225 Infos zu Martin Köppelmann
Mehr erfahren über Martin Köppelmann
Infos zu
- Founder
- Ethereum
- Crypto
- Institut
- Prediction
- Felix Naumann
- Blockchain
- Bitcoin
- Stefan
- Basic Income
- CEO of Gnosis
- Ether
33 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Newsarchiv bis von aktuelles.archiv-grundeinkommen.de... Martin Köppelmann and Steve Waldman : interfluidity.com: Steve Randy Waldman: Perspectives on a Universal Basic Income (pdf, 50 Seiten)
Basic Income on and off the Blockchain: Martin Köppelmann and Steve...Steve Waldman will introduce the economics of a basic income and attempts to implement it in a non-cryptocurrency context. Then Martin Köppelmann will ...
The DAO - Ein Bankraub, der beliebig oft wiederholt werden kann -...Über die Ethereum-Blockchain konnten Investoren von
Blockchain, AR & Co: Diese Tech-Unternehmen rocken das Jahr 2018Welche technologischen Entwicklungen erwarten uns im kommenden Jahr? Welche Themen werden wichtig? Das Tech-Investitions- und M&A-Beratungsunternehmen GP...
7 Bilder zu Martin Köppelmann

13 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Martin KöppelmannLinkedIn: Martin Köppelmann
Berlin Area, Germany
LinkedIn: Martin Köppelmann - Deutschland | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Martin Köppelmann (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach
vk.com: Martin Köppelmann | VKMartin Köppelmann. Melden Sie sich an oder registrieren Sie sich, um Martin Köppelmann zu kontaktieren oder weitere Freunde zu finden.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Gnosis' Prediction Market Scores $12.5M In 'Record-Breaking' Crypto...Gnosis, a decentralized platform for prediction markets built on Ethereum blockchain technology, has raised $12.5 million in twelve minutes through a crypto...
The Emperor's New Coins: How Initial Coin Offerings Fueled A $We're in the middle of $100 billion cryptocurrency bubble. From the mania, a long-term system will emerge, but not before a handful of visionaries and...
5 Persönliche Webseiten
Martin KöppelmannMartin Köppelmann. Snapshot. Classic · Flipcard · Magazine · Mosaic · Sidebar · Snapshot · Timeslide. Wird geladen...
About – Martin Köppelmann – MediumAbout Martin Köppelmann ... Founder of Gnosis.pm - prediction market platform for Ethereum, also: joincircles.net - Unconditional Basic Income on the blockchain.
Imprint - DAPPCONdappcon.io › imprint... und Martin Köppelmann. Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg. Registernummer: HRB B. Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE
Imprint - Gnosis Safegnosis-safe.io › imprint. Directors: Stefan George, Martin Köppelmann, Joseph Lubin, Jeremy Millar Company registered in Gibraltar Company Nr
1 Bücher zum Namen
Cryptocurrency Remote Viewed : Book Fivebooks.google.com › booksAt the helm are Martin Köppelmann Stefan George and Friederike Ernst. The project was launched in to establish a prediction market that aimed “to ...
6 Songs & Musik
Martin Köppelmann & Matan Field: How the dxDAO could ...open.spotify.com › episodeWe were joined by DAOstack Founder Matan Field and Gnosis Founder Martin Köppelmann. We talked about the decentralized exchange protocol DutchX.
Martin Köppelmann of Gnosis and Circles - Paving the Way to...Listen to this episode from Crypto Radio on Spotify. Our guest in this episode is Martin Köppelman, the CEO and co-founder of Gnosis, a decentralized...
Martin Köppelmann: Circles – Creating Universal Basic Income ...open.spotify.com › episodeMartin Köppelmann: Circles – Creating Universal Basic Income Economies for Everyone. By Epicenter Media Ltd. Circles UBI is a blockchain-based Universal ...
Martin Köppelmann: Gnosis – The Ethereum Prediction Market -...Listen to this episode from Epicenter - Learn about Crypto, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Distributed Technologies on Spotify. Few things arouse among free...
2 Dokumente
Martin Köppelmann presentations | SlideShareView all of Martin Köppelmann's Presentations.
Imprint · Gnosis Developer Portal Conditional Tokensdocs.gnosis.io › conditionaltokens › docs › imprintGnosis Ltd. World Trade Center. 6 Bayside Rd, GX111AA Gibraltar. . Directors: Stefan George, Martin Köppelmann, Joseph Lubin, ...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Felix NaumannList of computer science publications by Felix Naumann
dblp: Martin KöppelmannList of computer science publications by Martin Köppelmann
Claudia Lehmann - dblpdblp.uni-trier.de › Persons· Christoph Böhm, Felix Naumann , Markus Freitag, Stefan George, Norman Höfler, Martin Köppelmann, Claudia Lehmann, Andrina Mascher, ...
10 Jahre nach Lehman Brothers – Geldwende oder neuer …• Martin Köppelmann, Start-up Unternehmer und Blockchain-Experte • Prof. Dr. Reinhard Loske, Volkswirtschaftler der Universität Witten/Herdecke • Florian Opitz, Autor und Filmemacher („System Error!“) • Nikolai Fuchs, Vorstand GLS Bank Stiftung
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Granha y Licari, ingenieros de Gnosis, afirman que esta busca...Denis Granha y Giacomo Licari son el alma mediterránea de Gnosis, la compañía que, según ellos, aspira a convertirse en el WordPress de las plataformas de...
