104 Infos zu Martin Ibrügger

Mehr erfahren über Martin Ibrügger

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Ergebnisse 3MUC Triathlon München 2019SAS-Zeitmesssysteme

Martin Ibrügger, 01:17:56, Heidi Aleman, 00:49:37, 02:31: , 18, Team Gogl, M, Andreas Werner, 00:32:29, Beniamin Buciuman, 01:03:21, Ingo Gogl, 00:57: Martin Ibrügger, 01:17:56, Heidi Aleman, 00:49:37, 02:31: , 18, Team Gogl, M, Andreas Werner, 00:32:29, Beniamin Buciuman, 01:03:21, Ingo Gogl, 00:57:

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Martin Ibrügger – System Engineer – OHB System AG | LinkedIn

› martin-ibrügger-0264a01a3

Martin Ibrügger | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for ,, with 4 scientific research papers.

M. Zeppenfeld | Semantic Scholar

Semantic Scholar profile for M. Zeppenfeld, with 3 highly influential citations and 55 scientific research papers.

1 Hobbys & Interessen

New paths for generation of ultracold moleculesInformationsdienst Wissenschaft

” Martin Ibrügger, a doctoral candidate on the experiment, adds. The cooling method can be applied to different molecular species, and it could be further ... ” Martin Ibrügger, a doctoral candidate on the experiment, adds. The cooling method can be applied to different molecular species, and it could be further ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

BMO München > Mitarbeiter > Ibrügger - LMU

Herr Martin Ibrügger . Doktorand : Untersuchung neuer Ansätze zur Photo-Erzeugung reaktiver Intermediate und der Folgeprozesse Diplomarbeit über "Progress in opto-electrical cooling: Implementation of Formaldehyde and of an improved microwave source" ...

BMO München > Mitarbeiter > Ibr ggerwww.bmo.physik.uni-muenchen.de › mitarbeiter › profil

Herr Martin Ibrügger. Doktorand ... Formaldehyde and of an improved microwave source" am MPI für Quantenoptik. -muenchen.de.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

2022_Hu_Yanhui_ _eth...King's College London

von Y Hu · — [69] Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe, and. Martin Zeppenfeld. Optoelectrical cooling of polar molecules to submil- likelvin ... von Y Hu · — [69] Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe, and. Martin Zeppenfeld. Optoelectrical cooling of polar molecules to submil- likelvin ...

5 Bücher zum Namen

Martin Ibrügger - INSPIRE

Martin Ibrügger, Gerhard Rempe, Martin Zeppenfeld (Oct 18, 2021) Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett (2021) 17, • e-Print: [physics.atom-ph] pdf DOI cite claim. reference search 7 citations. Feedback. INSPIRE. About INSPIRE. Content Pol ...

Optoelectrical Cooling of Polar Molecules to Submillikelvin...

Optoelectrical Cooling of Polar Molecules to Submillikelvin Temperatures | Prehn, Alexander; Ibrügger, Martin; Glöckner, Rosa; Rempe, Gerhard; Zeppenfeld,...

Gerhard Rempe | Max Planck Society | 305 PublicationsAI Chat for scientific PDFs

High-Resolution "Magic"-Field Spectroscopy on Trapped Polyatomic Molecules. Alexander Prehn,Martin Ibrügger,Gerhard Rempe,Martin Zeppenfeld +3 moreMax Planck ... High-Resolution "Magic"-Field Spectroscopy on Trapped Polyatomic Molecules. Alexander Prehn,Martin Ibrügger,Gerhard Rempe,Martin Zeppenfeld +3 moreMax Planck ...

Current Trends in Atomic Physics - Google Books

This book gathers the lecture notes of courses given at Session CVII of the summer school in physics, entitled “Current Trends in Atomic Physics” and held in...

14 Dokumente

[ ] High-resolution spectroscopy on cold electrically...

Authors:Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Gerhard Rempe, Martin Zeppenfeld. (Submitted on 17 Jul 2018). Abstract: We present precision ...

