41 Infos zu Markus Sulitze

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: Markus Sulitze aus Berlin

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LinkedIn: Markus Sulitze – Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland | Berufliches Profil...

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patentbuddy: Markus Sulitze


7 Dokumente

Patentes Desenhos Industriais Contratos de Tecnologia ...

— ... Markus Sulitze. (74) DANNEMANN, SIEMSEN, BIGLER & IPANEMA MOREIRA. (85) (86) PCT EP de (87) WO de ...

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US Googleapis.com

(75) Inventors: Erhard Pippert, Dallgow-Doeberritz Ot. Seeburg (DE); Dirk Springborn, Berlin. (DE); Markus Sulitze, Falkensee (DE).

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,306,385 B2 %

Markus Sulitze, Falkensee (DE). 3,111,606 A * Schuitz HOT (73) Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Munich.

[PDF] Patentes - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrialrevistas.inpi.gov.br › pdf › Patentes2440

· (72) DIRK SPRINGBORN, MARKUS SULITZE. (85) (86) PCT EP de (87) WO de

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Patents Assigned to Siemens

Inventor: Markus Sulitze. METHOD FOR PRODUCING A TAPE FOR AN ELECTRICAL INSULATION SYSTEM. Publication number: Abstract: A method for producing ...

With Intervening Conducting Layer Patents and ...

Inventors: Erhard Pippert, Guenter Sachs, Dirk Springborn, Markus Sulitze. Wiring substrate and method of manufacturing the same. Patent number: Inventors: Erhard Pippert, Guenter Sachs, Dirk Springborn, Markus Sulitze. Wiring substrate and method of manufacturing the same. Patent number:

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Simulation of thermal performance of DC surge arrester ...

September Gundolf Barenthin · Erhard Pippert · Dirk Springborn; [...] Markus Sulitze. A surge arrester has a varistor element. A first and a second ...

Transmission line arresters application for control of ...

Markus Sulitze. A configuration includes a surge arrester. The surge arrester includes first and second connecting terminals. At least one connecting ...

Performance of Surge Arrester During Faster Current Impulse

Markus Sulitze. A surge arrester has a varistor element. A first and a second armature body are pressed against the varistor element by way of a bracing ... Markus Sulitze. A surge arrester has a varistor element. A first and a second armature body are pressed against the varistor element by way of a bracing ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Markus Sulitze

Markus Sulitze. @markussulitze More about this channel ...more ...more ... Markus Sulitze · Playlist. Subscriptions. Turkish Archery. @turkisharchery. Markus Sulitze. @markussulitze More about this channel ...more ...more ... Markus Sulitze · Playlist. Subscriptions. Turkish Archery. @turkisharchery.

24 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Markus Sulitze | Scholar Profiles and Rankings

Markus Sulitze. ScholarGPS® ID: Affiliation. Siemens AG, Munich, Germany. Affiliation History. View. Metrics Summary. Publication Count. 11.

EP Bibliographic data

Markus Sulitze Falkensee Allemagne. (21)Application number, EP (22)Application date, (11)Publication number, EP Grant date ...

EP Informations bibliographiques

Daniel Flohe Berlin Allemagne. Erhard Pippert Dallgow-Döberritz OT Seeburg Allemagne. Bastian Robben Berlin Allemagne. Markus Sulitze


GEKAPSELTER ÜBERSPANNUNGSABLEITER EP B1 - EPO. Application Apr 26, Publication Feb 17, Markus SULITZE. Description. Die Erfindung ...

Intellectual Property India

Markus Sulitze. (ii) Declaration by the applicant(s) in the convention country. I/We, the applicant(s) in the convention country declare that the applicant(s) ...

Schicht aus Sand zwischen GFK-Element und Aluminiuma...

— Schicht aus Sand zwischen GFK-Element und Aluminiumarmatur Idee: Dirk Springborn, DE-Berlin; Erhard Pippert, DE-Berlin; Markus Sulitze, DE ...

WO A1 - Lagerbock - Google Patents

Markus Sulitze Gundolf Barenthin Erhard Pippert Dirk Springborn Original Assignee Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google...

