117 Infos zu Margarita Kataga

Mehr erfahren über Margarita Kataga

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6 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Chronis Botsoglou exhibition at the B&E Goulandris ...daysofart.gr

— Review by Margarita Kataga. CHRONIS BOTSOGLOU.The unyielding sincerity of empathy in Andros MEMORIES LOST IN THE DREAM — By Margarita Kataga. URBANOGRAPHY. The life of the city in the 1950s-1970s. Main Building – Hall of Periodical Exhibitions.

Events trunkshowdaily.comtrunkshowdaily.com

By Margarita Kataga. SOUTH FLORIDA PARTY RENTAL AND EVENTS LLC Texas Revolution Causes, Battles, Facts, & Definition WebTexas Annexation-Summary.


It also contains texts on the works of the exhibition by art historians Margarita Kataga and Elena Paleokosta , as well as biographical notes on the artists ...

Nouveau réalisme Η δύναμη της «συλλογικής μοναδικότηταςcit.gr

By Margarita Kataga. “We Europeans – and I refer specifically to the experiment attributed to The New Realists – come from Duchamp : the readymade ...

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Margarita Kataga

LinkedIn: Margarita Kataga - Coordinator - Snehta residency | LinkedIn

View Margarita Kataga's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Margarita has 18 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

LinkedIn: Margarita Kataga - Coordinator - Snehta residency | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Margarita Kataga auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 18 Jobs sind im Profil von Margarita Kataga ...

LinkedIn: Margarita Kataga | LinkedIn

View Margarita Kataga's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Margarita Kataga discover ... Es fehlt: wermelskirchen

3 Hobbys & Interessen

Ηοmetown Τravelers

Eγκαίνια Έκθεσης Επιμέλεια έκθεσης Mezzanine Urban Project Μαργαρίτα Καταγά Πολυζώης Κοτσανάδας 20 Δεκεμβρίου

Margarita Kataga - Health-wellness Events | AllEvents.in

Health-wellness Events by Margarita Kataga. Events - Φυσιοηχόδραση : Αιώνιο Παρόν - Διαλογισμός, YΟUTH WORK LEARNING THE DI

Margarita Kataga | Curator | Artfactsartfacts.net › curator › margarita-kataga › shows

Curator. Margarita Kataga. spotlight · profile · shows · trends. Group Exhibitions (1​)* Women Only - People, Contemporary Greek Video ArtMargaris ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Team - documenta 14

Margarita Kataga Editorial Coordinator, Athens T + kataga [ at ] documenta.de. Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga Editor, Communications T +

Adonis Volanakis - ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥwww.cut.ac.cy › faculties › aac › far › staff › adonis.volanakis

... Vardinoyianneio Foundation/ GR and B&E Goulandris Foundation/ GR curated by Gelly Gryntaki and Margarita Kataga, Athens School of Fine Arts, ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

About — Christina PapasChristina Papas

... Rematerializing Culture, curated by Margarita Kataga (Mixed Media, Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation) Publications: The Telos Society “Earth”.

4 Infos zur Ausbildung

C.V | makis-kyriakopoulosWix.com

Curators: Margarita Kataga. Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, Athens, Greece Participation in "Imago Mundi - GREECE: TRACES OF TODAY" Benetton ...

Evangelia DimitrakopoulouAcme Artist Studios

... Manyhands, London (2019), An earthly matter, curated by Margarita Kataga, Ileana Tounta Gallery, Athens (2018). Evangelia was selected by Natasha Hoare, ...

cvlea petrou

... ile de Vassivière 2009), In Dire(ct) Democracy (curated by Gelly Grindaki & Margarita Kataga, School of Fine Art, Athens 2009), Intothepill. Vol.


Maria Papacharalambous, Visual Artist

1 Projekte


... in a specific space, an abandoned Athenian Modernist residence In collaboration with: Margarita Kataga, 'Solutionartemporary' artists' collective ...

