74 Infos zu Martina Hüllmann
Mehr erfahren über Martina Hüllmann
Infos zu
- Peter Kling
- Alexander Setzer
- Andreas Cord-Landwehr
- Andreas Koutsopoulos
- Basic Network Creation
- Christian
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
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5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Martina Hüllmann | Facebookmartinah (Martina Hüllmann) · GitHubmartinah has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.
BibSLEIGH — Martina_Huellmannalgorithm (1) approach (1) converg (1) analyz (1) robot (1) mobil (1) new (1). Person: Martina Hüllmann. DBLP: H=uuml=llmann:Martina. Contributed to:.
bullet/ChangeLog at master · kripken/bullet · GitHubContribute to kripken/bullet development by creating an account on GitHub.
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Martina Huellmann…e Blue Intern / Stuttgart
2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Theorie verteilter Systeme - Dr. Andreas Koutsopoulos (Universität...Dr. Andreas Koutsopoulos. Universität Paderborn ... Max Drees, Martina Hüllmann, Andreas Koutsopoulos, Christian Scheideler Self-organizing Particle Systems
Theorie verteilter Systeme - Dr. Martina Eikel (Universität...Max Drees, Martina Hüllmann, Andreas Koutsopoulos, Christian Scheideler Self- organizing Particle Systems 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed ...
6 Bücher zum Namen
Algorithmic Game Theory: 5th International Symposium, SAGT 2012,...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, SAGT 2012, held in Barcelona, Spain, in October...
Automata, Languages and Programming: 38th International Colloquium,...650 Andreas Cord-Landwehr, Bastian Degener, Matthias Fischer, Martina Hüllmann, Barbara Kempkes, Alexander Klaas, Peter Kling, Sven Kurras, Marcus ...
SOFSEM 2011: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 37th Conference...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 37th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2011, held in Novy,...
Experimental Algorithms: 11th International Symposium, SEA 2012,...This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, SEA 2012, held Bordeaux, France, in June
3 Dokumente
[ ] Basic Network Creation Games with Communication InterestsAuthors:Andreas Cord-Landwehr, Martina Hüllmann, Peter Kling, Alexander Setzer. (Submitted on 23 Jul 2012). Abstract: Network creation games model the ...
Sophie: bullet fc13 i686... Cuong Tran, Benjamin Hoeferlin, Frederick Roth and Martina Huellmann for various contributions to get this initial Libspe2 parallel version up and running.
Computer Science authors/titles Jul 2012Authors: Andreas Cord-Landwehr, Martina Hüllmann, Peter Kling, Alexander Setzer. Comments: An extended abstract of this paper has been accepted for ...
19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: 38. ICALP 2011: Zurich, SwitzerlandBibliographic content of 38. ICALP 2011: Zurich, Switzerland
Heinz Nixdorf Institut: Datenstrukturen und AlgorithmenDozenten: Christian Sohler, Tido Lorenz, Andreas Cord Landwehr, Daniel Wonisch, Martina Hüllmann, Christoph Raupach, Sebastian Kniesburges, Marcus Märtens, …
dblp: SOFSEM 2011Bibliographic content of SOFSEM 2011
Heinz Nixdorf Institut: Einführung in Berechenbarkeit, Komplexität...Martin Ziegler, Sascha Effert, Joachim Gehweiler, Peter Mahlmann; Jost Baron, Max Drees, Beata Grandoch, Martina Hüllmann, Marcus Märtens, Daniela Strotmann, ...
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
A New Approach for Analyzing Convergence Algorithms for Mobile Robots...Given a set of n mobile robots in the d-dimensional Euclidean space, the goal is to let them converge to a single not predefined point. The challenge is that...
26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing...[doi] · Self-organizing Particle SystemsMaximilian Drees, Martina Hüllmann, Andreas Koutsopoulos, Christian Scheideler [doi] · PARDA: ...
Basic Network Creation Games with Communication Interests ...Authors; Authors and affiliations. Andreas Cord-Landwehr; Martina Hüllmann; Peter Kling; Alexander Setzer. Andreas Cord-Landwehr. 1. Martina Hüllmann. 1.
Basic Network Creation Games with Communication Interests |...Network creation games model the creation and usage costs of networks formed by a set of selfish peers. Each peer has the ability to change the network in a...
26 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Martina Hüllmann (martinahllmann) – Profil | PinterestSieh dir an, was Martina Hüllmann (martinahllmann) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat.
Collisionless Gathering of Robots with an Extent |...Gathering n mobile robots in one single point in the Euclidean plane is a widely studied problem from the area of robot formation problems.
