106 Infos zu Marija Sumakovic

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Marija Sumakovic

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Facebook: Marija Šumaković | Facebookwww.facebook.com › marija.sumakovic.5

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Sehen Sie sich Marija Sumakovics vollständiges Profil an – völlig kostenlos. Ihre Kollegen, Kommilitonen und 500 Millionen weitere Fach- und Führungskräfte ...

1 Business-Profile

Mihajlo Šumaković Email & Phone Number - Atomia | ZoomInfowww.zoominfo.com › Mihajlo-Sumakovic

Marija Sumakovic. iOS Developer. Mozzart. Phone. Email. See Profile. People Also Search For: Profile Picture · Jagriti Singhal. Software Engineer & Intern.

3 Persönliche Webseiten

Marija Sumakovic info - NameINF.me

Marija Sumakovic name info - NameINF.me

Marija Šumaković na imenjak.com

Analiza Marija Šumaković imena na imenjak.com - statistika, značenje imena Marija i prezimena Šumaković. Kontakti

Mark Najarian's Email & Phone NumberContactOut

Image of Marija Sumakovic. MS. Marija Sumakovic. Software Developer at Gecko Solutions at Gecko Solutions d.o.o.. Image of Milovan Milickovic. MM. Milovan ... Image of Marija Sumakovic. MS. Marija Sumakovic. Software Developer at Gecko Solutions at Gecko Solutions d.o.o.. Image of Milovan Milickovic. MM. Milovan ...

5 Bücher zum Namen

Ivana Bratic-Hench | Karolinska Institutet | Related Authors

Claire Pujol 1, Ivana Bratic-Hench 2, Ivana Bratic-Hench 1, Marija Sumakovic 1, Jürgen Hench 3, Arnaud Mourier 4, Linda Baumann 1, Victor Pavlenko 1, ... › authors

Claire Pujol - Typesettypeset.io › authors

613 results · Claire Pujol 1, Ivana Bratic-Hench 2, Ivana Bratic-Hench 1, Marija Sumakovic 1 +6 more•Institutions (4). 27 Mar PLOS ONE.

The Role of UNC-108/RAB-2 in Neuronal Dense Core ...Google Books

Title, The Role of UNC-108/RAB-2 in Neuronal Dense Core Vesicle Maturation in C. Elegans. Author, Marija Sumakovic. Published, Title, The Role of UNC-108/RAB-2 in Neuronal Dense Core Vesicle Maturation in C. Elegans. Author, Marija Sumakovic. Published,

Jürgen Hench | University Hospital of Basel | 75 Publications

Ivana Bratic-Hench,Marija Sumakovic,Jürgen Hench,Arnaud Mourier,Linda Baumann,Victor Pavlenko,Aleksandra Trifunovic,Aleksandra Trifunovic +9 moreUniversity ...

7 Dokumente

Detection of Differential Proteomes Associated with the ...ACS Publications

von D Han · · Zitiert von: 44 — Nikhil Sasidharan, Marija Sumakovic, Mandy Hannemann, Jan Hegermann, Jana F. Liewald, Christian Olendrowitz, Sabine Koenig, Barth D. Grant ... von D Han · · Zitiert von: 44 — Nikhil Sasidharan, Marija Sumakovic, Mandy Hannemann, Jan Hegermann, Jana F. Liewald, Christian Olendrowitz, Sabine Koenig, Barth D. Grant ...

In Focus

Marija Sumakovic, Stefan Eimer, Jan. Hegermann, and co-workers found, the cargo (green) shifts to the endo- lysosomal system (red) in the neuron's cell ...

UNC-108/RAB-2 and its effector RIC-19 are involved in dense ...

von M Sumakovic · · Zitiert von: 91 — Marija Sumakovic,. Marija Sumakovic. 1. European Neuroscience Institute Goettingen, German Research Foundation Research Center for Molecular ... › article-abstract

UNC-108/RAB-2 and its effector RIC-19 are involved in ...

von M Sumakovic · · Zitiert von: 101 — UNC-108/RAB-2 and its effector RIC-19 are involved in dense core vesicle maturation in Caenorhabditis elegans. Marija Sumakovic,. Marija ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

MSc Georg-August-Universität GöttingenGeorg-August Universität Göttingen

Germany. Marija Sumakovic, Serbia and Montenegro. Andrea Wirmer, Germany. Andrew Woehler, USA. Woehler, Andrew · Wirmer, Andrea · Sumakovic, Marija · Rüßmann, ... Germany. Marija Sumakovic, Serbia and Montenegro. Andrea Wirmer, Germany. Andrew Woehler, USA. Woehler, Andrew · Wirmer, Andrea · Sumakovic, Marija · Rüßmann, ...

MSc/PhD/MD-PhD Neuroscience Program

Marija Sumakovic EDUCATION College / University: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Highest Degree: Diploma Major Subjects: Molecular Biology and Physiology Lab Experience: Genetic engineering, EMSA (gel shift mobility assay), cell culture Projects / Research: 2005: diploma work “Cloning of Thiopurine S-metilase gene promoter into the reporter vector pCAT basic ...

Sumakovic, Marija - Georg-August-University Göttingen

Marija Sumakovic. EDUCATION. College / University. University of Belgrade. Highest Degree. Diploma. Major Subjects. Molecular Biology and Physiology, sumakovic ...