Q 52: Ultracold Atoms and Molecules II (joint session Q/A)

WebMartin Ibrügger, Martin Zeppenfeld, and Gerhard Rempe — Max-Planck-Institut für QuantenoptikGarching Direct cooling methods to …

Quantum Physics authors/titles (5900 skipped)arXiv

Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe, Martin Zeppenfeld. Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, (2016). Subjects: Atomic Physics ...

Time: Monday14:30–16:30 Location: N25

Webin an electric trap — ∙Martin Ibrügger, Alexander Prehn, Martin Zeppenfeld,andGerhard Rempe —Max-Planck-Institut fürQuantenoptik,,85748Garching …

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

field spectroscopy Latest Research Papers | ScienceGate

Find the latest published documents for field spectroscopy, Related hot topics, top authors, the most cited documents, and related journals

arXiv: v2 [physics.atom-ph] 23 Apr 2021Leibniz Universität Hannover

von P Kaebert · · Zitiert von: 9 — Magnetic Trapping of an Ultracold. Gas of Polar Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 121(1): , July [14] Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa ... von P Kaebert · · Zitiert von: 9 — Magnetic Trapping of an Ultracold. Gas of Polar Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 121(1): , July [14] Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa ...

New paths for generation of ultracold moleculesScienceDaily

— It is regarded as a fundamental building block of all more complex organic compounds." Martin Ibrügger, a doctoral candidate on the experiment, — It is regarded as a fundamental building block of all more complex organic compounds." Martin Ibrügger, a doctoral candidate on the experiment, ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] An experimental toolbox for the generation of cold and COREcore.ac.uk › download › pdf

· Martin Ibrügger, Manuel Koller, Alexander Prehn, Xing Wu,. Sotir Chervenkov and Gerhard Rempe. MPI for Quantum Optics, Hans Kopfermann Str.

A search for varying fundamental constants using hertz-level ...www.wizdom.ai › publication › NCOMMS3600 › title

High-Resolution "Magic"-Field Spectroscopy on Trapped Polyatomic Molecules. Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Gerhard Rempe, Martin Zeppenfeld.

(PDF) An experimental toolbox for the generation of cold ...ResearchGate

An experimental toolbox for the generation of cold and ultracold polar molecules ; Martin Zeppenfeld ; Thomas Gantner ; Rosa Glöckner ; Martin Ibrügger. An experimental toolbox for the generation of cold and ultracold polar molecules ; Martin Zeppenfeld ; Thomas Gantner ; Rosa Glöckner ; Martin Ibrügger.

Search for new physics with atoms and moleculesDerevianko Group

von MS Safronova · · Zitiert von: — ... Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe, and Martin Zeppenfeld, 2016, “Optoelectrical cooling of polar molecules to submillikelvin ... von MS Safronova · · Zitiert von: — ... Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe, and Martin Zeppenfeld, 2016, “Optoelectrical cooling of polar molecules to submillikelvin ...

65 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Martin Ibrügger's research works | Max Planck Institute of...

Martin Ibrügger's 6 research works with 187 citations and 201 reads, including: High-resolution 'magic'-field spectroscopy on trapped polyatomic molecules

Martin Ibrügger | Scholar Profiles and RankingsScholarGPS

Martin Ibrügger ; Affiliation. Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany ; Field. Life Sciences ; Discipline. Biology and Biological Sciences ; Metrics ... Martin Ibrügger ; Affiliation. Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany ; Field. Life Sciences ; Discipline. Biology and Biological Sciences ; Metrics ...

CoNE - Ibrügger, Martin

Doktorand Ibrügger, Martin Quantum Dynamics, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Max Planck Society

Grundlagen der Physik 1 Mechanik und spezielle Relativität

WebFerienkurs Elektrodynamik WS Elektrodynamik und spezielle Relativitätstheorie Isabell Groß, Martin Ibrügger, Markus Krottenmüller. März 01 TU München Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …

Auf neuen Wegen zu ultrakalten Molekülen | Max Planck Institut...

