70 Infos zu Martin Pruschy
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- Switzerland
- Ionizing
- Radiation Oncology
- Department
- Molecular
- Author
- Christian
- University Hospital Zurich
- Vuong
- Institute
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
NZZ: Universität Zürich besetzt den Novartis-Lehrstuhl | NZZfur. Der Universitätsrat der Universität Zürich hat den vom Basler Pharmaunternehmen Novartis gestifteten Medizin-Lehrstuhl besetzt. Er ernannte dafür den
Targeting the secretome as part of combined treatment modalities ...www.oncology.ox.ac.uk › event › targeting-the-secretomeProfessor Dr sc. nat. Martin N Pruschy. Department Research. Monday, 11 November 2019, 12pm to 1pm. Hosted by Department of Oncology, Gillies McKenna.Missing: Mercier Press" Professor Dr sc. nat. Martin N Pruschy. Department Research. Monday, 11 November 2019, 12pm to 1pm. Hosted by Department of Oncology, Gillies McKenna. Missing: Mercier Press"
SCF gewinnt neuen Kooperationspartner | News | Aktuell |...Der Schweizerische Arbeitgeberverband wird künftig den Kampf gegen Krebs unterstützen und ihren Mitgliedern zusammen mit dem SCF beratend zur Seite stehen.
2018: Sonia Rocha | School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine |...Sonia was promoted to Reader in and was made Professor in Sonia did her PhD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH-Zurich) jointly supervised by Prof. Kasper Winterhalter and Prof. Martin Pruschy ( University of Zurich), where she studied the role of ionizing radiation induced apoptosis.
2 Bilder zu Martin Pruschy

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Martin Pruschy – Prof. Dr. – University Zurich | LinkedInch.linkedin.com › martin-pruschy-2669a7188Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Martin Pruschy im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Martin Pruschy ist 1 Job angegeben. Auf LinkedIn können ...
LinkedIn: Martin N. Pruschy | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Martin N. Pruschy (Schweiz) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
Loop | Martin PruschyPlease enable Javascript. Profile picture. Martin Pruschy. Professor. University Hospital Zürich. Zurich, Switzerland. View All. mini profile avatar Martin Pruschy.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Martin Pruschy - PatentsMartin Pruschy patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Martin Pruschy patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application ...
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
UZH - KFSP Tumor Oxygenation - Prof. Dr. Martin PruschySonia Campos Soares Da Rocha - Institute of Systems, Molecular and...
Sonia was promoted to Reader in and was made Professor in Sonia did her PhD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH-Zurich) jointly supervised by Prof. Kasper Winterhalter and Prof. Martin Pruschy ( University of Zurich), where she studied the role of ionizing radiation induced apoptosis.
1 Projekte
SystemsX.ch – Die Schweizer Forschungsinitiative in Systembiologie:...Optimising Fractionated Radiotherapy: "A Systems Biology Challenge" Co- applicants: Dr. Elias August (ETHZ/UZH); Prof. Martin Pruschy (University Hospital ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
PLOS ONE: Dynamics of Tumor Hypoxia in Response to Patupilone and...PLOS ONE: an inclusive, peer-reviewed, open-access resource from the PUBLIC LIBRARY OF SCIENCE. Reports of well-performed scientific studies from all...
Modification of Radiation Response: Cytokines, Growth Factors, and...This book describes and summarizes the radiation responses of both normal and neoplastic tissues with a focus on rational strategies for the modification of...
Röntgen, Computertomografie & Co.: Wie funktioniert medizinische...Professor Röntgen können Sie mir helfen? Dieses Buch veranschaulicht klar verständlich, wie Ärzte heute Bilder aus dem Körperinnern gewinnen können: mit...
Soziales im Netz: Sprache, Beziehungen und Kommunikationskulturen im...Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht die Frage, in welcher Form mittels digitaler Kommunikation (
3 Dokumente
Download main programme - Joint ConferenceProf. Dr. Martin Pruschy (Zurich/CH) Roland Simmler (Aarau/CH) Prof. Dr. Marco Stampanoni (Villigen, Zurich/CH) Dr. Uwe Wolff (Vienna/AT) Scientific committee
Editor: Dr. Stephan Klöck Siehe MailDr. Katia Parodi (Munich/DE). Dr. Peter Pemler (Zurich/CH). Prof. Dr. Martin Pruschy (Zurich/CH). Prof. Dr. Klaas Paul Prüssmann (Zurich/CH).
