128 Infos zu Markus Spitzweck
Mehr erfahren über Markus Spitzweck
Lebt in
- Osnabrück
- Regensburg
Infos zu
- Motivic
- K-theory
- Paul Arne Østvær
- Motives
- Oliver Röndigs
- Universität
- Topology
- University
- Google Books
- Seminar
- Homotopy
- Operads
7 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Markus Spitzweck A Grothendieck Witt Space For Stable Infinity ...Markus Spitzweck A Grothendieck Witt Space For Stable Infinity Categories With Duality on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News ...
Markus SPITZWECK (Osnabrück): Motives for arbitrary schemesMarkus SPITZWECK (Osnabrück): Motives for arbitrary schemes. We explain how motivic categories with reasonable properties for arbitrary schemes can be constructed. A crucial property used for the construction is base change for a motivic Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum over Dedekind rings. Time and ...
Markus SPITZWECK (Regensburg): On the motivic Eilenberg-Mac Lane...Markus SPITZWECK (Regensburg): On the motivic Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectrum in mixed characteristic. Time and place: Markus SPITZWECK ...
Colloquium15:45, LH Res. III: Markus Spitzweck Smooth extensions of cohomology theories and applications Positive scalar curvature and index theoretic methods
4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
CRC 701: Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in MathematicsHomepage of the Collaborative Research Centre 701
Markus Spitzweck - MSRIMathematik/Informatik. Home Page: http://www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/ ...
19 NRW Topology MeetingOrganizers: Oliver Röndings, Markus Spitzweck and Rainer Vogt ...
Titles and AbstractsAbstract: The talk will report on joint work with Paul Arne Oestvaer and Markus Spitzweck. Marc Levine showed that, at least over a field of characteristic zero, the ...
1 Business-Profile
Spitzweck, Markus ( )L’application IdRef permet d’interroger les autorités des bases Calames, Sudoc, STAR, STEP et Thèses.fr, d'enrichir et/ou de corriger des notices autorités...
4 Infos zur Ausbildung
[ALGTOP-L] Homotopy Theory Summer - Berlin 2018... Jean Fasel (tentative) Grigory Garkusha Bertrand Guillou Jeremiah Heller Marc Hoyois Dan Isaksen Haynes Miller (tentative) Fabien Morel (tentative) Kyle Ormsby Ivan Panin Markus Spitzweck Vesna Stojanoska Kirsten Wickelgren Ben Williams Glen Wilson We look forward to seeing many of you there!
Javier J. Gutiérrez - Publications[journal] [arXiv]; Motivic slices and colored operads, with Markus Spitzweck, Oliver Röndings and Paul Arne Østvær Journal of Topology 5 (2012), 727–755.
[ALGTOP-L] Workshop on Infinity-operads and Applications... to see you next July in Osnabrück,</div><div><br></div><div>Hongyi Chu, Joana Cirici, Markus Spitzweck, and Oriol Raventós</div></div> ...
response - Lehigh UniversityMarkus SPITZWECK (Goettingen) : The Hodge theoretic realization of certain limit motives Serge A. YAGUNOV (St. Petersburg) ...
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Markus Spitzweck - The Mathematics Genealogy ProjectAccording to our current on-line database, Markus Spitzweck has 3 students and 3 descendants. We welcome any additional information. If you have additional ...
24 Bücher zum Namen
HEIDI: Bunke, Ulrich: Periodic twisted cohomology and t-dualityAutor: Bunke, Ulrich · i · Schick, Thomas · i · Spitzweck Titel Periodic twisted cohomology and t-duality. Verf. Vorlageform Ulrich Bunke ; Thomas Schick ; Markus Spitzweck.
AbeBooks: Periodic Twisted Cohomology and T-Duality (Asterisque)...AbeBooks ist ein weltweiter Internet-Marktplatz für neue, gebrauchte, antiquarische und vergriffene Bücher
SCHOLAR - CNKI学术搜索CNKI学术搜索是一个基于海量资源的跨学科、跨语种、跨文献类型的学术资源搜索平台,其资源库涵盖各类学术期刊、论文、报纸、专利、标准、年鉴、工具书等,旨在为国内外研究人员提供全面、权威、系统的知识网络。
Feynman Amplitudes, Periods and Motives - Google Booksmo- tives, preprint. Markus Spitzweck, Operads, algebras and modules in ...
8 Dokumente
[ ] A commutative P^1-spectrum representing motivic...Authors: Markus Spitzweck. (Submitted on 17 Jul (v1), last revised 19 Nov (this version, v3)). Abstract: We construct a motivic Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum with a highly structured multiplication over smooth schemes over Dedekind domains which represents Levine's motivic cohomology. The latter is defined via ...
Spitzweck, Markus [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Markus Spitzweck. Periodic twisted cohomology and T-duality by Ulrich Bunke( Book ) 9 editions published in in English and ...
Abstracts for Closing Conference for the Program on Higher Structures...Abstracts for Closing Conference for the Program on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics Markus Spitzweck .
[ ] Infinity categories with duality and hermitian...From: Markus Spitzweck [view email] [v1] Mon, 31 Oct :10:14 GMT (27kb). Which authors of this paper are endorsers? | Disable ...
27 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG GEPRIS - Dr. Markus SpitzweckDr. Markus Spitzweck, Fakultät für Mathematik, Regensburg
Fachbereich Mathematik und InformatikService
A BOTT INVERTED MODEL FOR EQUIVARIANT UNITARY TOPOLOGICAL K-THEORY on...Let A be an abelian compact Lie group. We show the Bott inverted suspension spectrum of the projective space that classifies A-equivariant line bundles is a...
Publikationen — Professur für Geometrie — TU DresdenarXiv Google Scholar ORCID MathSciNet [87] The Liouville property and random walks on topological...