11. Feb · „Laborexperimente mit Formaldehyd bei tiefen Temperaturen sind auch deswegen interessant, weil Formaldehyd eine Schlüsselrolle bei chemischen Prozessen im interstellaren Raum spielt. Es gilt als wichtiger Baustein aller komplexen organischen Verbindungen“, ergänzt Martin Ibrügger, Doktorand am Experiment. Die Kühlmethode ...

Team | Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics

Martin Ibrügger, Manuel Koller, Maximilian Löw, Florian Jung, Boom Phrompao. Master Students: Shreyas Gulhane. Former members:

Homepage | Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics

3. Apr · December 2021: Martin Ibrügger was awarded his PhD for his work on "State Selective Fluorescence Detection of Cold Formaldehyde". November : " A quantum-logic gate between two optical photons with an efficiency above 40% " by T. Stolz et. al has been published as a pre-print on arXiv.

New paths for generation of ultracold molecules

10. Feb · “Laboratory experiments with formaldehyde at low temperatures are particularly interesting since formaldehyde plays a key role in chemistry at low temperatures in interstellar space. It is regarded as a fundamental building block of all more complex organic compounds.” Martin Ibrügger, a doctoral candidate on the experiment ...


WebAlexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Gerhard Rempe , and Martin Zeppenfeld * Max-Planck-Institut für QuantenoptikGarching, Germany …

More Highlights | Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics

August 2014: We welcome back Martin Ibrügger to the Quantum Dynamics Division! After completing his diploma thesis in 2013, Martin rejoins the molecule team as a PhD student.

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

— •Martin Ibrügger, Alexander Prehn, Maximilian Löw, Martin ...

CWRU PAT Coffee Agenda

— Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Gerhard Rempe, Martin Zeppenfeld. Rapid progress in cooling and trapping of molecules has enabled first ... › ...

Wellen und Dipolstrahlung - PDF Kostenfreier Download

WebFerienurs Eletrodynami WS Zeitabhängige Eletromagnetische Felder Isabell Groß, Martin Ibrügger, Marus Krottenmüller 21. März TU München Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 …

Ferienkurs Elektrodynamik WS Übungsblatt 1 - Government ...

Krottenmüller, Martin Ibrügger Aufgabe - Geladene Hohlkugel ...

Publications | Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics

Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Gerhard Rempe, and Martin Zeppenfeld, "High-Resolution “Magic”-Field Spectroscopy on Trapped Polyatomic Molecules," Physical Review Letters 127 …

mediaTUM - Medien- und Publikationsserver

WebmediaTUM Gesamtbestand Elektronische Prüfungsarbeiten Fachgebiet Physik Martin Ibrügger. Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, das Dokument zu öffnen, versuchen Sie …

Elektrodynamik und spezielle Relativitätstheorie | Übungen Docsitywww.docsity.com › ... › Ingenieurwissenschaften › Elektrodynamik‎

Ferienkurs Elektrodynamik WS Elektrodynamik und spezielle Relativitätstheorie Isabell Groß, Martin Ibrügger, Markus Krottenmüller 22.

Physics - Deep Freezing Molecules

Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe, ...

An SI Tour of temperaturesizes.com

— Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe and Martin Zeppenfeld. Optoelectrical Cooling of Polar Molecules to — Alexander Prehn, Martin Ibrügger, Rosa Glöckner, Gerhard Rempe and Martin Zeppenfeld. Optoelectrical Cooling of Polar Molecules to ...

High-resolution spectroscopy on cold electrically trapped GroundAI

Alexander Prehn Martin Ibrügger Gerhard Rempe Martin Zeppenfeld .de Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Martin

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, Slawisch, Rumänisch): Martin; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); mars = Mars; geht zurück auf den römischen Beinamen 'Martinus', der wiederum auf den Namen des Kriegsgottes Mars zurückgeht; verbreitet durch den Namen des hl. Martin (4. Jh.), der seinen Mantel mit einem Bettler teilte; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Martin bzw. Martinus

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