Martin Köppelmann | DYOR Crypto Wiki | FandomAfter great community collaboration DYOR has rebranded into CryptoWiki.me 🥳 a moment to celebrate! From now on all new information will be added within the...
Martin Köppelmann - Wiki | GoldenLog in · Sign up. Martin Köppelmann. Save to a list. Share. Founder of Gnosis. Overview · Suggestions · Issues · Contributors · Activity. Contents. Timeline.
Linking open government data: what journalists wish they had known -...... author = {Christoph Böhm and Felix Naumann and Markus Freitag and Stefan George and Norman Höfler and Martin Köppelmann and Claudia Lehmann and ...
19 Meinungen & Artikel
Martin Köppelmann of Gnosis and Circles - Paving the Way to...Martin Köppelman talks about Gnosis and Circles, the projects that build infrastructures for...
Martin Köppelmann | circlesourbasicincome.wordpress.com › koeppelmannIf a decent part of the world's economy would start using Bitcoin as a currency, this would mean an incredible shift of wealth towards the early adopters. This ...
Gnosis Portraits: Martin Köppelmann, CEO & Co-founder | by ...blog.gnosis.pm › gnosis-portraits-...... what excites them most about Gnosis, and how we can all make Gnosis successful together. Image for post. Martin Köppelmann, Gnosis CEO ...
circles | Universal Basic IncomeUniversal Basic Income
126 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Martin Köppelmann | LinkedInView Martin Köppelmann's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Martin Köppelmann ... Es fehlt: firenze
Martin Köppelmann | LinkedInberufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Martin Köppelmann ...
Martin Köppelmann - Google 学术搜索Hasso Plattner Institut - 引用次数:32 次
Martin Köppelmann - Google UčenjakHasso Plattner Institut - 30 navedb
Martin Köppelmann - Pengutipan Google CendekiaEmail. Ikuti artikel baru. Ikuti kutipan baru. Buat lansiran. Batal. Martin Köppelmann. Hasso Plattner Institut. Email yang diverifikasi di student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de.
Gnosis USD (GNO-USD) company profile & facts – Yahoo ...sg.finance.yahoo.com › quote › pr...The team is led by Martin Köppelmann (CEO), Stefan George (CTO), and Dr. Friederike Ernst (COO). AOL Ad. © Verizon Media. All rights reserved.
Martin Köppelmann & Matan Field: How the dxDAO could become the...The concept of DAOs has been captivating to many in the crypto space for years. When “The DAO” was created in 2016, in the few weeks of its existence an...
Martin Köppelmann - Citazioni di Google Scholarscholar.google.com › citationsSegui. Martin Köppelmann. Hasso Plattner Institut. Email verificata su student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de.
Martin Köppelmann - Google Scholar CitationsDates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program.
Gnosis USD (GNO-USD) Company Profile & Facts - Yahoo ...ca.finance.yahoo.com › quote › pr...The team is led by Martin Köppelmann (CEO), Stefan George (CTO), and Dr. Friederike Ernst (COO). © Verizon Media. All rights reserved.
Martin Köppelmann's (koeppelmann) software portfolio | DevpostMartin Köppelmann specializes in Ethereum and Solidity. Follow Martin Köppelmann on Devpost!
Martin Köppelmann - Академия GoogleHasso Plattner Institut - 30 цитирований
Martin Köppelmann - Google АкадемикHasso Plattner Institut - Цитирано 30. пута
Martin Köppelmann - Google विद्वान उद्धरणC Böhm, F Naumann, M Freitag, S George, N Höfler, M Köppelmann, ... Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 34,
Gnosis INR (GNO-INR) Company Profile & Factsfinance.yahoo.com › quote › profile... as well as the total supply of OWL tokens in the market. The team is led by Martin Köppelmann (CEO), Stefan George (CTO), and Dr. Friederike Ernst (COO).
The Ether Review #66 — Gnosis, Martin Köppelmann - The ...etherreview.info › the-ether-review-66-gnosis-ma...... example of the hope for greater and more powerful decentralized applications. Founder Martin Köppelmann walks us through the projects…
Martin Köppelmann - Google 학술검색 서지정보Hasso Plattner Institut. student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de의 이메일 확인됨. 학술검색.
Dustin Lange - Google ScholarWspółautorzyWyświetl wszystkich… Felix Naumann,; Astrid Rheinländer,; Ulf Leser,; Martin Köppelmann · Tytuł1–12, Cytowane ...
Dustin Lange - Παραθέσεις Μελετητή GoogleΣυν-συγγραφείςΠροβολή όλων… Felix Naumann,; Astrid Rheinländer,; Ulf Leser,; Martin Köppelmann · Τίτλος1–12, Παρατίθεται ...
Epicenter - Learn about Crypto, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and...Circles UBI is a blockchain-based Universal Basic Income created to promote local economy within communities. Martin Köppelmann, creator of Circles, chats to ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Martin
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, Slawisch, Rumänisch): Martin; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); mars = Mars; geht zurück auf den römischen Beinamen 'Martinus', der wiederum auf den Namen des Kriegsgottes Mars zurückgeht; verbreitet durch den Namen des hl. Martin (4. Jh.), der seinen Mantel mit einem Bettler teilte; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Martin bzw. Martinus
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Hasso Plattner
- Sebastian Hillig
- Astrid Rheinländer
- Claudia Lehmann
- Markus Freitag
- Stefan George
- Martin Kreichgauer
- Ulrich Köppelmann
- Martin Ulrich Köppelmann
- Christoph Böhm
- Robert Pfeiffer
Personensuche zu Martin Köppelmann & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Martin Köppelmann und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.