6 Bücher zum Namen

Μεταμόρφωση, Βρετανική Τέχνη της Δεκαετίας του '60goulandris.gr

Margarita Kataga, Elena Paleokosta. Translations from English. Dimitris Saltabassis. Editing and Proof Reading for the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation.

FRESCO Magazine Issue 1: Street Art: the Playing Fieldgoogle.co.in

... Dr. Ulrich Blanché Margarita Kataga Dr. Teresa Lousa Dr. Lachlan MacDowall Dr. Ágata Sequeira Dr. Andy Zieleniec Address: 236 W 30th St, Fl 5, New York, ...

Fresco Magazine Issue 2: Trans/formation: Street Art on the Movegoogle.co.in

... Millennial Culture Research Project Irina Li Claire Del Sorbo Baylee Mckeel Rachel Qin Kezia Lappya Dr. Ulrich Blanché Margarita Kataga Dr. Teresa Lousa ...

Αρχαία Ελλάδα και André Masson Exhibition Cataloguegoulandris.gr › shop › books › andre-masson-and-a...

Author(s). Kyriakos Koutsomallis, Didier Ottinger, William Jeffett. Catalogue Editorial Supervision and Coordination. Kyriakos Koutsomallis, Margarita Kataga.

3 Dokumente

MA RIALI ING CULTUR EAhmedabad University

Margarita Kataga, art historian. Nora Okka, architect. Ioannis Poulios, cultural management consultant rematerialising. Culture: reFleCtiOns ...

CURRICULUM VITAE Anastasia-Zoi Souliotouaegean.gr

— Prologue: Margarita Kataga,. Contemporary Art Curator. Don Art Salon, Palaio Faliro, Athens, Greece (Co)creations & interaction in @ ...


— kaput art magazine, lion under the rainbow, margarita kataga, may/jun2008 highlights, Lion under the rainbow.vol 34,Marya A.angel, ,may2008.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

ma riali ing cultur e - Leventis Scholars

Special thanks are owed to the art historian Margarita Kataga who trusted us and curated. – together with the architect Nora Okka and the cultural management ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Video Art MidenYouTube

Margarita Kataga - Evangelia Basdekis - Interview ERT Kalamatas views3 years ago. 23:53 Now playing. Lecture Anna Hatziyiannaki Video Art Miden

11 Meinungen & Artikel

from the exhibition - auxlangWordPress.com

auxlang exhibition 19 | 20 | 21 june a project by: Tereza Papamichali and Margarita Kataga and Solutionartemporary [Benjamin Altermatt & Daniel Kemeny] ...

Talks at Platforms Project 2019und. Athens

— Coordination: Augustus Veinoglou, Margarita Kataga and Snehta team. 16:30-17:30 “Sailing from Oblivion and back - A Journey of many ...

Athens - The vibrant metropolisAir Baltic

— Street markets and bazaars have opened,” explains Margarita Kataga, a gallery manager at T.A.F. (The Art Foundation).

December Art Guide - AthensOh-So-Arty

— Recommendations of what exhibitions to see in the Athens art scene by our local insider Margarita Kataga. To learn about Oh So Arty tours in ...

68 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Margarita Kataga - ΦωτογραφίαPexels

Margarita Kataga. Ακολουθήστε · Συνολικές προβολές. 0 · Διαχρονική κατάταξη. 486,7 χίλια · Κατάταξη 30 ημερών. 22,7 χίλια.

Margarita Kataga | City, University of London - Academia.eduAcademia.edu

Margarita Kataga, City, University of London, Cultural Policy and Management Department, Alumnus. Studies Art Theory, Political Philosophy, ...

Margarita KatagaCURRENT Athens

Margarita Kataga. ARCHIVE ... curated by Margarita Kataga · Nikos Kanoglou, Matina Stavropoulou. Admission: Free. Opening: , 19:00.

2008 women onlyWeebly


2009 Exercising DemocracyMaria Paschalidou

Curators: Gelly Grindaki, Margarita Kataga. Organized by: Goethe Institute & Athens School of Fine Arts. PUBLICATION:.