Automata, Languages and Programming | springerprofessional.deThe two-volume set LNCS and LNCS constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Kontakte | stockhausenName: Martina Hüllmann. Position: Verkauf. . Name: Sibylle Bandow.
Deakin University All...... with Communication Interests / Andreas Cord-Landwehr, Martina Hüllmann, Peter Kling and Alexander Setzer -- Common Knowledge and State-Dependent ...
29th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer...Huber Falk Hüffner Martina Hüllmann Paul Hunter Martin Huschenbett Csanad ...
A New Approach for Analyzing Convergence Algorithms for Mobile RobotsMartina Hüllmann. University of Paderborn, Heinz Nixdorf Institute & Department of Computer Science, Germany. see all ...
Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library ...opensimulator.org › git › bulletTrunk › ChangeLog... Cuong Tran, Benjamin Hoeferlin, Frederick Roth and Martina Huellmann for various contributions to get this initial Libspe2 parallel version up and running.
Algorithmic Game Theory | springerprofessional.deThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, SAGT 2012, held in Barcelona, Spain, in
Gathering of robots on anonymous grids and trees without multiplicity...The paper studies the gathering problem on grid and tree networks. A team of robots placed at different nodes of the inp...
BibSLEIGH — A New Approach for Analyzing Convergence Algorithms for...Andreas Cord-Landwehr, Bastian Degener, Matthias Fischer, Martina Hüllmann, Barbara Kempkes, Alexander Klaas, Peter Kling, Sven Kurras, Marcus Märtens, ...
Bibliographische Datenbank LEABib: SuchergebnisseAndreas Cord-Landwehr, Bastian Degener, Matthias Fischer, Martina Hüllmann, Barbara Kempkes, Alexander Klaas, Peter Kling, Sven Kurras, Marcus Märtens, ...
ICALP ePDFHendrik Jan Hoogeboom. Juraj Hromkovic. Pierre Hyvernat. Falk Hüffner. Martina Hüllmann. Nicole Immorlica. Yuval Ishai. Giuseppe F. Italiano. Szabolcs Iván.
ChangeLog in code/trunk/src/external/bullet – Orxonox351, Thanks Minh Cuong Tran, Benjamin Hoeferlin, Frederick Roth and Martina Huellmann. 352, for various contributions to get this initial Libspe2 parallel ...
ChangeLog | searchcodeChangeLog in ulsgd located at /FightOrFlight/depends/bullet-2.78
Jahresbericht Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und ...Dominic Dumrauf Dr. Rainer Feldmann Dr. Kálmán Graffi M.Sc. Martina Hüllmann Dipl.-Inform. Sebastian Kniesburges Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Koutsopoulos Dipl.
Komentāri / Ziņas - Darba sludinājumi, piedāvā darbu, meklē ...www.jobs.lv › ...Maxima cordes martina huellmann. Marco gerloff. Macgame store mary sartoretto , marijo, magarete dohs, martin bigott. Magdalene origin - math making formula ...
SAGT2011, the Fourth Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theorysagt2011.dia.unisa.it › partecipants... Paul Harrenstein (Technische Universität München); Ameya Hate (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Martina Huellmann (University of Paderborn); Shaili Jain ...
ICALP 2011... Sven Kurras, Matthias Fischer, Martina Hüllmann, Alexander Klaas, Peter Kling, Marcus Märtens, Kamil Swierkot, Christoph Raupach, Daniel ...
kevin_de80 follower users on Instagram - Orepic@martingaertner15. Manoosh Mehrabi @manooshmehrabi. timo röhrs @ timo_roehrs. Martina Hüllmann @martinahullmann. Franziska Lange @ franziska6531.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Martina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Martina; Lateinisch (Römische Mythologie); mars = Mars; Information zur männlichen Form Martin:; geht zurück auf den römischen Beinamen 'Martinus', der wiederum auf den Namen des Kriegsgottes Mars zurückgeht; verbreitet durch den Namen des hl. Martin (4. Jh.), der seinen Mantel mit einem Bettler teilte; bisher trugen 5 Päpste den Namen Martin bzw. Martinus
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hüllmann
Hüllmann bedeutet Marsch- oder Moorbewohner . Kommt von Hull oder Holl für Sumpf .
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Andreas Koutsopoulos
- Martin Huschenbett
- Alexander Setzer
- Martina Eikel
- Andreas Cord-Landwehr
- Markus Hüllmann
- Leonie Schulte
- Kathrin Hüllmann
- Silke Zehner
- Michael Baumann
- Sabine Antczak
Personensuche zu Martina Hüllmann & mehr
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