephan Winterhalter, Philipp Walter Sauter, Naomi Haefner and Oliver Gassmann; Abstract: Abstract As SMEs ...

Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell | SpringerLink

Business Innovation ist eine umfassende strategische Führungsaufgabe. Sie prägt das Unternehmen – und erfordert ein professionelles Management. Dieser für...

Exploration for innovation capability-based search ...WorldCat

Exploration for innovation capability-based search approaches in established firms. Author: Marco Zeschky. Front cover image for Exploration for innovation ...

HSG Jahresbericht / Annual Report issuu

August Dr. des. Marco Zeschky: Wahl zum Nachwuchsdozenten für Technologiemanagement rückwirkend auf den 1. Februar Dr. des. Stefan Morkötter: Wahl ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

METSTRADE VIDEO 2015YouTube · METSTRADE340+ Follower · vor 7 Jahren

METSTRADE VIDEO Interview Marco Zeschky and Andreas Schnele. METSTRADE · 1:03. METSTRADE VIDEO Interview Emanuele Campronese.

1 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Frugale InnovationWikipedia

↑ Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer, Oliver Gassmann: Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets . In: Research-Technology Management . Band 54, Nr. 4, S. 38–

46 Webfunde aus dem Netz

* | Personenverzeichnis | Universität St.Gallen

Zeigt die Profilinformationen einer Person.

Marco Zeschky, StephanWinterhalter, and Oliver Gassmann (2014). WHAT...

FRUGAL INNOVATION? CONCEPTUALIZATION AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE Proposed short title: WHAT IS FRUGAL INNOVATION? This paper was presented at the European Academy of Management Annual Conference in Valencia  ...

Annual Report Institute of Technology Management

Annual Report Institute of Technology Management

How do qualitative and quantitative research differ? - PDF Free...

PhD Seminar: Research Methodology WS Prof. Dr. Roman Boutellier Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann Prof. Dr. Sabine Raeder Ass-Prof. Dr. Marco Zeschky How do qualitative ...

Out of Bounds: Cross-Industry Innovation Based on Analogies |...

Individual and collective creativity are vital preconditions for new ideas in the early phase of the innovation process, and therefore, for any

Högl, Martin - alle Bücher Online

✅ Högl, Martin: ✅ : Hier finden Sie alle Bücher und Publikationen des Autors auf buch-findr.de Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Sönke Albers ist Inhaber des

14. The Innovation Process: Sparking Creativity by Cross- ...springerprofessional.de

14. The Innovation Process: Sparking Creativity by Cross-Industry Analogies. verfasst von : Marco Zeschky, Prof. Dr., Oliver Gassmann, Prof. Dr. Erschienen ...

Coordination in global R&D organizations: An examination of the role...

subsidiary mandate and modular product architectures in dispersed R&D organizations. Marco Zeschky, Michael Daiber, Bastian Widenmayer, Oliver Gassmann · Details · Contributors · Fields of science · Bibliography · Quotations · Similar · Collections ...

Breakthrough innovation through cross-industry alliances ...Academia.edu

... Marco Zeschky, Timo Wolff and Martin Stahl Past research on alliances has elaborated on the motives, determinants and benefits of cooperative relationships ...

Qualitative Content Analysis. Philipp Mayring - PDF Free Download

Dr. Marco Zeschky How do qualitative and quantitative research differ? ... Standard quality of format and guidelines for thesis writing at the Berlin School of  ...

Ambidexterity | Integrative Innovation

Oliver Gassmann, Bastian Widenmayer, Marco Zeschky: Implementing Radical Innovation in the Business: The Role of Transition Modes in Large Firms, R&D ...

- Cambridge University Press

Oliver Gassmann , Marco Zeschky . Opening up the Solution Space: The Role of Analogical Thinking for Breakthrough Product Innovation. Creativity and ...


Gratulieren können wir auch wieder unseren Preisträgern: Dr. Marco Zeschky erhielt den 3. Preis beim Junior Scientific Award der Universität St.Gallen, Stephan ...

De la innovación frugal a la innovación inversa: el caso del ...Intersticios Sociales

von MÁM Bayardo · · Zitiert von: 13 — Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer y Oliver Gassmann, “From cost to frugal and reverse innovation: mapping the field and implications for ...

Eine empirische Studie - MASTERARBEIT - Universität WienPHAIDRA - University of Vienna

Gallen (HSG) unter der Führung von Oliver Gassmann und Marco Zeschky erar- beitet wurde, zeigt einen dreistufigen „Cross-Industry Innovation“-Prozess: von ...

Does invention is the start of the innovation process to ...AI Chat for scientific PDFs

— The Innovation Process: Sparking Creativity by Cross-Industry Analogies · Marco Zeschky, Oliver Gassmann - Show less +1 more. 31 Dec No ...

Emma Galanti Email - Product Manager @ trivagoRocketReach

ZEISS Industrial Metrology Employee marco zeschky's profile photo · marco zeschky. Head of Strategy at ZEISS Industrial Metrology. Oberkochen, BW, DE. View. 1.

Find and explore academic papersConnected Papers

— Marco Zeschky, M. Daiber, Bastian Widenmayer, O. Gassmann , Technovation. Redefining Innovation as System Re-Definition. K. Kusunoki, Y ...

Frugal Innovation in times of global crisis.Crossed Design

— Publication : Marco Zeschky, Bastian Widenmayer & Oliver Gassmann (2011) Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets, Research-Technology ...

Crossing the Industry-Line: Breakthrough Innovation through...

Past research on alliances has elaborated on the motives, determinants and benefits of cooperative relationships between firms. Notwithstanding their benefits,...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marco

Männlicher Vorname (Italienisch): Marco; dem Mars (dem römischen Kriegsgott) geweiht; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); alter römischer Vorname; der Name wurde traditionell vor allem den im März Geborenen gegeben; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen des Evangelisten Markus

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Marco Zeschky und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.