42 Infos zu Maricel Repetto

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

SPIN (9-September 14, 2018): Search for a permanent electric...

Klaus Jungmann (University of Groningen) Dr Lorenz Willmann (University of Groningen) Dr Maricel Repetto (University of Mainz) Mr Olivier ...

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Maricel Repetto - Black Mesa Source! (now in Facebook

Facebook: Maricel Repetto - Maricel Repetto a partagé un lien dans...

LinkedIn: Maricel Repetto (PhD) – Senior Research Scientist LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Maricel Repetto (PhD) auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 2 Jobs sind im Profil von Maricel Repetto  ...

LinkedIn: Maricel Repetto | LinkedIn

Maricel Repettos berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Maricel Repetto dabei hilft ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

heiBIB: Allmendinger, Fabian

... Krause, Andreas Offenhäusser, Maricel Repetto, Ulrich Schmidt, Yuri Sobolev, Kathlynne Tullney, Lorenz Willmann, and Stefan Zimmer, 25 April S.

SPIN (9-September 14, 2018): Author List · Agenda (Indico)

Author in COMPASS polarized target in and Maricel Repetto. Co- author in Search for a permanent electric dipole moment of 129Xe. Caroline Riedl.

1 Dokumente

Metastability exchange optical pumping in 3He gas up to 30 mThal.science

von M Batz · · Zitiert von: 11 — Güldner, Gertrud Konrad, Anna Nikiel, Maricel Repetto und Kathlynne Tullney für die tolle weibliche Unterstützung, außerdem Raquel Mu˜noz ... › tel › document

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Design and construction of an apparatus for the DFG - GEPRISDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

... Hans-Joachim Krause, Andreas Offenhäusser, Maricel Repetto, Ulrich Schmidt, Yuri Sobolev, Kathlynne Tullney, Lorenz Willmann, and Stefan Zimmer › gepris › projekt › ergebnisse

Einteilung für das Physikalische Praktikum für...

Maricel Repetto: : : : 58: Rastertunnelmikroskop (STM) Tomas Corrales: : MPIP A: .de: 60: …

Hyperpolarised Noble Gases - Sciencesconf.org

:00, › Long storage times for hyperpolarized 129Xe and precise measurement of its absolute polarization - Maricel Repetto, Johannes Gutenberg University.

Program (with abstracts and presentations for logged ...Sciencesconf

— ... times for hyperpolarized 129Xe and precise measurement of its absolute polarization - Maricel Repetto, Johannes Gutenberg University times for hyperpolarized 129Xe and precise measurement of its absolute polarization - Maricel Repetto, Johannes Gutenberg University 10:40-11:00 (20min). › ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Precise measurement of magnetic field gradients from free ...springer.com

von F Allmendinger · · Zitiert von: 13 — Peter Blümler, Michael Doll, Werner Heil, Sergej Karpuk, Maricel Repetto, Yuri Sobolev, Kathlynne Tullney & Stefan Zimmer. › epjd

ProgramSorbonne Université

of its absolute polarization - Maricel Repetto, Johannes Gutenberg. University. › AC Spin Manipulation at ultra low fields for T1 determination of. › PING14_program

18 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Actividades Científicas: Congresos año 2008cnea.gov.ar

Martin Obligado, Maricel Repetto, Andrés J. Kreiner, Mario E. Debray, Jose María Kesque, Lucas Estrada, Fernando Johann, Jorge Davidson y Miguel Davidson. › ...

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Long storage times for hyperpolarized 129Xe and precise measurement of its absolute polarization — • Maricel Repetto, Stefan Zimmer, Sergei Karpuk, Peter Blümler, and Werner Heil 15:15 A 21.6

A new limit of the 129Xenon Electric Dipole Moment | EPJ Web of...

EPJ Web of Conferences, open-access proceedings in physics and astronomy

High Rate of Strongyloidosis Infection, Out of Endemic Area, in ...conicet.gov.ar

von S Repetto · · Zitiert von: 48 — Acknowledgments: We thank Maricel Repetto for helping with the figures and José Oubiña and Gerardo Mirkin for carefully reading the manuscript. › handle

High rate of strongyloidosis infection, out of endemic area, in ...Europe PMC

We thank Maricel Repetto for helping with the figures and José Oubiña and Gerardo Mirkin for carefully reading the manuscript. von M Repetto · · Zitiert von: 18 — Maricel Repetto. Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg UniversityMainz, Germany. Search articles by 'Maricel Repetto'. › articles › med


The EPJ portal gives you access to EPJA, EPJB, EPJC, EPJD, EPJE, EPJAP, EPJST, EPJH, EPJPlus, EPJ Data Science, EPJ Photovoltaics, EPJ Web of Conferences, EPJ...

Electronic transport and spin control in SiGe self-assembled quantum...

A Elisa Chisari, Ariel Berenstein, Ezequiel Badgen, Nahuel Vega y Maricel Repetto por cuidar nuestra amistad a pesar de la distancia. Gracias por estar siempre para mí. A mi familia política, Mercedes, Lucía, Pablo, Clara, Alberto y Alejandra y Ricardo, por el gran cariño que me brindan. Y para terminar, a Martín Obligado ...

Eleventh J.J. Giambiagi Winter School 2009

Maricel Repetto. University of Buenos Aires ( ARGENTINA ). Bruno Rizzo. FCEN- UBA ( ARGENTINA ). Andrew Robertson. University of Maryland ( USA ).

Timera Stellato in Andalusia, Alabamaygsj.info.tr

Maricel Repetto Bryston Vayner Amberlia Vela Gawaine Rodenbeck Berche Grise Odall Nigrelli.

Walwynn Belfi in Eugene, Oregonlqex.biz.tr

Maricel Repetto Jourdan Santa Packard Finnegan Ayanna Dippold Innes Wheatcraft Aprella Krol.

International Symposium XeMAT PDF Free Download

... Shapiro (Pasadena) Genetically Encoded Reporters for HyperCEST MRI 10:45 Poster Session two & Coffee 13:00 Lunch 14:00-18:00 Excursion to Moritzburg Castle 19:00 Conference Dinner Thursday, Sep 17, Chair: Patrick Berthault 09:00 09:35 10:10 10:35 Maricel Repetto (Mainz) Systematic improvement of T

Precise measurement of magnetic field gradients from free spin...

AP · ... Krause, Andreas Offenhäuser, Maricel Repetto, Ulrich Schmidt, Yuri Sobolev, Kathlyne Tullney, Lorenz Willmann, Stefan Zimmer.

Pseudomorphic to orthomorphic growth of Fe films on Cu Semantic Scholar

— ... and Paola Luches and Lorenzo Mattera and Alberto Morgante and Riccardo Moroni and Maricel Repetto and Alberto Verdini and M. Canepa Lab. › ...

Systematic T1 improvement for hyperpolarized 129xenon - PDF Free...

•Very long wall relaxation times were obtained reproducibly in uncoated glass cells.•“Aging” process of wall relaxation ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Maricel

Weiblicher Vorname (Spanisch, Tagalog): Maricel; Spanisch (Doppelform); Doppelform aus 'María' und 'Celia'

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