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Motivic approach to limit sheaves | SpringerLinkWe propose a motivic analog of limit mixed Hodge structures. Working in the context of triangulated categories of motivic objects on schemes we introduce and...
Another viewpoint on J-spaces : Markus Spitzweck : Free Download,...We give an interpretation of J-spaces in terms of symmetric spectra in symmetric sequences. As application we show how one can define graded endomorphism...
Graduiertenkolleg Osnabrück: Kombinatorische Strukturen in Algebra...Oktober 2012: A motivic Eilenberg-MacLane Spectrum in the arithmetic case (Markus Spitzweck) Oktober 2012: The Frobenius morphism ...
Existence and uniqueness of $$E_{\infty }$$ E ∞ structures on motivic...We show that algebraic $${\textit{K}}$$ -theory $$\mathsf {KGL}$$ , the motivic Adams summand $$\mathsf {ML}$$ and their connective covers acquire unique $
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Topology Seminar by Paul Arne Østvær – University of Copenhagenhermitian K-theory. This is joint work with Oliver Roendigs and Markus Spitzweck.
Topological Activities | SMCMarkus Spitzweck: Hermitian K-theory for stable infinity categories with duality. Lecturer: Markus Spitzweck (Universität Osnabrück). Location: ...
nForum - Victor Snaith, algebraic cobordism... [arXiv](http://arxiv.org/abs ). Added the new reference. Markus Spitzweck, Algebraic cobordism in mixed characteristic, arXiv.
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Homotopy Theory Summer... Fabien Morel (LMU München) (tentative); Kyle Ormsby (Reed College); Ivan Panin (Steklov Institute); Markus Spitzweck (U Osnabrück); Vesna Stojanoska (UI ...
Motivic Homotopy of Spheres IIRegistration · Local Information. Confirmed Speakers. Alexey Ananyevskiy. Tom Bachmann. Jean Fasel. Bertrand Guillou. Jeremiah Heller. Jens Hornbostel. Marc Hoyois. Paul Arne Østvær. Kyle Ormsby. Ivan Panin. Anand Sawant. Marco Schlichting. Markus Spitzweck. Burt Totaro. Kirsten Wickelgren. Benedict Williams ...
Schedule - Abstracts - Motivic Homotopy of SpheresMarkus Spitzweck, Room WSC-S-U (11-12) Marco Schlichting, (11:30-12:30 ) Oliver Roendigs. (12:30-14:00) Lunch, (12-14) Lunch, Free Afternoon, (12-14)
Auteur : Markus SpitzweckDécouvre tous les livres écrits par Markus Spitzweck - Lalibrairie.com
Markus Spitzweck in nLabnLab. Markus Spitzweck. Skip the Navigation Links | Home Page | All Pages | Latest Revisions | Discuss this page | Feeds |. webpage.
Markus Spitzweck | Search Results | Annals of Mathematicsslice spectral sequence. Pages by Oliver Röndigs, Markus Spitzweck, Paul ...
Motivic twisted K-theory, by Markus Spitzweck and Paul Arne ØstværMotivic twisted K-theory, by Markus Spitzweck and Paul Arne Østvær. This paper sets out basic properties of motivic twisted K-theory with respect to degree three ...
Markus Spitzweck | Institute for Advanced Study1999– Fall. Update Profile · Privacy Policy · Careers · Press Center ...
A Commutative $\mathbb{ P}^{1}$-Spectrum Representing Motivic...Author(s) (Product display): Ulrich Bunke; Thomas Schick; Markus Spitzweck. Affiliation(s) (HTML): Universität Regensburg, Regensburg, ...
Internet Archive Search: creator:"Markus Spitzweck"We show that the Conjecture of Voevodsky concerning slices of the algebraic cobordism spectrum MGL implies a general statement about the slices of motivic ...
Hermitian multiplicative infinite loop space machines | Max Planck...Hermitian multiplicative infinite loop space machines Markus Spitzweck . Affiliation: Osnabrück . Date: Fri, : :15. Location:
au:Spitzweck_M in:math - SciRate SearchWe compute the geometric part of algebraic cobordism over Dedekind domains of mixed characteristic after inverting the positive residue characteristics and ...
Cycles, Motives and Homotopy Theory, Essen, June 2012List of participants. There are 68 registered participants. Alexey Ananyevskiy (St.Petersburg State University) ... Markus Spitzweck (Universität Regensburg)
Algebro-Geometric and Homotopical Methods | IMLthe homotopy limit problem for K-theory - Oliver Rondigs, Markus Spitzweck, ...
Martin Frankland's home page - University of Reginaoperations. Preprint. (with Markus Spitzweck) Towards the dual motivic Steenrod ...
Content Online - HHA 12 (2010) No. 2International Press of Boston - publishers of scholarly mathematical and scientific journals and books
Existence and uniqueness of...We show that algebraic $${\textit{K}}$$ K -theory $$\mathsf {KGL}$$ KGL , the motivic Adams summand $$\mathsf {ML}$$ ML and their...
CiteSeerX — Citation Query Algebras and modules in monoidal model...CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Algebras and modules in monoidal model categories
The first stable homotopy groups of motivic spheres | Annals of ...189 (2019), Issue 1 by Oliver Röndigs, Markus Spitzweck, Paul Arne Ostvær ...
AMS :: Proceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyAuthors: Oliver Röndigs, Markus Spitzweck and Paul Arne Østvær Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc (2010), MSC (2010): Primary 14F42, 55P43; ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Markus
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Markus; dem Mars (dem römischen Kriegsgott) geweiht; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); alter römischer Vorname; der Name wurde traditionell vor allem den im März Geborenen gegeben; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen des Evangelisten Markus
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