124 Infos zu Martin Jansche

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Google Goggles App: Point-and-Shoot Translation - TIME

The company's newest app, available to the public on May 6, provides near perfect translation of foreign text after you snap a photo of it with your smart phone


URL http://applij.oxfordjournals.org/content abstract. Lijun Feng, Martin Jansche, M. H. & N. Elhadad (2010). A Comparison of Features for Automatic ...

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

mjansche (Martin Jansche) · GitHub

mjansche has 22 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Info über Martin Jansche | Flickr

Flickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren...

Author: Martin Jansche | Interaction Design Foundation (IxDF)

› ...

Verfasser Suchresultate

Treffer von 1 für Suche: 'Martin Jansche Shravanvasishth', Suchdauer: 0.04s . Sortieren. Relevanz, Nach Datum, absteigend, Nach Datum, aufsteigend ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Martin Jansche - Patents

Recent bibliographic sampling of Martin Jansche patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title): ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Martin Jansche's Email Addresses & Phone Numbers - ContactOut

› Mart...

7 Infos zur Ausbildung

Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing: Errata

(Many thanks to Martin Jansche for setting us straight on this.) Typos and minor thinko's and fixups Chapter 1

SWI-Prolog Reference Manual: Section 1.8

Martin Jansche (.uni-heidelberg.de) has been so kind to reorganise the sources for version of this manual. Horst von Brand has been ...

Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing

Scripts and reformatted data files donated by Martin Jansche. These files can be directly used as input to ML programs like Weka. Other links. Naive Bayes software for


... Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Eric Gaussier, Xerox Research Centre Europe Niyu Ge, Brown University Nancy Ide, Vassar College Martin Jansche

13 Bücher zum Namen

Martin Jansche | Papers With Code

› author

Martin Jansche

Author: Martin Jansche. Publications, 5 Paper(s) in 9 venue(s). Collaborated with, 8 Co-author(s) from to Paper Citations, 41 Citation(s).

Martin Jansche - Research at Google

› ...

Logic and Grammar: Essays Dedicated to Alain Lecomte on the Occasion...

This book contains selected papers from the Colloquium in Honor of Alain Lecomte, held in Pauillac, France, in November The event was part of the ANR...

4 Dokumente

Google Crowdsourced Speech Corpora and Related Open ...

von A Butryna · · Zitiert von: 3 — Authors:Alena Butryna, Shan-Hui Cathy Chu, Isin Demirsahin, Alexander Gutkin, Linne Ha, Fei He, Martin Jansche, Cibu Johny, Anna Katanova, ... › cs

From rcs at cogsci.ed.ac.uk Fri Sep :43: From: rcs at ...

GALA '97 April 4-6, University Of Edinburgh, Scotland Please print out and complete 1 form per delegate and return, together with your remittance to: GALA in Attributing Intentions: Modeling Their Cognitive Balance Christian Ebert, Daniel Glatz, Martin Jansche, Ralf Meyer-Klabunde and Robert Porzel ( Heidelberg, ...


WEB-DERIVEDPRONUNCIATIONS ArnabGhoshal? MartinJansche † SanjeevKhudanpur? MichaelRiley † MorganUlinski ‡? JohnsHopkinsUniversity † Google,Inc.

8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Martin Jansche - DBLP

› pid

Martin Jansche - dblp

› Persons

dblp: Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Volume 13

Bibliographic content of Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Volume 13

1st European Workshop on Cognitive Modeling - Time Table

... Martin Jansche, Ralf Meyer-Klabunde, and Robert Porzel (Heidelberg, Germany): From Conceptualization to Formulation in Generating Spatial Descriptions (see ...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Spatial Language | SpringerLink

People constantly talk to each other about experience or knowledge resulting from spatial perception; they describe the size, shape, orientation and position...

Algorithms for Minimum Risk Chunking - SpringerLink

von M Jansche · · Zitiert von: 2 — Martin Jansche. Conference paper Accesses. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNAI,volume 4002) ... › chapter

6 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: Halbruppe -> Gruppe genau dann...

: Martin Jansche -state.edu de sci mathematik On Sun, 5 Nov

Google Groups: haskell

: Martin Jansche -state.edu de sci informatik misc On Thu, 4

Google Groups: Äquivalenzrelation

: Martin Jansche -state.edu de sci mathematik On Fri, 27 Oct

F-measure Loss for “Logistic Regression” | LingPipe Blog

Given our recent inclusion of regularized logistic regression into LingPipe and our ongoing focus on high-recall classifiers, taggers and chunkers, I've been...