Substrate screening identifies a novel target sequence for the...This article was originally published in Proteomics 2010, 10, 304–314, DOI pmic
7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Recombinant Human Renin Produced in Different Expression Systems:...Salima Mathews,1 Heinz Döbeli, Martin Pruschy,* Ramon Bosser,† Allan D'Arcy, Christian Oefner,. Martin Zulauf, Reiner Gentz, Volker Breu, Hugues Matile, Ju¨ rgen Schlaeger, and Walter Fischli. Pharma Division, Preclinical Research, F. Hoffmann–La Roche, Ltd., CH Basel, Switzerland;. *ETH-Zürich, Department of ...
Ionizing radiation induces tumor cell lysyl oxidase secretion | BMC ...bmccancer.biomedcentral.com › articles › peer-reviewOriginal Submission. 27 Mar 2014, Submitted, Original manuscript. 1 Apr 2014, Author responded, Author comments - Martin Pruschy. Resubmission - Version 2.
Induction of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) by...Daniela Schilling*, Christine Bayer, Anneke Geurts-Moespot, Fred CGJ Sweep, Martin Pruschy, Karin Mengele, Lisa D Sprague and Michael ...
Treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma by fibroblast activation...... Switzerland which was kindly provided by Martin Pruschy, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland) using Fugene transfection reagent (Roche ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Peer Review reports | Ionizing radiation induces tumor cell lysyl...Original Submission. 27 Mar 2014, Submitted, Original manuscript. 1 Apr 2014, Author responded, Author comments - Martin Pruschy. Resubmission - Version 2.
Ionizing radiation induces tumor cell lysyl oxidase secretion |...... material, which is available to authorized users. Colette J Shen, Ashish Sharma, Martin Pruschy and Angela Broggini-Tenzer contributed equally to this work.
Ionizing radiation and inhibition of angiogenesis in a spontaneous...(1); Martin Pruschy · (1). Author Affiliations. 1. Dept. Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zurich, CH-8091, Zurich, Switzerland; 2.
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Degradation of PKB/Akt protein by inhibition of the VEGF...An intact VEGF receptor/PI3K/PKB/Akt signaling cascade protects endothelial cells from apoptotic stress-stimuli and mediates the formation of new blood vessels...
30 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Prof. Dr. Martin Pruschy - Google Scholar CitationsC Hess, V Vuong, I Hegyi, O Riesterer, J Wood, D Fabbro, C Glanzmann, ... British journal of cancer 85 (12), Apoptosis- modulating agents in combination with radiotherapy—current status and outlook. C Belka, V Jendrossek, M Pruschy, S Vink, M Verheij, W Budach. International Journal of ...
UZH - Medizinische Fakultät - Pruschy MartinProf. Martin Pruschy – THERADNETtheradnet.eu › partners › prof-martin-pruschy
Prof. Martin Pruschy. University of Zürich. Network Coordinator. Department of Radiation Oncology. Zürich, Switzerland. .Missing: Mercier Press" Prof. Martin Pruschy. University of Zürich. Network Coordinator. Department of Radiation Oncology. Zürich, Switzerland. . Missing: Mercier Press"
HUM-MOLGEN events: Radiation Biology and Cancer: From Molecular...central resource for events in human genetics and molecular biology
SiROP - Studenten suchen Abschlussarbeiten und ForschungsprojekteThousands of Students and researchers use SiROP to post and search open positions such as internships, Master, Bachelor or PhD projects and PostDoc positions....
Acknowledgements Cellular and Molecular Biology LettersCellular & Molecular Biology Letters, Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters, Cell Mol Biol Lett, International Journal, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular...
207_Combined course Presentations207_Combined course Presentations. First page 1 Next page Last page. Brussels June th How do we target molecules? Martin Pruschy. Dept. of Radiation Oncology University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. martin.pruschy@ usz.ch. Made with FlippingBook.
