70 Infos zu Mark Hilge

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: Mark Hilge aus Erfurt

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Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Mark Hilge auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 5 Jobs sind im Profil von Mark Hilge aufgelistet. Sehen ...

LinkedIn: Mark Hilge的完整檔案! - LinkedIn

快到全球最大的專業人士人脈網查看Mark Hilge的檔案!Mark新增了5 項工作經歷。 查看完整檔案,進一步探索Mark的人脈和相關職缺。

6 Persönliche Webseiten

mark hilge – Na,K-ATPase

pump cycle.

mark hilge – contact

mark hilge – contact. structural biology. contact, credits.

mark hilge

X-ray and NMR protein structures by Mark Hilge

Fuif 'De Eerste Snee' bij boerderij 't Spieker | Het laatste nieuws...

VIERAKKER – Het is nog niet zover. Maar over enkele weken zal begin mei ongetwijfeld de eerste snee gras gemaaid worden. Wat al wel definitief zeker is dat op...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Re: [ccp4bb]: CCP4 Release 4.2: Now Available

To: Mark Hilge &.nl>; Subject: Re: [ccp4bb]: CCP4 Release 4.2: Now Available; From: "P.J.Briggs" &.uk>; Date: Wed, ...

Alumni | DCI

Mark Hilge , Senior Scientist. Roger Krenger , Master Student. Philipp Fischer , Project Student. Dominic Giss , PhD Student.

9 Bücher zum Namen


De norske Bokklubbene - De beste forfatterne - rett hjem. Maks rabatt på nye bøker og fri frakt på ordre over 299,- . Hovedbøkene sendes alltid portofritt.

bokus.com: Sodium-Calcium Exchange and the Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase in Cell...

Köp Sodium-Calcium Exchange and the Plasma Membrane Ca2+-ATPase in Cell Function av Andre Herchuelz, Mordecai P Blaustein, Jonathan Lytton, Kenneth D...

authors:"Mark Hilge" - Search | Paperity

Paperity: the 1st multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals & papers. Free fulltext PDF articles from hundreds of disciplines, all in one place

Physiology of Neurons - Google Books

Thanks to tremendous technical advances in molecular biology and cellular imaging after those in electrophysiology, there is now a deep understanding of the...

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Molecular Cell | Vol 22, Issue 1, Pages (7 April 2006) |...

Ca Regulation in the Na/Ca Exchanger Involves Two Markedly Different Ca Sensors. Open archive - Original research article: Pages 15–25. Mark Hilge, Jan ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Sodium Calcium Exchange: A Growing Spectrum of Pathophysiological...

This book reports the text of the lectures of the 6th International Conference on Sodium Calcium Exchange held in Lacco Ameno in the Island of Ischia in the...

Sodium Calcium Exchange: A Growing Spectrum of ...link.springer.com › book

Mark Hilge. Pages PDF · Molecular Determinants of Allosteric Regulation in NCX Proteins. Moshe Giladi, Daniel Khananshvili. Pages PDF.

4 Meinungen & Artikel

JISCMail - CCP4BB Archives - August 2008

Sun, 24 Aug :54:41 + lines. Thanks for the many responses concerning protein concentration. Mark Hilge. Sat, 23 Aug :37:47 +0200.

JISCMail - CCP4BB Archives

Mark Hilge Protein Biophysics NCMLS rd floor M Geert Grooteplein GA Nijmegen The Netherlands ...

ATP-induced conformational changes of the nucleotide-binding domain...


35 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Mark Hilge, Jan Aelen, Geerten W. Vuister  Molecular Cell  - ppt...

Presentation on theme: "Mark Hilge, Jan Aelen, Geerten W. Vuister Molecular Cell "— Presentation transcript: 1 Ca2+ Regulation in the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger ...

Mark Hilge - Structural Biology

Mark Hilge - Structural BiologyURL. TAGs:Science Physics Crystallography Personal_Pages,Crystallography,Physics,Science ...

Biological NanoMotors and Their Associated Motor Proteins - ppt...

Outline Definitions General Review of Motor proteins What is a motor protein General Review of Motor proteins Contraction / Depolymerizarion motors Expansion /...

Mark Hilge - Structural Biology - Details for: Physics:...