Suche - eDiss

(Marija Sumakovic, Konstantina Marinoglou, Adema Ribic, Ieva Gailite), and my friends Gabriel Mora-Oberlaender, Achim Werner. › discover

5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Marija Sumakovic | PubFacts

Marija Sumakovic

(PDF) Table S1

Mutant. Article. March Claire Pujol · Ivana Bratic Hench · Marija Sumakovic · Juergen Christian Hans Hench · Aleksandra Trifunovic · Download ...

Marija Sumakovic - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Marija Sumakovic. Link auf diese Seite. Hinweis zum Datenschutz Mit Klick auf "Einverstanden" können Sie diese Seite in sozialen Netzwerken weiterempfehlen. Dabei besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Daten von Ihrem Computer zum jeweiligen Anbieter sowie Daten des …

Nikhil Sasidharan | PubFacts

Nikhil Sasidharan

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Marija Sumakovic - Vimeovimeo.com › user

Marija Sumakovic is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

64 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Marija Sumakovic | Professional Profile - LinkedIn

View Marija Sumakovic's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Marija has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Marija's connections and jobs at similar companies.

LinkedIn Namecard

Marija Sumakovic: iOS Developer at Mozzart: Serbia | Information Technology and Services. Add connection. Create my namecard. Work experience. Mozzart ...

All Marija Sumakovic Free Android Apps & Games

Discover apps and games published by Marija Sumakovic on APKPure. Download Moj Automobil from Marija Sumakovic for free.

Marija Sumakovic Email & Phone Number | Mozzart Bet Ios ...

Get Marija Sumakovic's email address () and phone number () at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.

Marija Sumakovic برنامه ها

Marija Sumakovic. *For useres in Serbia only*Aplikacija za pomoć pri održavanju automobila u Srbiji.Jednostavan i brz korisnički interfejs. Plaćanje parkinga ...

Marija Sumakovic (@marijasumakovic30)TikTok

Marija Sumakovic (@marijasumakovic30) on TikTok | Watch the latest video from Marija Sumakovic (@marijasumakovic30). Marija Sumakovic (@marijasumakovic30) on TikTok | Watch the latest video from Marija Sumakovic (@marijasumakovic30).

Info über Marija Sumakovic | Flickr

Flickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren...

Favoriten von Marija Sumakovic | Flickr

Marija Sumakovic doesn't have any favorites yet. Stay tuned. This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show ads that are more relevant to ...



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- B92 - Sport - Olimpijada

Poletarci, Marija Sumakovic, shimpr1, branislav nikolic, Shumadija Stars, Veljko Karadzic, SRBIJA2033, radmilo jovic, › selektor

Article cité par - médecine/scienceswww.medecinesciences.org › component › citedby › medsci

Marija Sumakovic, Jan Hegermann, Ling Luo, et al. The Journal of Cell Biology 186 (6) 897 (2009) DOI: jcb

F5506 | Sigma-Aldrichwww.sigmaaldrich.com › search

Results of 201 · Marija Sumakovic et al. The Journal of cell biology, 186(6), ( ). Small guanosine triphosphatases of the Rab family ...

F5506 | Sigma-Aldrich

Results of 100 — Marija Sumakovic et al. The Journal of cell biology, 186(6), ( ). Small guanosine triphosphatases of the Rab family ... › se...

- B92 - Sport - Olimpijadawww6.b92.net › B92 › Sport › Peking 2008

Poletarci, Marija Sumakovic, shimpr1, branislav nikolic, Shumadija Stars, Veljko Karadzic, SRBIJA2033, radmilo jovic, 193.

Blue native electrophoresis to study mitochondrial complex ...

Claire Pujol, Ivana Bratic-Hench, Marija Sumakovic, Jürgen Hench, Arnaud Mourier, Linda Baumann, Victor Pavlenko, Aleksandra Trifunovic. https://doi.org ...

Gene prediction in metagenomic sequencing reads

I thank the “Ex-Geists” (Marija Sumakovic, Konstantina Marinoglou, Adema Ribic, Ieva Gailite), and my friends Gabriel Mora-Oberlaender, Achim Werner, ... › Gene_...

Axonal Endoplasmic Reticulum Dynamics and Its Roles in BioKDEbiokde.com › doc

Nikhil Sasidharan, Marija Sumakovic, +8 authors, Mandy Hannemann, Jan Hegermann, Jana F Liewald, Christian Olendrowitz, Sabine Koenig, Barth D Grant, ...

Malonates | PLOS ONEjournals.plos.org › Chemical compounds › Malonates

Claire Pujol, Ivana Bratic-Hench, Marija Sumakovic, Jürgen Hench, Arnaud Mourier, Linda Baumann, Victor Pavlenko, Aleksandra Trifunovic.

Complex II negatively regulates lifespan in gas-1(fc21) mutant.

posted on , 08:02 by Claire Pujol Ivana Bratic-Hench Marija Sumakovic Jürgen Hench Arnaud Mourier Linda Baumann Victor Pavlenko Aleksandra ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marija

Weiblicher Vorname (Russisch): Marija; Verbitterung (?); Hebräisch (Altes Testament); mirjam = die Bitterkeit, die Verbitterung (Aramäisch); mry = der Geliebte (Ägyptisch); als Name der Mutter Jesu Symbol für reine und tiefe Liebe; Bedeutung nicht sicher geklärt; eine Möglichkeit: 'Verbitterung'; eine andere Möglichkeit ist ein ägyptischer Ursprung und eine Ableitung von 'mry' (die/der Geliebte, im Sinne von: die, welche geliebt wird/der, welcher geliebt wird); 'Maria' ist die griechische/lateinische Ursprungs-Form, 'Mirjam' die ältere aramäische/hebräische; wohl der am weitesten verbreitete christliche weibliche Name

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