86 Infos zu Marin Ivezic

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Chinese firms hit by huge increase in cyber attacks - survey | Reuters

Cyber attacks on Chinese companies have soared in the past two years, according to a survey, with new technologies that connect household items to the internet...

Cybersecurity: China Seeing Deluge Of Hacks | PYMNTS.com

According to a new cybersecurity survey by PwC, companies in China are seeing a big increase in the number of hacks.

Blockchain technology and applications for FinTech: An expert...

Marin Ivezic is a Risk Assurance Partner in PwC Hong Kong and the HK lead for blockchain technologies.Marin has worked with number of enterprises, regulators and international institutions on helping them understand opportunities and risks of blockchain technology. Marin regularly contributes to ...

Fintech Week Blockchain Panel — Chain of Things

Blockchain Technology and Applications for FinTech :  An expert discussion panel to increase awareness of blockchain technology as a platform for FinTech...

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Marin Ivezic | Facebook

Facebook: Marin Ivezic | Facebook

LinkedIn: Marin Ivezic | LinkedIn

View Marin Ivezic's (Singapore) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Marin Ivezic ...

LinkedIn: Marin Ivezic | LinkedIn

Marin Ivezics berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Marin Ivezic dabei hilft,  ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Businesses brace as cyber threat lingers | SBS News

The spread of the virus dubbed WannaCry -

1 Firmen-Beteiligungen

Marin Ivezic - MarketVisual Knowledge Map

CONSULTANT at Marin Ivezic. General Employment. MANAGER at Marin Ivezic. / Offshore Outsourcing. Information Technology Executive at Marin Ivezic ...

2 Business-Profile

Marin Ivezic - Expert with | ExpertFile

View Marin Ivezic's expert profile. Contact Marin Ivezic for media, speaking opportunities and more at expertfile.com

Contact Marin Ivezic at

Use the following page to connect with Marin Ivezic, for a wide variety of media, event and professional inquiries.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Marin Ivezic | PwC Canada

Marin Ivezic, Partner, Cybersecurity & Privacy

2 Dokumente

Marin Ivezic, Cybersecurity | SlideShare

View all of Marin Ivezic's Presentations.

Social Engineering - Human aspects of industrial and economic espiona…

Social engineering is not just a supporting process to obtain system access; it could be the main attack. Organizations that focus only on a narrow definition …

3 Meinungen & Artikel

IT Security Breakfast Seminar, Singapore | Morgan McKinley Careers

No longer do we need to go to the bank to check our balance or keep the creased and barely readable A-Z of UK roadmaps, we can do it all with a click of a...

Real-World Damage Coming to a Connected Device Near You | Symantec...

Marin Ivezic, a partner with consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers' Cybersecurity, Enterprise Resilience and Security Operations group, predicts that such real-world impacts will only become more serious. In a recent red-team exercise, which Ivezic will only say happened in the past three years, ...

55 Webfunde aus dem Netz

The History of Cyber-Kinetic Attacks and Incidents – Marin Ivezic ...

The fact that cyber-kinetic attacks (i.e. cyber attacks on ICS or IoT with impacts in the physical world) rarely appear on mainstream news doesn't ...

A Smarter Privacy – The Future of Privacy in our Smart Cities - LinkedIn

Marin Ivezic. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Follow.

Those with interpersonal skills have least to worry about the job ...

Marin Ivezic. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Thanks for the ...

Marin Ivezic | LinkedIn

View Marin Ivezic's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Marin Ivezic discover inside  ...

A Policy and Regulatory Checklist for Successful Rollout of 5G - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 19

Becoming Smarter About Smart Cities – Recognizing Smart City ...

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 29

Cyber War – scaremongering or reality? - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 10

Cyber attacks on industrial robots - recent research report - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 55

Innovative Businesses Have Curious Employees - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 22

Intentional Electromagnetic Interference (IEMI) – the overlooked threat ...

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 51

Leadership in the Age of AI - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 29

Make your organization stronger through adversity - Antifragility and ...

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 17

Meeting the Ghost in the Machine – What are the Risks of AI? - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 23

My First 60 Days at PwC – a Path to Conscious Incompetence - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like

Navigating a Safe Course Through the Threat of Maritime Cyberattacks

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 39

Securing the Growing Cyber-Kinetic Vulnerabilities of Railway Systems

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 58

Social Engineering - Greatest information security risk - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 21

Stuxnet and the Birth of Cyber-Kinetic Weapons - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like

Stuxnet: the father of cyber-kinetic weapons - LinkedIn

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like

Technology Trends for – More Amazing Than Flying Cars

Marin IvezicFollow. Partner - Lead Industrial & IoT Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, 5G Security & Privacy, Cyber-Kinetic. Like 45

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Marin

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch, Deutsch): Marin; vom Meer, am Meer lebend; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); marinus = am Meer gelegen, am Meer lebend; geht zurück auf einen römischen Beinamen 'Marinus', der entweder vom Vornamen 'Marius' oder vom Wort 'marinus' (vom Meer, am Meer lebend) abgeleitet ist; Name mehrerer Heiliger, von denen einer der Republik 'San Marino' den Namen gegeben hat

Personensuche zu Marin Ivezic & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Marin Ivezic und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.