Confirmed Speakers | Radiation Break-through: from DNA damage...Martin Pruschy University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland · Christian Reinhardt University Hospital Cologne, Germany · Anderson Ryan University of Oxford, UK.
Create a SciFeed alert for new publications With following keywords ...www.mdpi.com › scifeed_displaySebastian Oeck. Anthony Squire. Benjamin Koska. Julian Hlouschek. Melanie Vüllings. Christian Neander. Jens T. Siveke. Johann Matschke. Martin Pruschy.
Dynamics of Tumor Hypoxia in Response to Patupilone and Ionizing ...journals.plos.org › plosone › article › journal.pone....· Martin Pruschy. * . Affiliations Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, ...
Congratulations to Dr. Lara Barazzuol, the winner of the Xstrahl...At the 15th biannual International Wolfsberg Meeting Series in June, Xstrahl had the honour of once again sponsoring the Adrian C. Begg award, presented to the
Dynamics of Tumor Hypoxia in Response to Patupilone and Ionizing...Martin Pruschy. PLOS. x. Published: December 10, 2012; https://doi.org journal.pone · Article · Authors · Metrics · Comments · Related Content.
ETH Zürich - VorlesungsverzeichnisSuche im Lehrangebot der ETH Zuerich
Former Members | Broad Institutepostdoctoral fellow visiting scientist. Louis Plamondon, Ph .D postdoctoral fellow. John Porco Jr., Ph.D graduate student. Christopher Poss, Ph.D graduate student. Martin Pruschy, Ph .D postdoctoral fellow. Ryan Quiroz undergraduate student.
Friday June 12th – Complete program | SASROAlan Nahum, Martin Pruschy, Julien Uzan, Radiologie Konferenzraum 1 Level :15 – 12:30, Symposium: Why do same tumors behave so different – prostate cancer as a model? Chairs: Martin Pruschy, Alessandra Franzetti-Pellanda, Grosser Hörsaal ZLF. Molecular aspects - Andrea Alimonti. Pathological aspects ...
Ionizing radiation and inhibition of angiogenesis in a spontaneous...Oliver Riesterer, Christoph Oehler-Jänne, Wolfram Jochum, Angela Broggini- Tenzer, Van Vuong & Martin Pruschy. Kurzfassung. BACKGROUND The combined ...
April Barcelona, Spain - PDF Free Downloaddocplayer.net › april barcel...· A limited number of posters will also be displayed in the poster area during the whole congress SOCIAL MEDIA Stay up-to-date with the latest congress news by ... therapy Martin Pruschy (CH) 09:45-10:30 > Strategies for designing ... C. Mercier (Belgium), A. Sprangers, D. Verellen OC > Towards a ...
Aberrant Lck signal via CD28 Costimulation augments antigen-specific...· Pratiksha Gulati, Julia Ruhl, Abhilash Kannan, Magdalena Pircher, Petra Schuberth, Katarzyna J. Nytko, Martin Pruschy, Simon Sulser, Mark ...
Deficiency in Homologous Recombination Renders Mammalian Cells More...· ... Eugen B. Hug, Antony Lomax, Adolf Coray, Marc Augsburger, Harald Paganetti, Alessandro A Sartori, and Martin Pruschy Download Paper.
Radiotherapy Promotes Tumor-Specific Effector CD8+ T Cells via...Anurag Gupta, Hans Christian Probst, Van Vuong, Alexandro Landshammer, Sabine Muth, Hideo Yagita, Reto Schwendener, Martin Pruschy, Alexander Knuth and Maries van den Broek. J Immunol July 15, 2012, 189 (2) ; DOI: https://doi.org jimmunol Anurag Gupta. Department ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Martin
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Russisch, Slawisch, Rumänisch): Martin; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); mars = Mars; geht zurück auf den römischen Beinamen 'Martinus', der wiederum auf den Namen des Kriegsgottes Mars zurückgeht; verbreitet durch den Namen des hl. Martin (4. Jh.), der seinen Mantel mit einem Bettler teilte; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Martin bzw. Martinus
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