A special presentation on Performance Art @ Kalamata Art ...festivalmiden.gr

Special guest speakers will be Margarita Kataga, curator and art historian, and Evangelia Basdekis, an important Greek performance artist, both founder ...

Action Field Kodra ArtBOXartbox.gr

... Marina Athanassiadou & Margarita Kataga (“People”), and Syrago Tsiara, Director of the Contemporary Arts Centre of Thessaloniki (“Public Screen”, ...

Athanasia Tsopanargia Performance ROOMS Instagram

February 12. kappatosgallery. •. Follow. 43 likes · kappatosgallery. Sofia Kyriakidou curated by Margarita Kataga Performance ROOMS2023 @Kappatos Gallery.

Close II - Antony Gormley | Centro de Arte Moderna da ...Flickr

Margarita Kataga. Maio de BIOGRAFIA. Antony Gormley interessa-se pela escultura da figura humana, factor determinante em toda a sua obra.

Collaborators | Κεντρικός Τομέας ΑθηνώνSnehta Residency

Snehta coordinator: Margarita Kataga - art historian, curator. Press: Maria Dialektaki - curator. ​. Myrto Katsimicha (in-house curator & guest speaker)

Communication Form - The Art Foundationmetamatic.gr

Art Direction : Rallou Avramidou - Margarita Kataga Coordinators' team : Athina Kartelia - Christina Mammi - Giorgos Togias Opening hours:

Contemporary Art Gallerytheblendergallery.com

Participation in the organization: Margarita Kataga. Totem costume character Drenia Iasonidou. Music: by The Kika Project (Yannis Iliopoulos, ...

Contemporary Art Space | ChristinaMitrentseDepo Darm

Rematerializing Culture, A.G Leventis Foundation Athens, Curated by Margarita Kataga, Greece / Metasxismatismos, Giorgos Polyzoidis Gallery Athens, ...

Contents of ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΓΟΥΛΑΝΔΡΗ ...parliament.gr

... and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / [catalog editorial supervision and co-ordination Kyriakos Koutsomallis, Margarita Kataga, Elena Paleokosta]. by.

DivergenceAfroditi Psarra

Curated by Margarita Kataga. Phormix pres. NAUSEA 01 SpaceUnder, Athens, Greece. Future Innovators Summit Ars Electronica C... What it takes to Change, ...

INTL Open Call :: Juror Listapexart

Margarita Kataga Margarita Maria Rodriguez Rincon Maria Kim Maria Loughlin Maria Manser maria sarycheva. Maria Suarez Marianthi Miniati Marina Cortes

Kostas Christopoulos CVkostaschristopoulos.com

2011: The Symptom 02- The Symptom of the Place, Charmaina, Amfissa, Greece (curated by Apostolis Artinos, Kostas Christopoulos & Margarita Kataga).

LeathersVassilis Gerodimos

Curated by Kosta Christopoulos, Apostolis Artinos and Margarita Kataga. Photographs © Nikos Papadimitriou.

Makis KyriakopoulosFaceartnet.com

Curators: Margarita Kataga. Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, Athens, Greece Participation in a group exhibition "VANITAS".

Pierced Relief - Centro de Arte Modernagulbenkian.pt

... colour and form evokes the metaphysical dynamics that the work of such artists as Malevich, Brancusi and Mondrian was concerned with. Margarita Kataga.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Margarita

Weiblicher Vorname (Spanisch): Margarita; die Perle; Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); margarites = die Perle (Althochdeutsch); als Name aus dem Lateinischen ins Deutsche übernommen; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen der hl. Margarete von Antiochia (3./4. Jh.); das griechische Wort 'margarites' stammt vielleicht ursprünglich aus dem Persischen mit der Bedeutung 'Kind des Lichts' (gemäss der Vorstellung der Perle als Tautropfe, der durch Mondlicht verändert wurde) Margarita bedeutet "die Perle" und hat seinen Ursprung im Orient.

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Margarita Kataga & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Margarita Kataga und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.