DK T3 - Overspændingsafleder

Markus Sulitze. Worldwide applications DK. Application number: DK T. Filing date: Legal status: PL. Application number: PL T. Markus Sulitze. Worldwide applications DK. Application number: DK T. Filing date: Legal status: PL. Application number: PL T.

WO A1 - Surge arrester - Google Patents

Markus Sulitze Original Assignee Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no...

Markus Sulitze, Falkensee DE - Patent applications

Markus Sulitze, Falkensee DE Markus Sulitze, Falkensee DE. Patent application number Description Published; : ARRANGEMENT COMPRISING A SURGE ARRESTER - A configuration includes a surge arrester. The surge arrester includes first and second conn ...

in:(Markus Sulitze) - 众信专利检索系统zljs.ebsip.com › results

[Markus Sulitze] DE,,Falkensee; A surge arrester includes an insulator having a first insulator end and an opposite second insulator end, at least one first ...

Encapsulated surge arrester (2013) | Markus Sulitze | 2 Citations

The invention relates to a surge arrester (1) having a fluid-tight housing (2) and an active part (6) arranged in the housing (2) for discharging an overvoltage. The active part (6) comprises arrester elements (8) arranged in stacks (7), wherein a plurality of stacks (7) which are arranged above one another and are separated from one another by insulating intermediate pieces (9) form a column ...


Lichtbogenschutz-System. Sprache: German Offengelegt von: Siemens AG Autoren: Markus Sulitze, DE-Berlin Also published in: Journal Technik Up2date #22

Anordnung zur Befestigung einer Freileitung an einem Mast und...www.mysciencework.com › patent › show

EP A1 - EPO. Application Sep 25, Publication Apr 01, Alexander Bockarev Bastian Robben Markus Sulitze Danijel Udovcic ...

Direktumgossener mehrsaeuliger Aufbau fuer Ueberspan...

Direktumgossener mehrsaeuliger Aufbau fuer Ueberspannungsableiter und Einschaltwiderstaende Idee: Markus Sulitze, DE-Berlin; Gundolf Barenthin, DE-Berlin ... Direktumgossener mehrsaeuliger Aufbau fuer Ueberspannungsableiter und Einschaltwiderstaende Idee: Markus Sulitze, DE-Berlin; Gundolf Barenthin, DE-Berlin ...

Publikationen - PRIORARTREGISTER.COMpriorartregister.com

Autoren: Gundolf Barenthin, DE-Berlin; Markus Sulitze, DE-Berlin Also published in: Journal Technik Up2date #10. AccessProof™:

Publikationen - PRIORARTREGISTER.COMwww.priorartregister.com › resolve

15,00 €Autoren: Gundolf Barenthin, DE-Berlin; Markus Sulitze, DE-Berlin Also published in: Journal Technik Up2date #10. AccessProof™: ,00 € Autoren: Gundolf Barenthin, DE-Berlin; Markus Sulitze, DE-Berlin Also published in: Journal Technik Up2date #10. AccessProof™:

[12] Patentgccpo.org

— [72] Inventor: Markus Sulitze. [73] Owner: Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, Munchen, Germany , Munchen, Germany.

应用火花隙的过压避雷器专利检索mall.patenthub.cn › zhuanlifenlei › list

135, ELECTRODE ARRANGEMENT FOR AN ELECTRICAL COMPONENT · US US A1Markus Sulitze. An electrode configuration for ...

Henrik Roggow | Scholar Profiles and Rankings

subscription (4). country/region. Germany (4). Co-Authors. Alexander Bockarev (2). Bastian Robben (2). Markus Sulitze (1). Reinhard Goehler (1). SORT BY: Newest ... subscription (4). country/region. Germany (4). Co-Authors. Alexander Bockarev (2). Bastian Robben (2). Markus Sulitze (1). Reinhard Goehler (1). SORT BY: Newest ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Markus

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Markus; dem Mars (dem römischen Kriegsgott) geweiht; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); alter römischer Vorname; der Name wurde traditionell vor allem den im März Geborenen gegeben; im Mittelalter verbreitet durch den Namen des Evangelisten Markus

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