69 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Martin Jansche | Google - Academia.edu

Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.

Arnab Ghoshal - Google Scholar Citations

Daniel Povey,; Steve Renals,; Pawel Swietojanski,; Korbinian Riedhammer,; Martin Jansche,; Michael Riley,; Pavel Ircing,; Dietrich Klakow,; Murat Saraclar ...

Agustín Gravano - Citações do Google Acadêmico

CoautoresVisualizar todos… Julia Hirschberg,; Stefan Benus,; Rivka Levitan,; Ani Nenkova,; Laura Willson,; Lauren Wilcox,; Martin Jansche,; Gregory Ward, ...

Martin Jansche · SlidesLive

› martin-jansche

Fadi Biadsy - Google Scholar Citations

MedforfattereSe alle… Julia Hirschberg,; Nizar Habash,; Lidia Mangu,; Andrew Rosenberg,; Kathleen McKeown,; Martin Jansche,; George Saon,; Elena Filatova ...

‪Martin Jansche‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

› citations

Amiguity(?) in Sinhala named sequences from Martin Jansche on...

From : Martin Jansche <mjansche_at_google.com> Date : Fri, 14 Oct :07:23 + For Sinhala, the following named sequences are ...

Martin Jansche - Re: [Help-gsl] Log-Logistic Distribution

Re: [Help-gsl] Log-Logistic Distribution. From: Martin Jansche <mjansche at gmail dot com>; To: Luis Cardenas <luicaral at doctor dot upv dot ...

LinguisTree - Martin Jansche - The Academic Family Tree

› peopleinfo

Martin Jansche - Re: CDF diff

From: Martin Jansche <jansche at ling dot ohio-state dot edu>; To: Jason Hooper Stover <jason at sakla dot net>; Cc: <gsl-discuss at sources ...

Martin Jansche - Re: k vs k-th in sort.texi - sourceware.org

› msg00163

Katalogsuche • Linguistik-Portal • Fachinformationsdienst (FID)

Der Fachinformationsdienst Linguistik bietet Informationen zu allen Bereichen der Sprachwissenschaft. Im »Lin|gu|is|tik-Portal« findet man wissenschaftliche...

Re-engineering letter-to-sound rules | Martin Jansche

› Re_en...

Creating an extensible, levelled study corpus of Russian

. Abstract ... other one is compiling texts selected for different Lijun Feng, Martin Jansche, Matt Huenerfauth, and. Noémie ...

Google AI Blog: December 2010

Posted by Posted by Yun-hsuan Sung (宋雲軒) and Martin Jansche, Google Research On November 30th 2010, Google launched Cantonese ...

Accepted Papers

1, CLiPS Stylometry Investigation (CSI) corpus: A Dutch corpus for the detection of Quality Assurance of an Icelandic Pronunciation Dictionary, Martin Jansche , The Hamburg Dependency Treebank, Kilian A. Foth, Niels Beuck, Arne ...

Ergebnisse Solisten | AccoMusica

Martin Oberle. Bruchhausen. 2. Martin Jansche. Durmersheim. 3. Jürgen Schmieder. Oberkirch . Martin Dony. Kuppenheim. Kunststufe Manual III: 1. Thomas Braun ...

Martin Jansche - re: re: freedom

at sources dot redhat dot com>; Date: Wed, 2 Apr

People — LT World

Martin Jansche Machiel Jansen Harri Jappinen Jan Jaspars Nikil S. Jayant Keith G. Jeffery Ute Jekosch Frederick Jelínek Paul Jennings Mitja Jermol Andrea Jessee ...

Research Blog: December 2010

The deadline for the first round is February Posted by Posted by Yun-hsuan Sung (宋雲軒) and Martin Jansche, Google Research

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Martin

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, Slawisch, Rumänisch): Martin; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); mars = Mars; geht zurück auf den römischen Beinamen 'Martinus', der wiederum auf den Namen des Kriegsgottes Mars zurückgeht; verbreitet durch den Namen des hl. Martin (4. Jh.), der seinen Mantel mit einem Bettler teilte; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Martin bzw. Martinus

Verwandte Personensuchen

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Martin Jansche und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.