AtomSeek directory for Mark Hilge - Structural Biology - Physics: Crystallography: Personal Pages: Mark Hilge - Structural Biology

Mark Hilge Research

Offizielle Handelsregisterinformationen des Kantons Zürich betreffend der Firma Mark Hilge Research

Mark Hilge | inospin

Mark Hilge. Global citimpact: Researcher at Protein Biophysics, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University Nijmegen, GA Nijmegen, ...

VMD-L Mailing List

From: Mark Hilge (hilge_at_chem.leidenuniv.nl) Date: Fri Aug :18:52 CDT. Next message: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: Secondary structure"; Previous ...

ATP-induced conformational changes of the nucleotide-binding domain...

The Na,K-ATPase hydrolyzes ATP to drive the coupled extrusion and uptake of Na+ and K+ ions across the plasma membrane. Here, we report two high-resolution NMR...


We found 7 sites like mark hilge.com. Top 3 alternative sites are aquacrystals.narod.ru, biophysics.med.jhmi.edu, sites.google.com.

Ca2+ regulation in the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger involves two markedly...

Ca2+ Regulation in the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Involves Two Markedly Different Ca2+ Sensors. Mark Hilge , Jan Aelen, Geerten W Vuister. Affiliations Expand ...

Mark-hilge Similar Sites - Find 18 Websites like Mark-hilge.com

Find 25 sites similar to Mark-hilge.com (Hilge, Mark and Markhilge). The most related sites to Mark-hilge are: Marksdailyapple.com, Guildquality.com and ...


BibTeX. @MISC{Smit02, author = {Maarten H. De Smit and Er P. Gultyaev and Mark Hilge and Hugo H. J. Bink and Sharief Barends and Barend Kraal and ...

Lectures in Membrane Biochemistry by John F. Allen

Page of Mark Hilge at Protein Biophysics, Nijmegen; ATP Synthase. Group Pages of John Walker at the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, Cambridge ...

K+-ATPase involved in the transphosphorylation process of the sodium...

Hydrolysis of ATP by Na+/K+-ATPase, a P-Type ATPase, catalyzing active Na+ and K+ transport through cellular membranes l...

Practical Crank

jn0094.pdf Rudolf A.G. de Graaff, Mark Hilge, Jaco L. van der Plas and Jan Pieter Abrahams Matrix methods for solving protein substructure of chlorine and ...

High-resolution native and complex structures of thermostable...

Mark Hilge Sergio M Gloor Wojciech Rypniewski Oliver Sauer Tom D Heightman Wolfgang Zimmermann Kaspar Winterhalter Klaus Piontek. Treść / Zawartość.

Overview - Calcium Signaling Lab: Emanuel E. Strehler - Mayo Clinic...

The EF-Hand Calcium-Binding Proteins Data Library · Mark Hilge - Na,K-ATPase · Signaling Gateway - Cell Signaling Research, News, Data and Conferences ...

Practical Crank - SAFsaf.bio.caltech.edu › ccp4 › crank

jn0094.pdf Rudolf A.G. de Graaff, Mark Hilge, Jaco L. van der Plas and Jan Pieter Abrahams Matrix methods for solving protein substructure of chlorine and ...

namd-l: Re: Setting up symmetry restraints in a homo-dimer with...

error message: On Fri, Dec 9, at 1:17 AM, Mark Hilge <markhilge_at_me. com> wrote: > > namd2 +p8 O3028-step1.namd > O3028-step1.

Ca2+ Regulation in the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Involves Two Markedly...

Mark Hilge ... Bartels, C.& Xia, T.H.& Billeter, M.& Güntert, P.& Wüthrich, K., "The program XEASY for computer-supported NMR , 2000, p ; 25.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Mark

Männlicher Vorname (Englisch, Skandinavisch, Holländisch, Russisch): Mark; dem Mars (dem römischen Kriegsgott) geweiht; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); alter römischer Vorname; der Name wurde traditionell vor allem den im März Geborenen gegeben; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen des Evangelisten Markus

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hilge

Hilge der Vorläufer davon war Hillige aus einem Vorfahren kann man diesen Namnesabgleich sehen gebr.> 1782 als Hillige und 1932 als Hilge gestorben< und die Hilligen wohnten in einem Trockengbiet in mooriger Umgebeung. Die wohnten da auf einer Halligen.

Personensuche zu Mark Hilge & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Mark Hilge und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.